Sunday, June 8, 2008

How To Get Rid of a Beer Belly

If you want to know how to get rid of your beer belly, you've stumbled upon the right article. Here I shall write the necessary steps to start losing your excess belly fat and having a flat stomach. But just so you'll know, it may take some time for you to complete this process, but if you take the steps I write of here, you will see constant and improving results.

Step #1 - Remove the cause

Before starting to reverse the process which brought about your beer belly, you need to erase the thing which caused it. By this I mean that you have to stop feeding it so that the only place it will have to go is down. If you think I mean that you need to go on a fad diet, or anything, then you've got me all wrong. What I do want you to do is make some simple adjustments to your diet:

  1. Cut down on alcohol - They don't call it a beer belly for nothing. Alcohol is filled with sugar and empty calories. Cut down on alcohol and you will have a much easier time to get rid of your beer belly.
  2. Cut down fried, fast food, and processed food - If you eat fresh food, a lot of vegetables, fruit, lean meat, and complex carbs like brown rice and whole flour pasta, your body will have much easier time to use the calories you're feeding it instead of turning them into ugly abdominal fat.
  3. Eat more meals but make them smaller - Most people eat large meals making it impossible for their body to cope with all the food they eat. The only thing left is to turn much of their food to fat. If you break your meals into 4-6 smaller portions throughout the day, your body will have a much easier time of it.

Step #2 - Reverse the Process

The second step in your process to lose your beer belly is to get a little more active. Even a small amount of exercise can do wonders. You wouldn't believe the results you may have. Start walking in the evenings, play a sport (even golf or bowling is better than sitting at home), or join a gym. Whatever suits you. You need to do some exercise in order to accelerate the fat burning process. Don't think that sit-ups will do anything to your stomach fat, because they won't. The key to getting rid of it is to lower overall body fat. The best way to do this is through complete strength and cardiovascular workouts. But again, start slow and gradually build up your activity levels.

The best thing to do in order to get rid of your beer belly is to become better educated at fitness and diet issues. Once you know the right things to do, it'll be much easier for you to succeed.

Click here to get free diet and fitness tips and get 2 Free ebooks

To read how you can start to eliminate belly fat fast, visit this webpage:
How to get flat abs.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now enjoys a flat stomach. To discover more about belly fat loss, click here: How To get rid of your beer belly

7 'Fat Loss 4 Idiots Tips' To Turbo-Charge Fat Loss

Fat Loss 4 idiots tailors a 11 day diet program to help you lose weight fast. The meals are varied daily to keep you motivated but more importantly keep your body satisfied.

However it is recommended that you look at the following 7 tips to further improve your results with Fat Loss 4 Idiots-

1) Exercise in the morning before breakfast - Research has proven that you will burn three times more body fat than working out at any other times.

Perform both resistance and cardio training at the gym, brisk walk, jog at the park to keep fit and burn more calories.

With exercise, you will burn body fat during a workout session, and will continue to burn more after the workout.

2) Drink plenty of water - A minimum of 16 Glasses of filtered or boiled water per day.

Not only is water good for you, but it flushes out the harmful toxins in the body, increases your metabolism which makes it difficult for the body to accumulate any body fat.

3) Light resistance training before cardio workout

Research has shown that during the first 20 minutes of any exercise ,the body will not lose any body fat.

Therefore, during the first 20 minutes of a workout, look at lifting light weights to get your muscles going. This will increase your metabolism rate by 100% and help you burn more fat quickly

4) Eat Breakfast - Not only will breakfast boost your metabolism, but it will give you the energy to burn more fat quickly. Fat Loss 4 Idiots will have a daily breakfast meal you should adhere to.

Breakfast will help you stop the cravings during the day.

5) Do not compare yourself to others - people are different and will lose weight differently.

Stick to your own desired weight loss goal, and follow the Fat Loss 4 Idiots program.

It is not a race, but a race to reach your objective, weight loss!

6) Change your lifestyle - Fat Loss 4 Idiots is the first step to assist you in improving the dietary requirements. By improving your eating habits and exercising more, you're putting yourself on track for long-term and continued success of Fat loss.

7) Take before and after photos - It is not pretty to look at yourself too overweight.

However, there is no easier way to illustrate your progress, but the "after" photos are far more fun to share with after you succeed.

In addition, it is great character building as it serves a good reminder how much you have achieved and can achieve if you put your mind to it.

The above tips are recommended to compliment the Fat Loss 4 Idiots program.

Need more information on Fat Loss 4 Idiots, visit for an extensive review.

Natural Weight Loss Methods Versus Unnatural Weight Loss Methods

When is it the time to stop using natural weight loss methods and start using unnatural ones? This is a question primarily asked by people suffering from obesity, and one that requires a great deal of thought prior.

Obesity in adults is something that can do damage to more than just your self-esteem. As a result of being considerably overweight, much more strain is placed on your joints, particularly at the knee.

Generally, your breathing becomes shallower, having to work harder to draw in the large amounts of oxygen required for simple tasks such as walking across the road or climbing a flight of stairs.

In addition, being obese puts you at an increased risk of diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease, to name a few. If you are female, the risk increases yet again with infertility, breast cancer, and endometrium cancer being just a few of the diseases that you might suffer from as a result of being overweight.

Obese people tend to have great difficulty sticking to natural weight loss methods as, for the first few weeks ' or even months ' any weight lost tends not to make a visible difference to their appearance.

Concerning appearance, which is the least important health-wise but the most important to the ego, most overweight people have great difficulty locating clothes that fit well, without having to go to a tailor. It becomes tiresome to constantly try clothes on that do not fit well or are tight, and soul-destroying.

Some of the different types of diets that over weight people have been recommended ' which are those aimed specifically at losing weight very quickly ' include ones used on obese patients awaiting surgery.

Such diets consist of mostly of water and vegetables, so reduce the calorie intake significantly without risking dehydration. Other natural weightloss methods include concentrated green tea drops, food combining, and the blood group diet, all of which rely on speeding up your metabolism.

Ultimately, in order to encourage natural weight loss, you need a faster metabolism. To do this, you need to eat little and often, lots of fruit and vegetables, and drink plenty of water.

Should you no longer believe that natural weight loss methods are worthwhile, then the alternative, of unnatural weightloss methods, can be considered. Some of these include diet pills to suppress hunger, the insertion of a gastric balloon, having your stomach stapled, and liposuction, amongst others.

Whilst these may seem like a way to solve the problem of obesity, they do not guarantee you will enjoy a consistent weight loss, unless your eating habits change permanently.

Unfortunately, most people suffering from obesity do not follow natural weightloss methods because they find them too difficult. It is far easier to try to ignore the problem, or eat something sweet or high in fat, and far more expensive to switch entirely to the healthy option of regular fresh fruit and salad daily.

If you feel your weight is becoming a problem and you no longer have control over how much or what you eat, then it is advisable to see a nutritionist or a doctor. Sometimes, excessive eating can be due to an underlying problem and other times, it can simply be from habit.

Invariably, it is important to ascertain the reason behind the obesity before you embark upon any natural weight - loss programs.

Get in touch with the industry experts at for more help. Steve Magill has written several articles with regard to the weightloss business. As a Fellow in the (FBAE) he is considered an expert consultant when it comes to helping people to lose weight.

Easy Weight Loss - How To Shed Pounds Fast

Do you want to get rid of those extra pounds you packed on? Although they sure did not pile on overnight, you'd like to get rid of them overnight, wouldn't you? While you cannot get rid of excess pounds THAT easily you definitely can get rid of those extra pounds quickly and safely by following these simple tips:

1. Eliminate all sugared drinks - This means ALL sugared drinks, including sugar in your coffee or tea. If you cannot stand to drink it without sugar, don't drink it at all. If you have to drown out the taste with sugar and cream, you obviously do not like the taste of tea anyway. Avoid drinking any kind of soda, juice, sweetened iced tea, and alcohol; they all have sugar in them. Drink water instead.

2. Eliminate all fast foods from your diet - Skip the hamburger and fries. If you eat at McDonalds even a few times a week, you can expect to keep gaining weight. Hamburgers, fries and soft drinks offer just about all the empty calories you don't need for the day, without the nutrition. And they do not fill you up. Cook at home. Make some foods for the week and heat them up when you come home from work. Yes, it is a bit extra work, but it's worth it.

3. Avoid all fried foods - These are loaded with fat and pack on the pounds. Replace them with broiled foods.

4. Exercise - Dieting without exercising can be a colossal waste of time. If you shudder at the thought of aerobics then settle for a daily walk instead. The routine will do you good and raise your metabolism, allowing you to burn more calories. Any physical activity is good, so go on and get off that couch today.

Follow just these 4 simple and easy-to-do tips and you'll find yourself losing those extra pounds faster than you ever thought possible.

Have you had enough? Are you ready to do something about it? Change your thinking and you can change your body. Your Weight Loss success story can start today! More information on easy weight loss and more is available at

Help With Weight Loss

Losing weight can be a constant battle. And for many of us it's a never ending battle. First you have to decide how you are going to achieve the weight loss you want. Am I going to achieve the results by dieting alone, or a combination of dieting/exercise?

There are many fad diets floating around and you can waste a lot of time and money chasing the next easy weight loss fix. Weight loss really comes down to just 2 important factors, a sensible diet and regular exercise. You can purchase and follow the latest fad diet, and you will probably lose a few pounds but the moment you stop following it you can bet you will pile the pounds back on and probably with interest.

To achieve the weight loss you desire you don't have to spend countless hours working out at the gym leaving you without any spare time to pursue your other leisure time activities.

You do not have to avoid the foods you love and you definitely do not have to starve yourself. Two things you have to do straight away to lose weight is eat sensibly and exercise. Before you tuck into that piece of cake ask yourself do I need it? when did I last eat?, how much have I already consumed today?. With food you are better off having 4 to 5 small meals per day with a balanced nutritional mix. Don't have 5 meals of fried chicken if you do I do not believe you will see any benefit from you new eating plan.

Exercise, I for one like the gym but always seem to over do it and within a couple of weeks my training regime at the gym comes to an end. What does work for me is breaking my exercise into two parts AM and PM.

20 minutes of light exercise twice a day should be enough to start peeling off that excess weight.

For more tips on how to lose weight check out

Natural Weight Loss Remedy

Contrary to popular belief, to achieve healthy natural weight loss, you don't need to jump into a dieting program. What is most important is that you change your current eating habits and develop ones which are better and more attuned to your body's natural rhythms. It must help you re-establish the natural cycle of your body imparted by Mother Nature, which may have been turned topsy-turvy due to your present eating habits. When we eat unhealthy foods, we directly upset the natural metabolism processes which are present in our body. As a result of this our bodies are unable to metabolize food efficiently and we end up putting on extra weight.

Dieting and its effects are often only temporary. It cannot be expected to succeed in the long haul. When you diet, all you do is lose the excess weight, only to gain it back gradually, later. Most diets are not designed to be such that you could realistically maintain them for the whole of your life and are just too dependent on a fixed time limit to be feasible on a long term basis.

Unlike the temporary nature of diets, healthy natural weight loss is for the better. It's a long term process that you decide to assume because your current lifestyle led to weight problems. To change your lifestyle successfully, research into the various healthy foods available and concentrate on the ones you like.

All kinds of diets don't work for all the people all the time. Everybody has different needs, so different methods of losing weight apply to each and every one of us. Even our tastes in health foods differ. What some people love, others hate.

You must get over the prejudice that food is your enemy. We cannot survive very long without food. The actual culprit is WHAT you eat and HOW MUCH of it you consume that has led to an increase in your weight. If you try losing weight through healthy natural weight loss, you won't have to sacrifice all that much.

When you decide to adopt healthy natural weight loss, though, you have got to internalize that resolve. This is the most important step for you to take. Your commitment must bind you to act on it. Once your mindset is final, you will see it automatically affect your existing eating habits which are proving bad for you. Once you accomplish this, consider half your battle against weight, won.

Exercise is a crucial aspect of healthy natural weight loss programs. You will need them to help you burn unnecessary calories. Pick the one that suits you best and that you enjoy doing. It could be jogging, walking, going to the gym, swimming, cycling, or even playing some sport regularly. Exercise is going to make you feel more healthy and alive!

You will find a lot of material on healthy natural weight loss options, so do your homework and plan your lifestyle ahead. Results are not going to appear overnight. You will need to remain committed to it and persist in it. But trust me, your mind and body are going to end up feeling a lot better and more positive than before. The positivity in your mind will be reflected in your body as well and you'll feel as good as new.

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss.

Weight Loss - The Single Best Holistic Tip

Wouldnt you like to learn how to loose weight and maintain your ideal weight for the rest of your life without effort?

My single best tip to you is to stop looking for the perfect diet now and look at your life. This is a true holistic approach to weight loss.

After all, what we consider today as nutrition is really just a secondary source of energy. Lets address what all those perfect diet dont talk about, a concept called Primary Food.

Think about it for a moment.

Remember a time when you were passionately in love. Your life took another dimension. Everything was exciting. You forgot about food and were high on love and life.

Do you remember a time you were intensely involved in a project? You felt stimulated and excited. Time stopped and you forgot to eat.

What about children?

They live on primary food. They play outside and dont want to come diner. They dont want to go to bed at night and they get up excited in the morning. They dont want to miss anything. They are high on life, not on food. They are fed by excitement, play, and adventure.

While studying at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, Ive learned that primary foods dont come on a plate but feed us as much. Play, fun, romance, intimacy, touch, love, adventure, achievement, to name just a few, are primordial source of nourishment. They feed our soul.

Here are 4 questions that will determine how balanced and fulfilling are your primary foods.

  1. Are your relationships healthy and nourishing?
  2. Are you creating a work that you love and are excited about?
  3. Are you enjoying regular physical activity?
  4. Do you have a spiritual practice that fills you, quiets your mind, relaxes your body and/or brings you a sense of peace?

Are your primary foods balanced and fulfilling?

If so, your life feeds you, making what you eat secondary.

If not, you will tend to use secondary food as a way to compensate your lack of primary food. You will stuff yourself with secondary foods while you are truly starving for primary food.

Weight gain is one of the consequences.

I encourage you to stop looking for the perfect diet and start looking at your relationships, your work, your physical activity, and your spirituality. Secondary food, the food you eat, is certainly critical for health and happiness. However, it is these four sources of primary food that feed your soul, nourish you and will make your life passionate.

You wont even need to think about weight loss anymore!

Cathy Vignola ( is a staunch advocate for healthy living and an energized, productive lifestyle. Whether it's finding the healthy diet right for you or which beneficial energy boosting supplements are the most effective, Cathy's sound advice will help you make the right decisions in your body's nourishment.

As a certified Holistic Health Counselor accredited by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (AADP) she has the qualification to make proper suggestion on virtually anything plaguing your body's productivity.

Why Don't Diets Bring Me Permanent Weight Loss?

"What is wrong with me? Why can't I lose weight permanently?"

If you've ever asked yourself this question, then you've probably also wondered:

"I have such ability to make other changes in my life, why do I struggle so much with this one?"

"I have a great tenacity to stick at other things in my life, how come I am so weak willed when it comes to losing weight?"

"How come other people lose weight but I still struggle?"

Well, after years of being in this same dilemma I figured out that it's NOT that we are weak willed, or lack the tenacity to lose weight permanently. The fact of the matter is, we have been using a mindset of thought processes and a range of habits that work against our motivation, rather than with it.

What you have probably not noticed is the 98% of people, like you, who put all the weight back on and more within 2-3 years! Like me you may well have believed the propaganda that you can be a perfect size 10 if only you try harder, which has meant you have spent years ignoring reality!

Motivation for change and lose weight permanently is NOT about working harder it is about working smarter. The key is NOT to keep repeating the same patterns of habits and thoughts that are working against you. It is also about being realistic regarding what you can change. Foremost it is about loving yourself now NOT at some distant time when you are a desired weight.

To effect any significant motivation and long-lasting change to your shape, size or weight you firstly need to accept 3 things...

1. The reality of 'What is'

2. That fear holds us back from achieving the changes we desire

3. Change is an ongoing process NOT A DESTINATION!

By the reality of 'What is', I mean accepting you body shape and the assets you were genetically born to with. That includes, for many people, accepting that the body changes shape with age. It is also about accepting that you are unique, beautiful and different. So comparing yourself to others is a complete waste of time and energy!

Accepting 'What is' and finding ways of learning to love all of you as you are now, is essential to sustained weight loss motivation. Of course that doesn't mean not having a clear vision or goal of the changes you want to create, just that they need to be realistic and achievable.

For some, but not all, there are fears holding you back! Lots of them that stop you achieving the permanent weight loss you so long for. The problem is that some fears are so well hidden that you probably do not even know they are there! In the book 'FAT, Exploding the Myths' by Lisa Colles, Dawn French describes her fear of "not knowing who she was or how to use her body" when she reduced in size to a 10-12 for her wedding day. Our fears come in all shapes and sizes and for some, acknowledging them is an essential part of the change process.

One of the biggest barriers to change, however, is seeing it as an enforced period of stress, struggle, scarcity or conflict that eventually has an end. Learning to love change in all its facets and seeing the learning in each day is so important. Accepting the joys of new experiences and being excited in the knowledge that it is not the destination that is important but the ongoing journey. These are the keys to weight loss success and sustained motivation.

Chrissie Webber is a published author, business coach and leadership trainer. As Managing Director of Life-Shapers Ltd she is developing her online weight-loss motivation company into a franchise of Life Shapers Weight Management Coaches.

Her track record in the area of weight management is firstly a personal one. Following a lifetime of weight issues - at her heaviest, over 21 stone and a massive size 30 - she has personal experience of diets and their devastating effect on size and psyche.

With a background in nursing, psychology and business coaching, coupled with a lifetime of dieting, she developed and successfully used a series of models and tools that enhance weight loss motivation. Now over 5 dress sizes smaller and having sustained her weight loss for several years she has written a book about her motivational journey. Weight Loss, Life Gain - A Motivational Journey to Permanent Weight Loss was published in January 2008 by Accent Press.

Her Blog and free monthly eZine now offer support to others.

Weight Loss Is Difficult - Keeping It Off Is More Difficult

Most of us have experienced weight loss and the focus and determination we must have to be successful. And most of us have experienced this more than once. If we know how hard it is to lose weight why do we allow ourselves to regain the lost weight?

The system we used to lose the weight does not allow time for family, job, friends and life in general. This focus on weight loss and these hours are transferred to more important tasks after we have reached our weight loss goal.

This is reasonable as Weight control can be postpone until the weight gain becomes a problem again. These weight loss systems use diet and exercise as the backbone of their program and they work. But the major problem with these exercise programs is that they require as much time to maintain your weight loss as it does to lose it and time is limited for us all. A thirty minute/ three times a week exercise program with all of it's prep time, travel time and recovery time will be much more than a hour and a half per week and is almost impossible to maintain year after year.

The fact, that exercise given enough time and effort does work and that we feel that we are doing good things when we sweat, while working out, strengthens the generally accepted concept of "No pain/No gain".

This "No pain/No gain" which is translated into wear and tear on the body, injures which will come back to haunt us in later years, sweat which will take with it needed vitamins and minerals which the body needs and the hours we use are outdated and unnecessary.

Like the auto replacing the horse and buggy, this "No pain/No gain" has been replaced by vibra trim. Using today's technology to lose weight in less time and in more comfort in your own home. These results occur on the neurological level (as it does with conventional exercise). A short exercise secession (10 minute per day) can fit into almost any schedule for the rest of your life and can be like brushing your teeth or showering daily.

For more information on the 10 minutes weight loss machine click here vibra trim-total health

Permanent Weight Loss: 5 Simple Steps

Have you ever noticed that diets dont work? Oh, sure, you may lose weight, but it boomerangs right back, and with a vengeance. Then you feel guilty, weak, frustrated, and like a hopeless failureone more time.

Diets are designed to fail. They are too restrictive, too loaded with fat and cholesterol, and too empty of life-saving nutrients.

Besides that, they leave you hungry.

Guess what? You cant fight your hunger drive. Just like your thirst instinct, your hunger instinct keeps you alive, and it will win every time. If youre hungry, sooner or later youll eat, and often the very same foods that trap you in the layers you hate.

How about jumping off the diet-go-round and trying this. Fill-up on the best-for-you foods first that are calorie-low (yeah! permanent weight loss) and nutrient-dense to prevent scary diseases like cancer, diabetes type 2, heart disease, and strokes: whole, unrefined fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans, our health heroes and disease warriors.

Here are 5 simple guidelines to losing weight forever:

1. Think addition, not subtraction. Dont go to that place of deprivation, like having to give up meat.

2. Add 10+10 again and again. Get those fresh fruits and vegetables in you every day.

3. Fill-up on premium foods before eating other foods. Dont even think about which foods you may naturally gravitate away from because you simply dont have enough room in your stomach or the desire (believe it or not) to eat them.

4. Ask yourself, Does this food feed me or deplete me? If you dont know, just ask yourself, Which foods prevent cancer? Answer: whole, fresh fruits and vegetables. Okay, then eat them FIRST! Remind yourself that there are choices and consequences.

5. Follow the Dr. Leslie Casual/Dress-Up Rule or 80/20 Rule. Eat impeccably 80% of the time and the rest of the timedont worry about it.

Satisfy your hunger drive and your desire to get down to the size you long to be. Feel good about YOUonce and forever!

Dr. Leslie Van Romer is a health motivational speaker, writer, and lifestyle coach. Visit for more inspiration.

Healthy Weight Loss Choices

In this ever-changing world of the health-conscious trying to make healthy weight loss choices (and also the not-so-health-conscious) there is one link, one problem that seems to always defy capture. That one tiny piece of information seems to so far have eluded the searchers for decades, or at least since the start of the pencil-thin body era. This is the secret to easy, sure-fire, no diet weight loss and body shaping. It is a very elusive creature, and people look high and low to find it. They all believe it is there, if just one more product, one more secret formula, one more little pill could be put on the market. This cure-all will erase the hunt for perfection forever! No more searching, no more working out, no more counting calories, no more health issues. The problem is - there is no such thing as a 'magic' remedy.

When the interests of society started to become so ensnared in the advertising and marketing of products - from shoes to skin-care, from shampoo to poodle skirts - the whole of this society became enamored of the idea of one-size-fits-all and that everyone should look the same. It was at this very time in history that weight loss became so important, so mystifying, that an entire multi-billion dollar industry has thrived for years, pumping out pill after pill, product after product, idea after idea. It is no longer about how to be your healthiest, it is about how to look like someone else.

Times have passed of those long days of hard labor, working in the fields and factories with only your hands, torso, and legs to do the work. It was a time of physical fitness, and if the medical research was as progressed as it is today, people would be living very healthy into their centenarian age. They had a steady diet of meat, vegetables, fruits, and whatever else they could grow or gather from their own property. The benefit of obtaining food in this way was the very act - the physical exercise - that was required to produce, gather, and cook it was also the way an earlier people stayed fit.

Nowadays the healthy weight loss choices have been left up to the drug manufacturers and scam artists who would love for you to believe that their 'magic' pill, their 'magic' potion, their 'magic' fad diet is the one you must have to be healthy. There are some very beneficial programs on the market today, but finding and weeding them out can be a major undertaking due to the very massive amount of false information that is in marketing today. Most of those parts of society that are looking for this 'magic' will jump from program to program, pill to pill, and still never find what they seek - an easy, effortless way to become more healthy, particularly with losing weight. It is what keeps the weight loss/health industry in the mega billions of dollars every year.

There is only one safe, effective, permanent solution to the healthy weight loss choices people are making today. You must eat the right foods, in the correct amount and at the right time, and you must get enough exercise in your daily routine to keep burning those calories and keep your muscles the efficient machines they were intended to be. There is no other way. Anyone looking for a fast fix will only be disappointed in the end, and will keep the diet industry blooming with false promises.

It must also be remembered that each body, no matter how similar, is still unique. The healthy weight loss choice you make must be individualized for your specific needs and capabilities. One size still does not fit all. One choice still does not fit all. Know what you require and make the best choice for you and your healthiest body possible. Make your decision based on common knowledge and not on some 'secret' scientific research or 'magic' elixir. Your overall health and healthy weight loss choices are up to only you. You will ever only have one body. Take care of it and it will reward you for all the years you have to come.

Although not an advocate for a quick fix, I do believe there are programs on the market that can give you an edge on trying to be your healthiest. My opinion is just that, but check it out for yourself at

There are also a lot of 'secrets' out there to choose from -

The 3 Keys To Lose Belly Fat Fast

Isn't it about time you lose that flabby stomach?! Not only is it unsightly, it's also unhealthy. In this article I discuss my 3 top diet tips to lose belly fat fast!

Some people assume all they have to do to get rid of the spare tyre by spending time each day doing hundreds of sit-ups and ab crunches. This my friends is not the way forward. You can train your stomach muscles until the cows come home but if you have a large lump of fat covering them no-one will see them! It is time to focus on your diet, that is the key to lose belly fat fast. So let me discuss 3 modifications to your diet which will help shed the excess fat and show off your new slim-lined stomach!

1. Drink plenty of water and green tea.

People assume that drinking a lot of water will make them look and feel bloated. In fact the reverse is true - when you start to drink the appropriate amount of water your body will more efficiently flush out toxins. Excess sodium in particular has been cited as a primary cause of the bloated look, this is flushed out when water intake is increased. Make sure you aim to drink at least eight 8oz glasses of water per day, this will make your body far better equipped to lose belly fat fast. Make sure you avoid beverages that have caffeine, alcohol or sodium in them. Caffeine and alcohol in particular are natural diuretics and thus increase fluid loss promoting dehydration. Ideally limit yourself to water and green tea. Green tea is particularly rich in a type of polyphenols called catechins. Studies have show that these substances may affect body fat accumulation and cholesterol levels.

2. Eat enough fibre.

To help lose belly fat fast and show off firm, sexy abs, aim to eat at least 25 grams of fiber daily. Fibre is the indigestible part of fruits, vegetables and whole-grain foods and acts as a sponge when it combines with water in your digestive tract cleansing your intestines and helping food move through the body more quickly and efficiently. Fibre rich foods also make you feel fuller on fewer calories helping you avoid the normal cravings associated with low fat diets. For optimum results you should increase your fiber intake slowly over the course of a month to avoid excess gas. Be sure to drink plenty of water to keep food moving through your system as quickly as possible.

3. Eat more lean protein.

An important goal in the management of obesity is to reduce excess body fat while minimizing the loss of lean tissue. A high-protein diet results in a greater loss of body fat and greater retention of lean body mass than a traditional weight loss diet. Protein helps build, maintain and repair muscle tissue and the more lean muscle tissue you have, the higher your metabolism and the more fat you will burn - even whilst doing nothing. Protein also requires twice as much energy to process as fat or carbohydrates, thus your body uses up more calories. It is therefore essential to increase your protein intake if you are serious in your quest to lose belly fat fast.

If you combine these three ideas into your current nutrition program you will gradually notice your body begins to get rid of the spare tyre around your belly. Of course, you can't forget about fitness entirely and a complete program coming both diet and exercise is the most effective way to lose belly fat fast and forever.

Good luck in achieving your weight loss goals and be sure to check out my 7 Secrets To Fat-loss which lifts the lid on the mysteries of fat-loss fast.

Daniel Depp is a health and fitness fanatic. He is a former professional athlete who, since retiring found himself over-eating and piling on weight. He decided that enough was enough and embarked on a mission to gather as much information about weight-loss and fitness as he possibly could and then implement these in his own life. He has since lost over 20 pounds of body fat, lives a healthy and vibrant lifestyle and is committed to helping others do the same. Visit his website at Lose Belly Fat Fast to get more in depth advice on weight-loss, diets, fitness training and general wellness.

Trying To Find Out The "Secrets" To Losing Weight? Well, It's Your Lucky Day Because They Are About

The main reason which prevents people from losing weight is ENDLESS procrastination. Most people tell themselves that they'll begin dieting "next week" or "after some future holiday" (or some other excuse) and that let's them procrastinate even further. The truth is that it doesn't matter what month it is, and it doesn't matter what time of year it is either, since it's foolish to wait until a particular month to get slim. Why would you want to remain overweight until some future month or time of year? Getting slim allows you to wear more attractive and better fitting clothes right now... and that feeling is very worthwhile. Every journey begins with taking that first step, and if you never take that first step then you'll never have a thinner and more attractive body. So, with that being said, let's get started.

Secret Number One
Develop a Routine- be organized- develop a routine for eating right. Consistency is important to your success.
2) Get Active- Making exercise a regular part of your life is a valuable part of any weight-loss program. Choose activities you enjoy that you can do consistently.
3) Be realistic about what you can do- it is very important to be consistent.
4) You don't need to do it all at once. Consider adding a little more activity to things you already do. For example, park at the end of the lot and walk a little farther. Using a pedometer can be a handy way to track how far you walk.
5) Start small and work your way up. Three times a week is a good start. Even a little more activity supports your weight-loss goals.
6) Set Goals and plan what you'll do, where you'll do it, and how much- Keep track of your exercise progress.
7) Speak with your doctor. Before you start a new exercise program, you should check with your doctor.
8) Stick to your Program- Healthy eating is a matter of replacing bad habits with good ones. And no habit is broken overnight. Don't expect to follow your program perfectly everyday.
9) Have a Plan for Staying on Track- Sometimes you can't avoid temptation, but you can have a plan for dealing with it. Pay attention to what triggers you to eat, like a situation or a person, and have a plan for how to handle those triggers. Knowing what to expect can help you avoid slip-ups.
10) Accept the occasional slip-up. Just remember that weight control isn't like tightrope-walking, where one slip means you're finished. Accept that slips are going to happen.
11) If you do slip, focus on what you could do differently next time. Try to understand what led to the slip-up, and how you might break the cycle next time.
12) Give yourself lots of small rewards for making regular progress.

About the author

About the author Linda DiMarco is the Publisher at Women Business Magazine. Visit us on-line at: Jan/Feb issue will be out February 2, 2008. WOMEN BUSINESS MAGAZINE is a publication serving the entrepreneur and professional U.S. Female audience. We provide news and information to promote the advancement of Female's in the U.S. WOMEN BUSINESS MAGAZINE is a personal success guide.

How To Lose 5 Pounds of Stomach Fat in 5 Days With This Weight Loss Plan

Being overweight expose you to a lot oh health risk such as heart diseases and diabetes. Therefore every time when it comes to a New Year, a lot of people will want to lose weight and set it as one of their New Year resolutions.

A lot of people who are excessively overweight tend to think that losing those pounds of stomach fat is not possible for them. But as long as you have a plan to achieve your goals, you will be able to achieve it sooner or later. What is important here is to know what are your long term goals and short term goals. By determining the duration of your goals, you will stand a higher chance to lose those pounds of stomach fat that have been with you for years.

Let me share with you some tips on how you can lose weight with proper planning and goal setting:

1. Setting realistic goals

When it comes to weight loss, most people set goals which are too ambitious. For example, if you are currently weighing 200 pounds and you set a short term plan to shed 100 pounds, this is not a realistic goal.

To lose weight effectively, you need to have a sensible weight loss plan that will guide you step by step to achieve your target weight.

2. Determining your objectives to lose weight

To succeed in doing something, you need to have a very compelling objective or reason so that you will not lose track of your goal. Losing weight just for vanity's sake is usually less helpful than losing weight to improve health.

Other than just exercising, you need to have a healthy diet so that you will have a better body and more energy to be positive throughout the day.

3. Focus on doing, not how much you are going to lose

By focusing on how many times you are going to exercise per week rather than setting how much pounds you going to lose per week, you will definitely be able to come out with a more effective weight loss plan.

As long as you have the discipline to attend all the exercise session that you have plan out per week, weight loss will come naturally.

4. Losing fat step by step

Let say if you have set a goal to lose 20 pounds after 1 month, you need to break down to how much pounds you are going to lose per week. Then plan out how many times you are going to exercise per week and what are the foods that you need to take to achieve your 1 week goal. By achieving weekly goals, you will definitely be able to achieve your final goal.

5. Having self-motivation

You need to always encourage yourself to achieve the goals that you have set. Learn to evaluate your efforts fairly and objectively. If you fail to achieve your target for the week, find out why is it so. Is it because you have missed a jogging session? Or you have been eating junk food for one of the days?

After evaluating, look ahead to next week and try your best to stick to your plan.

Find out how you can lose 9lbs every 11 days using effective dieting secrets from my website below:

Click Here --> Lose 9 lbs Every 11 Days Now

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