Thursday, July 3, 2008

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What's new in this version:
-Better Graphics
-M.Bison is Top Tier
-Zangief was nerfed
-Chun-li looks much better
-Ryu looks like a real Japanese
-The game is faster
-Vega's rolling attack is slower and leaves him at frame disadvantage.
-Rufus was buffed
-Some poses were changed
-Victory quotes are character-specific, for example, Chun-li tells Rufus to lose some weight.
-Playing against the CPU will give you Zennys which will allow you to buy new colors.

Dodonpachi Fukkatsu footage at the end.

SF4 SFIV Sutorto Fait F

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Fad Diets & Weight Loss

A diet may be a fad diet or a healthy diet. People often start a fad diet for fast weight loss. They do not realize that quick weight loss and a fad diet is not the answer for their weight problem. They may lose weight initially but that may not be permanent. The fad diets recommend to eat a certain group of foods and eliminate some foods or a group of foods from the diet. Such diets are not without a danger.

Some of the fad diets are:

Grapefruit Diet: This diet recommends to eat only grapefruit.

Low Carb Diet: This diet recommends to eat foods low in carbohydrates.

Low Fat Diet: This diet recommends to eat foods low in fats or eliminate fats in diet.

High Protein Diet: This diet recommends to eat only protein rich foods, eliminating carbohydrates

Note that these diets recommend to eliminate some food groups that are essential for a healthy body. These diets may offer only a temporary solution and are not based on the recommendationsof the food pyramid. On using a fad diet, you may lose weight fast, but lateron you may again gain weight and your body may be deficient in many nutrients that can develop health problems.

A good diet should provide all the major nutrients including dietary fibers, carbohydrates, proteins, good fats, minerals, and vitamins. The best way to tackle overweight and obesity problem is to eat a balanced diet and do some physical exercise daily.

You should not start any diet if it does not allow any major group of the food pyramid.The negative calorie diet is based on neagtive calorie foods that include vegetables, fruits, legumes, lentils, and beans, so it allows all the major nutrients in the diet necessary for good health. By eating these foods, you will never feel hungry and you will never gain weight. If you remain physically active and eat these foods, you will deop pounds permanently.


[Please note that this article is not a subsitute for medical advise. You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (clickable) and references and copyright info. ]

For more information, visit the web site Fad Diets & Weight Loss.

Diet Myths Part 3

It is really hard to tell the truth from the hype with all of the information out there in the world about dieting. I have compiled a list of dieting myths to assist you in your quest for truth and your journey to your weight loss goals.

Myth #1 If I skip meals I will lose weight faster
Truth: It has been proven in studies that people who skip breakfast and eat fewer times during the day tend to be heavier than those who eat a healthy breakfast and eat 5 or 6 times a day. Eating often keeps you from getting overly hungry and eating too much at your next meal. Eating often also keeps your metabolism running in high gear.

Myth #2 I should cut out dairy if I want to lose weight
Truth: Recent studies have shown that women who eat 3 to 4 servings of dairy daily, actually lose up to 40% more fat than those who don't. There is something nutritionally in dairy products that we don't get anywhere else. There are many non and low fat dairy products on the market today and the smart dieter is taking advantage of that.

Myth #3 Nuts are fattening and I should stay away from them if I want to lose weight.
Truth: Nuts are a great part of a successful weight loss plan. Nuts are high in essential fatty acids, these support many body functions and have been shown to aid in weight loss. Nuts should be eaten in moderation and only raw nuts have the nutritional benefits that support your weight loss.

Myth #4 The more strict the diet, the more weight I will lose
Truth: when a diet is really strict, eliminating whole categories of food, or only allowing you to eat certain foods, the less effective it will be. Chances are high that you will get tired of the diet, and tired of feeling like a failure because you can't live up to the strict rules, and quit. This starts the destructive beat up cycle that ends in more crash dieting, making your goal seem farther and farther away.

Myth #5 There are certain foods that I can never eat again
Truth: As soon as we tell ourselves that we can't have something, it is all we think about. When you agree to treat yourself to the foods you love once in a while, you will be less likely to binge. Also consider way to make your favorite foods lighter, maybe using light sour cream or whipped cream or using low fat cheese. There are many ways to enjoy healthier versions of your favorite foods.

By busting these diet myths you are further along the path to your goals. Keep your eyes open as new fad diets and gimmicks are happening all around you. Educate yourself and make changes that you can live with for a lifetime.

Over 90% of diets fail. Don't be another statistic! You can have the body you have always dreamed of! - Let me show you how Diet Myths

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Childhood Weight Loss, Tips for Parents

These days it seems that a wide variety of factors come together with the sole purpose of empowering kids to gain weight, that is why childhood weight loss has become so important during the last few years. Television, junk food, video games, all these things combined will eventually result in the loss of a kid's balanced nutrition and exercising motivation; obviously it is highly common to find kids with overweight problems.

The childhood weight loss motivation and encouragement should come directly from parents, because as role figures, parents have the responsibility to promote a healthy way of life in their kids. Overweight problems in kids are not only bad for their future life in terms of appearance and happiness, but weight issues which are carried into adulthood are also very dangerous, because the kid, when fully grown, might develop several different health problems related to the excess fat accumulated in his body during several years. The only way to avoid this is by following a strict childhood weight loss program.

But what can parents do to promote this childhood weight loss habits? Well, first of all, as parents, we should talk to our kids and let them know about the different dangers that an overweight problem may arise. It is also very important to spend a lot of time with them and to teach them with our very behavior, meaning that you shouldn't do things that may endanger your health; otherwise your kid might mimic your behavior and end up suffering from a future health problem.

Following this same concept, it is very important for childhood weight loss, that you promote a healthy nutrition in your kids, always try to prepare healthy meals which are low on calories but rich in vitamins and minerals. But the most important childhood weight loss tip is to highly enforce your kid's self-esteem, never ever make them feel bad about the way they look, instead try to help them in their efforts.

Now, we all know that junk food plays a vital role in the life of any kid, however these sorts of nutrition are terrible for their childhood weight loss efforts, so try to replace them with a supply of healthy snacks that they may enjoy every once in a while. Kids often eat whatever seems already at hand, and since most of the time its chocolates and candy bars, they will eat them without any remorse. However, in order to help them with their childhood weight loss efforts, you should have other snacks available for them, such as fruits or cereals.

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