Friday, July 4, 2008

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Weight Loss and the Law of Attraction

Depending on the circles that you run in, you may or may not have heard about a very powerful force in your life that is called the Law of Attraction. Its powers are literally limitless and utilizing those powers is absolutely free of charge!

Who doesnt want Unlimited Cosmic Power without even having to bust open their wallet?

I will start with a brief introduction to the Law of Attraction, and then I will get right into how you can use this universal power for something that a lot of people care about losing weight!

In simple terms, the Law of Attraction basically states that like attracts like. Whatever thoughts and feelings that you focus on the most will literally determine your future.

In fact, the Law of Attraction has already been working for you and every other life form in our universe since the beginning of time. However, only recently has education about its incredible power become readily available to the general public.

So how is it that the Law of Attraction can help you to lose weight? Simple you just need to think about it! Sounds easy enough, right?

Well, it actually is just that easy, but an explanation of exactly how you are supposed to think will help you to understand this process better. You can then take that knowledge and use it to help you with your weight loss or fitness goals.

Earlier I said that the Law of Attraction has been working for all life since the beginning of time, which begs the question, Then why havent I lost any weight yet?. In fact, that same question could be asked about pretty much any other goal that anyone has ever had. If all we have to do is think about something in order to bring it into our lives, then why arent we all rich, perfectly healthy, and living happily ever after?

The simple answer is that most people without even knowing it dont really think about what they want. They think about the fact that they DONT have it. Now, if youll go back briefly to the definition of the Law of Attraction like attracts like then you will see that the reason why people dont have the things that they want is because all they ever do is think about NOT having those things.

This same concept applies to weight loss and health just as efficiently as it applies to everything else. A lot of people want to lose weight, but rather than think about how wonderful their life will be once they have lost the weight, they instead think about how miserable they are because they HAVENT lost the weight!

Think about it. If you need to lose weight, which of the following statements describes your thoughts/feelings when you walk in front of a mirror without any clothes on:

a) I am so sexy since I have my weight under control, and I have an unlimited amount of confidence. I can date anyone that I please and my biggest problem is deciding which little tiny piece of clothing to wear to the beach or the swimming pool.

b) I am so FAT! I cant even stand to look at myself in the mirror, so how can I expect anyone else to want to look at me? Ill be lucky if I dont have to take my clothing size up another notch or two at the rate Im going.

Now, be honest. Which one of those statements do you think comes closer to the way that people who need to lose weight think of themselves?

Once again referring back to the Law of Attraction If you think miserable, sad, guilty, or low self-esteem powered thoughts, then the Law of Attraction will dutifully bring you more things to be miserable about. In fact, the more miserable you are about any particular subject say, weight loss the more powerfully you will attract more of the same since that is your primary focus.

So, the answer to utilizing the power of the Law of Attraction for weight loss is to simply stop thinking about your situation in such a negative manner! Start thinking positive thoughts, confident thoughts, and thoughts of happiness, smaller clothing sizes, and showing more skin at the beach.

When you successfully do those things, the Law of Attraction will start to move around the chess pieces that affect your life, and before you know it, you will have whatever it is that you need in order to finally get in shape.

It may come in the form of a free gym membership, a workout partner, a piece of home exercise equipment that you actually want to use, a new motivation to get involved in some sort of physical activity, or any number of other things that will put you on the path to weight loss.

Heres the rub, though You cant sit around and get hung up on the details. Mike Dooley said it best in the movie The Secret The Hows are the domain of the Universe!

You dont need to worry about HOW it is going to happen, you just have to feel the positive, confident emotions that will MAKE it happen. The Universe will then step in and show you the path!

Aaron Potts offers free self empowerment teachings at and is the author of the Law of Attraction eBook 'Mental Meltdown: Weight Loss Begins in the Mind'. Get his free newsletter or grab your copy of the empowering eBook at

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This week my weight has stayed the same and that is because of me being so busy tryig to finish something I had six monthes to do.

You get to find out more about me today than just me talking about the changes that I am doing.
The funny thing is I forgot to come up with a lifelong change so I pulled making cardio 45 minutes out of the air but guess what, that was last week!

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