Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Weight Loss Programme

What can a weight loss programme do for you? It is an organised plan created to help people lose weight. It is not for everyone, only you and your family know if you are committed. A weight loss programme is basically designed to introduce a gap between the calorie you eat in your food, and the calories you expend for energy. This calorie deficit then allows for weight loss as the body seeks to replace this calorie deficit by tapping into your body fat.

In today's modern world, there is a lot of pressure on being slim or thin, having a good self image and enjoying good health. Gaining weight is not always about eating too much food, nor even eating the wrong food. It can however often be due to emotive issues that lie deep within our subconscious.

High levels of stress are often a major problem due to the demands made upon us in our lifestyle. The healthiest way to lose weight is not enduring a crash diet nor is it going through sudden bursts of exercise. To avoid stressing yourself even more, the body prefers slow changes in terms of eating food and physical exercise.

Many people find success with losing lose weight through a hypnotherapy programme. Quite often you may find that there was a problem that was stuck, or a deep emotional need that needs resolving. Using the subconscious resources you already have can release the issues and reasons and in turn releases the excess weight.

You can release the issues and reasons using hypnotherapy which utilises the subconscious resources you already have. This sort of weight loss programme can in turn release your excess weight.

Any unique weight loss programme targets the mind related areas where these issues lay. Often, many methods are used to move you towards healthy weight loss. Analysis helps to recreate yourself a healthier belief system and get rid of those old habits from childhood, habits such as 'clean your plate' or 'eat it all up'. These commands can still be active in the subconscious. Your subconscious didn't know you were children and it certainly doesn't know you are an adult. The subconscious reacts to the moment of now. We can often carry these forward through our lives and they act like mind programmes that run on and on.

It's important the hypnotherapist has a relaxed approach and a sense of humour to make people feel at ease straight away. When that happens, magic often happens and puts you back in control. And that always feels good!

Some hypnotherapists use a mixture of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Inner Child Work, Parts Therapy and Suggestion Therapy to get the results that you want. Whether it be comfort eating, snacking, chocolate cravings, boredom, sneaky midnight feasts, or not having a clue why you just can't shed that weight, a trained hpnotherapist can often help.

Consider using a hypnotherapist for a weight loss programme. It could be the best decision you ever made, leading you to reduce weight, lower your stress levels, make better food choices and motivate you towards a healthier lifestyle.

Many people put off visiting a hypnotherapist, although any fears are groundless. Losing weight can be easy, visit the weight loss programme page for more information.

Home Exercise Programs Designed For Weight Loss

Home exercise programs are a great way to keep fit and lose weight. Along with proper diet and nutrition, an exercise program can help speed your metabolism and burn calories faster. There are a number of home exercise videos that will give you the direction and motivation you need to burn fat and lose weight quickly. But, why are exercise videos a great option in your home exercise program?

The Convenience Factor:

Exercise at your convenience. By performing regular exercises you will place a greater demand on your body's stores of fat and you will cause your metabolism to increase dramatically. Your body will burn fat as a source of energy at an accelerated rate and the end result will be a slimmer, more toned you. Your level of fitness will improve with each workout routine you perform. Exercise videos are a great way to learn the best exercises to burn fat and build lean muscle and you will be able to exercise in your very own home at your convenience.


There is no need for expensive gym memberships or extravagant exercise equipment. Fun, fast-paced exercise videos featuring well-know fitness experts and celebrities will give you the inspiration and direction you need to create your very own, highly effective home workout routine. How much would you have to pay to have Denise Austin as your personal trainer? With home exercise videos, she'll be available to you 24 hours a day for pennies a day.

All levels:

Home exercise videos are available for any fitness level from beginner to advanced. As your level of fitness increases you can move on to more advanced exercise routines to keep your body healthy and make weight loss much easier than with dieting alone.


It is a good idea to change your exercise routine on a regular basis to keep your body challenged and make continued weight loss possible. After performing the same exercises over and over your body will require more advanced workouts to continue to burn excess fat and calories. Exercise videos will allow you to make progress at your own pace and give your metabolism the boost it needs to burn fat for energy. From Ballet to Hip Hop, there are exercise videos for every interest. Different types of exercises will cause your body to respond in different ways. You will be able to find a variety of exercise videos that will give you the types of workouts you need to gain muscle tone and lose weight fast.

Regular exercise is critical to your health and well being. Find the exercise videos that suit your lifestyle and your goals and you can begin exercising in your very own home immediately. Your body will thank you for your efforts and you will look and feel better than you have in years. Weight loss is drastically easier when dieting is combined with exercise. Home exercise programs and fun videos you can do in your home are a great way to get in shape and experience fast weight loss.

Tina Titas invites you to From The Biggest Winner to pregnancy yoga, youll find exercise videos at a great price.

Setting Goals for Weight Loss

Losing weight is a lot like rock climbing, For some it might be like conquering Everest, for others it's more like climbing the foothills. But it's never a walk in the woods. Let's take a look now at the size of the rock you'll be climbing and then set some goals, How far is the summit, and do you want to reach it? How fast will you climb? Will you do it in stages? What aids will you use? Will you do it alone or with a team?

Observe yourself

Before you can begin to set goals, you need to take a long hard look at where you are now. Keeping a food and activity diary is the best way to do this. If you look at the times of day or moods you're in when you exercise and eat, you may even get ideas about substituting one for the other. (Guess which one?)

It may seem like a bother, but keeping a diary will force you to see where your problem lie. Do yourself a favor and do it for a week. This diary is for you and you alone. No one else will read it.

When keeping your food diary you must promise to be honest with yourself.

Your diary should be kept in your weight-loss notebook, but if the notebook is too big to carry around, slip some index cards in your pocket or purse to note what you eat and how long you do what kind of exercise when you're away from home. You can enter this data in your notebook at the end of the day.

Your food diary

This will be an important tool for the eating side of your weight-loss plan. The food diary will show you, in black and white, why you are overweight and what eating and behavior habits you need to change. You may be surprised how much food you consume in a typical day.

You may notice that certain moods, people, or circumstances accompany pig-outs.

You may spot dangerous times of day or a pattern of increased eating as the day progresses. Weekends may be perilous, or maybe business lunches are your undoing.

You will need to fill in the number of calories of everything you eat. If what you eat comes in a package, you can get this information from the label. (Remember: 10 cookies is not a serving!) Otherwise, use a calorie-counting book or one of the online calorie counters.

Don't get hung up on details. If aren't sure about quantities, estimate. But estimate on the high side.

A sample food diary can be found on the next page. Set up something similar in your weight-loss notebook, so that you have a food diary for each day of the week. On the page for the last day of the week, make a space for your weekly calorie total.

Set aside a column or space each day for comments. Use this space to write anything that will help you understand what was going on when you ate, including triggers or moods, anything about the occasion or people you were with, feelings of guilt or triumph you experienced before, during, or afterward.

As part of your food diary, record how many glasses of water you drink. Aim for a minimum of eight glasses or 64 ounces of water each day.

It's important to keep track of how much water you drink to remind you to drink a lot of it. Monitor your water consumption by making a check mark for each 8-ounce glass you drink. It's easiest if you measure out your water in advance, but if you drink from a water fountain, for example, you can figure two swallows per ounce.

Read more on How to lose weight. Check out for daily diet plans and diet supplements.

What If The Weight Loss Product You're Buying is Poison?

These days, obese people suffer less from obesity related problems and more from the side effects of weight loss products that they use. If you don't exercise caution when buying a weight loss product, it can be harmful for your health. Doing your due diligence and arming yourself with the correct knowledge is very much essential, especially when it comes to weight loss. Before buying any weight loss product, make sure that you have researched it thoroughly. During your search, you should try to get as much information as possible about the product, its good and bad effects, the ingredients that it is made up of, etc., as these things can seriously affect your health, either positively or negatively! In this article I will tell you how to know a good weight loss product from the bad ones.

To start with, you shouldn't accept everything at face value. The internet is littered with both good and bad information, and more often than not, the bad information overshadows the good one. There is a lot of misleading information regarding several weight loss products doing the rounds of the World Wide Web, and in case you don't know, the perpetrators of this misleading information are either the product manufacturers themselves or their partners who promote the products on their behalf. You may come across websites offering you what seems to be 'honest reviews' regarding your product, but is that really so? Most of these reviews are filled up with dishonest, misleading and fraudulent information, and if you rely on this information when purchasing a weight loss product, you are doomed!

I will give an example to clarify my point. You maybe aware of the fact that there are several websites out there claiming to offer natural weight loss products. Well, at one point of time, some experts of the Johns Hopkins University surveyed those sites in order to find out whether the outrageous claims made by these sites are true or not. Not surprisingly, many websites failed the test; some failed to give information regarding the correct dosage of the supplement, others failed to reveal about the harmful side effects of the products, and yet others failed to offer information regarding the ingredients of the products. Believe it or not, lack of such vital pieces of information can harm the consumer more than anyone else.

So, how to separate the wheat from the chaff? As a rule of thumb, you should avoid products whose claims seem to be outrageous or impossible. An old saying goes that if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is! If you find a website that claims that their product can do miracles for you, chances are that reality is exactly the opposite - that is, it will harm your body in a 'miraculous' way.

Your best bet is to consult a doctor or a nutritionist before you even decide to buy any weight loss pill. Your doctor should be able to clarify what side effects the consumption of a particular medicine may have, and this piece of information alone will save you from a lot of troubles down the road!

Sick and tired of your weight problem? Want to finally lose weight? Then go to my site and get your FREE report on weight loss. Start losing weight today!

Tips to Successful Weight Loss

People hate dieting because it deprives them of their favorite foods (read fatty and junk foods). When you start dieting, you will inevitably have tough times during the first few days when you reel under the pressure of hunger. Just think about it - you used to eat every now and then and now that you are dieting, you got to restrict your food intake. Obviously your body is quite surprised at the change of food habits but hey, there are ways you can make sure you can diet for a long time without troubling your body! In this article I will give you five tips to lose weight effectively!

1. Remove Sugary Foods from your kitchen. Do a search in your kitchen as well as the refrigerator and make sure there is no food left there that has high sugar content. Sugar or sucrose easily converts into carbohydrates once it enters into body. And as a matter of fact, unused carbohydrates are easily turned into fat by the body. You therefore, as a rule, should avoid sugar and sugar-rich foods.

2.Stop eating processed foods. Not only some of them are high on calorie count, processed foods also contain a lot of natural and unnatural preservatives. While natural preservatives won't harm your body much, unnatural preservatives can cause acidity, stomach disorder and loss of energy!

3. Start walking. Get off that couch and take a walk. Exercise is a vital component of weight loss, but if you cannot or won't want to exercise, simply walking will help you burn calories. Brisk walking is good, but jogging or running will rid you of even more fat! Make sure you increase your daily activity level regularly. If you continuously remain seated on your couch, you won't be able to burn fat!

4. Most people forget the simple advice that water is good for everyone, more so for those who are overweight. Make sure you drink lots of water everyday; it will keep your stomach full and keep you away from food cravings. Make sure you also drink a glass of water before meal so that you don't end up overeating!

5. Dairy products contain a lot of fat, so you should cut down on their intake. Dairy products such as yogurt (unless it is of the low-fat variety), cheese, cottage etc, can cause stomach bloating and inflammation. Dairy products are also rumored to be the leading cause behind heart diseases.

As you can see, losing weight is not all that hard. Take your time to plan your diet, and then stick to it. That is the best way to lose weight fast!

For more information on picking a diet and workout plan for yourself you can visit my muscle building book review or my great diet plan review.