Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Easy Stamina Workout

Even if you dont have any time for stamina training, I know for a fact that this one exercise can be done no matter how limited your time is.

Running in place is guaranteed to get you in shape quickly, and make you shed off those extra pounds. If you do it for 30 minutes each day, youll begin to notice the difference in your stamina in a very short period of time. You can do it while watching TV. Just pick out one of your favorite TV shows that is about to come on soon, and run in place while watching it.

To get the most out of running in place, you must do it for at least 30 minutes each day (the length of your show), and run with high-knees when you do it. Lift your knees up to about abdomen level with each step and swing your arms. You can do it at any speed that you wish, just make sure its not too slow.

Running in place is used by many people as an alternative to running. When the whether is bad and fitness trainers cant go outside to do their daily training, they don't use the bad whether as an excuse to not train (well the success fitness trainers don't), they turn to running in place. It works equally as well and is actually a lot easier to do. Plus with the high knees, you'll also be getting a good calve workout as well.

So give it a try and see the results for yourself!

Ryan Dodson - Personal Fitness Trainer - There are a lot more easy, time-efficient exercises that you can be doing right now to greatly increase your stamina. Visit to find out what I'm talking about.

Don't Get Sucked In By The Lemonade Diet!

The lemonade diet is a real shocker, and here's why you should steer clear...

Written the 1970's, the lemonade diet didn't start out with that name. It was in fact a detox and cleansing plan.

It didn't take long for word to spread though, that if you followed it you would lose weight. The lemonade name stuck, it took hold as a popular diet, and gets a regular dose of celebrity endorsement.

However, this doesn't necessarily mean it's good, or even healthy, and that fact that the most current celebrity to use it, Beyonce Knowles, says she wouldn't recommend it is a sign that it's worth looking a bit closer at what's involved, so here we go...

The lemonade diet name may sound attractive, but it's not so appealing when you discover the process. You make a drink from water and fresh lemon juice, mixed with cayenne pepper and maple syrup. Now that may sound peculiar enough, but what's even stranger is that this drink is all you survive on!

You live on this for 10 days, and then you have a huge weight loss!


Now I'm no rocket scientist, but even I know that if this is all you consume for 10 days, there is no way you are getting enough nutrients or energy to survive. Of course you're not!

It's no surprise that the weight tumbles off, because you are basically starving yourself. It's equally no surprise that when you stop the program, the weight just goes right back on again!

What a waste of time. It's unpleasant to stick to, it's abusing your body, and as soon as you stop you'll end up right back where you started.

Unsustainable, unhealthy, unworthy of your attention. So you can see why I say the lemonade diet sucks!

Gordon Bryan is a writer from Great Britain, who hates the bad diet advice being peddled. Find out more on his blog at:

The Killer - Excessive Belly Fat

A large number of populations out there today is obese and has excess fat over the abdomen. Lot of people are self conscious about revealing their body because they think the belly fat that covers their ab muscles and is ugly, the main thing they don't realize is that the fat is not only ugly but also is a large health risk.

Excess fat over the abs is equally dangerous as the general body fat and this is clearly proven by scientific researches. The two types of abdominal fats that are present are called subcutaneous and visceral fat.

Subcutaneous lies right under the skin and on top of the abdominal muscle where as visceral lies beneath the ab muscle and surrounding the organs in a deeper level and is also the reason for the beer belly in lot of men.

Although both subcutaneous and visceral are serious health risks, visceral is more hazardous than subcutaneous. Forms of risks related to both fats are:
-Various forms of Cancer
-Sleep apnea
-High blood pressure
-Heart disease
-Other degenerative disease

Visceral is comparatively more dangerous is because it seemingly releases extra inflammatory molecules into the body on a regular occasion.

Reducing your abdominal fat should be your main priority if you care about yours and your loved ones quality of life! And you just have no other option. Losing your abdominal fat will not only flatten your stomach but also if you lose it enough you will actually see those hot six packs of abs.

Do I have your attention now?

Most importantly you must know that there is just:
-No quick fix resolution
-No pill/supplements of any kind, which will make your fat, go faster.
-No gimmicks such as ab rockers, rollers, ab belts, etc. will help it go either.
-It simply does not happen that way.
-The only way to lose that abdominal fat is combining:

Proper nutritious natural diet [unprocessed foods]
Strategically designed exercise programs [stimulates the essential hormonal and metabolic reaction within the body].

Studies also show that diet & exercise combination proved to be more effective than just diet in terms of abdominal fat reduction.

It's very important to know that to activate the loss of that tight abdominal fat just getting into a good exercise routine is not enough, it also gets boring doing the same. Even adding some occasional crunches, outdated weights training, or side bends won't do any good either. Then they start wondering what's going wrong as they have been doing this for weeks and months with no results.

To cut the stress of finding what the right way of getting is it done there are programs like 'Truth about abs' and 'turbulence training' from experts like Mike Geary and Craig Balentyne in the market to give you the proper direction.

Lots of people have good intentions at first to adopt a new lifestyle, yet they fail in their fitness goals a few weeks or months later by abandoning their good intentions and relax back into their previous habits which got them into that body fat situation in the first place.

Food Home Delivery Promises Diet Success

NutriSystem began as a franchised, physical-location outlet for weight loss, back in 1971. It grew to become the largest weight-loss program of its kind by the early 90s. But something was amiss, and in early 1993, the company filed for bankruptcy. What saved the company was its new-found focus on direct-delivery foods. Eventually, they simplified both their registration and order process, and closed their physical sites.

Competition became keen at the turn of the century when the company was purchased by Hagan and Jankovic. Their approach was to make the products available on-line and re-established customer awareness through heavy television-marketing campaigns. Additionally, the company aligned itself with some easily-recognized exercise programs, Pilates among them. Today, they also offer exercise equipment and are opening women's fitness centers across the nation.

NutriSystem has always been about cutting calories. To ensure their customers follow the plan, they provide the limited 450 calorie food in ten-day bundles consisting of shakes and three low-calorie microwavable-meals. Their meals are based on the Food Guide Pyramid, and contain 60% carbohydrates, 20% protein and 20% fat. They believe there is only one bottom line when attempting to lose weight and that is, to consume less calories than you burn. Many proponents agree. Customers do lose weight on their plan.

The most common complaints regarding this plan have been two-fold: There has traditionally been no on-going education provided to consumers with regard to food preparation after achieving one's desired weight. Thus, many former clients regained the lost weight when cooking for themselves. NutriSystem is now addressing this situation. The company has purportedly updated their site to include a wealth of on-line support, counseling, and other information not previously available.

The second complaint revolves around the food products themselves. A recent class-action lawsuit against NutriSystem bespoke of low quality, high sodium food that tasted like cardboard, and/or of substitutions being included in the bundles, with no options to receive the original food ordered, nor a refund. Sadly, this very complaint is affecting physicians, desiring to address their patient's weight problems. These good doctors were drawn to the NutriSystem pre-prepared foods. The reason? Typically, an over-eating American needs immediate gratification when hunger pangs strike. By having a readily-available meal or shake that can be prepared in less than five minutes, NutriSystem effectively combated this problem. However, many doctors are exploring the option of other pre-prepared meal diet plans, because their patients are complaining so voraciously about both the price and the quality provided by NutriSystem.

Past history aside, it is important to note that NutriSystem is making a concerted effort to turn things around. With the addition of on-line support, counseling and a long list of informational resources concerning not only food, but exercise, they are gaining ground. In fact, the easily accessible exercise programs and their alliances with exercise equipment companies, indicate NutriSystem may yet re-emerge as a leader in the weight-loss field. Customer reviews are improving, which demonstrates that NutriSystem is headed in the right direction. It is fair to say this is company appears to be moving ahead with more determinedness than ever before.

Jim Mackey is a renowned dietician. He has been advising people on how to maintain a proper diet and how to lose those extra calories. If you want to know more about Nutrisystem, Lose Weight, Diet plans you can visit

Losing Holiday Weight

With the holidays over and the New Year upon us, now is as good of time as any to actually begin your annual new year's resolution to shed some of those pounds. Not to simply make the resolution, or verbally commit to begin, but to get off your rear end and actually do something. Follow these simple suggestions and you will be well on your way to a new and improved you for 2008.

Exercise - Yes, I know exercise can be tedious, dull, and exhausting but that just means you are doing the wrong kind of exercise. Exercise is about doing physical activity that you enjoy and shouldn't be something that you dread. Choose something you enjoy doing such as tennis, dancing, or swimming. Otherwise, you will never stick with it.

Smaller Portions - Weight loss works very simply; you have to burn more calories than you consume. Coupled with exercise, eating smaller portions will allow you to start losing weight. Just because a restaurant serves you a specific portion certainly does not mean you have to eat the whole thing; take the leftovers home. A key to eating smaller portions is eating slower. This will keep you from overeating and your stomach can register when it is full.

Healthier Eating - Let's be honest; we are not going to eat super healthy every minute of everyday and nor should you. Restricting yourself from your favorite foods and desserts will only make you want them more. So you just need to be smarter about how much of your favorites you consume. Eat just one piece rather than half the pie. If you are forced to eat out at a fast-food restaurant or similar establishment, try a healthier option such as a salad. Cut back on sugar and replace your diet soda or energy drink with water.

Weight Loss Supplement - In conjunction with daily physical activity and more conscientious eating, a weight loss supplement such as Akavar 20/50 can be an effective weight loss tool. Akavar helps curb hunger and thus enables you to eat less calories so you can burn more calories.

Goal Setting Tips for Weight Loss

You can lose fat forever by using goal achievement strategies. This isn't motivational fluff. This is hands-on change your mindset for success secret information.

I interviewed Dax Moy for a special report called, "Mastering the Fat Loss Mindset" and he shows you how to achieve your fat loss goals for good! Here's Dax Moy talking about goal-setting for weight loss. Use his tips and tricks to help you stick to your plan for good!

"What is it that you actually want? What is it that you actually want? Not, what will you settle for, what seems realistic.

What is it that you actually truly want if I were to wave a magic wand in front of you right now and say okay, in 2008 all of your dreams are going to come true and given you already, in relation to your body, how it's going to look, how it's going to perform, how it's going feel, then what would you ask for right now with magic wand in hand?

And that is really the goal that people should be setting for themselves. That's really the goal that people should be attacking when the new year comes in certainly.

And that's really the only type of goal that's going to hold enough power to keep you on the straight and narrow for long enough. Because when you feel really passionate about something, things don't feel like an effort. We all know that. We've all read books that we absolutely love, and we get lost in the time and we can't believe it's, we can't believe that four hours have been gone by while you've been reading.

It's no different with any form of a passion. When you are truly moving toward a passion, when you are truly enjoying what you doing and you can really see where the potential benefits of pursuing that passion lie you'll stay on track.

If, on the other hand you set a goal that's smaller because someone has told you what you've, what you're asking for is unrealistic, the chances are in that moment where they've told you that you are being unrealistic, what they also did was, was beat a huge chunk of your passion around the head with a rubber mallet and actually told you to stop being silly. Don't invest so much passion into this and hey, just focus on the smaller goal.

That's the best way to fail, and I think that's one of the biggest reasons why a lot of people do fail."

Powerful words! Dax has given you an incredible plan for Mastering the Fat Loss Mindset. By doing so, you'll be prepared for all of the obstacles in your way as you work towards weight loss.

So stick to your plan through proper goal setting. Start by identifying exactly what you want. Don't settle for less. Aim high, and then adjust your mindset to achieve permanent weight loss.

Use Craig Ballantyne's fat burning workouts to change your body at home.

Understanding the Magic Behind Green Tea and Its Weight Loss Benefit

Americans have been infected with the diet craze. We see it on media: people becoming ultra skinny because of unknown diet programs that they have tried. Diet supplements have become a lucrative industry today because of all the hype on being thin. One of the latest additions to this craze is green tea.

For thousands of years, green tea has been used in Asia as a health drink. Today, science is claiming that green tea carries with it a weight loss benefit that is great for many patients seeking to lose unwanted pounds.

New research

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition revealed that green tea has a weight loss benefit that is great for obese individuals and potential diabetics. The study revealed that people who drink green tea in a regular basis have a faster metabolic rate and fat oxidation.

The main ingredient found in green tea is caffeine - an ingredient known to have weight loss benefits.

A green tea also has weight loss benefit including:

Inhibiting fat absorption and regulating glucose - catechins found in green tea help inhibit glucose movement. This makes green tea a healthy alternative for diabetics and potential diabetics.

Reducing appetite - an experiment done on rats showed that those who took green tea on a regular basis have shown to have a decreased appetite of as much as 60%.

Different forms

Today, the health benefit of green tea for weight loss is not left unnoticed. Many manufacturers have utilized this fact and have taken green tea extracts and placed it in different forms. Today, green tea extracts are found in diet pills, patches, and even shakes. However, the main difference is that most of these green tea forms have other additives whose side effects are unknown.

A word of caution

Because green tea contains caffeine, it is important to note that green tea also bears with it some side effects.

Too much green tea is not advised for those who are suffering from heart troubles, high blood pressure or stimulant sensitivities. Also, if you are pregnant or lactating, green tea is not the best option for you. So, before heading to your local store and buying lots of green tea, consult your doctor first if green tea is okay for you.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see

How to Lose Weight With Lemonade

Have you heard rumors of a lemonade diet? Or maybe you've heard you can actually lose weight with lemonade? Hard as it might be for some to believe, it's actually true. And there are a couple of ways it can be done...

First let's look at what's known as the "Lemonade Diet". This is actually just another type of juice fast diet. In other words, all you do is drink lemonade and water for several days. It's not quite that simple but that is the gist of things.

Lemons are extremely high in vitamins and nutrients, plus they help clean out your colon. So here's the details of how this diet works:

1. Create real lemonade from the juice of lemons. If you try using bottled lemon juice - or worse: Instant powdered lemonade drink, you will not see any progress. The powdered stuff is usually just lemon flavored sugar water, and the bottled juice often has preservatives and other misc stuff included that's not great for your body.

So squeeze some real lemons, or use a juice machine. Either way, make sure you're using fresh lemon juice.

2. Mix in organic maple syrup to taste. This is used for sweetener, but it also provides you with additional vitamins and minerals to help keep you healthy during your juice fast. It also helps keep your blood sugar from dropping too low.

Since this is a form of sugar though, it should be used cautiously - especially by diabetics. Too much of any kind of sugar will prevent you from losing weight.

3. Mix in water to taste. Straight lemon juice by itself is way too tart for most of us, no matter how much syrup might be mixed in. It's usually a good idea to use filtered or spring water here, to be sure you're not feeding your body all the junk and pollutants that come from our taps.

Create a new batch of this juice each day. Usually one gallon mixed at the beginning of the day is good, then you simply drink the juice all day long. You can have as many glasses of pure water as you'd like too.

This diet has been maintained by some for multiple months with great success. A juice fast of any kind can be dangerous though, and I don't recommend doing one for longer than one or two weeks - if you must.

A better, and safer way to use Lemonade in your weight loss efforts, is to simply include it with your regular healthy meals. Lemonade - in fact any citrus - will help slow the digestion of carbs in your system. So having lemonade with your meal will effectively help reduce how fast your body reacts to the carbs in that meal. And by reducing how fast it reacts of course, you reduce the whole cycle of insulin spikes that cause the weight gain problems to begin with.

You still need to make healthier choices with your meals of course though. Having a tall glass of lemonade with your chocolate cake is not likely to produce the weight loss progress you'd like.

2006, Kathy Burns-Millyard. Are you tired of diets, gimmicks, and dangerous weight loss pills too? Learn more about how to lose body fat naturally by visiting right now!

Historical Approaches to Weight Loss and Healthy Eating

Here are a few interesting facts:

Today, we have made nutrition a science; we think that our experts know the secrets to healthy eating.

A much wider variety of healthy foods are available to us today than ever before.

However, in modern society, more of us have weight problems and become ill or even die from conditions related to being overweight than ever before!

Maybe its just possible that we have something to learn from the way that people ate in the past throughout much of human history, in fact. One thing goes without saying, and is probably the most important factor in the past, food was more natural. While it may be true that people ate more fat and even more calories, they acquired them from food that was close to its natural state, and therefore better for health.

But heres something else something that may surprise you. People in most ancient societies and right through the Middle Ages and Renaissance did not follow the advice that most nutritionists would give today. They hardly ate any breakfast at all, though we are often told that breakfast is the most important meal. In fact, they were likely to eat only one large meal a day or two at the most, in which case one would be larger than the other. And heres another thing that would make modern nutritionists shake their heads in despair quite a lot of the time, it seems, that one big meal was eaten rather late in the day often after the sun went down and the days work was done!

This is, of course, the direct opposite of what we hear nowadays. We are told never to skip breakfast, and that numerous smaller meals are better than fewer large ones. According to traditional societies, though, thats just not true. People in ancient Greece and Rome would eat very little in the morning a small piece of bread, maybe, or a fig or two. They would work throughout the day, eating little or nothing. Then, when work was done for the day, they would sit down to a great meal. What it consisted of would vary according to how well-off the people were, and the precise region they lived in but for everyone, the evening meal would be comprised of most of their daily calories. They would go to bed on a full stomach, digest during the night, and be energized and have little need to eat next morning.

As time went on, some farming cultures varied this basic plan somewhat, and had their main meal in the middle of the day. They would then have a light supper rather like our lunch late in the evening. In fact, there are people in some European cultures today who eat exactly like this to this day.

Today, breakfast is sacrosanct, but it actually was not even invented until the seventeenth century. At that time, the idea of breakfast was popularized by the British royal family and their breakfast consisted of several courses, including meat, salads, and even dessert. In fact, the royals and aristocrats were the deviants all along. They didnt eat like most people did they increased the amount and frequency of their meals, and ended up with much of the health and weight problems that we have today!

By contrast, the peasants meals seemed to be, for the most part, just right as long as there wasnt a drought or famine in the area, that is. Of course, part of it might have been the simple food and hard labor, but evidence suggests that people in bygone times had very few weight problems, despite (or maybe because of?) their tendency to eat most of their calories at one meal, which was often an evening meal, at that! Should we follow their lead? It goes against conventional wisdom, but it seems worth thinking about. If nothing else, we should appreciate the fact that this type of eating has been around a lot longer than modern diets and eating plans, and seems to have been successful, for the most part. So if youre not a breakfast person, dont despair chances are you werent bred to be!

For more great information visit Gabae Weight Loss the premiere resource for weight loss, diets, nutrition and living a great healthy life style!

Also if you're looking for more informative articles check out Gabae Weight Loss Articles.

Testing the Cabbage Soup Diet - Day 1

Today, as promised, is my first day on the legendary cabbage soup diet. I've been meaning to try it for many years, but somehow the time was never right (translation: I was able to find excuses). It's a short-term crash diet, based on eating unlimited quantities of a cabbage-based soup which costs more calories to digest than it provides, so you can eat enough to feel full but keep losing weight rapidly.

The diet is augmented by different added foods on each day. You eat as much of the soup as you want, and as much as you want of the other foods for the day - in my case, Day 1: Fruit (except bananas). In theory the selection of additional foods is carefully chosen to maintain your levels of vital chemicals so you don't get sick. I'm told the diet was originally developed by doctors to cleanse the system and reduce weight before heart surgery, but I haven't been able to find evidence or a listing of the "original" diet. There are a whole bunch of variations floating around on the basic recipe and schedule.

So this morning I went down to my fantastic Italian greengrocers, and came back with a carrier bag stuffed full of green things. After a lot of chopping, peeling and simmering, here's what it looks like: The bulk of my diet for the next week.

Actually, it's not bad at all. With loads of onion, celery and tomato in, it's got the base of a good stock mixture (and some of my own vegetable stock cubes in for a boost), and it's well seasoned with thyme, basil, bay and black pepper. It's really pretty tasty, although I've quickly found myself adding a bit of salt to each bowl or it really is bland.

Obviously there's not much in the way of effects today, although I have felt a bit up and down energy-wise, particularly as I missed breakfast (since I didn't have anything allowed by the diet in the house to eat) and then ate a lot at lunchtime. With heavy-digesting foods like this, it's important to spread them out through the day rather than eating big meals, as anything hard to digest brings your energy levels down for a while (the reason why people get sluggish in the afternoon when they eat big lunches).

My brain is already at work trying to screw things up, and I keep imagining that I'm craving chocolate or meat, very unlikely since my last "normal" meal was last night and that's really not time for your body to feel deprived. I have been enjoying the fruit enormously, experiencing the intense flavours and sweetness much more than I normally would, but I think that's largely psychological too. I've been drinking a lot of water and green tea, and the digestive workout seems to be making me quite thirsty. Otherwise I feel as good as ever, really. I'm even looking forward to a supper of fruit tonight when I settle in to watch a new episode of House.

Obviously, a crash diet isn't a longterm solution to weight loss. Right now my normal diet is pretty good - I'm mostly off the overprocessed rubbish foods, I eat a fair bit of veg and fruit, very little out of the freezer (except things I've cooked and frozen myself) and I'm reasonably good about sweets. Week on week I am losing a little bit of weight. It's just that the mountainous task (and stomach) ahead of me are making me feel pretty demotivated. Hopefully this quick boost will help me feel more motivated to be strict with myself and stick with the exercise.

Soupsong's page for the Cabbage Soup Diet

The version of the cabbage soup diet I'm using this week. There are various other versions floating around.

Mark Hewitt is an English foodie, cook, philosopher, geek, shaman and writer. At the start of 2007 he sold or gave away almost all his possessions and left on a backpacking journey round the world, the purpose being (at least in part) to figure out why he would want to do such a thing. You can follow his journey and find other articles at:

Weight Loss Pills - Some Work, Most Are Scams!

Glucofast, Nanotrim, Dynatrim and Acatrim are four important tropical medicines that are used to reduce excess body weight. All these medicines come from different manufactures that compete with each other to take over the market of slimming capsules meant for obese persons.

The manufactures who produce these pills claim that they do not use any harsh or toxic chemicals that can attract side effects while making these medicines at their laboratories. If they do not contain any chemicals, definitely all these medicines should be free from side effects that are commonly associated with prescription medicines used to reduce body weight.

The next question that should be addressed when we compare these medicines is the effectiveness of these medicines in addressing the health problem; the obesity or over weight of the body. As all of us know, it is the effectiveness of the ingredients that are used in a medicine, especially a medicine that use only natural ingredients, make a medicine safe and effective for those who consume it for a particular purpose.

Glucofast, a product of MicroNutra Health contains very effective natural ingredients that are time tested for their effectiveness to bringing down the body weight of the human beings. The natural ingredients of this medicine include Banaba Leaf extract, Bitter melon, Cayenne, Cinnamon, Commiphora mukul, Gymnema Syivestre, Juniper berries, Licorice, Yarrow leaves and Quercetin. All these ingredients that are used in making Glucofast are found to be very effective in maintaining body weight at a desirable limit. The perfect ration followed in mixing these ingredients also act as a reason behind the increasing popularity of this medicine to be used for controlling excess body weight.

The ingredients of Nanotrim, a weight control capsule from Nanonutra Labs include Vanadyl sulphate, L-Carnitne, Banaba leaf extract, Bitter Melon, Alphalipoic acid, Chromium chelate, Juniper berries, Gymnema sylvestre and Licorice. This medicine does not add many essential natural remedies that are included in Glucofast. For this reason Nanotrim seem to be less effective in brining weight under control when compared to Glucofast from MicroNutra Health.

Avatrim basically concentrate in utilising the good qualities of green tea and other potent thermogenic compounds to be utilised for controlling body weight of the persons suffering from obesity. The manufactures claim that regular use of Avatrim is good to control appetite, lower cholesterol, increase thermo genesis and to burn fat from the body slowly. When compared to Glucofast, this medicine takes a long time to bring the body weight under control and therefore is not suitable for the persons who want to get rid of the overweight problem within a limited time schedule.

When compared to Glucofast that comes to the top of the rating, Dynathin also is less effective in bringing a lasting remedy for overweight problem.

For more information on Glucofast go to Glucofast or Click Here

Say "Goodbye" to the Dreaded Weight Loss Plateau

Dieters dread the plateau. You're on a roll, losing weight steadily and happily for weeks. Your confidence is high and your goal is in sight. Then suddenly your scale freezes. No matter how hard you try, those extra pounds just refuse to budge. You've hit a wall and you know the frustration of seeing no progress could easily lead you to gain back what you've lost. So how do you break through the plateau?

It's perfectly normal for a dieter to reach a plateau. The trick is to use it as an opportunity to double up your efforts and get really clear on your strategy to carry you through to the finish line. Below you'll find suggestions that can help you recommit to your program and re-ignite the weight-loss process when you feel challenged.

1. Get clear on your ultimate weight-loss goal.

Be sure that your weight-loss goal is realistic and that your expected rate of weight loss is reasonable. If you are on a heath enhancing, nutritionally rich weight loss program you can expect to loss one to two pounds a week. Each body has its own ideal weight and size. Don't compare yourself to anyone else, but listen to your body and notice what feels best for you. A simple way to approximate your ideal weight is by referring to a Body Mass Index chart.

2. Go high-protein, low carbs.

Unless you are eating enough protein to maintain your lean muscle mass, you are likely to have lost weight already from both your fat stores and muscle. Women need to eat approximately 100grams of protein a day and men 150 grams in order to preserve their muscle tissue during a weight loss program. If you have lost some muscle during your weight loss program so far you will need to focus on protein so your body can build muscle, which requires more calories to sustain, which will in turn, kick start your weight loss again. Needless to say, any weight loss program you choose should be one that preserves your body's muscle and this does not happen!

3. Add resistance training to your program.

A wonderful way to boost your metabolism and break through to the next level of weight loss is by incorporating aerobic exercise into your program, such as 30 minutes of walking three to four times a week. (If you are 35 years or older, or haven't exercised regularly, begin with 10 to 15 minutes two to three times a week.) In addition, weight training with free weights or machines several times a week can help increase muscle mass, which in turn allows you to burn more calories faster. Studies show that weight training can increase your metabolism overnight by five to 10 percent. Working out can increase your metabolism for up to 21 hours after an intense workout.

4. Look out for hidden carbohydrates.

If your weight loss progress seems slow, look out for carbohydrates that might be sneaking their way unnoticed into your diet. Sugar can lurk in the most unexpected places such as ketchup, salad dressings, teriyaki and barbecue sauces. Watch out too for cornstarch, sugar or milk solids in many processed foods such as gravies, or sauces on frozen vegetables. Be especially careful about "low-fat" foods where flavor is enhanced by sugar and other carbohydrates. Try keeping a diet journal for a couple of days of EVERYTHING you eat and drink. You may quickly discover the hidden carbs that are keeping your weight-loss progress stuck and be able to eliminate them and move past your plateau.

5. Take the "refinement" out of your diet.

Try eliminating all refined sugar and refined grains from your diet. This includes white bread, pastries, pasta, white rice, white flour crackers, sugar-coated breakfast cereals, cookies and cake. This simple step can encourage a huge weight-loss breakthrough and leave you feeling more healthy and energized in the process.

6. Don't go hungry.

Cutting back on how often you eat can have a negative impact on your diet plateau. Many studies show that small, frequent meals are more satisfying and produce better weight-loss results than the same number of calories consumed in three large meals. Take advantage of healthy snacking and crunch on fresh slices of raw vegetables like celery, peppers, cucumber and jicama when you're hungry.

7. Drink to burn up.

It's vitally important to replenish your fluids by drinking plenty of water on your weight loss program. An inadequate supply of water in itself can slow down your weight-loss. Carry water with you wherever you go throughout the day. For additional weight-management benefits, add a high quality aloe concentrate to your water to help keep your digestion in top shape. Also, a probiotic supplement can help us maintain a healthy intestinal flora. Keeping well hydrated not only helps you burn fat efficiently, it also helps control hunger.

8. Keep your incentive strong.

Remember the determination you felt when you first began your weight-loss program? Remember the excitement of watching the pounds drop one by one? Go back to whatever your initial motivation was and see whether it still works for you. It may have been the desire to lose weight for a particular event or to regain your figure after pregnancy. You may have been motivated by poor health or by the shock of just how much weight you had gained. See whether the same motivation still has juice for you. If not, choose a new one. Keep a picture of yourself looking great (or bad!) on your refrigerator as a daily reminder of where you are heading.

(c) Kim Beardsmore

Kim Beardsmore is a weight loss consultant whose business operates across 60 countries. Tons of recipes, articles, resources, free newsletter and more to help you lose weight and keep it off forever. Estimate your healthy body weight or receive a free weight loss consultation at

The Jenny Craig Weight Loss Program - Pros and Cons

Obesity is a sickness that can affect anyone at any time. An estimated 65% of adult Americans are obese, and this percentage increases every year. Even children are not exempted, especially with todays fast-paced, convenient lifestyle and the influx of computer and video games. This is why many people are turning to weight loss programs to help control their weight.

Obesity 101
Obesity is the accumulation of too much fat in the body. It is usually measured through the body mass index (BMI), or the proportion of one's weight to his height. A more serious form of obesity, morbid obesity, occurs when the person is more than 100 lbs. overweight and has a BMI of over 40. If left untreated, obesity can cause serious complications including difficulty in motor movement, heart diseases, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

Finding the cure
An estimated $56 billion is being spent each year on weight loss products and programs, including diet pills, exercise programs, and even surgery. Sadly, though, of this amount, $6 billion is being spent on fraudulent and ineffective weight loss methods.

The stars are doing it
A lot of people are attracted to weight loss product because of the ideal body image presented by celebrities. Stories of Hollywood stars going through the knife and losing as much as 60 lbs on weight loss programs have inspired a lot of people to lose weight on their own.

One of the popular weight loss methods today is the Jenny Craig weight loss program. This program is known for serving customers like Kimberly Locke, Kristie Alley, and Valerie Bertinelli. Hollywood has monitored how these actresses have lost weight through the Jenny Craig weight loss program, which has led to its huge popularity.

About the program
The Jenny Craig weight loss program has been around for over 20 years, with over 600 branches in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Puerto Rico. The basic program has not changed over the years and is considered healthier and more efficient compared to diet pills. The Jenny Craig weight loss program focuses on providing a fixed diet plan to help customers lose weight. It provides customers with a reduced calorie diet through balanced nutrition (60% - carbs; 20% - fat; 20% - protein) based on the Food Guide Pyramid. The program also boasts of personalized interaction between trainer and client. This makes clients feel more comfortable with the program, since there is a friendly environment and encouraging company.

Pre-packaged meals
The Jenny Craig weight loss program focuses on the use of pre-packaged meals. The program provides you with a fixed menu to aid in your diet. One downside is that these pre-packaged meals are often very expensive for long term consumption. This is why the Jenny Craig weight loss program is mainly for those who have the money to spend and continue on with the program.

Other programs
Over the years, the Jenny Craig weight loss program has developed a variety of other programs for its members. Some of them are:

Jenny TuneUp a trial membership running from a month or two. It includes one-on-one personal consultation, planned menus, and personalized activities.

Jenny OnTrack this six-month plan includes the same procedures, plus a personalized profile and weight loss success manual.

Jenny Rewards a one-year weight loss program plus product discounts, weight maintenance support, and increasing discounts for ongoing participation in the program.

Problems with the program
Although the Jenny Craig weight loss program can be effective, experts have pointed out a few flaws. The program boasts of a do-it-yourself weight loss method, using planned menus you can prepare easily. However, once the program is done, the client is left alone with no means of continuity. This can be dangerous because the client can revert to his old eating habits and gain back all the weight they lost. The costs of the pre-packed menus in the program can also be a burden. Clients who cannot afford the menus can stop their weight loss altogether.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see

Instant Stress Relief Exercise

Today, I'll show you one simple exercise that will help you reduce stress in only 10 repetitions.

But first...

When does it hit you?

When does stress take control of your upper back and neck and settle into a dull pain that lasts all day long?

Do you at least make it into the office and get a chance to read a couple of emails before the tension drives a nail between your shoulder blades?

Or does it strike 10 minutes into your long drive into work?

I'm willing to bet that if you sit at a desk all day and don't have the proper workstation set-up, that you suffer from chronic upper back tension.

Go ahead, put your hand on your traps and squeeze. Are they rock hard? Do you have your shoulders shrugged up to your ears all day long? Is your computer screen well below eye level, causing your head to slump forward? Do you slouch when you drive, adding to the stress and tightness in your upper back?

Allright, enough reminders of what's wrong with your posture and work set-up. Let's focus on what we can do to fix this...

Because even I'm not immune to it. Yesterday, after 7 training sessions, after answering over 100 emails from readers, and after reviewing several client's programs, the stress in my upper back was beyond annoying, and downright debilitating.

I had to do something about it. And fortunately I knew exactly what I needed.

10 reps of the Y-squat.

The what squat? The Y-squat.

This exercise requires you to contract your rear-delts and use your rhomboids and middle-traps to bring your shoulder blades together and hold them in position for all 10 repetitions, all while stretching the pecs. (Basically, you are holding the opposite position of the posture we tend to assume for the other, oh say, 9 hours and 50 minutes of regular workday).

So after 10 reps of this exercise, taking no more than 30 seconds in total to complete, the stress was gone from my upper back. With that stress relief, and the energy from a simple set of squats, I had a huge swing in motivation. I finished up the program I was working on and headed out to the gym to complete some more bodyweight exercises.

And that was almost 4 hours ago...and I'm still going strong and stress-free, despite being back at the computer working on more of your programs.

Now to learn how to do the Y-squat and get rid of your upper back tension. Add in a set of spiderman pushups or decline pushups, and you'll be stress free for hours.

(If you have the luxury of having your own office, I recommend taking a break every 60-120 minutes and doing 10 reps of the Y-squat. It will energize you, reduce your back tension, and eliminate some of your workplace stress. A simple secret to a much more productive and enjoyable day.)

Office or not, always focus on sitting with good posture.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit

Weight Loss Tips - Never Skip Breakfast To Lose Weight!

A weight loss regimen does not have to be the ordeal that it is made out to be. The process of reducing unwanted body fat can turn out to be a positively encouraging endeavor that helps you continue on the path to greater vitality and health.

Many people in the hope of achieving fast weight loss, resort to extreme measures, such as skipping breakfast. It is totally a wrong notion that not eating breakfast can make you thinner sooner.

The first meal of the day is very important as it sets the tone for the rest of the day. The next meal, in terms of importance, is lunch. Studies have shown that people, who on a daily basis, consume at least half of their total daily calories in the first two meals, stay slimmer and trimmer.

Skipping breakfast triggers off the "starvation response," and slows down the metabolism. This also may be a contributing factor to calories being stored as fat, which is what you are trying to avoid in the first place.

Eating early is the key to good health. This keeps the energy levels up throughout the rest of the day, but try not to eat three hours before bedtime, as these calories are mostly stored as fat. Another disadvantage of eating very late in the day is the difficulty in waking up in the morning.

Achieving weight loss, even quick weight loss, is possible while eating all the meals. You only need to do it the right way.

To learn more about the powerful workouts you can do to build muscle and burn fat at the same time, visit

Frank is a former body guard, professional martial artist and trainer. He will show you the proper way to do turbulence training

Women and Weight Loss

Women, to put it bluntly, are biologically different from men. Those differences imply some guidelines for diet, exercise and health matters in general.

Women, for example, naturally have a higher percentage of body fat than men, 27% on average compared to 15% for a fit individual. That single number alone is helpful information if one of your weight loss or exercise goals is fat reduction. Any woman trying to reduce her percentage should take into account this natural difference, since it can help avoid guilt and provide a realistic goal.

Women experience hormonal changes that differ considerably from that of men as they age. Even young women can have irregularities in menstrual cycle and other physiological changes as a result. This can be seen more clearly by looking at some extreme cases, for example.

Women in concentration camps in WWII frequently discontinued having regular menstrual cycles, as a result of the effects of starvation. Highly trained female athletes also often experience similar changes, as a result of ultra-low body fat and other causes.

The ill effects of PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) can be reduced by stabilizing blood sugar levels, regulating fat intake and other dietary changes. For example, mood swings can be smoothed out to a degree by higher amounts of soluble fiber, which helps produce a slower rise in blood sugar. Apples, oats and beans are good sources.

Combining fat with protein and carbohydrate intake in a balanced way will help slow the rise in blood sugar from the carbohydrate consumption. Ice cream may be a comfort food but the effect is short-lived and doesn't provide the balance needed. Instead, increase consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables. Bananas are a good choice, along with walnuts.

Women are more prone to arthritis, fibromyalgia and other conditions. Certain previously unsuspected food allergies can worsen the symptoms. Testing is essential, but at the same time a healthy diet will help. Rice beverages can be substituted for those sensitive to cows milk, there are wheat-free breads on the market that are still whole grain and peanuts may need to be avoided for some.

For example some women who suffer from rheumatic symptoms will find they are allergic to wheat. A gluten-free diet will help lessen that problem. This includes finding substitutes for ordinary cereal, standard bread, pasta and other foods made from wheat flour.

During the years of menopause, as cycles become less regular and large hormonal changes are occurring, diet can help lessen the severity of any discomfort. Lowering sodium intake is helpful. Substitutes include herbs, garlic or lemon juice for flavoring. Each individual is different, though, and you should consult a physician for proper amounts.

Menopausal women are likely to benefit from reducing saturated fats, beyond that of younger women or males. Since estrogen levels are declining, HDL cholesterol (the beneficial type) will tend to fall and LDL cholesterol (the potentially harmful type) will rise.

One result is that, though men in general have a higher risk of heart attack as they age, during this time a woman's risk is equal to those of men of similar age. Reducing saturated and trans fat can help reduce those risks.

Moderate wine consumption is beneficial. It provides anti-oxidants and other helpful compounds and is generally lower in calories than many alternatives. Lowering caffeine can help reduce loss of calcium, which is more needed as women age.

What constitutes a proper diet varies somewhat by gender and age, so investigate what is right for your particular circumstances. Knowledge is the key to health.

Aditi Joshi is a Independent Suzanne Somers Sales Consultant and Sells a wide variety of SUZANNE Products, like the FaceMaster, Spray On Makeup and the ThighMaster.

Healthy Weight Loss - The Way Weight Loss Should Be Achieved

Magic diets do not exist. Crash diets or bursts of exercise are not the healthiest way to lose weight. For a successful, healthy weight loss, just follow basic mindful eating and smart nutrition suggestions. The body likes slow changes in terms of food and exercise. If you set sensible goals for yourself, you are more likely to meet them.

Your weight is the result of several factors like how much you eat and what you eat, your age and health, your genetic and psychological makeup etc. All of these factors should be addressed for a successful weight management.

There are many health benefits of weight loss. Losing excess weight considerably reduces the risk of developing diseases like diabetes and heart problems. Keeping your weight in the healthy range now, means you are less likely to be troubled by illnesses in later.

Make your lifestyle healthy. Here are a few tips:

Start with a realistic goal, which is easier to keep.

Think of weight loss in terms of permanently changing your eating habits.

Always stock the house with healthy foods. Keep the fatty foods and sweets to a minimum and fill the fridge with fruits and vegetables.

Avoid second helpings, especially at dinner. Fill up with soups, salads, raw vegetables and fruits instead.

Drink lots of water instead of high calorie soft drinks.

Minimize the use of sugar in tea and coffee.

Use skimmed milk instead of whole milk.

Avoid eating processed food

Do not snack on sweets, fries etc in between meals.

Never skip breakfast. It's the most important meal of the day. Eat lesser portions at lunch.

Avoid beer and alcohol.

Don't burst into a frenzy of exercise. Those who haven't walked for years should not tread miles on a treadmill or do a 100 push ups right at the start. Its more likely to cause you injury apart from leaving you tired and disheartened.

Start slowly. Set a realistic goal like walking 30 minutes a day and slowly increase the distance and time as and when your body gets used to it.

Consult your doctor before you start your exercise regime.

All these things will influence your physical and psychological health positively.

What you should not do while on a diet is to starve yourself. It may help you shed some weight, but chances are you will regain that weight as soon as you start eating again. Your body does not get enough nutrients. It can cause numerous negative health effects like gallstones, fainting, malnutrition etc. Also, rapid loss of weight usually means you're losing muscle and water rather than fat.

There are a lot of quick fix diets and supplements promising you a stick thin body. Diet supplements do not really help lose weight if it is not accompanied by healthy eating habits and exercise. The bottom line is that you need to burn more calories than you consume.

For your free course teaching you exactly how to succeed with your weight loss goals using simple and effective weight loss diets simply go to

Fasting for Quick Weight Loss - What You Need To Know Now

Many people who are absolutely desperate to lose weight have been inquiring about fasting as a viable way of dropping pounds, and doing it quickly. And of course, as you would expect, there are a variety of methods being promoted online for doing just that, so I thought I would chime in with my thoughts on fasting as a practice, and more importantly for you, as a strategy for safe and efficient weight loss.

The first thing you need to know is that prolonged fasting is absolutely NOT a viable plan for losing weight, staying in shape or maintaining an ideal physique. It is however, a viable plan to segue into a new diet, or a good short term strategy for optimizing your body, and your mind. Let's take a closer look.

Fasting, in my parlance is NOT a total abstinence from food. Obviously this would be unhealthy, and could only be done for VERY short periods without supervision. These are often referred to as water fasts, and while you CAN go without food for a few days, (or longer) depriving yourself of water is simply dangerous and could be deadly as well. Fasting for our purposes will refer to juice fasting, or a raw diet, where you ingest nothing but juices in the former, or simply raw juices and veggies in the latter.

Both of these have been shown to have really positive benefits for those who have embarked on this sort of regimen, and adherents claim a refinement in their senses, clarity of thought, physical rejuvenation and even a spiritual rebirth! You will of course, also lose weight...but this is RARELY the reason that people embark on a fast.

Much of the weight lost in this sort of endeavor WILL be regained once you resume eating, and therefore is not really looked upon as a diet strategy. Rather, you many want to incorporate elements of this approach to food as part of a living strategy per se, or part and parcel of a lifestyle that focuses on whole foods, organic eating and short periods of abstinence to cleanse the body.

But for good old fashioned weight loss, even the most devout fasters will tell you to pick a REAL diet first, meet your target goals, and then incorporate some of these holistic lifestyle choices into your choice of cuisine, and your life!

Read On to Discover the 6 Biggest Lies About Weight Loss... and how to avoid them like the plague!

(Not knowing them MAY be KEEPING you heavy... watch the weight melt away like magic once you do!)

How To Lose 10 Pounds In 3 Or 4 Weeks And Get Fit In The Process

If you want to lose 10 pounds in 3 or 4 weeks, know that they way you do it will also affect how you look and feel at the end of that time period. While it is possible to lose 10 lbs in 3 or 4 weeks with little exercise, provided that you follow a fast paced weight loss diet, many people wish to use that time period to develop their fitness as well. This article is basically for those people (even though I'll write a few words on nutrition as well).

Getting fit has many benefits: it improves your health, increases your metabolism and energy levels, makes you look leaner, harder, and younger, and can also improve your overall mood due to the release of certain chemicals inside our body which make us feel happier.

So, it's no wonder that many people wish to combine their goal of losing 10 pounds in 3 or 4 weeks with their ambition to become fitter.

To do both things: lose 10 pounds in 3 or 4 weeks and get fitter, you need to follow a diet and fitness program which can get you results. In order to minimize disruption to your regular lifestyle, you should choose a program which utilizes short cardiovascular routines and fitness workouts, preferably those you can do in the privacy of your own home (to save the time driving to the gym). If such a program sound like something you'd like to pursue, I recommend using a program called Turbulence Training by Craig Ballantyne. It's one of the most popular fitness programs on the internet and produces proven results. With this program you can lose 10 pounds in 3 to 4 weeks and get fit as well.

To read more about Turbulence Training and other methods to lose 10 pounds fast, click here: How To Lose 10 Pounds In 4 Weeks or Less

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read how you can start to lose as much as 10 lbs. in 3 Weeks and keep it off, visit this webpage:
How to lose 10 pounds And Never Gain It Back.

Fat Burning Foods - Speeding Up Weight Loss

It is possible to speed up weight loss as well as your metabolism by incorporating several fat burning foods into your daily diet. While there are no foods that can actually cause a break down of fat all on their own, there are numerous delicious and healthy foods that when eaten, create a caloric deficit, which in turn aids weight loss.

The key to healthy dieting and weight loss is simply expending more calories than you ingest. The body then has to resort to stored fat for energy, thereby causing a reduction in weight. Fat burning foods are those that actually cause the body to burn more calories by eating and digesting them than their original caloric content. By switching from foods that are high in fat and calories to those that are high in fiber and lower in calories, a caloric deficit will result and cause the body to lose weight.

Be sure to include whole grains in your diet as opposed to white breads, rice, and pastas. Whole grains take longer to absorb and digest, which helps the body increase metabolism, and also to stay satiated longer by creating a feeling of fullness. White flour is also detrimental to weight loss as it can cause an imbalance in the bodys blood sugar levels.

Including fat burning foods like certain soups and salads as a part of your meal can also help speed up weight loss. Eating salads, broth, or tomato-based soups before a meal allows the body to feel full and satisfied, making you less likely to overindulge on the main course. When choosing dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurts, stick to those that are labeled low or non-fat. Tofu and soy milk are good substitutes for those who are allergic to dairy.

While water isnt technically a food, its an essential part of any healthy diet that shouldnt be overlooked. Water is the bodys natural appetite suppressant, and staying well hydrated is an excellent way to combat hunger and increase metabolic rates. Caffeine has also been shown to boost metabolism, however, the drug may have adverse side effects in some people. Instead of drinking coffee, try switching to green tea which has the caffeine, but also contains heart healthy ingredients and anti-cancer fighting agents.

A healthy diet including choices from the following list of fat burning foods coupled with a regular exercise program will help to quickly burn calories, and increase metabolism even hours after your workout.


- Apples
- Apricots
- Blackberries
- Blueberries
- Cantaloupe
- Cherries
- Cranberries
- Grapefruit
- Grapes
- Honeydew
- Lemons
- Limes
- Mangoes
- Nectarines
- Oranges
- Papaya
- Peaches
- Pears
- Pineapple
- Prunes
- Pumpkin
- Raspberries
- Tangerines
- Tomatoes
- Watermelon


- Artichokes
- Asparagus
- Beets
- Broccoli
- Brussels sprouts
- Cabbage
- Carrots
- Cauliflower
- Celery
- Chives
- Corn
- Cucumbers
- Eggplant
- Green beans
- Kale
- Leeks
- Lettuce
- Mushrooms
- Okra
- Onions
- Peas
- Peppers
- Radishes
- Red cabbage
- Scallions
- Spinach
- Squash
- String beans
- Turnips

Find out how you can easily and quickly lose weight with Nutrisystem visit Fast Easy at

How to Control Cravings

Don't let your cravings destroy your weight loss program. Learn how to stop eating and stick to your diet so you burn fat on your fat loss program.

Cravings can kill a good fat loss program.

One day you're sailing along losing body fat, and the next day you end up eating 1500 calories of M&M's. You get frustrated, you skip your workout, and the next thing you know you've fallen off the wagon for three days or three weeks.

Don't worry, though. I can show you how to stop this behavior, so you don't ever let this happen again. Here's how to control cravings and beat body fat for good!

Recently a member wrote in...

"Anybody have this experience? I really do want to lose the fat but everytime I walk by a convenience store, my brain wants to get some junk food even after I've worked out!

I do try to resist the temptations but sometimes I do give in and it's wrecking my progress!

How much willpower does a person have to have in this fat loss thing? How can I get rid of these temptations once and for all?"

My answer...


This is going to sound too simplistic, but trust me, it will work.

You need to change your self-image.

Right now, you believe you are...

1) The type of person that falls off the wagon everytime you walk by a convenience store.

You must change your self-image and see yourself as...

2) A disciplined eater who eats for fat burning, mental energy, and to fuel your workouts and lifestyle, AND who treats themselves every once in a while to pre-planned treats.

Let me give you an example of how this works...

As I've mentioned before on the site, I used to bite my nails.

Disgusting habit.

But I'm a fitness professional.

And fitness professionals do NOT have disgusting habits.

So I changed my self-image.

In my mind, I became the type of person who does NOT bite their nails.

And now everytime I am tempted to bite my nails, I stop and say to myself, "I do not bite my nails. That's disgusting. I do not have disgusting habits".

It literally worked overnight.

So, it doesn't matter if you walk by the store, go into the store, buy the junk food, or even take the wrapper off, all that matters is that you stop yourself before you eat the junk and say to yourself...

"I am not the type of person that sabotages all their hard work by eating junk food. I have control over my cravings, and I eat only foods that contribute to my fat burning program and to a healthy lifestyle. And every once in a while I allow myself a planned treat as a reward."

That's ALL that matters.

Now, you must truly believe in yourself and in your new self-image.

It will only work if you believe in this mindset shift.

But I already believe in you and know you can do it.

That's it. Good luck. Change your mindset today and start building your new body immediately.

If you are committed to a good training program, than it will be easier to get your mind to commit to a new way of thinking about your diet habits. By getting control of your cravings, you will burn fat and lose weight.

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked fat burning workout routines have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. The fat loss member forums help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's bodyweight exercises help you lose fat without any equipment at all.

Weight Loss Programs - Turbulence Training Vs FatLoss4Idiots!

Did you hear about these two popular weight loss programs?

I'm talking about turbulence training and the well known FatLoss4Idiots.

While there are a lot of very popular methods to lose weight, trying each of them is not the best way to burn fat.

In fact, what you need to do is to make some research on the Internet before you decide to buy a fat loss method.

How to choose the best fat loss method?

It's a tough question. There are so many programs that it's really difficult to point someone in the good direction.

Plus the program you will choose need to be in line with your current lifestyle.

As an example, if you are short on time and are not reluctant to do thirty to forty five minutes of exercises five times a week, you may want to try Craig Ballantyne's "turbulence training" method.

I am a martial artist and former body guard, and it is the method I prefer because I've always been doing exercises.

In fact, I found that exercises keep you in shape. You don't even need to take care about what you eat.

Sure, you need to avoid all these junk foods (that harm your body rather than anything else), but you can eat what you want.

Another popular weight loss method is "fatloss4Idiots". Many people who want to burn the fat have a lot of success with this diet program and you may want to try it.

Make sure that you don't try to different weight loss programs at the same time because you will not be able to tell which one worked.

Whether you choose the system or Craig Ballantyne's, you will need to do exercises regularly.

You can't go wrong when you follow any of these two weight loss programs.

Finally! Discover a powerful weight loss system used by thousands of bodybuilders and people around the world to obtain low-low body fat level. Learn how you too can get rid of your stomach fat for good when you visit:

Franck Silvestre is a professional Martial Artist. Visit his website today at Turbulence Training

Easy Ways To Lose Weight Fast - 2 Surefire Habits

Looking for easy ways to lose weight fast? Losing weight is actually not very easy but that does not mean it cannot be easy. What you ought to embark is a journey of change. Total change perhaps on your lifestyle is probably the most important thing.

The reason why you are gaining weight fast like rising water from a flooded riverbank is because of your dietary lifestyle. If you do not decrease the amount of food intake or calories you consume, you will continue to grow and one day overflow with health problems.

Habits die hard some say but if you want to have easy ways to lose weight fast, you have to actually put your desire into much-needed action.

Here are 2 surefire habits you can undertake to help you undergo change.

Habit #1 - Stop Drinking Unhealthy Drinks

That does rhyme doesn't it? If you have been consuming fizzy drinks, sodas, juices of sorts and alcohol, you are actually promoting the act of gaining unhealthy weight. These mouth-watering beverages contain large amounts of sugar and calories which adds to your daily intake from the food you eat.

Start changing to normal plain water instead. While it may not taste sweet or sour or carbonated, it helps you lose weight by not adding calories to your body and it helps you cleanse your body of toxics as well. Call that a 2-in-1 benefit. If you really need to have flavoring, a tiny addition of fresh lime or lemon should do the trick.

Habit #2 - Stop Eating Big Meals At One Go

Perhaps you may think that you'd rather have a big lunch and forsake your dinner and go to sleep hungry. This is harmful to any process of losing weight as you lose your metabolism when you are hungry and your metabolism plays a huge role in reducing your weight. The higher it is the better. What you need to change is to have more meals a day but having small portions each time. Some experts say having 6 small meals a day is crucial to balancing your metabolism.

Break down your meals and focus on quality food enriched with high fiber so that you take small amounts yet you do not feel hungry easily. By embracing change and practicing these 2 habits makes them easy ways to lose weight fast for you.

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