Friday, May 9, 2008

Weight Loss Made Easy

Create and Focus on your goal

I guess everyone wants to look slim and to do these with a positive result you have to set your goals, fat loss just don't come but it does if the tactics are applied the right way. In order to lose fat you need to set your own goal by saying you will lose two or more pounds a week and invest time in it to do what is required to lose that two pounds in a week and watch as you lose fat as the work plan expires.

Prepare and plan meals in time

When you are in a fat loss workout plan its not all food you should eat thats why its good to join a reputable lose workout program. Try to stick to that particular type of food you are only required to eat to get a successful plan and make sure you eat it at the required time, do not skip it for another food. During the time when you know you are not required to do it will jeopardize your chances of attaining a great stage to lose fat.

Climb steps instead of elevator

If you stay or live in a house or office where elevator can be alternated to stairs, try to form the habit of taking stairs rather the elevator. Though it might be stressful but it has its advantage of helping you lose fat without spending a penny which is a work you made from self service.

Change food

The type of food you eat will help you lose fat, if you are type that love to eat fatty foods, you are likely to gain more fat rather than burn fat. Eat your food gradually, do not rush your food, do it slowly. Eat foods one at a time do not bombard yourself with food. Take water as you eat and do not start to eat without water by your side or on the table this is because drinking water can help your food digest quicker thereby making you burn lots of calories which lose fat quick.

Drink hot water

If you drink hot water instead of cold water it can help to speed up your metabolism thereby helping you burn lots of calories which is effective to be able to lose fat. When you want to drink water, try to boil it to a temperature that is human being consumable and then drink it, you can do this 4 times daily , you can drink hot water after every 5 hours. Include this method while you are carrying out your fat loss workout plans. This might be uncomfortable but you have to do it if you want to lose fat in a short period of time.

Sleep less

Though its not easy to stay awake all night for someone that wants to lose fat, you can cut the hour of time you sleep at night. If you are the type that sleeps for 7 hours at night, you can cut it to 2 hours to make you lose fat. You may wonder how this will be successful because for real you will be feeling sleepy through out the day, but i must bet you that less sleep burns fat faster than any other method. You can find stuffs to do to stay awake during the night like watching tv, doing some house works or anything you can think of to make you stay awake, this is a successful fat loss program and can be done by anybody whom is serious about waiting to lose fat. I must tell you this will make a quick impact in you during the day like nodding when you go to the office, you might do the 2 hours sleep for 2 weeks and quit.

Finally, you need fat loss 4 idiots, its an online weight loss center. You need the services of fat loss 4 idiots because they uses shifting calories theory, this is how it works : Your body burns calories depending on your eating habits, it is assumed that if you will go on eating similar foods to whatever you've been eating for the past weeks, when you change the kind of calories you eat everyday, your metabolism can't predict what you are going to eat over the next few days, which means you are going to burn more calories.

For a review of Fat Loss for Idiots visit Fat Loss 4 Idiots reviews

Are You Discouraged About Your Weight Loss Program?

You are working on your weight loss program and you have been working on it for weeks or months and you feel no closer to the goal. You can't believe you aren't there yet, and maybe people are criticizing you, and have stopped believing in your ability to pull it off. You are the one being overcome, not the obstacles you are facing. It can be so frustrating working on a project like weight loss and getting fit, and you can get discouraged.


Sometimes you've just got to put one foot in front of the other and keep going - even though it's tough, boring, uncomfortable, maddening, frustrating, upsetting, and depressing.

PERSEVERE - Nothing in the world can take the place of perseverance. Talent will not - nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not - unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not - the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. - Calvin Coolidge

Another thought to Keep in mind:

Even a journey of 10,000 miles begins with one step.

You can only accomplish things one step at a time. That's how everything gets done. So your weight loss is taking more time than you had hoped. It's more difficult than you had hoped. When things get rough sometimes all you can do is put one foot in front of the other.

Try not to get bogged down in discouragement. You are not alone, and if the people around you have lost faith in your ability and you have too, just keep moving forward. You don't need confidence and you don't need faith in yourself. All you need is to take the next step in the right direction.

"If you're not failing every now and again, it's a sign you're not doing anything very innovative." -Woody Allen

If your weight loss programs aren't effective, this program is the new fast and easy way to lose the fat:

Gut Flora and Weight Loss

The bacteria that live in your GI tract are one of the most overlooked and vaguely understood components of both weight loss and longevity.There are a host of weight and health related problems that come from imbalances or problems with your intestinal flora.

Do you get a tummy bloat after eating carbs?

Is your fat relatively low but you still have a protruding stomach?

Do you not seem to recover well after exercise?

All of these can be manifestations of a problem with your internal flora. The old adage 'you are what you eat' gives way to our modern understanding that 'you are wh at you absorb'.

In this series, we will look at the role of intestinal flora. Our aim here is to education you on the nature of the vital role intestinal flora play in our health, weight loss, and longevity.

First, let's understand what we mean by the term 'gut flora'. The term gut flora refers to the delicate balance of microbes and other 'germs,' both good and bad, that live in the human gut (the stomach,small and large intestines and colon). The gut flora balance is the perfect scientific example of a commensal relationshipan otherwise symbiotic relationship where only one side benefits (in this case, the human).

There are billions of gut flora bacterial cells in the human body,compromising over 400 different strains. In fact, the bacteria in your stomach can comprise up to 22lbs of your total body weight! Though many of types of bacteria living in our stomach have been identified, there are still several types of gut flora that have yet to be explored, mainly because many are resistant to the latest culturing techniques, making them nearly impossible to study. The problem is that many types of intestinal flora can't survive outside of the warm, incubating human body and therefore can't be studied alive.

So what do the flora in our stomach and intestines do? How does what they do relate to losing weight and being lean and fit? Consider the following

Many of the flora in our gut work symbiotically within the human body. A partial list of the physiological processes that are influenced by our composition of intestinal bacteria would include our immune system, digesting carbohydrates, preventing irritable bowels, maximizing the absorption of nutrients, energy production and more.

For the purposes of weight loss and fitness we must consider that proper nutrition is essential to be lean and fit. Our intestinal flora have a very large influence over the assimilation and absorption of what we eat. Conversely, an equally important consideration that is usually overlooked is that what we eat can influence our composition of intestinal flora.

One example is the excess consumption of sugar. Certain types of flora that live within our gut thrive on a high sugar diet, most notably Candida Albicans. If you get a bloat in your lower tummy after eating sugar, this is a good indication of a candida bloom. These flora produce what are known as endotoxins. Endotoxins are poisonous substances that live within the bacteria themselves. When these bacteria die, the poisons within them flood into your body causing an immune response. If you have ever consumed sugar and felt nauseated,the endotoxins released into your system from bad gut flora are the culprit.This is just one example illustrating that if you want to lose weight and be fit and lean for life, you can't ignore the influence wielded by the little bugs living in your gut.

Learn more about weight loss at - Weight Loss Longevity Fitness.

5 Fat Loss Myths That You Must Not Ignore!

I recently gave a presentation to about 70 females on the subject of fat loss and the common methods we use to attempt to rid ourselves of excess body fat. During my research for the talk, I unearthed a large amount of material that supports my belief that most of the world's population are being misled in their quest for a slim, but healthy body, that so many of us crave!

Does it feel like the whole idea of fat loss is only possible for the genetically gifted...

Are you searching for the quick fix that will trim away body fat overnight?

Or are you still waiting for our "trusted" pharmaceutical companies to produce the ultimate weight loss pill that will solve worldwide obesity problems...

Sharing some of the following facts and myths with you is not going to be easy for you to stomach, I suspect that you'll be shocked, dismayed or maybe you'll feel that none of what I tell you is true.

In fact I am fairly sure you'll dispute much of what I report, so I ask you to check my sources, read for yourself the studies that I cite. You'll be as shocked as my audience when you really do discover the truth about fat loss!

Myth 1 - Skipping meals and snacks is OK if I want to lose fat! Do you skip breakfast, the odd lunch, or maybe you don't eat at all for a whole day, because you "don't feel hungry"?


There is nothing worse for your metabolism than irregular feedings.

Eating 6 meals a day compared to just 2 meals a day of the SAME caloric value total for the day, will result in more fat loss!

Check out study no.1 to discover why eating every few hours is ESSENTIAL for fat loss!

Myth 2 - A calorie is a calorie

Unfortunately NOT.

Eating a diet of refined carbs and low fat will actually make you fatter, than a diet of low carb, high fat of the same caloric value!

If you think about it we have been told by the FDA in the US to reduce the amount of Fat in our diet and replace it with carbs like bread and pasta. The food pyramid clearly showed this!

Sadly it is all those refined carbs that have been adding to our waist line and not the fats.

Study no.2, proves that a diet high in fat actually resulted in MORE fat loss!

Myth 3 - You must only train in the "fat burning zone" to lose fat!

Probably the biggest myth in the world of health and fitness today, and one that drew the most gasps and head shaking in my audience!

The fat burning zone DOES exist BUT, it is NOT an effective workout strategy for overall fat loss.

How can that be?

To be honest you don't need to read the studies to prove this, you can see for yourself in the gym. How many people do you see going to the gym week after week for months on end, doing their fat-burning zone workouts, BUT never actually changing shape?

The nail in the coffin of your fat burning zone workouts is crystal clear study no.3 comparing a 'diet only' group to a 'diet and exercise' group. The exercise consisting of a 45 minute "fat burning zone" routine, 5 days a week for 12 weeks.

The abstract from this study states: Results indicate that moderate aerobic exercise training during a 12-week period has no discernible effects on body composition.

i.e. fat burning zone workouts do nothing for losing body fat!!


Myth 4 - Calorie counters on machines are useful for fat loss...

We've all done it, waiting for the calorie counter on the treadmill or cross trainer to tick by 400 or 500 calories burnt during your workout. We can then feel all virtuous as we tuck into our post workout coffee and chocolate muffin, safe in the knowledge we have "earned" it.

Unfortunately, calories burned during your workouts are not significant when you want to lose fat!

Study no.4 compared endurance style workouts to higher intensity interval training where the number of total calories burned during the workout, was over twice as much for the endurance group than the intervals group.

You would think that the endurance group would logically lose more fat given that they have burned more calories in total? However the intervals group lost NINE times more fat than the endurance group!

Those calorie counters on your exercise bike are really worthless, my advice, cover them up!

Myth 5 - Crunches will get rid of your belly fat!

How many crunches do you do each day? 10, 20... maybe 50, 100... or maybe more?

Any self respecting fitness professional will tell you that "spot reduction" doesn't work! If it did, all the people doing 100 crunches a day would be walking around with a perfect SIX PACK, but flabby butt and thighs! It just doesn't work like that!

So quit wasting your time and effort on this ineffective exercise and have a go at doing some of the more effective methods instead...

THREE truly effective ways of getting rid of body fat

1. Drop the refined carbs from your diet. Eat more high quality proteins and unrefined carbs in the form of fresh fruit and vegetables. 2. Do some short, sharp and very effective interval workouts. 3. Get your trainer to show you some intensive ALL BODY resistance workouts, utilising large muscle groups as much as possible!

Each of these methods will achieve the necessary result of boosting your "basal metabolic rate", this is your 24/7 fat burning system in your body.

Utilise all 3 methods and fat will literally melt away!

12 weeks is a relatively short time period in your lifetime, and this is all it took for Claire to drop over 5% in body fat, and drop 2 dress sizes utilising the same three methods of fat loss. With renewed confidence in her body and her structural health too, she is now embarking on a new sporting passion of rock climbing....

So what would you do with your new body?

Whilst you may not want to believe that these 5 myths really ARE myths, I urge you to follow up on the studies I cite and see for yourself!

Better still, would be to get down to your gym, adjust your nutritional habits, and try out the EFFECTIVE methods for yourself.


Study 1. Iwao, S., Mori, K., Sato, Y. Effects of meal frequency on body composition during weight control in boxers. Scan J Med Sci Sports 6:265-272, 1996

Study 2. Effects of a low-fat versus a low-carbohydrate diet on adipocytokines in obese adults. de Luis DA, Aller R, Izaola O, Gonzalez Sagrado M, Bellioo D, Conde R.

Study 3. Influence of diet and/or exercise on body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness in obese women. Utter AC, Nieman DC, Shannonhouse EM, Butterworth DE, Nieman CN.

Study 4. Impact of exercise intensity on body fatness and skeletal muscle metabolism. Tremblay A, Simoneau JA, Bouchard C.

Tim Goodwin is a fitness professional specializing in help the busiest people achieve more with their amateur sporting interests, and at the same time ridding them of excess body fat. Visit to get a free 18 page report "How to lose weight even when you are really busy" containing a full 4 week program which you can start today!

Role Of Green Tea In Weight Loss Programs

Green Tea is very commonly used in China since several hundred years as a cure for many ailments. These days, it is used in a broad spectrum of treatments and cures from cancer prevention, weight loss, antioxidant applications to anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. Regular intake of a single cup or a capsule of green tea extract a day is all it takes. You should bear in mind that there is no miracle remedy for weight loss.

It is extracted from the plant called Camellia sinensis which is native to Asia. This plant is rich in the substance called epigallochatechin gallate or EGCG. It acts as the main ingredient for destruction of free radicals in our body, the main cause for aging process and disease generation. EGCG also contains antioxidant which helps keep cholesterol levels under control.

It has been proved by scientific studies that green tea can be used in weight loss programs. Ten healthy young men were used as the subjects. Then difference in energy expenditures of different food intakes was observed. It showed that green tea boosted energy expenditure by a almost four percent, quite an increase.

If you are on a weight loss program, green tea is a good alternative to drinking coffee and cream which area high in calories. It provides a two-pronged benefit. While on one hand calorie consumption is controlled, on the other hand your body gets a regular supply of many healthy substances like polyphenols and flavonoids. Caffeine has appetite-suppressant properties. It also contains a small amount of caffeine, which makes it all the more useful for loosing weight.

Statistical reports provide one more benefit of using green tea as a vital ingredient in your daily food intake. It helps reduce fat by inhibiting the effects of insulin. Insulin is known for converting glucose into energy for the body to be stored into fat. By delaying insulin, green tea weight loss programs enable sugar to be sent directly to the muscles for instant use, thus preventing fats from forming.

The process within our body of burning fat and releasing calories is also known as thermogenesis. Low carb weight loss diet plans which use green tea, promote the process of thermogenesis. It is caused by an interaction of caffeine content and catechin polyphenols present in green tea. It is what makes such weight loss programs very effective in stimulating metabolic rates.

Laxmi Keshav gathers information about health and fitness. You can get it here - can green tea lose my weight and low fat low carb recipes

Weight Loss Supplements That Work

When approaching the idea of taking a weight loss supplement, it's important to keep in mind that there's no magic pill that will give you immediate results and do the work for you. With that in mind, there are some supplements on the market that can enhance your weight loss, as long as you're watching your diet and working out.

CLA, or conjugated linoleic acid, is a weight loss supplement that inhibits the body's ability to store fat. It aids this process in numerous ways, but mainly by prompting the body to use stored fats as energy by breaking down fats stored in fat cells and returning them to the blood stream for immediate use.

Thermogen is a weight loss supplement that turns calories into heat rather than turning them to fat. It increases the metabolism and reduces the conversion of carbohydrates to fat. It is a stimulant so it can increase anxiety and nervousness, so you may not want to take it if you are already prone to these symptoms.

Pyruvate is a weight loss supplement that enhances fat loss by prioritizing transport of nutrient to muscle cells instead of fats cells. This can give you better energy and smaller fat stores. Pyruvate also improves metabolism and insulin sensitivity which, as we know, will really aid your effort to lose weight.

Whey protein shakes are the most efficient way to get protein without the calories or fat of eating meats. Drink one or two a day in the mid-morning and about an hour before dinner are the best take to have them. Keep in mind that whey isn't good for all people. If you are lactose intolerant or experience bloating or cramping, try soy protein instead.

Fiber is another great natural supplement to aid weight loss. It naturally fills makes you feel full as it slowly passes through the small intestine, so you can eat less and still feel satisfied. While fiber comes in drink mixes and pills, doctors recommend you get most of your fiber from foods that naturally contain it such as cereals and vegetables.

Green tea is great for you due to its high antioxidant content, but it also helps you lose weight by increasing your metabolism thus stimulating your body to burn fat. You can take green tea naturally or in a pill supplement. Green tea's combination of caffeine and epigallocatechin gallate triggers production of the noradrenaline hormone known to boost the metabolism and suppress hunger pangs.

When these supplements are stacked along side an aggressive work out and diet regimen, you should see some strong results. Just remember not to take the pill and sit back and wait for it to do the work.

Kelly Lester is committed to one thing, and that's helping YOU lose weight. Visit his website right now at Guide To Weight Loss for some great information on losing weight. Or, want to see the #1 weight loss course online? Visit the Burn The Fat Review section of Kelly's website.

The Secret To Burning Body Fat

Would you like to know the secret to burning body fat? Healthy natural weight loss really boils down to two things.

The secret to burning body fat to get to your ideal weight is you must eat and exercise right or it simply won't happen. That's probably not what you wanted to hear, right?

But did you know that 95% of all people who lose weight gain it all back again? That means the diet methods most people are using simply don't work.

The problem is most people rely on diet plans, pills and supplements which usually only achieves quick fix weight loss results. But once you go off the diet plan or quit taking the pills and supplements you gain the weight back again.

Have you ever eaten the diet meals in a package that cost you a fortune? What happens when you stop eating those expensive diet meals? Could you eat these the rest of your life?

That's why eating like this will not work for a long-term weight loss solution. You must use your common sense and go back to basics for what really works.

Even small adjustments in eating and exercising can make a world of difference in your weight loss results.

Understanding how your body's metabolism works can help you burn body fat effectively to get to your perfect weight and maintain it. Your body's metabolism is the biological process that burns body fat.

While exercising is one of the critical parts of raising your metabolism, the food you eat also plays just as an important roll in how your body burns fat.

Ever heard of negative calorie or fat burning compatible foods? Fat burning compatible foods and negative calorie foods require more energy for your body to break down, absorb and then use than the actual calories that they contain.

Eating these foods requires the body to create a calorie deficit that helps to burn body fat. That process can help you with achieve permanent weight loss.

Eating foods like high-fiber fruit, vegetables and nutritious whole grains not only keeps your digestive system on track, they actually prevent fat storage.

There are many more ways of burning body fat, and once you understand how your body's metabolism works, you'll have found the secret to burning body fat. In many cases it's the perfect permanent weight loss solution for you.

Gary Gresham is the author of "Fat Burning Secrets" that gives you lists of negative calorie and fat burning compatible foods that you can buy at any regular supermarket and fat burning exercises that can be done with or without fitness equipment.