Sunday, May 25, 2008

Attention Weight Loss Enthusiast - Eat, Drink, But Be Wary

If only we could lose weight by not doing anything differently. Unfortunately, if we want to be slimmer and healthier, changes must be made, and one of those changes on a weight loss program is saying goodbye to the booze.

But is alcohol really that bad for weight loss? Put simply: yes, but the good news is you don't have to completely eliminate alcohol from your life.

Alcohol is high in calories, it stimulates the appetite, inhibits quality sleep and the body's ability to burn fat efficiently. It also lowers testosterone levels for up to 24 hours after your last drink. An American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study found when eight men were given two vodkas mixed with low calorie lemonade 30 minutes apart, their body lipid oxidation (ability to burn fat) dropped by a massive 73%.

The main problem with alcohol is that most of it is converted into a substance called acetate, which the body burns instead of burning fat as an energy source.

Alcohol also stimulates the appetite, not something that is conducive to weight loss. Researchers from Denmark's Royal Veterinary & Agricultural University found a group of men who ate a meal with alcohol, consumed many more calories of food, than the group who did not have alcohol.

Alcohol also reduced testosterone levels. One heavy drinking session will raise the level of the muscle wasting hormone, cortisol, which increases the breakdown of testosterone.

One gram of alcohol is seven calories, almost as high as fat, which is nine calories a gram. When you consider a gram of protein is only four calories, it is easy to see alcohol is not very good value if you're trying to control your appetite.

If you like a tipple, it's not all bad news though.

A 2004 study in the International Journal of Obesity compared two groups of dieters over three months

Both groups were limited to 1500 calories a day. One group had 150 calories of white wine a day, the other had 150 calories of grape juice a day.

The weight loss of the two groups was 4.7kg, and 3.7kg respectively.

Another US survey found that dieters who abstained from alcohol don't necessarily lose any more weight than those who take a moderate amount.

A small amount of alcohol, particularly red wine, is excellent for lowering stress levels and preventing heart disease.

It seems the role alcohol plays in your life, whether good or bad, boils down to the amount. While a glass is good for the heart, more than two and you'll be doing yourself damage.

If you are trying to lose weight, and would like to have the odd glass of alcohol, limit your intake to one or two glasses a week.

You will also benefit by changing to a lower calorie drink, like wine, or using diet mixers rather than high sugar ones.

Mix your wine with soda water and drink a glass of water in between glasses of alcohol. If you drink to unwind, as most people do, try something else like an easy walk, some meditation, a scented bath or phone a friend if you've had a difficult day.

Confused yet? The short of it is, if you are trying to lose weight don't drink alcohol. If this is too much to bear, limit yourself to one or two drinks a week.

Instead of dwelling on something you can't have, think about your new svelte body when all your hard work has paid off, and remember - it will be worth it!

Yours in health,

Leisa St Ledger

Tips to Successful Weight Loss

People hate dieting because it deprives them of their favorite foods (read fatty and junk foods). When you start dieting, you will inevitably have tough times during the first few days when you reel under the pressure of hunger. Just think about it - you used to eat every now and then and now that you are dieting, you got to restrict your food intake. Obviously your body is quite surprised at the change of food habits but hey, there are ways you can make sure you can diet for a long time without troubling your body! In this article I will give you five tips to lose weight effectively!

1. Remove Sugary Foods from your kitchen. Do a search in your kitchen as well as the refrigerator and make sure there is no food left there that has high sugar content. Sugar or sucrose easily converts into carbohydrates once it enters into body. And as a matter of fact, unused carbohydrates are easily turned into fat by the body. You therefore, as a rule, should avoid sugar and sugar-rich foods.

2.Stop eating processed foods. Not only some of them are high on calorie count, processed foods also contain a lot of natural and unnatural preservatives. While natural preservatives won't harm your body much, unnatural preservatives can cause acidity, stomach disorder and loss of energy!

3. Start walking. Get off that couch and take a walk. Exercise is a vital component of weight loss, but if you cannot or won't want to exercise, simply walking will help you burn calories. Brisk walking is good, but jogging or running will rid you of even more fat! Make sure you increase your daily activity level regularly. If you continuously remain seated on your couch, you won't be able to burn fat!

4. Most people forget the simple advice that water is good for everyone, more so for those who are overweight. Make sure you drink lots of water everyday; it will keep your stomach full and keep you away from food cravings. Make sure you also drink a glass of water before meal so that you don't end up overeating!

5. Dairy products contain a lot of fat, so you should cut down on their intake. Dairy products such as yogurt (unless it is of the low-fat variety), cheese, cottage etc, can cause stomach bloating and inflammation. Dairy products are also rumored to be the leading cause behind heart diseases.

As you can see, losing weight is not all that hard. Take your time to plan your diet, and then stick to it. That is the best way to lose weight fast!

For more information on picking a diet and workout plan for yourself you can visit my muscle building book review or my great diet plan review.

Fast Easy Ways To Lose Weight Without Starving Yourself

When you take on a weight loss plan, you want fast easy ways to lose weight. You want to see results as soon as reasonably possible or you'll end up frustrated about something you feel is beyond reach. This shouldn't be the case! Find helpful food tips below that promote fast easy ways to lose weight. When you're done reading that, I'll show you another surefire way to slim down real quick.

Eat smaller portions but more meals. Forget eating large portions of the usual three-a-day meals. Eat smaller ones of five to six meals spread out through the day. Listen to your body, you'll find that it needs nourishment every three hours or so. Feeding yourself at the right intervals will prevent you from overeating.

Fill up on H2O. Eight to ten glasses is all it takes but more is even better. It nourishes, makes your skin supple and cleanses your insides, taking out what wastes you can live without.

Quality over quantity. With regards to eating, it's just as beneficial to select what to eat as to how small you eat. You'll need good, healthy doses of carbohydrates, some fiber and protein. Don't reach for that pizza slice yet! Doesn't it have all three? Yeah, along with everything fat. Very detrimental if you want fast easy ways to lose weight.

Put color on your plate. Make eating fun so you won't think you're dieting. Eat different varieties of healthy carbohydrates and a lot of fruits and vegetables. For protein, avoid red meat! Go for some fish and lean meat instead.

Mind the midnight munching. Avoid snacking in the middle of the night, or before bedtime. Eating something close to the time you go to bed will mean a slowdown in the digestion process. If you must satisfy the food cravings at night, prepare something light.

Food is our friend and a good diet does not promote a no-eating policy. If you think you shouldn't eat to make the weight drop, you'll find that it will be much harder shed off the pounds. Whoever said crash diets worked long term? Stick to the tips I mentioned and find out how fast easy ways to lose weight will work for you.

Corey is a self proclaimed Weight Lost expert. You can view a surefire secret method to losing weight at his blog and get a in dept detailed weight loss guide on fast easy ways to lose weight today!

Wii Weight Loss - Yes You Can!

Is there really such a thing as a Wii weight loss program? Unlike other game consoles, the Wii requires that you move your body, arms and legs, to guide the controller where you want it to go. Some of the sports games and a few others really can give you a workout! Depending on the game, and how physical you want to get with it, you can really work up a sweat by playing for a long period of time!

The best Wii games for Wii weight loss are the games that come with the console: Wii Sports and Wii Play. The best game for Wii weigh loss is definitely Boxing. Two players team up, or one player teams up against the computer. To box, you throw punches, using left, right, upper cut and other punches. Your arms get a great workout, and you can even get a little short of breath. Just make sure you play for a longer period of time, at least twenty minutes or more, to get the full effect.

What about other Wii games? Can you get the Wii weight loss effect from playing any other games? The next best game is bowling. To bowl, you move just the way you would when you bowl at the bowling alley, without having to move forward so much, but if you incorporate the forward walking movement, you can really increase the aerobic effect.

How about tennis? The Wii Sports game disk has full court tennis, and Wii Play has table tennis. Just like with boxing, with tennis you can just stand still and flick your wrist to move the racket. But you can also move your body, move your whole arm, and really get into the game by being more physically active. Is it going to be the same effect you would get with a real tennis match? Probably not, but if your goal is to just use the Wii for Wii weight loss, by moving a lot more when you play, you can really enhance the results.

As for other games, such as soccer, football, and racing games, the effect will be a little different, since many of these you can play while just sitting. With the Wii, though, it's really up to you how much you want to play. Just remember to tighten the wrist strap so you don't throw it through your television or a window or a player standing next to you. Shake that thing and stay in shape with Wii weight loss!

Sue Calhoun writes on a wide variety of topics all over the Web. Find the best price on a Wii game console, at and start losing weight today!

How To Spot Fake Hoodia Gordonii Weight Loss Products

Losing weight is not just about taking whatever claims to help you do so. It's also about making sure that the weight loss product is approved and tested. When it comes to taking Hoodia Gordonii, you, therefore, have to make sure you're getting the real thing. Getting otherwise isn't just a waste of your money but could also be potentially dangerous.

Losing weight has emerged to be the primary concern among people these days. Engaging in various kinds of exercises, such as yoga and pilates, and even undergoing risky cosmetic surgeries, are just some of the things that people undergo just to arrive at the desired body and look they want. However, some may choose not to experience this rigorous and risky practice. That is why they have chosen to take slimming or weight loss pills, like Hoodia Gordonii, instead.

This is one of the reasons why many have come to patronize Hoodia Gordonii or the most famous "appetite suppressant" in America these days. Hoodia Gordonii comes from an extract of a plant that looks almost like a cactus and that only matures in Southern Africa. The product is known to work naturally with almost no negative side effects. Its popularity was boosted significantly after it was featured in various television shows, such as CBS60, ABS, BBC, NBC Today, CNN and other print and electronic magazines world wide.

However, along with its growing popularity is the fact that such product is expensive and difficult to find, particularly as it takes five to seven years to develop. This is what pushed others to manufacture and sell fake diluted Hoodia Gordonii products just to meet its many avid consumers' needs. Recently, many online websites have announced that there has been a spread of 50% percent of weight loss products that claim they have Hoodia when, in fact, they have the fake, diluted versions.

Because of the fear that these fake products would deliver dangerous side effects and discredit the authentic Hoodia Gordonii product, Prime Life Nutriceuticals, the original maker of Hoodia Gordonii weight loss pills, have declared a certification program where consumers can test if the Hoodia Gordoni they have purchased is real.

One of the preeminent herbal testing facilities in the U.S., the Alchemist Pharmaceuticals, was contacted in order to help verify the presence of real Hoodia. Analysis showed that there are several ways to detect a fake Hoodia Gordonii.

The first and most obvious way of knowing if your Hoodia is fake is to check if the product's seal has an authenticated Lot Number, which means that it has undergone the test in the Independent Lab Report done by the Alchemist Pharmaceuticals. Besides that, also check if the premium products report date is within six months after purchase.

Another way to verify is by checking if the product has the banner C.I.T.E.S or a certification proving that it truly came from South Africa. Such certificate also testifies that that Hoodia material has been processed from its growth in South Africa. The certificate should be clear and readable, otherwise, it will only prove a counterfeit.

Fake Hoodia products may also have additional information on additives, fillers and other agents, which are actually insignificant for authenticated products, which label 100% hoodia. Also, keep off products that claim that they have additional amounts of Hoodia more than the original. These may seem appealing but entirely dangerous because it may have more diluted fillers that can make a normal person sick. The fact is that normal people can only carry 80 mgs of hoodia material at a time.

Beware of those who offer free trials and those who sell supposed Hoodia Gordonii weight los products in a bottle of tea, coffee or shake. Hoodia products are unlikely or never free. In fact, it is even expensive, with a price of $250 to $400 per kilo. Lastly, always make sure that you purchase this one of a kind weight loss pill at an established store or company that has verifiable and complete credentials.

Vanessa A. Doctor from Jump2Top - SEO Company

Hoodia Remedy

Steps To Successful Weight Loss

The first step to losing weight and keeping it off forever is to set a goal.

This step is one of the hardest steps, not the easiest. If setting a goal were so simple everyone would be doing it.

Of course you make think that people make goals all the time. Sure they do. But they don't accomplish them. For those who do accomplish their goals, well, we consider them successful.

The secret to setting a goal is not simply to arrive at or state a particular thing that we wish to achieve. In other words, coming up with our ideal weight is not enough.

The secret to establishing a goal is commitment. That is, a single, concentrated and focused effort to achieve a desired outcome. A personal vow that is backed up by all the strength of your being. A dedicate effort that refuses to fail.

Easier said than done. The truth is that we have all done it at one time or another. At some point in your life you made up your mind that you were going to accomplish something. You made a focused effort, took action and probably made some sacrifices.

But, the point is, you did it.

Now, all you have to do is focus. Find that inner strength. Make up your mind. Take action.

You should, practically speaking, choose an ideal weight. Experience will probably be some indication.

If, however, you are obese or under medical supervision, consult your physician first.

This is perhaps this most difficult step and possibly the second most important one.

Another step that you should implement is changing your diet.

Theses steps are about life-style changes, not dieting. So, just to be clear, changing your diet is not the same as dieting. You diet to lose weight. You change your diet to transform yourself.

There are two steps to changing your diet.

The first is to eliminate the foods that aren't so good for you. These include processed food, junk food, artificial sweeteners and prepared foods.

The second is to change your diet to foods that are benefial for you. These include whole grains, vegetables and fruit.

Ideally, your meals should be cooked from scratch. I know, I know, a big pain in the neck. But the benefits are overwhelming. Losing weight is just the beginning. Whole, natural foods cooked from scratch leads to better health, calmer nerves and peace of mind. Believe it or not, children thrive and behave better.

Anyway, this is something to seriously consider. Simply ask yourself, "What are my priorities?" When you answer that then perhaps this step won't be so difficult.

Sign up for our free ecourse: 10 Steps To Lose Weight Without Dieting

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss.

Is Weight Loss Surgery As Dangerous As It Sounds?

Weight loss surgery is an option that can be availed by persons with severe over weight problem. However a surgery to reduce the body weight should be the last option for a person who suffers the problem of over weight. Initially one has to try to reduce his weight by diet control and regular exercise. If only these methods fail that a person should opt for surgery to reduce his body weight.

If you are a person thinking of undergoing a surgery to resolve the problems associated with the over weight of your body, try to be aware and conscious about the complications that a weight loss surgery like this can bring to you. First of all you will have to confirm as to whether you will be able to withstand a surgery of this nature by consulting your family doctor. If you are not consulting with your family doctor you should disclose all the minute details of your health problems to your surgeon. Following are the persons who are generally considered as ideal candidates for weight loss surgery by the doctors

Men with a Body Mass Index that exceeds 40

Women with a Body Mass Index more than 35

Persons with a history of medical disorders associated with overweight such as diabetes, cardiopulmonary diseases and obesity induced musculoskeletal disorders

Persons who have failed to reduce weight by using other non surgical methods of weight-loss treatments.

A person with 18 or more years of age

One can expect all the potential complications associated with a general surgery in the surgery for weight loss also. These complications include respiratory problems, excessive bleeding, allergic reactions to the medicines and risk of infections.

Along with these, one can expect some other complications that are associated with a surgery to reduce body weight. These complications include spreading of stomach acids to other parts of the abdomen, vitamin and mineral deficiencies and dumping syndrome.

Still surgical treatment for weight loss is a blessing for many who are confined to their place due to over weight of their body. Such persons will be able resume their normal life and avoid or at least control the medical problems associated with obesity if they can reduce their weight to the permissible limits.

The main draw back of a weight loss surgery is that only persons with extra will power can undergo it and come out of it successfully.

For your free course teaching you exactly how to succeed with your weight loss goals using simple and effective weight loss diets simply go to

6 Foods That Help You Lose Weight Fast

Changing your diet to include the following 6 foods will help you lose weight fast. These foods will not make you lose weight by simply eating them (there's contrasting views about whether such foods even exist) but they will ensure that your metabolic rate and energy levels stay up which means that it'll be easier to lose fat.

Foods That Help You Lose Weight

1. High fiber food. Fiber has the ability to make you feel full and is highly nutritious, though it doesn't really contain a lot of calories. It helps the body and especially the intestinal system to function a lot better. To get a good dose of fiber make sure to eat vegetables, fruit, and unprocessed grains and cereals.

2. Lean protein. Our muscle tissue has a direct bearing on our metabolic rate. The more lean muscle tissue we have the faster we burn calories. As our muscles are made of protein, it's imperative that we eat enough of it in our diet. Good sources of lean protein are chicken, turkey, egg whites, tuna, and salmon.

3. Good Fats. Yes I said fats. Even if we want to lose weight our body still needs fat in order to function properly. But there's a huge difference between good and bad fat. In order to get good fat we should eat walnuts, almonds, flax seeds and other nuts, olive oil, avocados, and coconut. Remember, no fat isn't healthy and is bad for long term weight loss goals.

4. Snacks. This isn't a specific food but I had to include it because snacking can actually help you to lose weight. It has been shown that it's better to eat 5-6 meals or snacks each day than 3 square meals. Our body handles food better when it's in small doses. Snacking also keeps our blood sugar levels constant and helps the body burn fat faster.

5. Herbal tea. Drinking a hot beverage like tea helps you to lose weight faster for a number of reasons. First, drinking a hot beverage is a slow business meaning that it takes your mind off eating. Second, herbal tea has soothing affects on us which help to avoid craving and it's another way to increase our water intake. It also contains a lot of antioxidants which help to slow down the aging process.

6. Water. Most people don't consider water as food, but it's highly important to your weight loss efforts. Drinking enough water helps to stave off your hunger and also assists in all bodily functions, including the metabolism. Drink 8-12 glasses each day. You will look and feel much better.

Click here for more fitness and diet tips, as well as 2 free ebooks

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days and keep it off, visit this webpage:
How to lose 9 lbs. every 11 days with The Calorie Shifting Diet

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more fast weight loss, click here: How To Lose 10 Pounds In 2 Weeks Or Less

Natural Weight Loss - 20 Tips for Lasting Success and Better Health

Weight loss is a concern for most Americans. Whether you're struggling with those final ten pounds that never seem to budge or you have many excess pounds that are having a negative impact on our overall health, it's time to make a change. Having battled my own weight issues for over 20 years, I now use my knowledge to support my clients to achieve weight loss success.

Like you, I tried almost everything to lose weight, and it wasn't until I took a more holistic approach that I finally dropped 40 pounds. Incorporating what I learned from my experience, I have maintained my weight loss for over six years and counting. Now it's my pleasure to share my secrets with you so your weight loss journey can finally be different with a more natural, healthy and successful approach.

I recommend reading through the following weight loss tips before choosing one or two to start with. After you have successfully incorporated these changes, try one or two more. You do not have to make every one of these changes overnight. Just get started making improvements and be patient yourself. This way you will have lasting success!

  • Do not make weight loss your top health concern (concern equals stress); instead seek a balanced lifestyle.
  • 95% of all people that go on a weight loss program fail; they continue the roller coaster ride, mostly because they do not adopt new healthy habits for life. Make changes that you can maintain long-term.
  • Seek out support from family members and friends. You will do better than if you try to go it alone.
  • Visualize daily what you want your life to look like. Remember that your thoughts create your life so be mindful of what you're choosing.
  • Lower your intake of highly processed foods and eat high quality locally grown and raised whole foods as much as possible.
  • Eat three meals every day. Skipping meals is the best way to cause cravings and imbalance in your life, your health and your weight.
  • Include moderate exercise at least three times each week. Walk more and take the stairs daily.
  • Practice breathing and relaxation techniques. Breathe deeply into your belly daily.
  • Add lots of vegetables to your diet. The more vegetables you eat - especially dark leafy greens - the easier it will be for your body to achieve its ideal weight.
  • Drink water all day long. Start with 1-2 glasses upon rising in the morning. Consider each cleansing bathroom break as an opportunity to breath and enjoy well-deserved private time.
  • Consider keeping a food diary. Awareness is essential.
  • Avoid an extreme diet of low-fat, high-protein or low-carbs. Balance is best. Choose healthy fats (extra virgin olive oil, avocado, walnuts, almonds), lean protein (beans, seeds, fish) and healthful carbs (whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, oatmeal). Eat in moderation. Make vegetables a large part of your diet.
  • Eat slower with no distractions such as TV, work or reading. Avoid stressful conversations while eating. When we eat under stress it affects our metabolism and instead of burning our food we store it as fat. This is the natural fight-or-flight response of the body.
  • Set realistic expectations. You won't be the same weight you were as a teenager.
  • Don't follow the "Sumo Diet" of consuming large quantities of food late at night when metabolism is at its lowest. Eat a large breakfast or lunch and a small dinner of salad, soup, vegetables or a highly nutritious shake.
  • Be conscious of hidden sugars in your foods. Sugar puts on weight and can lead to serious health issues like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. Read labels and educate yourself.
  • Avoid artificial sweeteners as these can cause cravings for real sugar as well as other health problems. Use natural low-glycemic sweeteners and eat naturally sweet foods.
  • Complete eating at least 3 hours before sleeping. The body needs to fast in order to burn stored fat.
  • Excess weight equals potential energy, unexpressed or un-owned power. Seek out creative expression.
  • Love and accept yourself as you are today... don't wait until tomorrow, because tomorrow never comes.

Having the right education and guidance made a great difference in my personal weight loss success.

If you would like support to reach and maintain your weight loss goals, please be in touch so we can schedule your free 20 minute phone consultation.

Heather Cottrell is a certified Holistic Health Counselor and founding director of Heather Holistic, a private practice offering Nutrition and Lifestyle Counseling. Through individual programs, group workshops and teleclasses, Heather Holistic empowers you to be your happiest and healthiest self with proper nourishment of mind, body and soul. Visit to schedule a private phone consultation and sign up to receive the free Heather Holistic eNewsletter.

The Great 8 Eating Tips for Fast Weight Loss @ Body Perfect Fitness

Low Carb, Low Fat, More protein, Eat all the fat you want..... These are the many things we hear as we are bombarded with the latest and NOT always the greatest diet and eating tips when trying to find the Silver Bullet for permanent weight loss.

Well I thought that we would talk about common sense proven tips that will ensure that along with a solid fitness program, will help support your fitness and health goals for life.

Eating Tip 1

Eat Slow- If you read about the French Paradox, which discusses why the French eat a lot of fatty foods, but are a leaner society than that of the United States. They take their meals very seriously and it is one of the most important times of the day. You will get multiple benefits from this tip. Eating Slow will help your body absorb the food at the right level allowing you to fill up much quicker as it will not provide a tendency for you to OVEREAT!!! The other awesome benefit is that you can spend more time with your family so that you can share the important things in life with each other!!!

Eating Tip 2

Eat 5-6 times per day. Do not allow your blood sugar levels to drop, in between meals. By eating more often and eating the right types of foods that are on the low end of the glycemic index, you can keep your blood sugar levels more even throughout the day, and ensure that you are not getting those mid-afternoon yawns and also help keep the excess weight off. Remember that when you spike your blood sugar by eating simple sugars and refined carbohydrates, this will potentially cause your body to store fat!!!

Eating Tip 3

Eat Your Breakfast... I was bad at this many years ago, but I learned to fuel up early in the day. Eating a good solid breakfast to start your day helps supply you with the fuel you need to get started, especially if you are incorporating a early morning fitness program in to your day. You need the fuel to get your engine going in the morning. Do not starve your body early, because you may have the tendency to binge eat later, because your body gets into the craving mode. Feed your body early!!

Eating Tip 4

Slow down as the sun goes down. What do I mean by this? Well just as important as it is to eat a great breakfast to start the day, it is also as equally important to reduce your food consumption as the day goes on. So plan to eat a good solid breakfast, a good lunch, and reduce your meal portions at dinner time. Remember as you get closer to bedtime your body starts to wind down and you will not have the same opportunity at night to burn those consumed meal calories as you did earlier in the day. So eat more early and back down as you reach sun down.

Eating Tip 5

Give yourself 3 hours!!! Yes 3 hours before going to bed. Do not consume anymore calories. As I mentioned before, your body starts to slow down as the day goes on and gets ready for sleep. You do not want to consume a lot of calories right before you go to bed, because you will end of potentially storing those calories as FAT!!!

Your body sometimes give you a false sense of being hungry as you bedtime nears. You get those 9pm cravings... And a lot of people end up hitting the Refrigerator and over-consuming right before bed time... Not good for managing your weight and body fat %. If you just can't resist the munchies, then what I do is eat a few high good fat nuts. Like unsalted Almonds skin-on (good for fiber) or a couple spoonfuls of no sugar added all natural peanut butter. Eating a good quality fat food will satisfy your craving and will keep you from binging on something with lots of bad carbohydrates or simple sugars, like ice cream, cake or cookies.

Eating Tip 6

Stay focused on eating green in every meal. Always incorporate a good high quality low glycemic index dark green vegetable with each meal. I suggest things like spinach or romaine lettuce in your lunch time salads. Eating broccoli, asparagus, or steamed spinach as your vegetable at dinner time. All of these dark green vegetables supply your body with great vitamins and nutrients as well as being great sources of fiber and are naturally low on the glycemic index scale and will keep your blood sugar levels from spiking after eating. So think Dark green at meal time and challenge yourself to keep it as part of each and every eating event.

Eating Tip 7

Blend your foods.. Blending your foods means making sure that if you are eating a food item that does contain carbohydrates make sure that you incorporate a good low fat protein along with it. Eating a low carb tortilla wrap where the first ingredient is whole wheat flour that is unrefined. Add lean chicken breast as part of your filling in the wrap, maybe with some thinly shredded romaine lettuce and other veggies.

Eating Tip 8

Use splenda as your sweetener of choice, when looking for a simple sugar replacement. I have tried many sugar subs over the years an no other product has the taste of sugar like splenda does. Not equal and surely not sweet and low. Splenda is outstanding for sprinkling on low glycemic fresh fruit like blueberries, raspberries and strawberries, and I also use it to sweeten my drink of choice. Caffeine Free Green Tea that I infuse with cinnamon stick and whole cloves. What a refreshing cold beverage that keeps the caffeine out of your diet, provides you a great antioxidant and does not spike your blood sugar levels by using the no calorie sweetner in splenda.

So I hope you enjoy my GREAT 8!!!

These eating tips will help keep you on the right track, when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle.. All of these tips are the tools that I live by every day....

Stay tuned next month for more healthy eating tips @ Body Perfect Fit!!!

Robert Adams, Coach for Weight Loss, Certified Personal Trainer with NESTA, Fitness Enthusiast, and Executive Chef, will provide you one-on-one DAILY SUPPORT, as you pursue your life long dream of permanent weight loss and getting back to a healthy lifestyle. There is NO silver bullet, NO quick fix, NO magic pill, NO tricks, NO unrealistic claims, just a sound and proven method that will provide you a weight loss program that Works!!

Your weight loss coach will help you each and every step of the way providing you support, motivation, and will teach you the secrets that all slim people know, so that you can lose weight in a healthy way and allow you to maintain your weight and get back to your Body Perfect Fitness and Health for life. Body Perfect Fitness- Your Customized Online Fitness Training Resource- The most comprehensive Online Fitness and Health Resource, dedicated to helping improve everyones overall Body Perfect Fitness and Health

Is Quick Weight Loss Diets Effective?

Weight loss process is not a quick one. If anyone told you about quick weight loss diets just remember they can be termed as fad diets. At the end of this article, I will you where to find "diet and weight loss programs" which are safer and effective.

Before you go for any diet plan program or purchase any diet program make sure the program does not offer any of these.

A. No Exercise needed:

Diet plans that claims that "no exercise are required" are fake ones. Exercise plays major role in proper blood circulation and other human body activities. Also, both exercise and diet should go hand in hand.

B. Skipping meals

If the diet plans requires you to skip meals then run away from it. These diet plans are fad diets and is not a healthy one. It will lead to serious problems or complications. Skipping meals may lead to hypoglycemia.

3. Continuous dawdling

To start losing weight you should act now. Delaying will only make your problem worse. So avoid diet plans which suggest a certain time frame for your start.

Patience is a virtue. The same way it took your body time to gain all that weight, think about it as the time your body will have to exert just to get rid of it. Therefore the diet plan you choose will lead eventually to a more healthy life and a more fruitful living without extra pounds and extra fat

Also remember that benefit acquired from losing weight is huge.

And One More Thing Lose Weight Now

I will tell you how to lose weight even if you are over-weight and out of shape for years Lose Weight Now

Some Weight Loss Studies That Made The Headlines In 2007

Here are a few of the weight loss studies that made headlines for the year 2007. The results of this first study come as no surprise. The study showed that even low levels of exercise are beneficial. Participants walked briskly for thirty minutes a day three days a week. Their blood pressure decreased and their overall fitness improved. Waist and hip girth decreased significantly.

Another study showed if you are a cyclist you are at a greater risk of osteoporosis. It's recommended that you include some weight bearing exercises in your workouts.

Aren't some of these studies just plain old common sense? Exercise is beneficial to the brain announced another 2007 study. The data showed exercise improved the cognitive function of the brain.

Using a pedometer caused significant increases in physical activity and significant decreases in body mass index and blood pressure. My advice, run out and buy a pedometer and keep track of your steps and mileage.

Did you know the more entertaining a television program the more you eat. That's right a study showed the more involved the subjects were in the TV show the more they ate.

There have been many studies over the years on Conjugated Linoleic Acid CLA. The 2007 study showed that CLA helps a person lose fat.

This one is a bit of a surprise. Overweight people did not benefit as much from strength training as did leaner people. Researchers showed that both groups benefited from strength training. It's just that overweight people did not gain as much strength or lean muscle mass.

Not so surprisingly, eating soup or a salad before your meal helps to curb your appetite. The study showed that soup took the edge off hunger.

When you think about it, the findings of this study make a lot of sense. Emotional eaters have the hardest time losing and keeping weight off.

This one's scary. Being overweight increases the risk of kidney cancer.

Hang on to your seat because Americans are fatter than ever. Didn't we all know this already? How much of our taxpayer money was spent on this one?

This one isn't too hard to believe. All diets have about the same results. Researchers reported that a typical dieter lost about 12 pounds no matter what diet they choose. Providing of course they stuck with it.

A lot of people won't like the results of this study. The Atkins diet resulted in greater weight loss than other diets.

I've got to tell you about this one. Newly married young men and women gained 6 to 9 pounds more than their peers who were not married. And if the couple lived together without the benefit of marriage the weight gain was not nearly as much.

So there you have it. These are just a few of the weight loss studies that made the headlines in 2007. I'll be watching the 2008 studies. Maybe scientist will find the miracle weight loss pill we've all been waiting for.

Linda Tremer has studied nutrition, weight loss and fitness for over 30 years. She is the owner of the website The Center For Weight Loss. Her site is dedicated to helping you lose weight. Many weight loss programs and healthy diet plans are reviewed on her site.

Basal Metabolic Rate and How It Affects Weight Loss

Basal Metabolic Rate is not usually the first thing that comes to mind when you think about weight loss. We usually think about dieting and exercise programs. But, BMR is a large factor in how our bodies gain or lose weight.

Counting the calories consumed in foods or used in exercise needs to have some base line to measure against. Part of this measurement is based on the basal metabolic rate or BMR. The BMR is the base rate for the body's calorie consumption for the basic functions of the body like pumping blood, maintaining body temperature and repairing blood cells.

The food calories consumed and the exercise calories expended are both important to success in weight loss. The number of calories taken in less the number of calories used equals the calories that are left to be stored as fat in adipose tissues. That amount is approximately 70 calories per hour; a little more when we are awake and a little less when we are sleeping. Everyone has a slightly different BMR depending partially on their genetics and partially on their body types.

Other factors that affect the basal metabolic rate are your body temperature (for instance, if you have a fever) and some medications (such as antidepressants). A fever can cause weight loss and antidepressants can cause weight gain. Talk to your health care professional about how the medications you take can affect your body and whether you would need to take additional steps to prevent excessive weight gain.

Your body must have some fat in order to function. Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are used for electrical functions by the heart, brain and muscles. They are also used by the body for regulating hormones.

BMR can also be changed when you are injured. This is a temporary change while your body is using essential fatty acids and proteins to rebuild damaged tissues. Some weight can be lost when recovering from an injury, depending on its severity. Of course, you wouldn't want to go out and break a leg just to lose a few pounds :)

Foods that are high in fat and refined sugars can reduce the basal metabolic rate because they are low in fiber and bulk. This slows down the activity in the intestines and causes the body to absorb more calories from them. Proper nutrition and getting enough vitamins and minerals can help regulate the BMR.

BMR is generally determined by family genetics. To prevent the poor BMR levels that are handed down from the generations before you, it is important to eat a proper diet and exercise according to your age and body's fitness level.

Taking the basal metabolic rate into account when you are planning to lose weight will help you on the road to success.

Jude Wright is the owner of "9 Weeks to Weight Loss" at Stop by and get your free report, "Losing Weight Without Starving Yourself."

Fitness Habits and Losing Weight

These days just about everyone you meet is looking to lose a few pounds. In fact, obesity is the number one health problem facing the developed world today. Fitness habits and losing weight go hand in hand in resolving this issue.

Some may think that the answer is pretty straightforward. The basic theory is that in order to lose weight a person must take in fewer calories than are burned for the same 24 hour period. However, calorie reduction which happens too quickly will cause the body to think it is starving and thus it begins to store fat so that it can be used later by the body as a food supply.

That means that in order to be successful in reducing calories it will need to be done slowly while increasing the level of fitness. Physical activity is an important part of the formula to lose weight.

There are simple things that a person can do to increase their fitness level. Too often its assumed a gym membership is a requirement and although that might be nice, for some people not being able to afford a gym membership is not a valid excuse for not getting fit.

Walking is not only cheap it is the best activity for both burning calories and keeping your heart healthy which is also very important. When a person is extremely out of shape, first consult with your doctor and once the go ahead is given, start slow for example go for a walk around the block.

Increase the speed of the walk or the duration of the walk as fitness improves and then incorporate some hills. If jogging is preferred it can also be incorporated into the workout.

Another option is to purchase fitness equipment for the home. This equipment can include rowing machines, treadmills, stationary bikes, and ski machines.

A treadmill takes up space but overall it is a great choice but they arent cheap. Stay away from bells and whistles and finding an affordable treadmill will not be a problem.

Stationary bikes have been around for a long time and they are also a good choice. They take up very little room, are low impact, and a great place to start getting into shape.

Rowing machines will give a total body work out and they have minimal impact on the joints which is beneficial for anyone with joint problems. However it can take a little bit of practice getting used to.

Ski machines are also a good choice for a full body workout however they do take up a fair bit of space. If space is no problem, they are an excellent choice but do start slow as injuries can occur.

Now that exercise equipment options have been covered, food now needs to be addressed. Start by doing a calorie calculation to determine the current calorie intake then reduce this by 250 to 500 calories a day. Do not reduce calorie intake by more than 500 calories or the body will go into starvation mode. To lose weight a man should be taking in on average no more than 2000 calories and a woman on average no more than 1500 calories. Of course if the daily activity level is really high then calorie intake will need to increase as well.

Fitness habits and losing weight go hand in hand because you cannot have one without the other. Combining calorie reduction with increased physical activity is the start to successful weight loss.

Thyroid Weight Loss Treatment

Weight Loss Guides - Why You Shouldn't Believe Everything You Read

One of the reasons many people have trouble losing weight is because they are given incorrect information. It's all around us. In fact, let me show you an example. I was reading a magazine once which said something like the following:

"For me to become slimmer, I need to use light weights and lift 10-15 reps".

This is another of the common faulty myths associated with fat loss training. This theory robs well intended gym goers like a bandit in the night for a few reasons.

1-Volume is too high and intensity is too low. We can presume that we already are doing more aerobic activity in addition to restricting calories using light weight and higher reps is asking to lose important muscle. While dieting we need to give our body any reason possible to hold onto the good muscle mass that we have. We can not maintain or even stimulate new growth by using predominately light weight.

2- Adaptation. Progressive change is the basement that our training efforts are built on. Results are typically measured in either increased reps or weight used. How were you training before you decided to lose weight? Probably with 10-15 reps correct? Our goal has since changed so our training needs to as well. We can alter our efforts by using new exercises but the quickest road to the results in through both exercise and rep range changes.

3- Less muscle recruited. By staying within the same rep ranges we actually use less muscle. A change in muscle is dictated by the type of muscle fiber recruited. Using higher repetitions will cause us to preferably recruit our smaller and slower muscle fibers.

Results come quicker no matter your goal when you recruit both muscle fibers types. By alternating lifting session between higher and lower rep ranges we can achieve fat loss quicker than imagined.

Kelly Hutchings is a professional weight loss trainer. Visit his website right now at Burn The Fat Review to see the best weight loss course on the planet. Go there now --> Fat Loss For Idiots Review.

Wu-Yi Tea - Natural Weight Loss and Good Health!

For nearly five centuries, many Asian people have relied upon the numerous health benefits and medicinal qualities of wu-yi tea. Named for the mountainous region of China where it is harvested, Mt. Wuyi Shan, this type of tea is more familiarly known as oolong or wu long, and today, it is gaining more and more attention as a natural way to effectively lose weight.

The complex fermenting process of creating this type of tea gives it different, yet distinctive flavor, and like fine wine, wu-yi will also vary in aroma and fullness. Described as robust, and not much unlike coffee with its rich, roasted flavor, this type of tea has recently been touted by many as a natural, safe answer to weight loss.

The Natural Fat Burning Qualities of Wu-Yi Tea

A substance found in wu-yi known as polyphenol is also found in green and black teas, but in a lower concentration. Polyphenol stimulates a biological process called lipolysis, which simply means the break down of fat cells. The polyphenol causes this by activating certain enzymes that work to dissolve triglycerides (fats) in the body, which in turn, raises the resting metabolic rate actually making it easier to lose weight and control excess pounds.

According to case studies regarding the tea and its fat burning properties, participants were able to lose an average of 10 to 15 pounds of weight by drinking three to four cups of wu-yi per day. Of course, the actual amount of weight lost will also depend on the types of food you eat and how much, as well as your level of physical activity. However, results do continue to show the tea seems to speed up the weight loss process when drank on a regular basis.

In one particular study, three groups of 120 Japanese women were asked to drink either water, green tea, or wu-yi after their meals for six weeks. At the end of the study, the women who drank wu-yi reportedly increased their energy expenditure, or raised their metabolism, by as much as 10%, whereas the green tea group increased their expenditure by only 4%. The group who drank water experienced no increase at all.

Wu-yi tea is most effective for burning fat in its natural form, without any unnecessary ingredients or additives, as the natural components of the tea itself are all that's needed to reap the benefits.

Some Other Health Benefits

Besides naturally burning fat, speeding metabolism and aiding with weight loss, wu-yi tea also provides many other valuable health benefits that have been clinically researched and documented. In addition to protecting the body's cells from certain types of cancer, the tea has also been shown to reduce the risk of heart attack, as well as strengthen the bones, and protect the teeth from plaque and decay.

With several hundred years of use dating back through many ancient Chinese cultures, the positive health benefits are hard to dispute as more and more people discover the connection between weight loss, good health, and drinking wu-yi tea.

For information and a real life case study, you can view Wu-Yi Tea Results This blog documents real results from using wu-yi tea over a two month period. Check out the Wu-Yi Tea blog and see the amazing before and after photos!

Water Weight Loss... A Temporary Fix

You need to understand the concept of water weight loss, as opposed to fat weight loss if you want to lose some pounds. These concepts are two completely different things. Burning away fats or fat weight loss is the main goal of those who are on a diet or an exercise routine. On the other hand, water weight loss simply concerns the losing the water in our bodies.

Water is essential to our health which means that we all need a certain amount of it at all times. Its common knowledge that our body is made up of 70 percent water. Water is crucial for cellular function and hydration. Our bodies would shrivel up and die without water. Obviously, they safer way of losing weight is to focus on fat weight loss rather than water weight loss.

You can find a lot of pills on the market now days that encourage water weight loss. It is much quicker to pull water from our bodies than it is to burn away fat. You have to adopt a healthy and nutritious diet and combine it with a rigorous workout regime in order to drop real weight.

Unfortunately, some people are just too lazy to do it the hard way. The phrase "No pain, no gain" holds no value to these persons. These individuals usually turn to miracle diet pills to help them lose those extra pounds.

Miracle diet pills pull some of the water off of your body, hence creating the illusion that you've actually gotten thinner. However, all the excess body fat is still on your body. All you've really done is deplete your body of necessary water that your muscles, organs and brain require to function properly.

Remember that an extreme water weight loss is bad for you. It's time for you to step up to the plate. Quit whining about not wanting to work out. If the rest of us do it and so can you.

Dont be fooled by those lame diet pills off that are offered on those infomercials. Using them to lose weight is certainly not a prudent choice. You would be better off by getting active in a gym or fitness program. Get a personal trainer if you have to.

But whatever you do, don't resort to drastic water weight loss instead of burning away fat because you'll only be hurting yourself in the long run. Hop on the World-Wide-Web now and learn more regarding water weight loss and its effect on your body's health.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning Water Weight Loss. Visit our site for more helpful information about Water Weight Loss and other similar topics.

Benefits Of Weight Loss

In today's world health is a major issue or concern. More and more people are becoming health conscious and are looking for means to get a perfectly built body. This has led to the opening of many commercial institutions that aid in reducing weight and training purpose. Also there large supply of different miracle pills and gadgets in the market that claim to reduce weight and help you in developing 6 pack abs in less than three weeks. While these methods are unproven, weight loss is still very beneficial to the human body.

There are ample of benefits to burning up those extra calories. Here are some examples. Cardiovascular diseases and strokes are probably the topmost reason for death and disability among many men and women. It is essential that you have a balanced weight in order to prevent the onset of many hazardous diseases like cardiovascular disease and strokes. Otherwise it might become quite impossible to regulate blood pressure.

Reducing weight also helps you to prevent the onset of diabetes. However it is only the second type diabetes which can be controlled by staying fit with a healthy diet and maintaining optimum sugar levels. None the less prevention is better than cure.

The risk of cancer is worrying and distressing majority of people especially overweight people, since studies reveal that they are more prone to cancer than people having normal weight. It is therefore essential to maintain normal body weight and reduce the amount of cholesterol content in the body, to minimize the chances of cancer.

Losing weight helps you avoid conditions like sleep apnea, a state where a person temporarily stops breathing. He continues to snore after that. It causes you to be drowsy and sleepy all day long. This has some serious consequences like heart failure. The pain caused by osteoarthritis can be reduced greatly if your weight is optimum, otherwise the pain might cause you to have headaches. Decreasing your overall weight takes some pressure of your joints and knees which might get heavily strained if you are overweight. If your knees and joints are pressurized then you are more prone to weakness in the joints and arthritis.

The fastest remedies for many lower back problems are that you reduce your weight as soon as possible. Now that your back has to handle less weight it will take up much strain off your lower spine. The same happens when you strengthen the abdominal muscles. When you have good abdominals you will automatically have a straight posture taking strain off your back again.

Recent surveys prove that running and exercising on a regular basis lessen your stress levels and also can facilitate you to deal with difficulty a better way. Also a healthy diet filled with nutrition from all the food groups is very beneficial. This amplifies your work efficiency to assist you in earning even more money and confidence in general. It will help you to lead a healthy long life.

Gary Grewal is the founder of a site featuring many articles on weight loss diets, pills, eating right, exercises etc. Visit his site for many more tips on healthy weight loss.

Calorie Shifting Meal Plan

There is a new diet regimen that is gaining popularity across the world known as the calorie shifting meal plan. As the name implies, it is a diet based on the theory that shifting your calories from meal to meal, from day to day, will trigger the appropriate metabolic response that will induce fat burning and thus rapid weight loss.

Calorie shifting differs from other diet regimens in that you are not restricting the quantity or the types of food that you eat. You can eat as much as you want from all four food groups while you are on this diet. The only caveat is that you must group your calories together in accordance with the pattern that is most conducive to fat loss.

You can lose as many as 9 pounds in 11 days without ever feeling hungry or deprived. In fact, you must eat 4 meals every day, and you can eat as much as you want until you are satisfied, but not until you are too full. (Stuffing yourself is counterproductive to the weight loss process.)

The rules of this diet are very simple and straight-forward, as outline below:

  1. Eat only until you are satisfied but not until you are too full.

  2. Leave a minimum gap of 2.5 to 3 hours between meals.

  3. Eat only the foods prescribed to you according to the calorie shifting meal plan at each meal.

  4. You must eat exactly 4 meals per day, no more and no less.

  5. You have a choice to eat any of the 4 meals in any order throughout the day.

  6. You must take a 3-day break from the diet on days 12 through 14 of your diet, before you may resume the diet again. This is to give your body a chance to rest from the rapid weight loss that you will be experiencing.

Here are some sample meal plans that you would be following. The diet plan lasts for 11 days but only 3 days are included here, just to give you an idea of how the plan is structured and to give you a sense of how satisfying and sustainable this diet truly is. Keep in mind that each of these four meals may be eaten in any order throughout the day, as long as you only eat that the designated foods at each of their respective meals.

Day 1:

Meal #1: Scrambled Eggs Meal

Meal #2: Sandwich (any type)

Meal #3: Flavored Oatmeal

Meal #4: Tuna Salad

Day 2:

Meal #1: Cottage Cheese

Meal #2: Scrambled Eggs [and] Mixed Vegetables

Meal #3: Chicken

Meal #4: Banana Milk Shake

Day 3:

Meal #1: Chicken

Meal #2: Fish Filet

Meal #3: Cottage Cheese

Meal #4: Fruit Salad

How would you like to be 9 pounds lighter 11 days from now? The Calorie Shifting Diet will get you there! Learn how at:

The Why of Weight Loss

No matter if you are carrying a little extra around the middle or are pleasing plump, no one wants to be overweight.

If you are happy with your weight, you belong to the minority of people in the world, but should be applauded for your positive outlook on your life and your body. However, weight loss still may be needed. Many people who are overweight say that they are happy with their bodies, but the fact remains that weight loss in order to achieve a healthy weight is very important. There are a number of reasons you should consider weight loss, even if you don't mind having a few extra pounds. One important reason for the why of weight loss is that our entertainment media has programed us to believe that thin is in. If you are not thin you are not in. It can be a matter of self esteem. Overweight peoople also tend to have more health problems. Problems like heart condition, diabetes, and other ailments.Along with heart disease, having high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels can also put you at risk for a stroke. Strokes occur when blood, and therefore oxygen, cannot reach the brain. This can happen due to high cholesterol. When you have high cholesterol, the fatty deposits build up on your artery walls. If a piece of this plaque breaks off and travels to the heart, it causes a heart attack, and traveling to the brain causes a stroke.

Another why for weight loss is that most overweight people do not get enough exercise. Being overweight makes it difficult and tiring to exercise and is often avoided for that reason. A good exercise program will make up for a lot of dietary health abuses . This is a difficult place to give advice. We all no how important regular exercise is for our health and good looks. Nevertheless, there are ways to increase the amount of exercise we get without an extra trip to the gym. Studies have shown that people whop walk faster tend to maintain their weight better than people who walk more slowly. Pick up the pace when you are roaming around the mall.

Being overweight is also bad for women who wish to become pregnant. When you're overweight, the hormones in your body are changing, and if you don't get the right nutrients you may find that your body does not produce the right chemicals for the hormones needed to ovulate or carry a child. Even if you become pregnant, being overweight puts you at risk for a miscarriage or health problems with the baby.

You may find it difficult to purchase clothing in your size or you may find that the clothing that does come in larger sizes is more expensive. This is simply due to the manufacturer need more material to make the same article of clothing. Problems extend beyond shopping when doing things like visiting theme parks, where you may not be able to ride all of the rides, or using public transportation, where you may feel crowded in seats made for smaller people. Losing weight, even if you are currently happy with your own weight, is always a healthy and smart option, until you reach a normal weight. Beyond the health world, being overweight can also affect your daily life.

Article by Maurice Petersen. For more interesting articles on weight loss check out my Weight Loss Tips Site blog

How To Flush Out Your Colon And Lose Weight Fast

There are many ways that you can go about creating quick weight loss and colon flushing. There are herbal supplements and laxatives, but both of these can cause embarrassing odors and numerous trips to the bathroom.

There is also colon hydrotherapy or colonic irrigation, which is administered by a specialist. This works almost like an enema and is repeated multiple times. This can prove to be costly if one has chronic constipation.

The best method I have found is to use an oxygen based intestinal cleanser that is all natural and safe. It is the lowest cost doctor recommended effective method for how to flush out your colon that I have found. If you want to flush your colon completely you will want to do at least a 7 day cleansing cycle - although you can get some pretty good results in as little as 3 days.

During a colon flush it really helps to eat fresh fruits and vegetables and avoid heavy proteins that are hard to digest. If you follow the directions with this colon cleanse and consume the right amount of water (at least half of your body's weight in ounces of water daily) the colon flush will not only leave you with a toxin free colon it will also give you what could be a dramatic weight loss. Many users report up to a 20 pound weight loss. Though keep in mind that the weight loss is not loss of fat, it is loss of toxic waste from your intestines and colon.

Are you ready for more energy, better health and some quick weight loss?

Read about my favorite all natural home remedy colon cleanser to lose weight fast and get healthy.

This page will explain what colon cleanser does for you.

Colon Cleanser Weight Loss Testimonials from people just like you

Russian Kettlebells For Rapid Weight Loss

"Enough is enough!" you say while scrutinizing image in the mirror one smiling Sunday morning.

Make a decision to improve health, wellness, as well as appearance and you are half way done. Next question that you may want to ask yourself is what fitness tool do I use that will help me to get to the outcomes that I desire quickly and safely?

There are many fitness toys and tools that claim that they are the one. How to decide? Which path should you take?

I will share with you a fitness tool that was known for centuries and now it is conquering United States with it's simplicity and effectiveness. Russian Kettlebells!

Today, Russian Kettlebell is the fitness tool of choice for many. And for a good reason.

Used by ancient Greeks for strength development, Kettlebells were then adopted by Turkish and Slavik people. Russians truly embraced the Kettlebell because of it's versatility and ability to produce explosive results.

Kettlebells are so effective in producing muscle tone, strength, and fat loss because classical kettlebell exercise use ALL muscles. Every single muscle is engaged and doing it's part - now that's efficient calorie burning!

Enjoy kettlebell training 3 times a week. Each workout should be 60 to 70 minutes.

Do a warm-up for 10 minutes.

Cool-down at the end of the workout for 10 more minutes.

Actual Kettlebell Workout should last 40 to 50 minutes.

Warm-up is a must
Use intervals(30 sec on, 30 sec off)
Train outside
If in trouble - DROP the Kettlebell!
Listen to your body (if something feels wrong, it probably is)
Stop well before muscle failure
Sample Kettlebell workout for weight loss (use the same pair of kettlebells through out the workout)

How to read exercise format: First you see the exercise: Sw for Swing, Sn for Snatch, Cl for cleans, Cl&P for Cleans and Power Presses. Next comes the weight of the kettlebell 8kg, 16kg, 24kg or 32kg. Then you will see a number or reps, usually as a percent of your maximum. Next is rest in seconds. Last number is the number of sets that you need to do.

Example: Sw16: 50%(+1) / 90 sec /5

means that you need to do Swings with 16kg kettlebell. Do 50% of your maximum. Add (+1) repetition to each next set. Rest 90 seconds between sets. Do a total of 5 sets.

The workout:

Warm up, 10 minutes: light jog / walk, light obstacle course

Cn&P: 30%(+1) / 45sec / 5
Cn&P: 40%(+1) / 45-60 sec / 4
Cn&P 50%(+1) / 60 sec / 3
Cn&P 80%(-2) / 60 sec / 4
Cn&P 30%(+2) / 60 sec / 4
Cn&P 50%(+2) / 60 sec / 3
Cool down, 10 minutes: light jog / walk, light obstacle course

enjoy the results! Remember to be consistent in your training and to think happy thought!

Denis Kanygin, CPT, Postural Therapist, owner of Workout IQ specializes in weight loss, postural therapy and fitness.

Are You Using a Shortcut to Weight Loss?

If you are one of the millions of people today who need to lose weight, you might have asked yourself some of these questions:

  • What is the quickest way to lose these pounds?
  • Can I lose the weight without having to workout every day?
  • Do I have enough time to exercise?
  • Will the weight come back after awhile?
  • Will I ever be able to look like I used to?

Don't depend on media advertising to answer your questions.

If exercise is considered an option for weight loss we usually want to get it done as quickly as possible. This is boring stuff to most overweight people. Regular exercise! That's why we put on the weight in the first place. We have always found it easier to neglect exercise. It is a chore!

Well, so is weight loss. But...

The ads on TV say we can... fast!

All the ads on TV, radio, and in newsprint usually say we can lose weight fast by whatever program they are advocating. Weight loss program merchants will never say their service/product takes time to produce results. It wouldn't sell.

Each one is an illusive shortcut to weight loss.

The sad thing is that these ads always work to get us to buy in, but many of us find ourselves having to keep trying on the message of one ad to the next, and they all don't fit.

It took time to gain weight

It will take some time to undo the damage, but it can be done with permanently rewarding results.

Most of us trying to lose weight never even noticed we were getting fat until one day when we discovered that we couldn't fit into our clothes. At first it was barely noticeable. Then the mirror started telling us what we always find hard to believe - "you are getting fat."

Many of us can't even recall when that actually happened. It happened slowly. It happened largely due to the way we live our lives. Much of our weight problem today is because of our lifestyle. Our fast-pace inactivity.

What if some fad diet causes us to lose 10 pounds in as many days? Fine. Now here are some questions to consider.

  1. Are you going to continue with that diet for the rest of your life in order to keep the weight off?
  2. How does that weight loss method affect my health? Are there any side effects?
  3. Would I have eliminated the cause of my weight problem, or am I just on a fat-slim cycle?
  4. Have I done anything to the habits that led to the condition in the first place?

Sadly, most of us tend to attribute our weight and size to our genetic inheritance instead of our behavior. We can control the latter but we cannot do anything about our genetic makeup. So forget what ever "fat trait" our parents gave us. We are in charge of our habits.

With that attitude, we can avoid taking the futile shortcuts to weight loss and permanently re-program our lifestyle to a healthy way of being. This is not short, it takes time. But it sure does give good results for a long time.

Bentley Thompson writes about lifestyle-related conditions such as diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, and cardiovascular diseases. He advocates the anti-diabetes diet which he describes on his website. You may visit his website and blog using the following URLs: