Monday, May 5, 2008

Best Foods For Quick Weight Loss

Yes water helps you to lose weight.Our bodies contain 70 percent water, so we must consume a diet that is 70% water just to replenish the water which is excreted and maintain the 70-30 balance. You have to drink 8 glasses of water a day. For weight loss, you should drink an additional amount of water. The more your weight, the more water you should consume to lose weight.

Will consuming lots of water help me to lose weight or should I have high water content food also?

Water i.e. pure water has many benefits. It decreases fluid retention, thereby increasing your thirst for more water, it enhances metabolism(the faster your metabolism, the slower you gain weight), declines appetite thereby reducing your need for eating every half an hour. All this does help to lose weight.

But drinking water does not have the enzymes and other life preserving elements which high-water-content food have which also help to lose weight. Every raw vegetable and fruit contains atoms and these atoms contain enzyme-the life principle in the atoms and molecules of every living cell. These enzymes are required for nourishing and replenishing the atoms of our body. Water carries the enzymes of the food into the intestines where these (enzymes) are absorbed.If you have more of water-rich foods in your weight loss diet that means you are eating food that have all the requirements of the body. The water also cleans your body of wastes and detoxifies it, thereby leading to weight loss.

Also if you have lots of water-rich foods then you would not have to forcibly drink those 8 (more if you are overweight)glasses of bland water everyday to keep your weight in check.

Sometimes the 70-30 balance may become 50-50 or 40-60 during weekends and parties. Don't worry. Just increase the quantity of high water content food the next day. Let the balance be 85% water-rich food and 15% of other food.

Just follow the simple, tasty and effective food balance given above and see yourself getting into shape quickly and staying that way forever. Weight loss and its worries will be thing of the past for you. No wonder dieticians all over the world recommend high-water-content foods as the best foods for quick weight loss.

To know the particular fruits and vegetables which you should have for quick weight loss see my blog.

Choosing a Weight Loss Diet

Everywhere we turn, we hear that America is the most overweight nation on earth. One look in the mirror tells the majority of us that we could lose a few pounds. Most of us have tried a diet plan - or a dozen of them - only to find that we end up regaining the weight we loss - plus a few pounds. Many times, the problem is that we've chosen the wrong weight loss diet. A successful weight loss diet is one that matches that dieter's preferences and lifestyle, and one that's sustainable over the long term.

When choosing a weight loss diet, it's not only important to choose one that fits your lifestyle. It's also crucial to choose a diet plan that allows you to lose weight while encouraging you to eat a healthy diet that makes you feel good. The fact is that adiet that doesn't leave you feeling great is one that's difficult to sustain. The best diets are those that feel like an easy diet or a fast diet - those where you see quick results without a lot of suffering and deprivation.

The Atkins diet - the grandfather of all low-carb diets - enjoyed a resurgence during the recent low-carb craze. The Atkins diet is base on initially cutting out virtually all carbohydrates, then adding a few grams of carbs until you reach your goal weight. Once you reach your goal, you can increase your carbohydrate intake until you reach the point where you can sustain your goal weight. The drawback with the Atkins diet is that a low-carb diet is hard to sustain, and there are some questions about the long-term health effects of such a diet.

The South Beach diet gained extreme popularity around the same time as the low-carb revolution. The South Beach diet isn't a low-carb diet per se; rather it follow the glycemic index and is based on eating foods that are low on the GI scale.

The Zone diet, which continues to be popular, is based upon controlling the balance of hormones in your body. It does so by balancing proportions of different food groups, and eating certain food groups together. The Zone's philosophy is that the key to successful weight loss is balancing insulin, which can be achieved by reducing carbohydrate intake and emphasizing low-fat proteins and monsaturated fats.

The Isagenix diet involves a total body cleanse. In the pre-cleanse phase, Isagenex shakes and soups are used to replace two meals a day. During two cleanse days, a special drink is ingested four times each day, and Isagenix snacks are eaten up to six times each day. For the rest of the week, two servings of shake or soup replace two of your three meals. This is followed by two additional cleanse days. Those on the Isagenix weight loss diet typically find it to be a fast diet that produces significant weight loss.

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web. Visit this Health and Beauty Website and Majon's Health and Beauty directory.

How to Lose Weight Fast

Here are 8 steps on how to lose weight fast

Step 1: Whether it be to live longer or be more physically active - you must decide what you want and why you want it. Once you know what you want, you should have no problems in completing your goal. Your determination and how hard you work at it to lose weight will set your future.

Step 2: Think of losing body fat - Lowering the body fat is the answer to a healthier you.

Step 3: Get a buddy or two to get onto a fat loss journey with you. Having a buddy system will keep you motivated, and keep you accountable for your actions and to your team. This is a key to staying focused.

Step 4: Get your eating habits in order - Diet is king when trying to lower your body fat. If you don;t get this right, no matter how great a workout is, you will lose the body fat.

So plan your weekly meals ahead of time and start shopping for the week. Plan to include plenty of fiber, healthy carbs, healthy fat and protein in your meals.

These are essential ingredients to a healthier body.

Step 5: Cut out junk food and sugary drinks like donuts, white bread, soda drinks, energy drinks and other processed foods. These are the bad kinds of food you should stay away from now.

Instead get into the daily habit of drinking 8-10 glasses, eat 3 servings of fruits and 5 servings of veggies.

And think about your 'good feel' snacks - emotional snacking can wreck a diet, so plan to replace them with healthier snacks like handful of unsalted nuts.

self off the chair and into the gym, no one else will work out for you. Get a gym that is close to your home of that suits you good.

Step 6: Get out of your chair and start exercising. Even if you are busy, make time for it. Life is too short if you don't make the effort to look after yourself. Take an hour of your time and workout.

Step 7: For fat blasting workouts - forget the steady state cardios, and start interval training and using full body muscle workouts to stimulate more of your fat burning metabolism. Not only are there more effective, it requires very little of your time.

Step 8: Don't give up, if you play by the rules, and work hard, your results will come. If you fail to lose weight at any time - don't fret over it, just learn from it and get on with your future. Future is brighter with your effort.

Now take these simple steps, apply it and lose it now.

This is how to lose weight fast, and shape up for life.

Want More Information on The Best Exercises For Quick Weight Loss? Visit For More Fat Blasting Tips on How to Lose Body Fat and Build Muscle At The Same Time.

5 Super Weight Loss Tips For Beginners

There are many theories in the world on how you can lose weight easily. 90% of people who haven't got any problems with genes, maintain fit body if they exercise regularly. Same amount of people don't exercise regularly and the quickly gain weight they wanted to lose and they gain even more weight. In both cases if you are a person who wants to lose weight quicker and easier I recommend to read these five, free weight loss tips.

Weight loss tip number one: Choose your food carefully. A lot of people go to gym, work very hard but they don't care about their diet. They eat same amount of food whey they weren't aware that they are overweight and that is why they don't achieve the results they want. Did you know, that if you want to lose one kilogram in a week, you have to reduce your weekly calorie intake by 9000 calories! Even tho, scientists and doctors recommend that a person shouldn't lose more than one kilogram per week, half of a kilogram a week is a great achievement!

You should note that you should not eat less, but you should eat healthy food.

Weight loss tip number two: Do aerobic exercises. When you will do aerobic exercises, you will achieve your results quicker. Aerobic training is the simplest way to get rid of unwanted calories. If you want to lose weight for ever, you should combine weight loss tip number one and two and do them all the time!

Weight loss tips number three: Be patient. You won't have a six pack in two days time. Everything requires time. Trees don't reach their full height in a day. Yes, I am not saying that there aren't ways how you could speed up your weight loss, but anyway like I sad before, everything requires some time.

Weight loss tip number four: Don't forget about anaerobic exercises. If you add some weight training exercises into your weight loss program. Bodybuilding and weight loss are part of the same thing - improving your body and they are related to each other very strongly. Naturally if you do some bodybuilding, you will lose weight and this process will make your program more effective!

Weight loss tip number five: Exercise in the morning. There is one fact you should know. After training your metabolism increases and it stays the same for the next twelve hours after exercise! If you will to exercises in the morning, you will burn more calories during the day. The main mistake all people do is that they exercise the evening then their metabolism is increased without no reason. During the next twelve hours people will sleep.

You should remember that you are responsible for everything. To achieve the most you have to do everything regularly and by doing so, soon you will see how your body shape is improving!

Was this article useful? Are you looking for more information on how you can improve your weight loss plan, especially if you just started to lose weight? Go to my web site and find out how I've lost 10 pounds in 7 seven days and how I can help YOU do the same. Sign up for free e-course at

Calorie Based Diet Plans Work Wonders

Do You Have A Calories Based Diet Plan?

If your not already aware there is a problem "silent disease" this is also referred to as obesity. This is why calorie based diet plans are beneficial to lose weight the healthy way. The 1,200 calories based diet plan have been proved to be one of the most successful calorie based diet plans on the market today.

It is very important that this 1,200 calories diet plan is only used for a short period of time. These calorie based diet plans seems to lose their effectiveness if targeted for a long period of time. Your body adapts to the change in food intake and the amount of calories it receives daily. A calorie based diet plans are what you need to lose weight. I have found that this 1,200 calorie diet is better used to jump start your metabolism and helps you start lose a couple extra pound from the start. It is very important that you adapt one of these calorie based diet plans when starting your diet.

It is important to understand the importance of a restrictive diet to lose the weight fast. The most essential benefits are gained in the initial phase of the drastic calorie reduction. Your body will begin to use the excess fat that is stored by your body and burn it.

These calorie based diet plans slows down your metabolism, so it is important to add a couple extra calories a week and than work on burning them off to make up for the shift in metabolism. This is a natural body mechanism because it thinks that it's helping you to survive everyday.

Please remember that calorie based diet plans are a highly effective way to lose extra pounds of fat. If you use these dieting plans correctly you will have solid foundation to a weight loss plan.

Calorie Based Diet Plans Are Very Beneficial And Learn to Count Calories

Weight Loss: What's More Important Diet Or Exercise?

There are only two things you can do to lose weight
1) Consume less calories
2) Burn more calories

Thats it! That will always be it, there is nothing that will ever change this hard and fast rule. How you go about getting one or both of these things done is where the trick is, and apparently it must be one helluva trick because almost half of the North American population cant figure it out. This is also why the fitness, functional foods, and supplement industries continue to grow with no end in sight promising all the latest weight loss fixes.

So the question becomes, which one is more important, diet or exercise? This isnt that simple of a question.

Ive heard experts say that if you eat right exercise doesnt matter, and Ive heard other so called experts say if you exercise enough diet doesnt matter.

I think the real answer is in the middle somewhere.

For example: you can lose all kinds of weight by just restricting calories and never working out at all...this isnt exactly what I would consider the healthiest way to lose weight, and research shows that most people cannot sustain this for very long and go back to eating the way they did before.

On the other hand it is difficult to workout enough to be able to completely ignore nutrition/diet when you are trying to lose weight. If for example you dont work and can spend 3-4 hours exercising each day, then you would be able to lose weight and have a pretty care free diet. Again, this may not be the healthiest way either and certainly isnt practical as most people cannot workout for 3-4 hours every day.

So considering these points I would say both diet and exercising are essential to creating and maintaining your best possible shape! Learning how to do both effectively gives you some wiggle room when you slack off on one or the other.

For example: Lets say you have a solid workout routine going, and youve been hitting the gym 3-4 times per week consistently for a period of months. You can probably get away with a couple of days of eating all kinds of naughty stuff. Because of your consistent workouts the negative effects of your eating adventures will be minimized.

Similarly, consistent moderate food intake allows you to miss a few days in the gym here and there without putting on all kinds of weight.

Both diet and exercise play a role in weight loss, the degree to which varies from person to person. People who workout more often will have a greater benefit than people who workout less often or not at all. People who eat moderately with less high calorie days, will see greater weight loss than people who have more high calorie days. In the end it all comes back to consuming less calories than you burn off.

John Barban is a certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, a varsity strength and conditioning coach as well as a successful entrepreneur. John has trained with world class level powerlifting teams and athletes at the professional level. Most recently he has specialized in training female varsity athletes, specifically women's ice hockey players. John has his masters in nutritional science and human physiology from the University of Guelph, and further graduate work at the University of Florida where he taught principles of strength training and conditioning in the department of health and human performance. John also has extensive experience developing and formulating nutritional sports supplements. John write for and

Smartlipo - Fast and Safe Office Based Liposuction Under Local Anesthesia

Smartlipo a machine that can accomplish Fast and Safe Liposuction Under Local Anesthesia. This technology uses laser energy to liquefy fat or destroy fat cells so that they can be suctioned (liposuction). It also tightens surrounding skin tissue. Unlike traditional liposuction which requires general anesthesia and more down time, this procedure is done in the doctor's office or medical spa. This procedure is not for the obese needing large amounts of fat removed and are in frail health.

Here are some of the benefits:

1. Less recovery time than traditional liposuction: Most persons can return to work within 24 - 48 hours.

2. Local vs general anesthesia. General anesthesia obviously comes with greater risks.

3. Done in the doctor's office or medical spa. This affords greater convenience.

4. Body contouring or sculpting for a more youthful appearance.

5. Versatile: procedure can be used on the belly, face, neck, upper arms, knees, back, enlarged male breasts, and thighs.

6. Promotes Skin tightening and improved tone for a more youthful appearance.

7. Less tissue trauma vs traditional liposuction. So, there is less bleeding, swelling, pain and bruising.

8. Less risk than traditional procedure in the hands of a capable user.

9. Approved by the FDA.

10. Ideal candidate is one who has localized fat deposits on body as well as face.

Before undergoing any medical procedure, make sure you discuss all your medical conditions and medication history. These can impact if you are a candidate or how well you tolerate any medical procedure. Again, this procedure is for healthy patients who have localized facial or body fat and not obese patients requiring large amounts of fat removal.

Natural Weight Loss Supplement:

Orville Campbell, MD is an internist and nephrologist. He is board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine. His expertise include: health and wellness, hypertension, diabetes, vitamin D, and kidney diseases. Dr. Campbell is an entrepreneur. He has owned several businesses and medical practices since finishing Emory University in 1995. He gives back to the community through his church's health and youth ministries and his children and youth mentoring organization called Teaching Kids to Dream, Inc.

Fat Loss - Food Nutrition For Rapid Maximum Fat Loss Program 4 Idiots

Fat loss has become an issue with a lot of people. They all want to loss fat and become the person with their desirable weight. What they are looking for is a nutrition or food program which they can eat to do the magic of loosing all the fat rapidly with maximum weight loss, whereby even an idiot will be able to use it effectively.

The truth is such a nutrition programs are available and can be used by every one who desire to lose fat. The nutrition when used in most cases will give you maximum weight rapidly. Most of these program even an idiot can use it to reduce fat. You do not need a degree in food nutrition to use it. Any person can use it.

You are overweight for the simple reason because you are eating the wrong food, the wrong type of calories per meal, and you are also eating meals in the wrong pattern of the day.

Food is more powerful than any prescription fat loss pill because we are what we are because of the food we eat. The food we eat can either make us thin or fat. The overweight has come as a result of the food you have eating. And guess what? You can lose the fat and get slim by eating the right foods at the right intervals each day.

The pattern that you use to eat your meals is more powerful than any prescription fat loss pill. Because your body is like an engine and it only needs certain foods at certain intervals each day and if you do not eat the right food at the right times then it won't burn those calories as fat tissues.

You need to eat more than three times a day to lose fat, but we will show you the way latter on. There are many systems which are so different from each other and I believe each one has its merits and may be different from anything else you have ever. The key is find the nutrition program that you will notice a change in your body in a few days when implemented. Food is not the enemy.

Reginald Ross has put this article together to help us in our quest to loss fat. If you are interest and want to know more then visit: for more valuable information on fat loss.