Tuesday, May 13, 2008

How To Achieve Fast Weight Loss Easily?

There are so many programs and diets that claim to help you achieve fast weight loss. With so many different techniques that you can choose from, it is easy to become confused about which one to choose. However, you must understand all the potential side effects of any diet program before you start using them.

1. The Side Effects Of Certain Products And Diets

Most weight loss pills sold by companies will have side effects, and it is important that you get your doctor's approval before you consume any pills.

2. Why Should You Get Rid Of Fats?

Obesity not only causes social problems, it also causes many health problems. Many obese people suffer from unbalanced body's structure which causes problems like joint pains and knee pains. By reducing your body's total weight, you can reduce the amount your effort your muscles take to carry yourself.

3. Diet Control Is The Most Important Factor

Start off by including less fatty and high calorie foods in your diet. Never try to starve yourself since you will only slow down your body's metabolism, which does nothing to help you lose weight faster. Eat fewer carbohydrates, since carbohydrates are directly converted into calories when they are left unused.

4. Use Calorie Shifting For Fast Healthy Weight Loss

If you want to further increase the rate of your weight loss efforts, you should try a pattern of eating that I have used to great effect, called calorie shifting. It involves eating radically different types of calories every day in 4 small meals per day, consumed at specific times.

By eating in this pattern, you can trigger your brain to produce more fat burning hormones! Learn more about calorie shifting by following the website link at the end of this article.

5. Get Into The Habit Of Exercising

Besides keeping an eye on your diet, you should start exercising more to keep your body operating in a high metabolic rate. It also produces a faster response of fat burning and weight loss.

Do you want to learn the real truth about calorie shifting and fat loss? See the author's review of the Breakthrough Calorie Shifting Diet Plan discovered at http://www.review-best.com/best-weight-loss-site/fat-loss-4-idiots.htm that has helped her lose 55 pounds in total!

7 Tips for Weight Loss - Easy Ways to Take the Weight Off

Here are 7 tips for weight loss that will help you lose the weight fast. Incorporating these easy ideas into your schedule can really result in significant weight loss over a short period of time.

1. Say goodbye to fast food - Fast food is laden with fat, from the burgers to the soft drink, its all fat. This is a really good start to taking off those extra pounds.

2. Take the "before" photos - Keep them in a place where you can see them every day. This can be a great motivator.

3. Read Your Food Labels Before You Buy - It's very important to keep an eye on the food labels. Opt for the least fattening item in the selection. Small changes in what you are buying can add up to a lot of weight loss over a few weeks.

4. Drink Water - Drink as much as you can stand. 8 Glasses a day is optimum. Adding lemon to the water is a double edged sword - the lemon will act as an astringent and clean out your system, but it can stimulate your appetite too.

5. Don't Think of it as a Diet - Tell yourself you are making a lifestyle change. The word diet insinuates "temporary". Really, you are re-learning how to eat more wisely.

6. Get a Visual in your Mind on How Great You are Going to Look Thinner - For most people losing weight changes how they feel about themselves and as a result of their new self esteem, how the world responds to them too.

7. When You Slip Don't Wallow in Guilt - Everyone slips now and then. Berating yourself won't help. Forget it and get on with your life.

These aren't all the tips out there, but they are a good start. Different methods work for different people. Don't compare yourself to others and go at your own pace.

The new, most effective diet out there:


How to Lose Belly Fat Fast - Warning

This is not how to lose belly fat fast - starving yourself and not exercising. Getting your nutrition right, eating more in controlled portions and working out regularly are the best combinations for effective weight loss. There's no point to stop eating - it's just plain stupid - and you will fall to the temptations of cravings.

Outcome - you will end up eating more than you should. But you can get a lot of info on sensible eating just by 'Googling' for it. However, there are 4 points that are often overlooked - but are critical to your fat loss efforts.

Below are 4 must know tips on how to lose belly fat fast

1. The Plateau : You will find losing weight easy at first, but there will come a time when you may plateau. If you do -- you must stop the negative self talk that says 'I can't do this' or 'It's just too hard'.

Best yet, forget the scales for the week, and try different positive goals like eating 1 more piece of fruit for the next 7 days, go to the gym tomorrow or cut out sugary drinks for the week. Every little bit counts.

Setting smaller, achievable goals every day to give yourself a sense of achievement and momentum.

And always stay positive - remember you objective is not to look a fitness model - just a fitter and healthier you. One who is more active and doing more with your life.

Fact is - always expect the lows and highs during your fat loss journey - nothing is perfect.

2. Focus on Today, Not Tomorrow : Review your eating habits - just stop and think about what you are putting in your mouth.

Ask yourself, 'Is it worth it?' If it is food that will add more stomach fat, swap it for a good habit, like cutting down on alcohol for water, or choosing low fat ice cream.

With practice, it soon becomes your habit.

3. Spoil Yourself : No food. Nothing beats rewarding yourself with an incentive in exchange for a weekly or monthly goal.

Set yourself a challenge to visit the gym 3 times a week or just drinking water only for the week (no caffeine, no soda and any liquid calories).

And when you do meet that challenge, why not add $5 into a 'spoil myself' bank account towards something special like a facial or a weekend getaway.

This is a great way to keep you focused on your fat loss journey.

4. Check labels carefully - Most canned or packaged foods include small amounts of wheat, egg, yeast or dairy produce, so make sure you read the fine print on the labels. But the best way to keep away from unwanted additives is to prepare the food yourself - at least you know what you are putting into your meals. Homemade is always a better option.

So you may be still asking 'How to Lose belly fat fast'?

At the end of the day if you lose weight sensibly with the aim to lose it over time, you will lose the belly for good.

Remember - you didn't gain the belly fat in days, so you can't expect to lose it in days. Just not natural and it isn't worth it.

Discover How to Lose Body Fat And Build Muscle At The Same Time - Turbulence Training - Using No Long Boring Cardio, But Just Using The Best Exercises For Quick Weight Loss at http://burnfatloseweight.info

TT Bodyweight 500 Workout Vs The Spartan 300 Movie Workout - What's the Difference?

If you ever saw the movie 300 (if you didn't than I recommend that you do because it has fabulous special effects), you must have been awed by the kind of muscular bodies the actors who played the spartan warriors had. I mean rock hard abs, massive shoulders and pecs, everything toned and tight. Many people thought that this was just another special effect, but it wasn't. The bodies of the spartan warriors were the result of a special workout which all these actors did in preparation for the movie called the spartan 300.

What the spartan 300 movie exercise session basically consists of are 300 repetitions of various strength exercises which have to be performed continuously without any pause. This is a massively intensive workout which leaves anyone who does it gasping and sweating like crazy.

The only problem with the spartan 300 workout is that it involves equipment like Kettleballs which most gyms don't carry. This puts the 300 workout out of the reach of most gym goers, not to mention people who train at home.

To deal with this problem, a trainer called Craig Ballantyne invented a new exercise session called the TT Bodyweight 500 workout. In this exercise session you need to do 500 reps of various strength exercises which work against your bodyweight alone. This means that you can do this workout at the gym and at home. One thing you need to know is that this exercise session, despite being very short in duration is also very intensive. It will get your heart pumping, your skin sweating, and your muscle straining. For busy people who wish to lose a lot of fat fast and to develop lean muscle tissue, the TT bodyweight 500 workout is an excellent and time efficient workout.

The TT bodyweight 500 workout is part of Craig Ballantyne's complete fitness and diet program.

Click here to learn more about it: http://TTBodyweight500Workout.com

To read how you can start to lose weight fast, visit this webpage:
Bodyweight 500 workout review.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: How To Lose Weight Fast And Never Gain It Back

Do Calorie Shifting Diets Result In Weight Loss?

The calorie shifting method of dieting is currently enjoying a massive increase in users. A staggeringly high amount of great feedback given by those that have used the method seems to be behind this. No diet works for everyone, but does this one have a better chance than any other or is it just another fad.

The way the diet differs from most diets that exist is that it focuses on shifting calories rather that drastically lowering your calorie intake. This basically means that the type of foods you eat changes on a daily basis.

The reason it works is because by shifting the foods you eat your body fails to recognize that you are on a diet. This keeps your metabolism working at a good rate. Other diets fail for the good reason that they fail to stop your body from sensing you are on a diet, which in turn slows down your metabolism and starts to store your fat instead of burning it.

The calorie shifting diet also has benefits apart from its shifting calories technique. The fact that you eat 4 meals a day definitely helps to prevent snacking and breaking your diet. You also never feel uncontrollable cravings for anything as you know that after every 11 days you get 3 full days to eat what you please.

Anyone that is looking for a weight loss program they may not have previously considered then I would highly recommend giving a calorie shifting diet a try. Results don't lie and you can find great feed back on any weight loss forum so why not give it a try the next time you are considering a weight loss program.

If you have tried other diets and failed then why not try a Calorie Shifting Diet. To find out more about shifting calories and the diets using the method click here.

No-Equipment, On-The-Road Workouts

"How to work out at home or while on the road" is a popular question. For some people, extended vacations (i.e. the backpacking student) or business trips can interrupt training, workouts, and fat loss, and may even set you back from the progress you have made in your weight loss program. Whether it's cardio or weight training withdrawal, there are ways you can still get a workout on the road.

There are many ways to exercise without equipment. There are several ways around these problems, so here are some ideas, now it is up to you to choose the method that best suits your goals and facilities.

Upper-Body Bodyweight Training: At home or on the road without equipment.

Bodyweight training is, simply put, not the most effective way to train for gains in strength, muscle mass, or decreases in body fat. However, if your goal is to improve muscle endurance (i.e. for a police recruitment fitness test), then using your bodyweight is a great way to train at home.

For your upper body, push-ups, pull-ups, and crunches are the obvious exercises that come to mind. Simple modifications of these exercises will add mental variety, a new training stimulus, and greater effectiveness to your home workout. While it is unlikely that you would want to work out at home forever, you may be able to get a lot of mileage out of bodyweight exercises that are listed below.

In addition, there are many websites that have more bodyweight exercises.


The push-up mimics the bench press and trains the chest, shoulders, triceps, serratus anterior, and even the latissimus dorsi ("lats"). If it has been a long time since you did 100-200 push-ups in a workout, your upper body should be sore tomorrow, even if you can bench press twice your bodyweight.

The Traditional

Place your hands on the ground shoulder-width apart (or slightly wider). Keep your feet together and maintain a neutral spinal alignment (with your head, neck, and back straight). Slowly lower yourself to the floor by bending the elbows. Allow your chest to touch the floor and then push up to return to starting position.

Variations: The closer you keep your hands together, the more you will train your triceps. As you spread your hands out, the movement will stress the chest muscles more, but may also result in a greater stress and pain at the wrist joint (if you spread your hands extremely wide).

Jackknife push-up

This push-up places a greater emphasis on the shoulder muscles (deltoids). Place your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and keep your feet flat on the floor. Elevate your hips so that the body forms a V-shape. Lower your upper body until the shoulders are even with the elbows and your upper arms are parallel to the floor. Push up to return to the starting position.

Variations: You can increase the stress on the deltoids and triceps by taking weight off of your feet and transferring it to your hands. You can do this by elevating your feet. The higher you elevate them, the more stress on these muscles, and the less stress on the pectorals.

Push-Ups With A Plus

This exercise is provided by Lori Gross, CSCS, of Human Performance Specialists, Inc. This is an excellent rehabilitation exercise.

Perform a normal push-up. At the top of the movement, push up maximally, rounding the shoulders and abducting the scapulae. For beginners, this exercise can be done while standing and pushing-up against a wall.

One-arm Elevated Push-ups

This is a twist on the traditional push-up and stresses the serratus anterior muscle. This muscle is located on either side of the body, adjacent to the abdominal area, just below the chest and the lats, and wrap around the rib cage like large fingers.

To stress the right serratus anterior muscle, place the right hand elevated on a 6-10 inch block rather than on the floor. The left hand is placed normally on the floor and hands are slightly greater than shoulder-width apart. Perform normal push-ups but try to push the most through the right arm and use the left side only to stabilize the body. Perform 10 repetitions in this manner and then switch to the left arm.

Pull-ups & Chin-ups

These are difficult and demanding exercises even for people that have been training for a long period of time. In fact, you may not be able to perform a single repetition if you are at the beginner stage. Thus, you will need to modify your technique to address this weakness.

Many coaches recommend performing only the "eccentric" phase of a pull-up or chin-up if you are currently too weak to do a full repetition. For this, you will need a chair to boost yourself to the top position, where you will start. Now, slowly lower yourself for up to 10 seconds. From the bottom position, boost yourself to the top position again and then slowly lower yourself again. Be conservative here. If you have trained very little, limit yourself to 1-3 repetitions per set, and perform only 2-3 sets in your first workout. Learn to control your body.

If you are a little more advanced and can do a couple repetitions in the pull-up, you can change your grip to get more repetitions. By definition, a pull-up grip is wider than shoulder width, with palms turned down. A chin-up grip is shoulder-width, with palms turned up. The chin-up exercise is easier, and the movement requires more help from the biceps.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit http://www.TurbulenceTraining.com

7 Weight Loss Tips

Okay, that's it, all done with the holidays, so lets get going on weight loss. No more bad nutrition, get back to your regular calorie intake and 6 small meals per day. You are eating 5-6 mini-meals per day, right? If not, get started, and here are some more weight loss tips.

1. Eat more fruits and vegetables.

Get your carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables first, before using breads and pastas. You'll get far more nutrients and fiber, and fewer calories.

2. Eat fiber

The average American falls far short of the fiber recommendations (of 25+ grams of fiber per day). Add an ounce of raw nuts to your daily food plan to get more fiber and to satisfy your appetite.

3. Eat more protein

Protein fills you up and doesn't mess with your blood sugar, so you'll have more mental energy.

4. Have something for breakfast.

While the exact reason isn't clear, breakfast eaters tend to be slimmer than non-breakfast eaters. Start your day with a whey protein shake and an apple if you are in a rush.

5. Drink water

At least 8 cups per day. This will help fill you up and helps you avoid constipation.

6. Exercise less, but harder.

Forget about long, slow cardio. Learn how to do interval training instead. This will boost your metabolism all day long.

7. Use your bodyweight

There are hundreds of bodyweight exercises you can do at home, from beginner to advance.

And those are 7 tips to help you lose weight, burn fat, control your appetite, boost your metabolism and get the body you want.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit http://www.TurbulenceTraining.com

The South Beach Diet Compared to Other Weight Loss Programs

Weight-related health issues are a growing problem, and people are more image-conscious in today's society. Everybody wants to be beautiful, slim, acceptable and healthy. But how to achieve that? There are plenty of methods to reach your ideal weight, but it's important to find one which will really work for you.

One of the best ways to tackle your weight is through reducing your appetite. However, this doesn't work for everyone, hence the success of many short-lived 'fad' diets.

Often, while trying to reduce your appetite, you can end up feeling continually hungry. It is advised to consume lots of fluids and try other methods of making you feel 'full' without eating too much.

However, getting rid of hunger altogether is impossible. Sometimes people will turn to diet pills, but these are not a healthy alternative to eating well.

Diet pills which act as an appetite-suppressant can work if combined with a well-balanced diet and exercise, but this combination is essential. If followed properly, they can be quite effective, but can also be very expensive and come with health-risks.

Fad diets are other alternatives for achieving quick weight loss. These tend to demonize particular food groups and may not work for everyone.

One such example is Atkins, which is almost entirely focused on cutting out carbs.

The Sugar Busters is another, a plan teaching people about the healthy food and the best time to eat. This plan emphasizes exercise and minimizes sugar.

Unlike these, the more effective South Beach diet is based on selecting the right animal proteins, essential fats, and complex carbohydrates.

There are many ways to achieve good health and good looks. However, the South Beach diet is one of the best options.

This healthy eating program has been created by a successful cardiologist after observing the errors and successes of other fad diets. By learning more about the way food and our bodies work, this diet comprises of all the best parts of other popular diets.

This is the future of weight-loss, it enables you to eat healthy, delicious food, leave you feeling satisfied and full, and won't deprive your body of the essential ingredients it needs.

You can eat fulfilling, rich meals, three times a day, and are allowed snacks in between to stave off hunger. This eating program comprises of all the information learned from other leading diets - the properties of various foods and how they effect the body, the GI count, and more.

This plan is the best yet, and has been known to produce amazing results, participants have lost between eight to thirteen pounds in the first fortnight!

Try this eating program today and enjoy the benefits forever.

To find out whether this weight loss program is for you, visit the website to see the South Beach Diet vs the Atkins Diet in action and answer the question what can I eat on the South Beach Diet.

The Proven Scientific "Action And Reaction" Solution To Weight Loss

How many different diets, exercise programs and/or "pills" have you tried in your never-ending goal to lose weight... but nothing ever seems to work or last long-term? There is one specific reason why, and you'll discover the proven scientific "Action/Reaction" solution to easier, faster and long-term weight loss -- especially stubborn fat!

Many so-called experts will say the cause of weight gain (especially in those stubborn fat areas) is due to a lack of will power ... hence, you're "eating too much" or "not exercising enough". But, this is not true and that's not the main cause. Of course, there are people who barely eat anything and have to struggle to lose just one pound and the minute they "relax" a little with their diet (like go on vacation for a week or around the holidays), they immediately gain 5 lbs in just a few days and it takes them weeks to lose it.

It's not fair but there is a scientific reason for it.

1. Genetics - even though we can't "change" it, there are definite ways of improving your genetics - so don't worry, because I'll show you how in a few minutes.

2. Hormones - this goes back to #1 with genetics - which we can alter and optimize naturally.

3. Age - this goes back to #2, which then goes back to #1 - and yes, we can improve all this, and you don't have to be a slave to the problems and limitations of getting "older".

4. Life-Style

Managing stress, eating habits, exercise, sleep, etc.

Most people focus on #4 - which has to do with your life-style. But this is the least important of all the above mentioned factors when it comes to quick and long-term results. By all means, you should improve your life-style for health reasons, and I'll give you quick tips on this. But if you want any diet or exercise program to work, and if you want long-lasting and permanent results, then you have to focus on optimizing and improving your hormones because the most important factor in how you look & feel, as well as your overall "Fat-to-Muscle" ratio is ... YOUR HORMONES!

Your body is constantly fighting against you to keep the fat, due to thousands of years of pre-historic "survival" mechanisms. Remember, up until 30 years ago, for millions of years food had been scarce and hard to find. The minute you reduce calories or exercise too much, your body goes into "panic" mode, freaks out thinking you are "starving to death" and does everything it can to keep the fat and burn away the muscle instead.

Why lose muscle? ... Because muscle requires too much energy and calories to survive. Therefore, in order to make any diet and exercise program more effective, you must first optimize your fat burning hormones, or progress always stops within a couple of weeks, as your body "adapts" and changes to "survival mode". Regardless of what kind of diet or exercise program someone followed (or didn't), positive results would happen much faster and additionally, they would stay around almost permanently!

If you want to safely and quickly lose that stubborn fat, reduce your appetite and cravings for sugars and fats, have more NATURAL energy to help you get through your hectic days and your workouts and do it all WITHOUT negative side-effects or jittery feelings -- then take your first step today and take action.

For nearly two decades, Dr. Sam Robbins has been passionate about the human body and mind. He believes that a person's mental outlook plays a very important role in their overall health and well-being. Dr. Robbins has worked with numerous nutritional companies, including Met-Rx, EAS & Life Extension, as well as having the privilege of working with pharmaceutical innovators such as Upjohn and Eli Lilly. His areas of expertise include nutrition, exercise physiology, natural hormone re-balancing of the body and what he refers to as "real world" medical knowledge. He has dramatically changed client's health and mental well-being, allowing them to look and feel years younger. Find out how at http://www.hflsolutions.com

Weight Loss Comparative Diets and Cardiovascular Risk Factor Reduction

Many dietary methods can lead to weight loss, however; a recent study found that a high carbohydrate low glycemic index diet may be the ideal diet for weight loss and reduction of cardiovascular risk factors.

There was a recent study that compared the relative effects of several diets on weight loss and cardiovascular risk. A total of 129 obese or overweight young adults were assigned 1 of 4 reduced fat, high fiber diets for 12 weeks.

The first two groups, diets group 1 and diet group 2 was on a high carbohydrate (55% of total calories), diet. Diet group 1 carbohydrates being high-glycemic and diet group 2 was the low-glycemic diet. The next two groups, were high in protein (25% of total calories), with diet group 3 containing high glycemic index for carbohydrates and diet group 4 containing low glycemic index for carbohydrates. The glycemic load was the highest in diet group 1 and the lowest in diet group 4. Changes in body composition and blood chemistries were studied. The average weight loss from each group was similar, but those individuals on diets 2 and 3 lost approximately 80% more fat mass than those on diet 1. The LDL cholesterol levels declined significantly in diet group 2, but increased in diet group 3.

Therefore, both high protein and low glycemic index diets increased body fat loss, but cardiovascular risk reduction is enhanced by a high carbohydrate, low glycemic index diet (diet 2).

The Glycemic Index measures how quickly a food is likely to increase your blood sugar. This may be helpful to know, particularly for the Diabetic person. If your blood sugar is low and continue to drop during exercise, for example, you would need to eat a carbohydrate that will increase your blood sugar quickly. On the other hand, if you want to keep your blood sugar from dropping during a few hours of mild exercise or activity, you would need to eat a carbohydrate with a lower glycemic index and longer action time.

Some low glycemic index foods (less than 55) are Artichoke, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, cucumbers and eggplants.

Some foods that are considered to have an intermediate glycemic index (55-70) are Brown rice, canned fruit cocktail, linguine, Oatmeal cookies, popcorn, sweet corn and Muesli.

Some foods with a high glycemic index (above 70) include Golden Grahams, Bagel, Corn Chips, Watermelon, Honey, Kaiser roll and Mashed potatoes.

Helen Powell of Powell Legal Nurse Consultant. is a Registered Nurse and considered a health and wellness guru. Helen has written a book on diabetes and several health related articles. You can visit her websites at http://www.powellLNC.com, http://www.helenpowell.usana.com.

Healthy Weight Loss Tips

There are so many kinds of diets out there, some work better and some don't work at all. But even those that work don't help you keep your new weigh for long. And even more important - Not all of these diets are healthy.

Loss weight gradually

If you want to loss weight gradually then you should aim to decrees 200-500 calories from your standard amount of calories. Your goal should be to loss fat and your body burns the fat in a rate of 200-500 calories a day (depends on your physical activity, weight, nutrition and the amount of oxygen in the air). Meaning:

1. If you weigh more - the more fat you would burn.

2. The better your physical condition - the faster you'll burn fat.

3. If you won't consume any carbohydrates - you will have a harder time to burn your fat.

4. If you are doing any aerobics activity then your fat will get burned the fastest.

Remember - if you'll loss more than 500 calories a day - That's 3500 calories a week, a bit over a pound. If you loss more than that then you are losing muscles, liquids and more essential ingredients.

It's a slow process but you will see results for the long run.

Your daily menu

The right diet menu is the one that includes 55%-60% carbohydrates, 15% proteins and up to 30% fat from your daily calories needs. If you are an athlete you should increase the amount of proteins. If you suffer from diabetes then you need to make some personal adjustments.

Most of the problems begin when you eat a lot of carbohydrates in a very short time - your body can't handle that many carbohydrates and it turns them into fat. That's why you should eat more meals a day but make each one smaller. It is also preferred to eat healthier carbohydrates like whole-wheat flour and unprocessed cereal. A rule of thumb here can be to try and eat natural food or at least foods that are closer to nature.

Another thing to remember is that our body contains 60% of water. If you eat fewer carbohydrates then your body observes less water and you think that you are losing fat when you are actually losing water.

Weight loss is a way of life

Weight loss is a way of life - if you will treat it as temporary thing then you'll surely gain back your weight in the future. Don't fall for those miracle weight loss pills, a diet like everything else in life demands some work. The only healthy and fast way to loss weight that i came across so far is Hoodia but you can read more about it in my healthy weight loss blog. So if you are not ready to make a real change in your life - its ok but when you decide to try to loss some weight - make sure that you are prepared to make some sacrifices. And when you choose your diet program or your diet products please make sure that it is a healthy one and that it won't cause you any damage in the future.

I truly believe that anyone can succeed in losing weight - it is just a matter of strong will and choosing the right diet for you.

My name is Kris Dugan and I was a very fat kid. Since I remember myself I was always reading or trying some diet so I actually see myself as a big expert in this field. And not because I learned more or read more about losing weight than others, but because I DID IT and i m talking from experience. So be sure to visit my healthy weight loss blog.

Hoodia Gordonii - What Components Are Effective In Promoting Weight Loss

In these times, when it comes to acquiring fast, reliable and safe weight loss, Hoodia Gordonii is considered the trend-setter in this field. This succulent cactus-like plant was originally used by the San Bushmen of Southern Africa to suppress appetite during hunting trips and times of food scarcity.

Since this plant grows in one of the harshest regions of the planet, the plant comes with an aura of mystery as well as carrying a ton of weight loss benefits. Although the extracts from this plant have been tested to effectively suppress appetites, it has been a challenge to make the supplement readily available to Western consumers.

P57: The Single Molecule Which Effectively Promotes Weight Loss

The entire cactus-like plant is not required for appetite suppression, but rather one single molecule, P57, creates the desired effect. This molecule is found in the flesh of the plant, and not within the roots, spines, or flowers. Unfortunately, the chemical is quite hard to isolate from the plant extract. It is also reported to be difficult to synthesize, and it is highly unlikely that a cheaper, synthetic product will be created in the coming years.

The High Demand Has Created Supply Concerns

Contrary to popular notions, the Hoodia plant is not endangered. There are several other succulents and cactus plants that look just like it, and in turn, are the ones on the verge of extinction. Unfortunately for the other species, the high demand for Hoodia causes them to be collected by mistake. As such, the plant is on the list of Endangered Species and is under protection by international health and plant trade regulations.

Does Hoodia Have Any Negative Long-Term Effects?

Today, there are many prescription weight-loss medications sold in the market, and some have been noted to cause damage to the liver or other organs. It is not yet clear how past laboratory trials have fared to that of trials run on animal subjects during the development phases of many other medications. After Pfizer aborted the project, Unilever Pharmaceuticals took up the cudgels for developing this dietary product, and they are still working on it.

While the supplement is only available on a limited basis at the moment, there is no question that it is a potent appetite suppressant. Obesity is a major issue in almost every nation, and as pharmaceutical manufacturers work to establish reputable supplies, it would only be a matter of time before reliable products become readily available.

Hoodia is but one of many species in the genus and it takes a trained botanist or a native plant collector to be able to distinguish the actual plant, or the flower, from the rest. Without seeing the actual flower, it would be difficult to set apart other species, as some devious collectors may get another variety, and market the supplement as the real thing.

An international regulatory group, CITES (Convention on the International Trade of Endangered Species), establishes guidelines for the proper harvesting and trade of this plant, and collecting Hoodia in the wild is considered illegal without first acquiring a permit from CITES and the local governments in the areas where Hoodia is prevalent.

http://hoodiastore.org - Hoodia Store

Vanessa A. Doctor from Jump2Top - SEO Company

Is Hoodia Safe?

What are hoodia side effects? Is hoodia safe? Dieters want to know. There is no short answer to this question. Known hoodia side effects amount to nothing more than thirst suppression, requiring dieters to drink water, even when they are not thirsty. But, is hoodia safe? It should be. Other succulents like aloe provide the active ingredients in many patented medicines and are considered safe for most people. If hoodia side effects are similar to those of aloe, then it should not be used by pregnant women. Aloe increases menstrual flow and is used to treat amenorrhea, which is a lack of menstrual periods in women of child-bearing age.

There are several reasons that it is difficult to answer the question; is hoodia safe. Clinical research has not been completed. The available research supports claims by the health supplement industry concerning appetite suppression. There is also evidence to support the statements concerning increased energy and metabolism. What the research can not do is provide an absolute answer to questions about hoodia side effects and safety. It is understandable that dieters are cautious. It has not been long since ephedra was removed from the market and memories of Fen-fen related deaths are still fairly fresh in the publics mind. It is difficult to recommend a product when so little is known about it. But, one thing is certain, hoodia is not a stimulant.

Most appetite suppressants contain stimulants. If an overweight person is about to purchase an appetite suppressant, then the answer to the question; is hoodia safe, should be answered a little differently. Hoodia side effects do not include any of those associated with stimulants. It does not increase heart rate or blood pressure. If a person is deciding between hoodia and a product containing a stimulant, then the safest choice is hoodia.

Phytopharm is the company that is best suited to answer the question; is hoodia safe. Phytopharm was the first company to work with the scientists at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research in Africa. Phytopharm states that, ...the safety data are consistent with a satisfactory overall safety profile... Phytopharm is still conducting research concerning hoodia side effects and is not yet ready to release its patented product, but has invested millions of dollars in creating hoodia plantations in Africa. This seems to indicate that they believe the outcome will be positive.

In March 2006, Consumer Reports concluded, Given the very scanty evidence that hoodia works and the even scantier evidence that its safe, particularly for long-term use, we do not recommend the use of hoodia-based weight-loss products. It is difficult to understand why consumer reports would make such a broad statement. For one thing, most dieters would not need to use hoodia on a long-term basis, so hoodia side effects related to long term use are irrelevant. For another thing, Consumer Reports does not make similar statements relating to weight loss products containing stimulants. In these articles, they state that stimulant containing appetite suppressants should only be used by otherwise healthy individuals. This would be a more unbiased statement. The Consumer Reports article may lead individuals to believe that, no is the answer to the question; is hoodia safe. When in actuality, there is no evidence of adverse hoodia side effects and no evidence suggests that hoodia is not safe.

For more information on hoodia side effects visit http://hoodiainfo.blogspot.com

Rapid Weight Loss

Rapid weight can be done quickly and safely if you find a diet plan that allows you to consume a moderate number of calories while allowing your body to actually train your metabolism to burn at higher rate. Your body works like a wood-burning stove that consumes calories like fire-wood. However, if your body senses that it is being starved, it will keep those logs burning slower at a slower rate and slow down the metabolic process. Interesting and fascinating how God created our bodies to protect themselves, sometimes even from ourselves.

If you are desperately trying to lose weight, you can do so, but have a diet plan that is safe and one that you can easily follow. There are those on the internet that will allow you to accomplish this. This is important for people who are about to face surgery or those of us that just simply want to look skinny and fabulous or fit and healthy and fabulous. Everyone's perception of beautiful is different

As a word of caution, please do not starve yourself as your internal organs will suffer and long-term you will have untold health problems that you can not possibly imagine. With that being said, find your quick and rapid weight loss plan, eat, that's right, please eat, but if you follow the plan wisely you can lose weight quickly for that high school reunion or just the beckoning beach for the summer. Whatever your motivation, you can lose weight quickly, if you follow the diet plan provided in the program you have chosen.

Taking action is the key. If you are beyond the age of 40, consult a physician before you attempt any sudden change in diet and then go for it. You have nothing to lose, if you do this safely, but inches and ugly, unwanted fat.

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Fast Weight Loss Tips

When people look for a diet, many of them look for fast weight loss tips or a fast weight loss diet so that they can lose weight more quickly. Care should be taken however to make certain that you select a diet which is capable of meeting your physical requirements while also providing you with a method for losing weight rapidly while remaining healthy.

The sad truth of the matter is that most weight loss plans do not work for more than a few days while you restrict your diet. As often as not, your health will be the only thing that you lose for any length of time. The weight you lose will often come back as soon as you revert to your normal eating habits. While this is not true for all diets, it is especially true when it comes to rapid weight loss and fast weight loss diets.

So does that mean that this is always the case and that fast weight loss tips should be summarily ignored or dismissed? The fact is that with the proper quick weight loss tips, a little self control and some knowledge, you can lose weight, keep the weight off and stay healthy all at the same time.

Fast weight loss diets do work well as long as you are careful and pay attention to your dietary needs and other considerations regarding quick weight loss. If somebody is promising that you can lose five pounds a day there are probably going to be some unhealthy side effects. Most fast weight loss tips will allow you to lose somewhere between one and two pounds on the average day.

Most of the best and most valuable fast weight loss tips involve learning how to properly control your caloric intake by eating the right foods. Starving yourself in order to lose weight quickly is unhealthy, no matter what. Neither do you have to spend countless hours exercising and trying to burn fat in order to lose weight quickly. Healthy and fast weight loss tips and diet plans will show you how to eat properly in order to maintain your health and lose weight all at the same time.

Low calorie diets do not work for most people. A lot of the dietary supplements and diet pills have long-lasting detrimental effects on many people. If you are attempting to lose weight quickly, your health should be your primary concern. In fact, many of the quick weight loss diets do not take your personal habits into consideration at all.

Once you learn how to prepare and consume the right foods to meet your daily requirements, you can begin a healthy regimen for your diet. Learning how to eat properly is the key factor in quick weight loss diets and it should be something that you learn about more before deciding which fast action diet is going to be right for you. If you want a fast weight loss diet that works, you need to learn how to eat properly and once you can accomplish that, you can easily accomplish all of your weight loss goals.

Want to learn more about fast weight loss? Click How To Lose Weight for a weight loss plan that will get you on track to reach your goals.

Michael Maciejewski is a fitness, and nutrition expert. Revealing the truths about healthy living, one article at a time.

Need to Lose Weight? Try These Easy Diet Tips

- Forget what you know about eating three standard meals each day. When trying to lose weight, it is much more beneficial to eat smaller portions throughout the day instead of three large meals. Have a snack in the early afternoon and at night (if necessary) to curb hunger. This will be enough to curb hunger while still eating less than you normally would.

- Try eating slower; the faster you eat, the more food you will consume before you begin to digest it. Eating slower will allow you to feel full without overeating.

- Cut back on the sugar. Those sodas and energy drinks you have every day really add up. Try drinking a juice such as V8 or flavored water such as Propel. Or better yet, stock up on bottled water.

- Something that really works for me is brushing my teeth early. I hate eating while my teeth feel really clean, so if I brush, floss, and swish with Listerine (for a super clean feeling) long before bed, it will reduce my tendency to eat before bed.

- In conjunction with the previous tip, dont eat before going to bed. Labeled as a myth, this actually does contribute to weight loss. Try not to eat any less than two hours before bed.

- Keep calories in mind when you go shopping. I know it can be a pain, but learn how to read nutrition labels and spend a little extra time doing so. You will be surprised to learn just what you have been eating, and it may just help modify your eating habits for the better.

- Make sure you get your minimum of eight glasses of water a day. Drinking water when you start to feel hungry can help you feel full and keep hunger at bay.

- You may want to consider taking a weight loss supplement coupled with your diet and proper exercise. Do your homework before you decide on one; there are numerous different diet pills that are designed to function in different ways. Pick one that helps curb hunger. This will enable you to eat less and assist in your long term weight loss.

Weight Loss Tips For Athletes

For a best performance, athletes are to be trim and healthy. Winning is based on their talent along with a healthy body. For workouts and practice, they need to shed weight without damaging their muscles. This is the point were most of them do not care about. In order, to gain a quick change they often skip meals or use diet pills and laxatives. Some even try vomiting by triggering their throat. Ultimately, such habits will lead to eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia.

Thus, athletes who are to be healthy end up in various diseases especially in women. Exercising towards the competition needs more effort. In certain cases, these people starve and follow unhealthy diets that might lead to diseases affecting the bone. Sudden change in the weight is always risky. An ideal goal is to reduce one or two pounds a week. Appointing a dietitian would help much in assisting a proper diet considering the weight, height, and age. With a healthy diet, it is easy to attain loss of fat than the muscle.

Athletes should always consume a variety of food. It is advisable not to skip meals especially when hunger cannot be controlled. Protein and carbohydrate enriched food stuffs can be taken before the routine workout or exercise. Calories are being burned off with exercise. Therefore, a well-planned food regime is to be prepared. Athletes put on weight after a particular competition. Retaining their old figure is not as easy as it sounds.

Consuming smaller meals within two to three hours and using considerably smaller plates keeps the person away from overeating. Skimmed milk and low fat diary foods should be preferred. Fish and chicken must be included in one meal of the day. It is better to avoid meat, but if it is a necessity remember to remove the fat before cooking. Including high-fiber food in the regime would give a feeling of fullness. Devouring fruits and vegetables will be more apt that it may avoid the person from over eating.

Fruit juices should be taken in plenty without much sugar and fat. Carbonated drinks are to be completely avoided. It is important for the athletes not to feel hungry during workouts. They might have a crave for sweets and confectioneries. A fruit or fruit juice before the work out will reduce their exhaustion and always feel full. Drinking plenty of water will prevent dehydration. Dehydration can result in serious problems to the health.

There are many risks for the athletes if they lose weight without any proper consultations. Along with the fat, muscle wasting might take place with heavy exercises, which can lead to diseases that may be even fatal.

For your free course teaching you exactly how to succeed with your weight loss goals using simple and effective Hoodia weight loss simply go to http://weightlossrevolution.net

Tips for Natural Weight Loss

Enjoyable physical activity is an integral part of a natural weight loss program. Research shows that physical activity is one of the key factors in helping people keep the pounds off. If you set sensible goals for yourself, chances are you'll be more likely to meet them and have a better chance of keeping your ideal weight.

A lifestyle based on healthy eating and regular physical activity is naturally the best way. By that I mean incorporating working your muscles and well as cardiovascular. Yes, study after study has shown that a blend of the two is key to a natural program being successful and keeping the weight from coming back.

Our bodies are amazing. If you eat less the body thinks it needs to store more because there's not enough. If you eat more frequently not large portions but just on a more frequent basis the body will think there is plenty and start burning the fat that is stored up.

A decrease in caloric intake and an increase in daily activity will create a natural caloric deficit which is the foundation of all pounds coming off for good. The excess weight that you put on is the difference between calories digested and calories burnt off through exercise. Therefore if you lead an active life you are able to consume more calories and your activity will get you to where you want to be.

Using moderate weights does not result in huge muscle mass, but it increases the body metabolism, firms the body and gives a slim look. Aerobic exercises can enhance your heart beat rate and breathing.

Most people employ just the cardio side of losing weight. Which it isn't bad but it more works the heart and lungs. You must incorporate a muscle workout of some kind into our regime. This is missing factor with so many.

Did you know after a muscle workout with weights your muscles are needing "food"? Guess what that food is..its your fat. This could be the missing link to your success.

Mike Dejona is the expert in weight loss and has posted more free articles and helpful tips at http://www.lossweightprogramsite.com/Natural-Weight-Loss.php