Monday, July 21, 2008

I Hate to Exercise - Ok, Do This Instead If You're Desperate to Lose Weight Quickly

You're desperate to lose weight quickly, but you say "I hate to exercise". So what to do? I'll let you in on some secret "SHORTCUTS" so that you can CHEAT your way to fast weight loss.

I Hate To Exercise Also, So Join the Club

Secret #1: Rinse yourself with cold water daily

Listen, I'd tell you to take cold showers but I know you simply can't handle it. So take your normal shower. But then turn the water to really cold and rinse off for 15-20 seconds. That's it.

What this does is it causes the body to go straight into thermogenesis (burn fat for energy and heat). Tadaaa, instant fat loss. Results come fast and furious if you do this everyday. I hate to exercise just like you... so I found ways around it.

Secret #2: Never, ever drink a liquid with a meal

Look, you have natural enzymes that breakdown foods when you're eating. But if you drink something while you're eating, you dilute those enzymes and render them useless.

Food then doesn't get digested properly. You get constipation, indigestion, and a bunch of other things... besides hurting your weight loss efforts.

You need your digestive system to be running at peak efficiency to get the most weight loss possible. So drink your liquids 5-10 minutes before and after a meal.

Secret #3: Take Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

This is a "good" fat. In fact, the body virtually takes this fat and converts it into energy almost instantly. Because this is a short article, I can't get too much into the reasoning behind why extra virgin coconut oil works for fat loss.

But here's a fact... my clients who take it lose on average 5-6 pounds in 11-13 days. By the way, 1 jar of the stuff costs about $13 and will last for 13 days.

Just take the extra virgin coconut oil twice a day on an empty stomach between meals. Morning and afternoon are best.

So there you go. I hate to exercise just like you. I did my homework and tested this all out for you. It all works. If you're desperate to lose weight quickly, then I highly suggest you start doing these 3 things.

"I hate to exercise" you say... well, here's what I'm going to do for you (you can thank me later).

First, click to get your FREE 19-PAGE REPORT "How Spinning Around in a Circle Like a 4-year old Child will Skyrocket your Weight Loss Success". This will give you a jumpstart on how to lose 10 pounds fast.

Second... after you get the free report, you'll be sent inside my website for even more unique and little known weight loss tips, tricks, techniques, and tactics. These unconventional tricks are a "shortcut" way on how to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks... no mention of eating carrots or celery. I promise.

Third, with my advice, you won't starve, have to go to the gym ever, or basically do anything that is a hassle for your busy life. Listen, I understand you... I hate to exercise also... and I know you want to lose weight without changing much in your diet or exercise plans... I get it.

I have this completely covered. I've worked with over 3,700 clients. I know a 1-size fits all plan doesn't work. So I've come up with lots of "tricks" to personalize weight loss specifically for you and your lifestyle.

Fourth... there is no fourth. Just enjoy the free report and my website. If you don't lose 10 pounds with just my free information... I'd be amazingly surprised!

Jennifer Jolan

Get Religious About Weight Loss - Use Religion to Help You Lose Those Unwanted Pounds

Neither do I Claim to be an Expert in Religion Nor do I Practice any Religion.

As you already know there are a high percentage of overweight people in the United States. It seems like everybody you know has either struggled with weight loss, gained weight, or is exercising to lose weight. There are many people religious about weight loss, but does anyone use religion to lose it?

OPEN YOUR EYES; it is Easy to see the Reason for the Weight Problem in this Country.

Americans are overweight because we eat too much and exercise too little. Present day is far different from times past.

Past generations went through difficult times when food may have not been as widely available as it is now. Many people struggled to keep food on the table. We were taught as young people to eat everything on our plate.

Now with food widely available we struggle to lose weight. We get huge portions for low prices and eat every last bit of it. Weight loss dominates the health and fitness field and is a multi billion dollar industry.

CLOSE YOUR EYES and Think for a Second.

Hey! You didn't close your eyes and think for a second! This is the problem why many people are overweight and weight loss is such a huge problem. We eat without thinking about it. We only think about what we eat after we gain weight think about the weight loss program.

I gained a few pounds from overeating. I love eating so going on a weight loss program is difficult. I generally eat everything sitting in front of me, so I struggle to lose weight, even a few pounds. I would exercise often, but I would eat so much food I just could not lose weight.

This all Changed when I Visited Thailand

Thailand is the land of the Buddhist religion. Some consider Buddhism not to be a true religion because there is no belief in god. One thing I noticed while in Thailand is the lack of overweight people.

The people in Thailand also had a different outlook in life which I associated with the Buddhist religion. I did not become a religious Buddhist but I studied the way they look at things. Mindfulness is one of the first things I learned. Mindfulness is to think about your each and every action. When a religious Buddhist eats, they do not think just about the food. They think about the entire process. This starts with the sun, growing the grains in the earth, which are eaten by a cow.... until the food exits your body. I was fascinated by this and it made me realize that when I overate, it was because I had absolutely no mindfulness about what I was putting in my mouth.

Buddhism is Not the Only Religion in which Food is Very Important


The 2nd largest religion in the world has many customs dealing with food. Fasting is a large part of Islam. Fasting is the complete abstinence of food for a specific period if time. Islam is a religion which contains many references to fasting including the idea that fasting grounds man in discipline and healthy survival. In addition to fasting, certain foods are al halal which is permitted to eat.


Only foods which are Kosher are permitted to eat. There are also many different food rules such as grapes can only be eaten if prepared a certain way. Yom Kippur is a Jewish 25 hours fast. There are also many other fasting rituals in Judaism.


The 3rd largest religion in the world forbids beef, one of the world's largest food sources to be eaten. Religious Hindus have many food rituals including rules about where eating is acceptable. People following the Hindu religion also practice many fasting rituals.


As a kid I remember saying grace at family dinners. The idea of grace is to give thanks for the food which you are about to eat. Also

There are so Many Examples I Would Need a Giant Book to List.

These are only a few small examples of religious rituals in different religions which you can apply to your life. I just wanted to make the point that having a higher cause to worry about will help you lose weight. What better higher cause can you look to than your own religion? I'm not saying you have to become religious, which I am not, but take into consideration all the people around the world who follow these practices.

So get religious about weight loss. Next time you eat, do not dive right in and start stuffing your face blindly stop. Stop for a second and think all about the food you are about to eat. Where did it come from? How did it make its way to your table? You will be surprised that you will lose weight and achieve your weight loss goals while having the same diet.

Michael Behnken, MS, NASM-CPT-PES, CSCS -

How To Lose 1 Stone In A Month

If your goal is to lose 14 pounds in one month you are likely to succeed if you are determined. There are several traps to avoid, for instance if you go on a low-calorie diet you will start to crave for calories and the same applies if you try the low carb diet.

The argument stated above is the biggest reason why 95% of all dieters fail. Once you have failed at a diet you get less confident in that you have what it takes. Let me tell you, We all have what it takes.

Another reason is that most diets will make you tired and angry and this makes people quit because they just can't stand it. I remember once when I hissed at a poor lady in the local grocery shop. I took this as a receipt that the diet was working. Tormenting yourself must lead to something good, boy was I wrong!

A good friend of mine lost several pounds in no time and I couldn't figure out how she did it, she wasn't irritated or nothing. I figured that she must be a great dieter that knows how to cope with all the anger and so on. One day we sat at the same table in the cafeteria and I saw her eating loads of chicken. After a little small-talk she said that she was on a diet. Imagine my surprise after looking at her plate.

She had found a diet that everybody used. It was built around the simple motto 'Food Is Not Your Enemy'. This diet was easy to follow and she got all of the energy she needed, hence her good mood. The diet is called calorie shifting and is based on the food you eat and how it affects the metabolism. She had lost over 16 pounds in less than a month so the diet obviously worked.

She said that she had tried almost every diet possible. She had tried weight watchers, Jenny Craig and so on. Those diets cost a fortune and they give result but not as fast as she wanted it too. So after a little research she stumbled upon the calorie shifting diet from fat loss for idiots.

We met a couple of nights later and she helped me generate a menu for me. I also learned a lot of important stuff about weight loss and what made me gain weight. We had a very fun evening drink a couple of glasses of wine. And yes, you are allowed to drink wine during this diet.

This roughly happened a year ago and my new friend has lost over 60 pounds with this diet and I've lost almost 40 pounds!

Jennifer Olsen was a master of failing at different diets. She understood that there were more to losing weight then just going on a diet. Today she has lost nearly 50 pounds with the calorie-shifting diet and meanwhile she has finished reading 'Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle' and she is implementing what she learned into daily activities.

She made a mini-site that gives examples of diets, complete fast weight loss diets and reviews of books that helped her stop living the unhealthy life and turning around into a more healthy life-style. If you are interested in learning more please Click Here!

How to Lose Weight After Pregnancy Easily

Pregnancy is a time when your body undergoes tremendous amounts of changes and gaining weight is an essential part f it. Typically speaking, most women gain around 25-35 pounds during this 9 month period and after your little bundle of joy arrives, it becomes a priority for most mothers to shed those extra pounds.

Though weight loss is not easy for most women, it is comparatively easier to lose weight after pregnancy than otherwise. Breastfeeding is not only good for the health of your little one but for you as well. Studies indicate that you burn around 500 calories in day when breastfeeding. Moreover, women who breastfeeds their kids are likely to have slimmer hips and weigh less than those who don't.

Nature has it's own way of balancing things. I am sure you won't agree less with me here.

Apart from breastfeeding your kid, what can really help you is a little changes in your diet and eating pattern. These subtle changes can go a long way in helping you reduce those extra pounds you gained during the 9 month period. For instance, you can replace water with sodas and juices. Do not forget to squeeze a lemon into the water you drink.

Further, you should eat whole grains rather than their white versions of bread, pastas and cereals. Moreover, you should avoid fast food or junk food however tempting it might seem if you are serious about reducing your excess flab.

The next step is to start incorporating little bit of workout in your daily Cheslie. This is a step you should take when you feel your body is ready for it after the exhaustion of giving birth to anew life. Try walking for as little as 10 minutes and gradually increase the time when you can do it easily without feeling any discomfort.

Try to blend some form of exercise into your daily routine. For instance you can take the stairs instead of the elevator or park your car a little farther. At a later stage, you can join a gym not only to reduce extra pounds but also to tone up your body

Moreover, there are certain supplements or fat binding pills that are completely organic and can help you lose weight by reducing your fat absorption. Access, the best Fat Binding Pill which is a natural appetite suppressant and is listed as One Of the Top 5 Ways to Lose Weight By The Telegraph, UK.

M Penn has been associated with the top weight loss programs and supplements and has helped many a people lose weight naturally and safely. If you want to lose weight effectively without compromising your health in any manner whatsoever, visit his website so as to get a new slimmer you.

How To Lose Belly Fat The Fastest Way Possible - 3 Best Ways!

Choose interval cardio instead boring regular aerobic exercise

With interval cardio, you are boosting the metabolism to the new levels and you help to burn belly fat faster.
This for of training will get you to the situation, where the metabolism is high, higher than normal and it's scientifically
and practically tested.

You can feel free to use this method with almost any cardiovascular workout. You will let the heart rate decrease and increase
during the workout, for example you cycle with the exercises bike for 30 seconds at a normal speed. Following 30 seconds you cycle
at a great speed. You can do this a couple of times or according to a specific time, such as 20 minutes.

Tips: To achieve greater results, apply this method to a weight lifting combined with aerobic workout. The routine gets more complex
and more interesting, while you are using more exercises, instead one in a particular workout session.

Burn the belly fat with a proper diet plan

An effective weight loss often depends on well planned diet. This may scare you, but I'm afraid to tell you this but it's so true.
You can still have a world greatest exercise plan to lose belly fat and explosive interval cardiovascular routine. But if you are eating
lot's of junk food, it's an obvious, that you won't get any results, because the belly will stack the excess amount of fat.

Adjust your diet, so that you are burning more calories than you consume at long sight. It's true that sometimes you have to eat more,
to prevent muscle loss. If the weight gain concern you most, then you should burn approximately 300-500 calories more than you consume.
Sometimes less is better.

Tips: Your eating habits should consist of small low-calorie meals five to six times per day. Stop eating carbohydrates about three hours
before sleep. A protein that includes casein (milk), is useful to take before sleep, that way your body will stay anabolic and help you to burn the fat
easier. Follow a certain calorie cycle 2 weeks at a time, such as burning 500 calories more than you consume and next 2 weeks burning as much as you consume.

The multifaceted full-body workout is the key for weight loss

How many are knowledgeable of the fact, that a direct ab exercises doesn't burn the fat from belly area. I'm not here to ignore the good old ab crunches
and my favourite lower ab exercise leg raise. But when it's getting to the point, where the goal is to lose an excess amount of fat around the waist,
you should focus on regular full body exercises, such as front squad, push ups and deadlift.

After you have burned enough belly fat through basic exercises, then the ab exercises will show up. With ab exercises you are trying to strengthen the
abdominal muscles and shape them to make it looks better.

Tips: Many people fail to lose weight from belly area, just by hitting abs hard. Your abs may be somehow sexy, but who cares, if they are hidden
under the thick fat layer. So remeber, exercise, exercise and once more exercises and you will lose some weight.

Losing belly fat is very simple, when you know the truth. This information was just beginning, if you want to truly learn"how to lose belly fat" within 10 weeks and read my quick reviewof Internet best selling E-book, simply click here

Lose Weight Quickly with These Weight loss Tips

If you want to lose weight quickly, you need to identify that weight loss tips and strategies that work for you. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to losing weight. There are some basic principals like eating better and exercising more. But the 'how' of doing that is different for everybody. Here are three strategies that may work for you. These three strategies come from a collection of 50 strategies I have for losing weight.

Find the Exercise That Works for You

Daily exercise is essential to losing weight quickly. The reason why people fail at this is because they choose exercises they hate to do. No wonder many people find it hard to follow through with exercise. The key is to find an activity that you actually like to do and can stand doing everyday or at least every other day.

The key is that you like it. If you hate it, you will not do it. Once you find an activity that you like to do try and do it for 20 to 30 minutes everyday or every other day. For those that find it really hard to exercise, walking may be perfect for you. A 20-minute walk everyday will do wonders for your metabolism and overall health.

Be a Stair Climber

If you live in a two-story house, you have one of the best pieces of exercise equipment. Or, maybe your work is in a multi-story building. Yes, I'm talking about stairs. Walking up and down a flight of stairs for 20 minutes will burn calories and get your heart rate up. It's easy and it's free.

It may be a little boring, but there are ways around this. If you are at home, place a TV at the top of the stairs, or just turn on the TV closest to the stairs. Watch your favorite show or a DVD. The time will fly.

Not All Habits Are Bad

If there is any secret to losing weight quickly, it is that you are fat because of your eating and lifestyle habits. The way you eat and the way you live is the reason you are fat. So what's the secret? Are you ready? Here it comes: change the 'way' you eat and 'way' you live in a way that it maintains a healthy and sexy bodyweight. I'm sorry but it does not get any simpler than that.

If you want to see the power of this truth first hand, then just keep a journal for two weeks on what you eat and how much exercise you get. Write down everything you eat and the time of day that you eat it. Write down every kind of exercise you get and when you do it.

It will not take long for you to become real clear about why you are overweight. It will also become clear what you need to do to lose weight and keep it off. However, the 'secret' is that the changes you make need to be permanent. If you do not consider the changes you will make to lose weigh permanent, then you will just put the weight back on when you return to your old eating and behaviors. You must change your habits if you want achieve long term weight loss.

Learn how others are losing pounds of body fat week after week with my 50 Weight Loss Tips ebook. Just send an email to

Learn more about how to lose weight here.

Learn about the effect of dieting on hypertension here.

Learn how lose weight quickly here.

Why Cardio Will Not Help You Lose Weight and Could Make You Gain!

Are you trying real hard to lose weight? Giving it your best shot? Following all the rules? Then I bet you do plenty of good quality cardio exercise, don't you? If you're really committed, you might even put in an hour each day! Gotta burn up those calories. Gotta stay in the fat-burning zone.

But what if ....

I mean, what if it's all just make-believe?

What if it's nothing but a myth ...

That cardio is the best exercise for weight loss, that is. Could that be possible? Sounds kinda crazy, doesn't it? I mean, 'they' have been telling us for years that cardio burns fat.

So why is it then that the people I've watched day after day, after week, after month, after year on the treadmills do nothing but gain weight? Why is it that so many people who walk every day, or even perform higher intensity cardio every day, just can't seem to slim down? And why is that when I dramatically slashed the amount of cardio performed by myself and my clients, the weight came off with far greater ease?

Because the cardio myth just ain't true, that's why.

Here's what the latest research and clinical evidence is telling us about exercise for fat loss:

- While cardio exercise can assist you to lose weight in the short-term (coming from a background of little or no activity), these effects soon taper off

- This is because cardio exercise is repetitive by nature, and your body is conditioned to adapt quickly to repetitive movement. After all, why waste energy (that means burn fat) on something that requires a relatively low level of functional movement? And no, it doesn't matter that cardio puts you in the 'fat-burning zone!' It's all about what your body does after the event ...

- As a result, the only way to continue the fat loss response from cardio exercise is to perform greater and greater amounts of the stuff

- Not only is this not practical, it actually backfires on you in the end anyway

- You see, regular bouts of repetitive cardio actually elicit a fat-storing response in your hormonal system. This is because evolution has programmed your body to store fat in times of crisis - and long-duration cardio is viewed as just that. In nature, you'd only be on the move for a period of time if you had a threat to your survival: to your food source, your safety, or your shelter. So it would be important to store fat faster.

Does that make sense? I'm thinking that no matter how much of a cardio queen - or king - you are (hey, I've been there, I know it's hard to give up on), you've still got to admit there's something to what I'm saying.

So WHAT should you do instead?

--- Perform functional movements like squatting, lunging, bending, pulling, pushing, or twisting

--- Force continual adaptation and an increased fat-burning response by combining these movements in different ways, and with varying loads or added stimulus. See a good personal trainer - such as a Chek trainer - for more information on this. Or see my Functional Fitness article on this site.

--- Okay, so if I'm totally technical about it, it's not 100% true that cardio exercise is no good for weight loss. Some approaches to cardio can be a useful addition to your weights or functional training. The side salad to the meat and veg, so to speak. But I'm not talking about standard cardio training. Have you heard of interval training? This is a great method for fitness and fat loss, when combined with an effective weights or functional movement pattern. An example of interval training would be to set aside no more than 20 minutes wherein you run one minute as fast as you can, then walk or jog a minute to recover.

--- Use all your free time (from not having to do so much cardio) to research what YOUR body really needs.

Try the following for starters:

- A consultation with a good Personal Trainer
- Read the Metabolic Typing Diet, by William W. Wolcott and Trish Fahey and figure out how to optimise weight loss by eating right for your body. Visit my website for further information on Metabolic Typing consultations.
- Read 'How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy' by Paul Chek, H.H.P and learn how to do, well, just what the title says
- If you really want to get stuck into the details of what I've just spoken about (and one my best sources for this article), pick up a copy of 'Lights Out: Sleep, Sugar and your Survival', by Bent Formby. It's one of my favourites!

Cardio for weight loss: it's not the solution. That's a fact. The question is - are you willing to take a leap of faith and discover it for yourself?

Life is Now: Don't waste yours on the treadmill.

Oh - and Press Play :


Katrina Eden

Easy Weight Loss for Dog Lovers

If you need to lose weight, more than likely you are thinking in terms of diet and exercise plans, not pets. There are, however, several reasons why getting a dog may be the best thing you ever do, in terms of weight loss. Having a dog can lead to several small but significant lifestyle changes that all add up, over time!

For one thing, a dog requires a minimum of one hour a day of walking and thats every day, not just sunny days, and not just when you feel like it. Of course, you can just take the dog into the yard and throw the ball for it, but why not take advantage of your canine companion and go for real walks every day? Its better for you, and better for the dog. Over time, it gets to be very enjoyable.

Some people feel that just the act of getting a new puppy is weight loss measure in and of itself. Until its trained, its more than likely to keep you on your toes youll be lucky to get a chance to sit down and eat, let alone cook! That initial crazy period usually ends pretty quickly, though. Besides walking, here are some other tips for easy weight loss with dogs.

Heres a great trick feed any bits of food you dont want or think you shouldnt eat to the dog. For example, I havent eaten a toast crust in over two years. I used to eat them just to be rid of them. It just seems wrong to throw them in the garbage, somehow. But feeding them to the dog is nothing more or less than symbiotic. You may not think this is a great weight loss measure, by the way, but Im sure that all those crusts add up!

I must admit (and veterinary dog food purists, close your ears!) that it goes a bit further than that. What if you have made a yummy pasta dish, and theres just a little left, not really enough to be worth putting in a plastic container and saving? If its not so good, Id throw it out, but if it is good, that puts me in a spot. Ill probably either eat it outright despite being full, or pick away at it over the course of a few hours until its gone. This can be avoided if you just simply and automatically give it to the dog. After all, dogs evolved alongside humans for millennia in exactly this way. They ate the leftovers of whatever their human companions were eating. Nowadays, the pet food industry cautions us against doing so, but if the food youre eating is reasonably healthy, whos to say that feeding small bits of it to the dog will do the dog any harm at all?

Personally, I have, on occasion, sunk even lower than that in canine gastrointestinal abuse. There is a brand of white cheddar popcorn, marketed as Smartfood and sold in huge bags, with about a day and a half worth of calories in each. I love it. I love it so much I have been known to eat a whole bag over the course of a few hours. Its delicious. Its the kind of thing I should never buy a bag of. But if I do, and Ive ripped into it, and its disappearing, I can do damage control by periodically pausing in my binging to tip large amounts of the popcorn into a bowl on the floor, where it is just as quickly eaten up by the dog.

It helps to have a big dog. I dont know that any of these measures would work so well with a little one that cant eat quickly. It helps, also, if the dog is at least half black lab. They are purported to have iron cast stomachs, rather like goats, and this has proven to be true in the case of my dog as proven when, at the age of eleven months, she ate four tubes of oil paint, metal and all. She ate all the reds, yellows and oranges, strangely enough ignoring the cool side of the color wheel completely and, amazingly, suffered no ill consequences at all!

For more great information visit Gabae Weight Loss the premiere resource for weight loss, diets, nutrition and living a great healthy life style!

Also if you're looking for more informative articles check out Gabae Weight Loss Articles.

How To Lose Inches Off Your Waist

The waist is one of the most troublesome spots in terms of fat accumulation. The reason why it's so hard to lose inches off your waist is that this is a body part which is genetically more inclined to attract fat. The second reason is that it's a body part which doesn't get involved in most of the movements we do in our day to day activities which means that the waist muscles are naturally less toned.

Most people rely on targeted exercises to shave a few inches off their waist. However, this is the wrong course of action to take because it is very difficult, if not close to impossible, to spot reduce fat from a specific body part. The key to achieve fat loss in your waist area is to reduce your overall body fat percentage. With that reduction, you will also see an improvement in how your waist looks.

How can you reduce body fat?

The key is very simple: create a calorie deficit. This will force your body to go to its energy stores and to burn them. These include your fat cells. The first way to do this is to maintain a healthy diet: no more fast or fried food, avoid sugary beverages and candy. Stick to fruit and vegetables. Cut down on white carbs, cream, regular oil, and processed food. Eat more complex carbs, seeds, whole grain bread, olive oil, and nuts.

The second thing you need to do is to exercise regularly and do both cardio workouts to burn fat and to do strength exercises to increase muscle tissue and boost your metabolism. The more muscle tissue that you have, the faster your metabolism runs and the more calories it burns. This helps you to reduce your overall body fat and to lose inches off your waist.

Follow these tips and in 2 - 3 weeks, I'm sure you'll see true results.

To read more about how to lose belly and waist fat, click here: How To Lose Waist Fat and Get a Flat Tummy

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read how you can start to lose fat fast, visit this web page:

How to lose 10 Pounds Fast.

How to Lose Weight Fast and Easy, Guaranteed!

With much of the country being overweight, most people wonder how to lose weight fast and easy. It's exciting for me to be able to tell you about a plan that really works. This is a healthy plan and you will lose weight faster than you ever thought possible. Read on!

You've probably been on every kind of diet there is - fasting, cabbage soup or some other silly fad, Jenny Craig, Slim Fast, the list is endless. And you probably haven't had much luck at losing alot of weight. If you did lose weight, did it come back? I thought so. It's hard to maintain weight loss with most diet programs.

The program I am about to explain to you will show you step by step how to lose weight fast and easy. By easy, I can tell you this. You DON'T have to starve, and you CAN eat foods you love! You will never be hungry or feel deprived. How many diets have you been on that you didn't actually feel like you were on a diet? This is very different, as you will see.

The Fat Loss 4 Idiots program will show you how to train your body to burn fat using the foods you eat! It's absolutely amazing what you can eat and still lose weight extremely fast. In fact, with the program you can lose 9 pounds in just 11 days. In a months time, you will easily lose 20 pounds or more. All without starving or killing yourself in a gym. Isn't this crazy?

You will learn all about "switching calories", how and when to eat and what to eat. You will also learn how certain fruits and dairy products speed your metabolism. And you don't have to give up the foods you love! No 800 or 1200 calorie per day stuff - in fact, you won't count calories, fat grams or carbs. Find out how to lose weight fast and easy by visiting the Fat Loss 4 Idiots plan from the link below. You'll LOVE it!

Are you ready for a fast weight loss diet plan that works, and is almost too easy? Fat Loss 4 Idiots is the only plan you will ever need to get the body you want and KEEP it! Visit The Skinny on Weight Loss for all the details and more.

How To Lose Weight Fast and Safely

Most people wanting to know how to lose weight fast often forget the 'safe' part. They are so eager to lose that they are willing to compromise their health. The truth is, anybody can lose weight as long as they identify the strategies that work for them. Most people who fail at losing weight do so because they try to make themselves do things they do not want to do. Here are three strategies they may work for you. Contact me and I'll send you 50 more strategies that help others lose weight everyday.

Eat Smaller Portions

Knowing how to lose weight is a no-brainer. Here's the first thing you should do. Americans and perhaps others around the world as well, have gotten used to larger food portions. Who knows where this started? When you eat out at a restaurant, remind your self that not only do you not need to eat the whole thing, but you shouldn't. One nice trick you can use is to tell the waiter to box up half of the meal before she/he brings it out to you. This way, you will never feel the need to eat it right then. Eat the other half for lunch the next day.

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables are a Must

If you want to lose weight, you have to replace the unhealthy foods you eat with fresh fruits and vegetables. The government suggests that you eat five servings a day. I think you need to eat more.

Keeping lots of fruits and vegetables around can prevent you from unhealthy snacking. Some of my most unhealthy eating occurs when I get the munchies and there is nothing health around to eat. I go into a convenience store and the only thing available is junk food and other unhealthy snacks.

Keep a bowl of fruits and vegetables in several places in your house and on your desk at work. When you get hungry, you will reach for that bowl instead of a candy bar or other unhealthy food. This is the key to knowing how to lose weight successfully.

Make Sure Your Goals Are Attainable

Losing too much weight too fast is not healthy. Most health experts agree that it is not healthy to lose more than two pounds a week. Losing more than that can really harm your body. No matter how much you really want to lose a lot of weight fast, you are better off capping it a two pounds max a week. Or, maybe two pounds a week is not attainable for you. If that is the case, then set a goal of losing one pound a week. If you could maintain that for one year, you could lose 52 pounds. That is very significant, healthy and doable.

Do not fret if you do not think any of these strategies can work for you. Knowing how to lose weight fast is knowing that you should only focus on the strategies that work for you. Keep a list of every tip you come across and seeing if they work for you is the key.

Learn how others are losing pounds of body fat week after week with my 50 Weight Loss Tips ebook. Just send an email to

Learn more about how to lose weight here.

Learn about the pros and cons on dieting here.

Learn how to lose weight fast here.

7 Rapid Weight Loss Tips

Rapid weight loss is something that everyone aims for or wishes that would happen. The key thing is rapid weight loss can happen if you burn fat and cleanse toxins out of your body. There are several things you can do in order to burn fat and cleanse toxins out of your body and I'm going to show you 7 tips that will help you do just that.

1. Use a cleanse. People can actually lose weight just by using a cleanse. Did you know that people have at least seven or eight pounds of waste stored in their body? By simply using a cleanse people can remove the toxins and waste from their body. Are you looking for the quickest weight loss, if so consider liquid cleanses.

2. Eat more often, but in smaller amounts and moderation. By eating more often will help your body metabolize the food you eat and in result not store it as fat as what a larger meals do. Eat frequently but in smaller amounts throughout the day will help you lose weight.

3. Eat more protein. Protein helps your body in many ways, one helps your metabolism and two helps you burn fat quicker. Protein is what helps people grow and build muscle.

4. Stop drinking soda pop. Soda pop contains so many calories it's crazy. Your basically drinking cups of sugar. Instead try and drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday. Just by cutting out pop will definitely help you towards rapid weight loss. It also is a good way to flush toxins out of your body as well.

5. Begin to Exercise. Try and exercise a little each day. Even if you can only do 20 minutes each day in exercise, that's 20 minutes more then what you were getting before. Go for walks, or start lifting weights. Before anyone begins to exercise or do something different from your daily routine a good suggestion would be to consult your doctor to make sure your work out routine will be okay for you.

6. Stop drinking alcohol all together or at least cut back big time. For some it might not be a big thing as you may be just a social drinker, for others you might like to have a drink everyday after a long days work. The thing is alcohol is very rich in sugar and carbohydrates and aids in your body storing fat. Definitely a thing to cut way back on if you plan on losing weight rapidly.

7. Stick with your new routine. When people stick to their diet and their new work out routine it should become a habit. If you're looking to lose weight rapidly, people need to stick with it. Don't stop and then start again. If people start and then stop their diet and exercise routine it's actually hard on your system. It won't help towards the rapid weight loss results you're looking for. It will end up getting you frustrated on the slow progress. Rapid weight loss is much more effective when people stick with it.

These 7 Rapid Weight Loss Tips are very small simple things that people can do to make a change to lose weight and be healthier. Being consistent is good not only for rapid weight loss, but long term weight loss as well.

Jamie Boyle is an online author who writes and maintains his blog Quick Weight Loss Tip to help show people some great tips at weight loss. For more information on weight loss please visit

How to Lose Belly Fat

You wake up one morning and walk past a mirror. You turn around and look... your stomach has just moved. A layer of jiggly fat is covering your stomach. Sadly, this scenario is all too common in today's modern world. You would be hard pressed to find someone who has not had belly fat plague them at one point.

So how do we get rid of it? Endless crunches and sit-ups should melt that belly fat right off, right? Wrong. Spot reduction is a myth. You cannot selectively burn fat off your body from a specific spot. It has to be burned from all over the body. What you need to do is use up more calories than you are taking in. There are two components to this: diet and cardio.

  • Diet - You don't need to buy into the latest fad diet to lose belly fat. Just make sure you eat healthy and eat below your caloric maintenance level. Basically just eat less than you normally do. Make sure you eat healthy and do not starve yourself. If you try to starve yourself, your metabolism will shut down and when you eventually do eat, your body will hold on to every calorie and store it as fat. Instead you want to start eating more often. That's right. Try eating six small meals a day. It will boost your metabolism and you will feel less hungry. Also, make sure you eat good amounts of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Remember dietary fat is not the enemy here, body fat is.
  • Cardio - Almost any amount of increased activity is helpful here, but I happen to like HIIT, or High Intensity Interval Training. In HIIT, you alternate periods of high intensity with periods of low intensity. For instance you could sprint for 20 seconds and jog for 40, sprint for 20, jog 40, etc. When you are just starting out, you may be able to do only around 4-5 cycles before dying out. That is only 5 minutes to accomplish what low intensity cardio would accomplish in a hour. In addition to being much quicker and more efficient HIIT boosts overall metabolism so you burn even more calories after the session.

Want to see results and lose weight quickly? Check this website for some awesome weight loss tips and a great diet program.

You Can Lose Weight Through Hypnosis!

It's close to summer, and you're wondering to yourself, if I only weighed less then I would be able to get into this really sexy swimsuit. But how do I do it with out starving myself, or spending hundreds of dollars on crap that may work for a couple of days and then I quit?

Trust me, I have been there. And I know what you're going through.

Weight loss, does not have to be rocket science. Even if you're a rocket scientist.


Through hypnosis, ..."Yeah, yeah pooh I don't know about that." It's the fear of the unknown that can actually hold people back from achieving their goals. I am sure back in the days of Christopher Columbus, many people didn't travel far for the fear of falling off the planet. As a stage hypnotist I am here to tell you, losing weight through hypnosis is easy, inexpensive, and very, very safe.
Now here's how,

1) Find some quiet time for your self. Make sure your not going to be interrupted by anyone or anything. Turn off the phones if necessary, make sure all TV's are off and there is noting around you that can disturb you. Close your eyes and breathe deeply through your nose and allow your breathe to exhale through your lips. With each breathe, allow it to relax all muscles in your body. Work on your feet first all the way up to your head. This should take anywhere between 5- 10 minutes.

2) In your minds eye, take yourself to a flight of stairs, or an escalator, or an elevator, you decide which one. As you descend downwards on each step, or each floor, tell yourself you are relaxing even more with each step, and with each step you are going down deeper and deeper.

3) Once you have reached the bottom, tell yourself you want to go outside. Picture yourself outside, but see yourself ,...thin, the weight you want to be, admire yourself, compliment yourself. Look at yourself as a new person. Really look at every detail about the new you, is there people around you, if so, what are they saying about the new you? tell yourself, this is the new you, tell yourself, this is how you are going to look from now on.

4) Leave this scene, and go back to the stairs, the escalator or the elevator, tell your self as you take each step up you will soon awaken and you will act on eating better so that you can look better and be healthier. Once you reach the top, tell yourself it's time to awaken, and feel even better then you did when you first sat or lay down.

Ta dah, just hypnotized yourself, even in this simplest way you are to to start taking better control of your weight. To maximize this, do this exercise before dropping off to a night of restful sleep, and during the first one to two hours you have for your day.
But ,..we're not done yet.

Set a goal on realistically how much weight you want to lose, put it on a 3x5 card, now stick this to your bathroom mirror, or a mirror that you normally get dressed in front of. If you're on the computer at home a lot, make sue to fix a sticker there with your weight goal.

Tell others how much weight you are going to lose, and ask them if they would support you.

Reduce your size of plates.
That's right, reduce them.

Use smaller ones, on all your meals.

And listen to me, eat BREAKFAST.

It's the green light you'll need to get your metabolism going.

It wouldn't hurt you to take a brisk walk two to three times a week. Put a disk or your IPOD for a favorite book, or music and enjoy a good 30 minute to one hour walk. Consult your doctor first thought before trying any exercise just to make sure, if he or she's says it's ok to walk, then DO IT.

Don't be a donkey and procrastinate.

So there you have it. If you are interested in learning more about weight lost, drop me a line at

Until then,...when I snap my fingers and count to three you'll feel better than before, one..two,...

Thomas E Smith, Hypnotist