Monday, May 26, 2008

Weight Loss Motivation Advice - The Hallmarks of Weight Loss Hype

Weight loss motivation advice is everywhere. You can find it one magazine covers, television commercials, talk shows, and from the people around you. Everyone has an opinion, special diet, or pill that will help you lose belly fat and get flat abs.

Unfortunately much of this is just plain marketing hype. Following the hype leads to frustration and failure. The net result of this that you lose all motivation to do what it really takes to lose weight. For this reason it becomes very important to discern the hype from sound weight loss advice.

Here are 5 hallmarks of weight loss hype:

1. You can lose weight fast. You can't lose 5-10 pounds per week. That's hype. Plan for 1-2 lbs. of body fat loss per week. Anything more than this is usually water loss and is quickly regained. Additionally, you may lose lean muscle mass. This will decrease your body's ability to burn calories while you are at rest.

2. You can lose weight without exercise. Crash diets and pills will not lead to the kind of weight loss that is healthy and permanent. It takes some exercise. Aerobic exercise helps you burn calories while exercising. It also helps raise your metabolic rate so that you burn more fat while resting. Strength training also helps your burn fat by building lean muscle mass. You have to move to lose belly fat.

3. You can lose weight and still eat whatever you want. If you're overweight you will need to change what and how you eat. Don't buy into any gimmicks that say otherwise. Changing your eating habits and establishing a sound nutrition plan is absolutely essential to losing weight and keeping it off. The diets that tell you to eat all of the pizza and ice cream you want and still lose weight are leading down the road of failure and frustration.

4. You can lose weight by taking this special supplement. This is really the epitome of marketing hype. These are rarely anything other than a mixture of vitamins and herbs. Don't waste your money.

5. You can lose weight by using this special machine. These are typically abs machines. Some of these machines have the potential to tone your abdominal muscles. However, if you don't lose belly fat those muscles will remain hidden. These machines will not help you create a sufficient calorie deficit to lose body fat. You're better off going for a 45 minute brisk walk and doing some push-ups.

I hope that knowing these hallmarks of hype will help you stay motivated to lose excess belly fat and get the flat abs you've always wanted.

Dr. Steve Tuggle is a practicing dentist, certified personal trainer (ACE, ACSM), certified wellness coach, life coach, ordained minister, and internet entrepreneur. You can learn more about how to improve your health and wellness at

For more motivation and information on HOW TO LOSE BELLY FAT visit

How To Lose Weight Fast And Effortlessly

There a significant number of strategies and approaches being taught about how to lose weight and many of them do work to some extent. The problem with most weight loss strategies is that the people that use them and see results tend to end up gaining the weight back after a few months or so of losing it and sometimes they gain back more than they lose.

Losing weight really comes down to 2 things and that is diet and exercise. However there is a third element that is critical. This third element is your commitment level. The fact is that most people know how to lose weight but they simply do not follow through. It is their lack of commitment that causes them to fail rather than their lack of knowledge. Thus you must first build an unwavering commitment level to losing weight before you start any diet or exercise program.

There are many approaches you can use to build your commitment level. Many people that lose weight and stay at a healthy weight have trained themselves to simply hate being overweight and love being at a healthy weight. Think about the negative consequences that being overweight is bringing into your life right now. Think about all the pain and suffering you are going through just because you have some extra weight.

Think about all the humiliation and the lack of self esteem and confidence that not being fit and healthy has brought into your life. You need to get sick and tired of your current health and fitness level otherwise you will never change. Also focus on the pleasure that having a powerful healthy body will bring into your life. Maybe you will now have more confidence to approach that special someone that you have always wanted to build a relationship with.

Focus on the pleasure of being fit and healthy and focus on the pain that being overweight and unhealthy is having on your life. Use the pain and pleasure to drive you to follow through and stick with a healthy weight loss program. Build your commitment level and grow it each day and you will find that you will have the power to follow through on any effective weight loss program you choose.

There are many effective approaches diet and exercise that can help you to lose weight. The key to diet is to break down your meals into smaller portions and simply eat less but more often. Also try to get as much natural food into your diets such as fruits and vegetables and minimize your consumption of meats and processed foods. This is a great challenge but if you have the commitment it will be easy.

Exercise is composed of two parts and that is weight training and aerobics. Both are important. Weight training will build that all important muscle mass that turns your body into a fat burning machine since muscle burns calories all the time. Simply join a gym or buy a good piece of weight training equipment and do a variety of exercises roughly once a week or even once every two weeks.

It is important to not weight train too much so the more weight you lift the more rest you will need to recover. Do aerobics 3 to 5 times a week however with aerobics the key is simply to move consistently for 30 to 60 minutes. If you work a job where you are always on your feet then you may not even need to do any aerobics at all since your job gives you the aerobic benefits you need. Base the amount of aerobic exercise you do based on your current lifestyle. Follow some of these weight loss tips to help you become thin and healthy.

Shakil is an online researcher, author and a regular contributor to a site that shows people how to attain better health and wellness. Be sure to stop by and learn how to lose weight too.

Weight Loss Diets and Tips

Studies in recent years about obesity and overweight tendencies in human beings have shown that people who are obese and over-weight are consuming food, which is more than their actual energy requirements.

One needs to have a balanced caloric intake in order to balance the energy proportion in his/her body. People who are very eagerly trying for weight loss need to make wiser choices while consuming food and be more active. Weight loss cannot be achieved without calorie control.

Here are few weight loss diet tips for you:

  • You can adopt for yourself the weight loss diet of calorie control intake by consuming measures of food that have low calories such as most of the vegetables, fruits or fresh vegetable soups.

  • You would also need to reduce your intake of alcohol, added sugars and fatty foods. You need not stop eating food with calories all together.

  • You can pick fat-free or low fat products, whole grains, fruits and vegetables to ensure that your body is not deprived of the vital nutrients in your zeal for a weight loss diet.

An ideal weight loss diet would be one that would have an item from each food group such as fiber, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and other nutrients that have lesser amount of calories.

You need to strictly reduce your sodium, cholesterol, saturated fats and trans fats intake to achieve a healthy weight loss.

Diet control is always the first and best option for weight loss. The weight loss diet, which you should follow, should include fat, carbohydrates and protein, each containing 25-30% calories, 45-65% calories and 10-35% calories respectively.

All those weight loss diets, which have very low or very high amount of fat; carbohydrates or proteins are not advisable. You need to bring about a gradual change in your lifestyle in order to reduce your weight and maintain it steadily.

For more info visit : Weight Loss Diets

How To Lose Stomach Fat And Love Handles

Have you tried without fail to remove that stomach fat and love handles with more and more crunches and other ab exercises? Do you remove them by completely cutting out fat from your diet? No, that won't make it work.

Love handles and stomach fat is quite a common concern amongst men, especially if you would like to see your six pack abs or just lower your chances of heart disease. Unfortunately, as we age our metabolism starts to slow down and we end up storing excessive fat around the waist. Combine that with the fact that we become more sedentary the older we get, it would seem like a surefire way to gain love handles, stomach fat, a pot belly, and even a spare tire. Okay, I think you get the picture about how we get love handles and excessive abdominal fat, but how do we minimize it?

Unfortunately spot reduction training does not work, i.e. you cannot target a specific area in your body, like your love handles, for fat loss. Stored fat on your body, no matter where it is, belongs to the whole body and can therefore only be reduced by an overall body exercise routine. The best way would be a combination of cardiovascular (aerobics) and weight training exercises, especially if you alternate them on every other day. Obviously, there is no quick fix method to remove excessive fat around your waist - not even all the crunches and sit-ups will achieve this. Abdominal exercises will only strengthen your midsection, but will not magically burn off the fat around your waist.

Common ways on how to lose stomach fat and love handles include:

  • a) reduce sodium intake - it aids water retention in the body

  • b) drink plenty of ice-cold water - it helps to metabolize stored fat

  • c) reduce alcohol intake - it contains a lot of 'empty calories'

  • d) eat healthy - lots of fresh, green vegetables and fruit

  • e) exercise regularly - why park close by when you can walk?

Losing stomach fat and love handles will only happen over time, but is definitely worth the effort and time. Get all the free information and help to aid you in seeing your six pack abs at Natural Weight Loss.

Francisco M. Lakay is the author of the site Natural Weight Loss (Natural Weight Loss), where free information on living healthy and natural weight loss can be found.

Weight Loss Mindset

It annoys you when you are looking in the mirror. Your jeans will not fit because that flubber just refuses to fit in. Your friends sometimes think you are pregnant. Your lady love does not like your beer belly. Yes! That darn belly fat. It seems not to go away. You cannot just push it away like the pleasures of eating. Ever imagined yourself with flat firm stomach? Ever thought of yourself having that oozing sex appeal that you every dreamed of?

Health specialists conclude that those people who have higher fat density in their stomach predisposes them to acquiring heart ailments in the future. Those with apple-like shaped bodies which have more fat deposition in their stomach are more at risk for a heart attack than those with pear-shaped bodies, with fat concentrations in the thigh and hip areas.

Losing that fat belly is a good step to a healthy you and a healthy future. The best way to get rid of that belly fat is to get rid of your pessimism towards weight loss. A change in perspective can mean a lot. It can even change your life.

Start the change within yourself. It is one of the best ways on how to loose that stubborn belly fat. Try a change in your lifestyle. If you are sedentary or a 'couch potato", it is time for a change in paradigm. Try sweating it out with some exercise you may be surprised at how good you will feel about yourself. Perhaps you have tried all sorts of weight loss remedy in the market. For sure you have tried using the diet pills, lose weight teas, lose weight drugs and read tons of lose weight guides but still all your efforts will be futile if you do not have a structure and system in place to keep you on track.

If you have not made a firm commitment on losing weight you will end up wasting your efforts. Consider this, it is time for you to stop counting on fast weight loss programs, guide books and supplements UNTIL you find the DISCIPLINE and CONVICTION that it is required for such programs to work.

Begin with a good attitude and a positive regard towards losing weight. Remember that all of those things you do to lose weight like controlling your diet, good nutrition and proper exercise are all in vain unless you see things in a different perspective. If you can do this then you are on the right track. Be positive and everything will follow.

W.Yates writes on various subjects of interest, from Internet marketing to fast weight loss methods.

Belly Fat Weight Loss Tips For Building Flat Abs

These belly fat weight loss tips will help you shrink that stubborn belly fat and keep it off. We all want lean looking abs but if you look around it seems that few people are reaching this goal. There are many myths in existence on how to lose belly fat.

Most of these myths lead to lost money and time instead of lost inches in the waist. In fact you could even add to your belly fat problem if you follow some of these fallacies. If you will avoid these myths and follow some sound, time-proven principles you can reach your goal of reducing your belly fat and having flat abs.

Here are two extremely dangerous myths you must avoid:

1. You will lose belly fat fast.

2. You will lose belly fat doing abdominal exercises.

You should avoid all weight-loss programs that promote either of these.

These belly fat weight loss tips will help you reach your goal of lean and flat abs:

  • Plan on losing 1-2 pounds of body fat each week. You can starve off more pounds each week but it won't be from fat loss. This is typically water loss and is eventually regained. If you remain on one of these diets for a prolonged time you will ultimately start losing muscle tissue. This will reduce your body's ability to burn calories. It will also lower your body's metabolism and make it even more difficult to burn fat.
  • Plan on eating a lean protein and complex carbohydrate within one hour of waking in the morning. Don't start your day by putting your body in the starvation mode. This de-stabilizes your blood sugar and slows your metabolism. The result is you spend the day trying to get back on track. Many times you are still hungry in the evening and overeat before going to bed.
  • Limit the amount of saturated fat you eat each day. Limit your intake to 10-20% of your total calories each day. Most people eat entirely too much saturated fat each day. Taking this one simple step will greatly help you lose body fat more quickly.
  • Monitor the add-ons. These are those items that often get mindlessly added to our foods. For example, you can completely negate the benefits of a healthy salad by adding a high-fat and high-calorie salad dressing. The same goes for foods like broccoli and chicken when you add cheese and other unhealthy sauces.
  • Do some form of aerobic exercise in the morning. There are two reasons for doing this. First, it is easier to maintain a consistent and long-term exercise program if it is implemented at the beginning of your day. This helps you prevent having your exercise time squeezed from your schedule by other daily activities. Second, there is some evidence that there is an enhanced fat-burning effect when aerobic exercise is performed in the morning.
  • Push some weight 2-3 times per week. You can use free weights, weight machines, or even your own bodyweight. Work your major muscle groups at least once and no more than twice each week. The additional muscle will increase your body's ability to burn calories and lose belly fat.

Avoid the myths and follow these belly fat weight loss tips to reach your goal of flat abs and less belly fat.

Dr. Steve Tuggle is a practicing dentist, certified personal trainer (ACE, ACSM), certified wellness coach, and life coach. You can learn more about belly fat and how it affects your health and wellness at

For the lates updates on Belly Fat Weight Loss Tips visit

Is The Weight Loss Patch For You?

There is always a new invention and modern ways that are constantly implemented to assist with effectively losing weight. During my research, I found one such called The Weight Loss Patch. The Patch is claimed to be revolutionary, advanced appetite suppressant, metabolism booster, and energy enhancer...all in one. The Patch helps to prevent going on starvation diets because of its natural and easy use. It is safe and requires no grueling and dangerous exercises. It is said to work all day and all night long by placing it on any area of the body.

Placing a new adhesive skin patch on your body each day are the instructions for continuous, safe, and effective weight loss. It is much like a Nicotine Patch that takes away your craving for cigarettes or the Detox Foot Patch that removes the toxins from your body while you sleep.

The Weight Loss Diet Patch as experienced by those who use it is supposed to drastically reduce your cravings for food, so you naturally do not want to over-eat. At the same time, the Patch boosts your energy level, and jump-starts your metabolism to burn maximum body fat.

It obliterates the need to take pills, diet plans or weight loss programs. Due to the fact that it does not have to be taken internally, most people would want to try it out of curiosity or desperation. People are motivated by different things and have different needs at certain times in their lives. No matter where you are in life or what mental state you find yourself, if you really want to lose weight without the hassle, you will be tempted to at least try the weight loss patch as a means to the end of your weight loss issues.

The primary positive fixation about this patch is that the ingredients are safe for anyone to use and according to the retailers that sell this product, it will work or you get your money back. I guess that is how confident they are about their product.

The results, though, have to be consistent with how you use the product and if you follow the guidelines of how to use it as with any other weight loss product on the market. The possibility of losing weight in a natural and safe manner has created a craze for this product in comparison to diets like Atkins diet, South Beach diet, Jenny Craig, Trimpsa diet and Nutrition System because those diets follow a more rigid plan.

After reading this article, can you honestly answer the question, Is the weight loss patch for you? This is your challenge and decision to make and I would think that it really depends on how serious you are about your weight loss success.

Cheryline Lawson, author and owner of and you are welcome to use this article as long as you keep the resource box intact and publish the article in its entirety. Visit to learn more.

Looking For Loss In All The Wrong Places

Yes, loss. Weight loss. You got it. It seems that there are many more places on Earth to gain weight than to lose it. It doesn't seem quite fair, but that is the way it is. Here we are in times that harp on youth, slim bodies, and health - and most of us are middle aged and middle overweight.

You would think that you could lose weight in a gym. But to be honest, a gym can't make you lose weight. It may help, but exercise alone cannot do the whole job. Besides, aren't you always hungrier after you work out? It always works out that there is a sub sandwich, pizza, or fast food restaurant near your gym. It's probably on your way home too and the have TAKEOUT... I think "they" plan it that way.

How about taking those pills that supposedly make you lose weight? They also can't do the whole job all by themselves. It is the same with the diet food programs. As long as you eat the costly food you order from them you may lose some weight, but don't think that it will continue if you choose to leave the program! It is the same old two-step.... stop the props, stop the weight loss, and regain the weight. That's the way it goes - over and over again. And it seems that every time we start this never-ending circle, we think the outcome will be different. Ah, the ever hopeful nature of the human dieter!

Of course, one would never even think of trying to look in fast food places for weight loss. Even I know that. But it is interesting to watch how many people go in there everyday anyway. Aren't the people in the fast food commercials always slim and young? Maybe I've just been ordering the wrong things on my forays into these places. Next time I'll try an order of slim waist, size 8-dress body, and a big helping of skinny legs and arms. Maybe that will help.

What about bars, parties, or holiday meals? Bars after all only have peanuts or pretzel mix to eat. How much weight could a person gain on that? And of course we all know that parties only serve food in which the calories don't count. There is an unwritten law somewhere about that, I think. And I personally know that Aunt Ellen takes every one of the extra calories out of the food she serves at her holiday table!

Let's look at my personal favorite place to look for weight loss, Mexican Food Restaurants. I just always know that I have lost some weight in there somewhere, and I guess that I just keeping going back in to look for it. So far, even with all of my looking, I never seem to find anything there except fat, fat, and more fat, mainly on me.

You can look for weight loss in the many and varied diets that everyone tries. From the cantaloupe diet to the ice cream diet, if you look hard enough, you can always find a diet that sounds halfway fun. Everyone has a friend that can tell you about the dozens of diets they have been on and how they worked. But it always seems that those friends are even heavier than I am!

So I guess it comes down to this. If you look for an answer anywhere but inside yourself, you are doomed to failure. You can find weight loss in all of those places listed above if it first starts inside of you. No one can help you do anything unless you let them. If you choose to change your lifestyle to reflect a healthier and leaner one, then your body in time will follow. Now you know the answer. And the answer has been YOU all the time.

Take care and love yourself.

Frances Lewis

The author operates an educational and informational blog about health and weight loss. She is a 30+-year veteran of the health services business. Now she devotes her full time educating and helping people reach their ideal body weight. Frances has always had a passion for teaching and education. She helps others to gain control of their health and their weight. Visit for more information.

10 Ways to Maintain Your Healthy Weight

Losing weight takes discipline and time. I know, because it took me a year and a half to lose 25 pounds. My weight stayed at 115-117 pounds until my husband I went to a conference in Warsaw, Poland. Conference and restaurant meals took their toll and I gained three pounds (one clothing size) in a week.

We stayed at the Marriott Hotel, which has a "Splendid Breakfast Buffet." Before I took any food from the buffet I surveyed my choices. I ate a healthy breakfast every morning: orange juice, fresh fruit, and low-fat yogurt sprinkled with granola. However, it was difficult to eat healthy lunches and dinners because I had few options.

Don't get me wrong, the food was delicious and artistically served. But leaving half a meal on my plate and skipping desserts didn't balance my food consumption. How could I get back to my healthy weight? The Harvard School of Public Health recommends a "defensive eating" approach to weight loss/maintenance.

Defensive eating has seven steps: selective eating, small portions, stopping before you feel stuffed, few desserts, eating slowly, sensible snacks, and awareness of why you're eating. I added these steps to my personal plan. Here are my 10 tips for maintaining a healthy weight.

1. EAT BREAKFAST. Nutritionists consider breakfast the most important meal of the day because it fuels your day. I get up at 5:30 a.m. and by 9:30 a.m. I'm ready for lunch. Solution? I eat half of my breakfast (two fruits and cereal) at the crack of dawn and the other half of my breakfast (fruit or wheat toast) mid-morning.

2. KEEP A FOOD DIARY. I don't keep a written diary, but I keep a mental list of everything I eat. This list includes every cookie, every cracker, and every pretzel. If I've eaten too much sugar, fat or salt I cut back on these the next day. My food diary has led to a collection of healthy recipes.

3. EAT LOW-ENERGY-DENSE FOODS. Mayo Clinic developed a Healthy Weight Pyramid to "encourage weight loss, weight maintenance and long term health." Low-energy-dense foods (lower calorie foods that make you feel full), are an important part of the pyramid. Fruits and vegetables are low-energy-dense foods and you may eat all you want.

4. STOCK UP ON HEALTHY SNACKS. I keep healthy snacks - carrot sticks, celery sticks, apples, and other fresh fruit - on hand. For a quick, filling snack I eat sugar free applesauce. Unsalted peanuts and walnuts help me to curb hunger pangs, but I'm careful to eat small portions. When I travel I bring healthy granola bars with me. (Yes, I took granola bars to Poland.)

5. BECOME SIZE WISE. By size wise, I mean portion sizes of the food you eat. You may be eating super-size portions instead of "normal" ones. For example, one serving of spaghetti is half a cup, not a mountain of pasta. According to the American Obesity Association, people who maintain a healthy weight eat five times a day, on average, and consume about 1,400 calories. In other words, they eat small meals often.

6. LIMIT CERTAIN FOODS. The American Obesity Association says 92 percent of those who maintain a healthy weight limit their intake of certain food, such as fast food. When I shop for food I avoid foods that have "empty calories," high-calorie foods with low nutritional value. In case you're wondering, I rarely eat at a fast food restaurant.

7. CUT CONDIMENTS. What's the second ingredient on the ketchup bottle? It's high fructose corn syrup, sugar you don't need. Mayonnaise has 90 calories per serving (one tablespoon) and 90% of these calories come from fat. Soy sauce is liquid salt. This extra sugar, fat and salt may cause weight gain. You don't have to give up condiments, just buy healthier versions of them.

8. KEEP MOVING. Regular physical activity is critical to Mayo Clinic's Healthy Weight Food Pyramid. And according to "Why Won't 'Diets' Work?", an article posted on the Internet by WOAI in San Antonio, healthy eating and increased exercise are keys to weight loss /maintenance. This combination "can actually increase your metabolism," the article says. I try to walk 10,000 steps a day and track my steps with a pedometer.

9. QUENCH THIRST WITH WATER. Sometimes your mind plays tricks on you and you think you're hungry when you're actually thirsty. A glass of water can ease your hunger. Instead of sugar-loaded soda pop drink water. I like no-calorie, non-carbonated flavored water and orange is my favorite.

10. GROCERY SHOP AFTER EATING. This is your main defensive eating tactic. Before I go to the grocery store I make out a detailed list. I rarely eat food samples because I'm allergic to soy (it's everywhere) and don't need the extra calories. Besides, these samples are often high in salt, fat, and sugar.

Thanks to these tips I was back to my healthy weight in two weeks. Now I practice defensive eating on a daily basis. The best part of the plan is that I control what I eat and am enjoying delicious, healthy meals. Bring on the holidays because I'm ready!

Copyright 2005 by Harriet Hodgson. To learn more about her work go to

Harriet Hodgson has been a nonfiction writer for 27 years and is a member of the Association of Health Care Journalists. Her 24th book, "Smiling Through Your Tears: Anticipating Grief," written with co-author Lois Krahn, MD, is available from

Want to Get Rid of Belly Fat and Get Rid of Love Handles?

There are very few people I've known in this life who haven't wondered how to get rid of love handles or how to get rid of belly fat. Those of us who have love handles, also known by other colorful names like spare tire, and belly fat, not so affectionately referred to as a pot-belly, find very little to love about those handles and that belly says we've been letting ourselves go to pot.

Love handles and belly fat are basically nice ways to describe the fat that accumulates on the lower abdomen and on each side of the waist. But any way you view it, those love handles are warning signs of undesired weight gain. Yes, let's call it what it is, that belly fat is just unwanted weight. And the only way to get rid of love handles and to get rid of belly fat is to lose weight.

That means you've got to find a reliable eating plan that will both nourish your body while reducing that pot-belly and those love handles. Finding reliable weight lose information can be an absolutely discouraging endeavor since there are quite literally hundreds of weight loss plans on the market today that make all types of preposterous claims

First, find a healthy plan you intend to keep. To reduce your overall body fat and keep it off, you need to find a healthy eating plan. It's tempting, when you're trying to lose weight, to skip meals to reduce your caloric intake, but a better--and easier--way to cut calories is to find a reliable diet that fits your tastes and lifestyle; one you can adopt for life. So to prevent or reduce excess weight around the abdomen, or wherever you're genetically predisposed to deposit it, you need a healthy diet.

Compare the different diets based on the type foods you enjoy, and the ones you already know pack on the pounds now. Don't be tempted by plans offering huge weight loss over a short period of time. A plan offering fast results is not a healthy one, and you want a plan you can stick with for the rest of your life; a healthy diet that will keep the weight off.

Once you start losing body fat, you can firm up your body by exercising. The main thing to remember though is that spare tires and pot-bellies indicate too much body fat. And losing body fat is the best (read only) way to get rid of love handles and to get rid of belly fat.

If you want to lose weight then find the right diet for you, and then get up off the couch and go for a walk, take a ride on your bike, or go to the gym. When you maintain a healthy diet and institute a regular cardiovascular workout routine, your love handles and belly fat will gradually reduce without any particular special exercise to get rid of them. So, there you have it: the skinny on how to get rid of love handles and belly fat.

B.J. Gordey is the owner of Are you looking for a way to "get rid of love handles" and "get rid of belly fat"? You can learn a lot more about how a successful diet can help you at

How To Lose 80 Pounds

If you want to lose 80 pounds, read this article without skipping a single word.

Even though you have a large amount to lose, people have lost 80 pounds before, and you can too. The first step to any weight loss process is believing in yourself. Have faith.

There are more than one way to lose 80 lbs. Let me offer a few options:

1. You can do a combined detox and regular diet combination: this entails using a detox diet for up to 10 days in order to flush your body out, purge it of any pollutants and undigested poundage. You can't do this for over 10 days, since it's unhealthy to do detox diets for longer periods. You may see a large weight loss during these 10 days, but this is just the beginning of the process. After the 10 detox days are over, you should take a few days rest and then start a long term diet and/or fitness routine. One of the options available to you which can help you to lose 80 pounds, is to use a Calorie Shifting based diet. This diet will provide a slower paced weight loss than the detox diet, but you can use it for longer periods of time and see a gradual and consistent weight loss.

2. Because detox diets tend to be a little hard and restrictive, many people find it difficult to stick to the 10 days of using them. For these people, losing 80 pounds may take a little longer. You can use the Calorie Shifting Diet and lose 80 pounds in that way, or to use another more fitness oriented weight loss program.

Click Here to read more about various weight loss methods

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days and keep it off, visit this webpage: How to lose 9 lbs. every 11 days with The Shifting Calories method.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: How To Lose 80 Pounds Fast And Never Gain It Back

Weight Loss Tips - Three Foods You Must Avoid Like The Plague

You're about to discover three types of food that you should avoid like the plague, unless you really like putting on weight. So here they are...

1. Hydrogenated Oils (Trans Fats) and Partially Hydrogenated Oils

The process of hydrogenation started in the 1950s to extend packed food shelf life. Hydrogenation is the process of heating oil and passing hydrogen bubbles through it. The fatty acids in the oil then acquire some of the hydrogen, which makes it denser.

If you fully hydrogenate, you create a solid (a fat) out of the oil. But if you stop part way, you get a semi-solid partially hydrogenated oil that has a consistency like butter, but much cheaper. These fats also called, trans-fats, disguise themselves as regular fats, and build up in your arteries.

The difference is that they don't do the same job as the regular fats in your body do, so instead of escorting poisons and toxins to your liver and protecting your body, they hang around, build on your arteries and cause heart disease and arteriosclerosis. Trans-fats are poisons. They interfere with the metabolic process by taking the place of a natural substance (good fats) that performs a critical function.

Your body has no defense against them. And get this... Many European countries have either BANNED or have set dates for ELIMINATION of hydrogenated oils in foods! Hydrogenated oils are found in almost all packaged foods. Take a look at the ingredients the next time you are at the grocery store and you will see just how prevalent these are in the foods you eat.

2. Coffee

Cringe.... Yes, coffee contains caffeine--a diuretic--that increases the frequency of urination which causes dehydration. It keeps you awake, elevates your heart rate, blood pressure and increases the secretion of acid into your stomach... blah, blah, blah. What concerns me most is that coffee puts stress on your adrenal system. This translates to more stress. Aren't you under enough stress already?

Coffee drinkers tend to use the drink as a pick-me-up, but what happens is that it becomes a drag-me-down, because the body, while it experiences a short caffeine buzz, drops to a lower energy level when the high wears off. At this lover level, you're not only feeling down, but you're burning your sugar stores. This creates sugar cravings.

3. Soda

Soda is simply sugar. I can't tell you how many people I've known who quit drinking soda shed a bunch of weight. I don't mean 1-2 pounds, I mean 10-15. There are 250 calories in a 20-oz bottle of Coke. Not to mention there is caffeine! Take the effects of caffeine and add them to a sugar overload and you have one unhealthy body. Do you drink soda and coffee?!

If so, and you want more energy, I will tell you right now that dropping those two poisonous habits will improve your daily stamina by 100%! So keep that in mind when you're trying to lose weight.

Kate Fletcher has taught hundreds of people how to lose weight. Visit her website right now at Fast Guide To Weight Loss for some great information on losing weight. Or, want to see the #1 weight loss course online? Visit the Burn The Fat Review section of Kate's website.

How To Lose Belly Fat The Fastest Way Possible - 3 Best Ways!

Choose interval cardio instead boring regular aerobic exercise

With interval cardio, you are boosting the metabolism to the new levels and you help to burn belly fat faster. This for of training will get you to the situation, where the metabolism is high, higher than normal and it's scientifically and practically tested.

You can feel free to use this method with almost any cardiovascular workout. You will let the heart rate decrease and increase during the workout, for example you cycle with the exercises bike for 30 seconds at a normal speed. Following 30 seconds you cycle at a great speed. You can do this a couple of times or according to a specific time, such as 20 minutes.

Tips: To achieve greater results, apply this method to a weight lifting combined with aerobic workout. The routine gets more complex and more interesting, while you are using more exercises, instead one in a particular workout session.

Burn the belly fat with a proper diet plan

An effective weight loss often depends on well planned diet. This may scare you, but I'm afraid to tell you this but it's so true. You can still have a world greatest exercise plan to lose belly fat and explosive interval cardiovascular routine. But if you are eating lot's of junk food, it's an obvious, that you won't get any results, because the belly will stack the excess amount of fat.

Adjust your diet, so that you are burning more calories than you consume at long sight. It's true that sometimes you have to eat more, to prevent muscle loss. If the weight gain concern you most, then you should burn approximately 300-500 calories more than you consume. Sometimes less is better.

Tips: Your eating habits should consist of small low-calorie meals five to six times per day. Stop eating carbohydrates about three hours before sleep. A protein that includes casein (milk), is useful to take before sleep, that way your body will stay anabolic and help you to burn the fat easier. Follow a certain calorie cycle 2 weeks at a time, such as burning 500 calories more than you consume and next 2 weeks burning as much as you consume.

The multifaceted full-body workout is the key for weight loss

How many are knowledgeable of the fact, that a direct ab exercises doesn't burn the fat from belly area. I'm not here to ignore the good old ab crunches and my favourite lower ab exercise leg raise. But when it's getting to the point, where the goal is to lose an excess amount of fat around the waist, you should focus on regular full body exercises, such as front squad, push ups and deadlift.

After you have burned enough belly fat through basic exercises, then the ab exercises will show up. With ab exercises you are trying to strengthen the abdominal muscles and shape them to make it looks better.

Tips: Many people fail to lose weight from belly area, just by hitting abs hard. Your abs may be somehow sexy, but who cares, if they are hidden under the thick fat layer. So remeber, exercise, exercise and once more exercises and you will lose some weight.

Losing belly fat is very simple, when you know the truth. This information was just beginning, if you want to truly learn "how to lose belly fat" within 10 weeks and read my quick review of Internet best selling E-book, simply click here

The Fast Weight Loss Scam

Yeah, we've all heard about how to achieve fast weight loss. "Exercise for as little as 8 minutes a day and lose 20 pounds in 4 weeks!". Claims like this have been around for many years. You buy this junky gizmo and get incredible results for only $19.95! Or, you buy this $2000 piece of cardio equipment and the weight will melt off! Let's be real here. Do you really think losing weight is this easy? If it were, everyone would be in great shape and the obesity epidemic would be nill. Sure, some of this stuff will work, but results will be limited.

The real question with popular home gym equipment is how well are they built. They certainly aren't as durable as the commercial equipment at your local gym. What a lot of these companies bank on is the fact that you'll use it for 8 weeks or less and then turn it into a coat hanger.

Sorry, I got a little off topic. Back to the nitty gritty. Fast weight loss does not come by a small level of commitment, taking a pill, or using only a specific piece of equipment. It's a factor of lots of hard work, discipline, a correct nutrition strategy, and possibly some form of supplementation.

There, I said it. No, I'm not going to tell you it's easy and will come with little time and effort. This seems to be the "American Way" with everything we do in life. Unfortunately, very few results will come by following any fast weight loss strategy. I've mentioned the following before, but feel they may need to be reviewed once more.

Fat Loss Program Needs

1. Weight Training - This is probably the most important area of concern besides nutrition. If you understand anything about the human body, you'll know that efficiency is of utmost importance. This is the "survival mechanism" and applies heavily to weight loss efforts.

For example, let's say you've started on a restricted calorie diet. This tells the body to use it's energy stores (fat) and minimize energy usage (muscle). Without weight training, the body will degrade muscle tissue because of it's high energy cost. In turn, this will slow the metabolism down and cause results to eventually plateau. Lost muscle mass, GASP!

2. Nutrition - Definitely, the most important aspect of a fat loss program. If you consume too much food, it's gonna take a whole lot of exercise to lose weight. I'm talking a 24/7 affair with small improvements made. So, it makes sense to reduce/control caloric intake.

This can be accomplished through popular nutrition strategies such as Adkins, The Zone, South Beach, Low Fat High Carb, etc. Understand, however, that fast weight loss will not and should not take place. The goal should be around 1-4 pounds per week depending upon body composition and body weight. Any more than that and chances are you're losing muscle and plenty of body water.

My personal belief is that quality of food needs to be addressed first. This means minimizing processed foods and returning to more natural sources. Following this, I've found that the overweight population doesn't do well with carbohydrates. This is especially true as the day wears on. Nutritionist's call this "nutrient timing".

The body is better able to utilize carbohydrates early on in the day when testosterone levels are highest. As the day progresses, levels diminish and carbohydrates are more easily stored as fat. In individuals with higher body fat, this window is even smaller. UGH!

3. ESD - This is also a very important area that needs to be addressed. For fat loss, energy must be consumed through activity. Unfortunately, in this technological age, this cannot be accomplished through ADL's or Activities of Daily Living. We work jobs where sitting dominates and automobiles provide any and all transportation. Many also rely on steady-state cardiovascular methods while I tend to believe that relying on higher intensity activities, such as sprinting and intervals, will produce faster results.

4. Supplementation - Supplements tend to be relied upon too heavily when embarking on such a goal. They are just what the name states, a supplement to your diet program. In other words, having a crappy diet with tons of supplements will get you nowhere!

Some supplements I recommend and have been found by research to help with the effort include: fish oil, post workout shakes, a multivitamin, and possibly a stimulant of some kind.

I hope you don't get drawn in by the fast weight loss gimmicks and realize it's going to take time and energy to get where you want to be. Go join a gym and get to work!

Paul Yost is the Owner/Operator of Paramount Training Systems, a personal training company based in Houston, TX. He also works as a Strength and Conditioning Coach in professional baseball. Find more about his services and information at:

Why A Diet Plan Is A Good Idea

When a person is working towards a weight loss goal, they almost always here the phrase "choose a healthy diet plan." Why? What will this actually provide a person with? Well, there are many pros to choosing a diet plan to follow. Most people know they should eat healthy, but many do not know how to prepare healthy meals. This is where the plan comes into play. When a person decides to follow a proven method of eating healthy, they are taking the first step towards a long healthy life. A diet plan can provide those who do not know much about cooking healthy with an easy to follow guide. These plans lay out what steps to follow in order to get out of the old eating habits.

Now there is the snack issue, almost everyone loves to snack throughout the day. A diet plan will have ideas of how to deal with these mid day cravings. It will give a person ideas of healthier snacks, that are not only good for you, but taste great. Unhealthy snacking throughout the day is one of the biggest weaknesses when it comes to losing weight. Now, with the right plan this can be controlled.

Choosing a plan that will work for your personal style can be a bit tricky. There are many, many diet plans out on the market. The best thing that anyone could do before starting, is to compare these plans before choosing one. If a person has a chance to compare the different options before choosing one, it reduces the risk of quitting the diet. The hardest part about following a strict plan is personal will power. If a person picks an easy to follow more personable diet plan, they will be one step closer to living a healthy lifestyle. If the typical person can make it around a month without falling back into the old way, it will soon become second nature to them.

Compare the top 3 diet plans in the world side by side.

The Truth About Diets And Weight Loss

If you haven't tried fad diets over the years, there is still a good chance you have heard about them. You have probably wondered if these diets work. After all, it sure seems that people have success with them. The truth is some of them do work - for a while. Several of these diets have other health complications. Regardless of what you have been led to believe, the idea that you can eliminate a whole group of foods is unhealthy.

How can eight slices of bacon be better for any body than a slice of whole-wheat bread? Sounds a bit absurd, doesn't it? Yet, when shown apparent evidence of massive weight loss, common sense often is replaced with the desire to join the latest "foolproof" fad diet.

Enough of the sermon! There are proven methods of weight loss. That is what this article will look at. The lack of excitement and popularity is made up for by the effectiveness of these techniques.

1. Calories count.

The one sure way to lose weight is to take in fewer calories than you expend. One pound is equal to about 3500 calories. This means for every 3500 calories you burn above and beyond what you take in, you will lose one pound. You can come up with this difference either by taking in fewer calories, or expending more through exercise. The best recommendation is to balance the two.

2. Food matters.

It is nice to think that avoiding, or some secret combination of, certain foods will make it easier to lose weight. Fad diets prey upon this very idea. There is some truth to this, but only to the extent that healthy foods are a better choice. As obvious as that is, fad diets cloud the issue.

Eat whole, nutritious foods. Avoid saturated fats, sugar, and refined foods. And, as mentioned, calories count. So choosing lower calorie foods will help the weight come off faster.

3. You got to move.

Exercise seems like hard work to those who prefer to sit down in front of the television. You can find ways to get moving that you enjoy. Walking is easy, but some find it boring. Taking the stairs, not taking the car if possible, doing your own yard work, playing with your kids or pets, swimming, or even throwing a Frisbee around all are forms of exercise.

The key is to get yourself moving. It does not have to be a chore, but it does have to become a habit. Find a way to get moving that you enjoy.

Admittedly, these tips have been around for a long time, but there is a reason - they are effective. Any weight loss plan that incorporates these three things is bound to succeed. There is also the benefit to your overall health, not just your waistline. The next time you hear about (or think about trying) the newest and hottest diet, read these tips again. You will likely save some money and lose weight the right way in the process.

Michael Oksa is the co-author of "121 Tips To Help You Lose Weight And Keep It Off". He believes in helping people achieve their weight loss goals and provides these tips free of charge at

FatLoss4Idiots Scam Alert - Don't Believe These Things

Over the past few weeks it has come to my attention that some people who are using Fat loss 4 Idiots have been approached by certain other people who offered them some diet pills, patches, and other merchandise claiming that these were perfect weight loss boosters for people who use Fat Loss 4 Idiots. After I heard this, I decided to write this article.

Heed this warning: Don't fall prey to these Fatloss4idiots related scams. I'm not saying all of these diet pills and stuff are scams, only that they have nothing to do with the Fat Loss For idiots diet. If you're already using the diet, than it is my opinion that you don't need anything else in order to lose weight in a fast and continuous way.

I totally understand your desire to lose weight in the fastest way possible, but there is simply no need. I believe that Fat Loss 4 Idiots can work for you without any additional help like it did for thousands of people before you.

I hope these Fat Loss For Idiots related scam offers will read this article and stop what they're doing as they may ruin the reputation of the diet which has done wonders for many people. If not, then I hope that I helped you, the reader to save your money and keep going on the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet until you reach your weight goal. Don't trust any of these diet pills. The diet is all you need to succeed.

To read how you can start to lose as much as 9 lbs. in 11 days and keep it off, visit this webpage:
FatLoss4Idiots Reviews.

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. To read more about fast weight loss, click here: Fat Loss 4 Idiots Scam

How I Lost 25 Pounds Since Jan 1st

My New Years resolution was to lose 30 pounds by May 1st. I know I will hit that mark for sure. It has not been an easy thing to do. I did a lot of searching on the internet about diets and weight loss, only to find one scam after another. One kind of diet after the other. Weight watchers, The Atkins diet, Slim fast, Nutri System, Jenny Craig, The south Beach Diet, Lose 30 pounds in 15 days. The list is endless. The key to losing weight I found out is not through quick fixes and fancy spas, no matter how much we may enjoy them, but rather it is taking a more sensible and long-term approach.

This all started when I went to the doctor for my 6 month blood work to check my thyroid condition, my high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. When I went into the room the first thing the nurse has you do is jump on the scale. For the first time in my life I was over 200 pounds, 215 to be exact. (I am 5'-7" tall) I about flipped. It was then and there I decided to do something about it. Even the doctor mentioned something about it. So I told him I would start eating better and start exercising. Oh yeah and stop going to fast food places for lunch about four times a week. So he told me he wanted me back in three months for a check up to see how I am doing.

I decided that I would try a diet pill to get me jump started so to say. After searching the net for about four days I decided I would use the diet pill Proactol after reading Here I found a link to a research on diet pills.

I liked the fact that it is 100% all natural and no stimulants. After taking Proactol for one week I had to sinch up my belt by one notch. So i knew something was happening. Even people at work had noticed and commented that I looked like I was losing weight.

So then i decided to start an exercise program. Now mind you I am not the kind to hang out down at the local gym. First off I just do not have the time or money. I am married with two children who keep me pretty busy all day long. Plus I do work 40 hours a week. Again after searching the net for awhile I found an article about how Terrell Owens had started marketing his own home gym. I thought why would Terrell Owens be marketing a home gym. What I found out was this was no ordinary home gym. It was actually resistance bands that he was promoting. Now i was never the kind of guy that liked lifting weights. mainly because about 25 years ago I had hurt my back at work and just never have been the same since. So with my wife's permission I ordered a set of the Terrell Owens exercise bands. What I like about these work out bands is the low impact they have, no stress on my joints or ligaments. After using these now for a month along with my diet that I am on I am actually starting to get toned up. I have a lot more energy now, heck I even take the dog for a walk every day now.

I just got home from the Doctors office which is what inspired me to write this, he has taken me off my cholesterol medication, and also told me if I keep doing what it is I am doing I should be able to get off the high blood pressure pills as well.

I am just way to happy the way this has turned out. I could not have done it without the Proactol and the T.O. bands

Childhood Weight Loss, Tips for Parents

These days it seems that a wide variety of factors come together with the sole purpose of empowering kids to gain weight, that is why childhood weight loss has become so important during the last few years. Television, junk food, video games, all these things combined will eventually result in the loss of a kid's balanced nutrition and exercising motivation; obviously it is highly common to find kids with overweight problems.

The childhood weight loss motivation and encouragement should come directly from parents, because as role figures, parents have the responsibility to promote a healthy way of life in their kids. Overweight problems in kids are not only bad for their future life in terms of appearance and happiness, but weight issues which are carried into adulthood are also very dangerous, because the kid, when fully grown, might develop several different health problems related to the excess fat accumulated in his body during several years. The only way to avoid this is by following a strict childhood weight loss program.

But what can parents do to promote this childhood weight loss habits? Well, first of all, as parents, we should talk to our kids and let them know about the different dangers that an overweight problem may arise. It is also very important to spend a lot of time with them and to teach them with our very behavior, meaning that you shouldn't do things that may endanger your health; otherwise your kid might mimic your behavior and end up suffering from a future health problem.

Following this same concept, it is very important for childhood weight loss, that you promote a healthy nutrition in your kids, always try to prepare healthy meals which are low on calories but rich in vitamins and minerals. But the most important childhood weight loss tip is to highly enforce your kid's self-esteem, never ever make them feel bad about the way they look, instead try to help them in their efforts.

Now, we all know that junk food plays a vital role in the life of any kid, however these sorts of nutrition are terrible for their childhood weight loss efforts, so try to replace them with a supply of healthy snacks that they may enjoy every once in a while. Kids often eat whatever seems already at hand, and since most of the time its chocolates and candy bars, they will eat them without any remorse. However, in order to help them with their childhood weight loss efforts, you should have other snacks available for them, such as fruits or cereals.

This article can be freely published on a website as long as it's not modified in any way including the author bylines, plus the hyperlink must be made active just like below.

Want to lose weight and gain lean muscle mass? Check out Body Building Resource for articles about muscle building, fat loss, diet and fitness. Also available are a muscle building eBook, DVDs, gym equipment and supplements. Go to

Essential Dieting & Weight Loss Tips

Losing weight can be hard at the best of times. But there are some things you can do that can aid and even speed up your weight loss. Here are some simple things you can do to give your dieting and weight loss efforts more bite.


Eat Slowly... Give your food time to reach your stomach so you know when you're full and you won't eat more.

Eat Breakfast... This increases metabolism by 25% as your body gets a regular supply of energy so it's less inclined to store.

Eat 3 Meals and 2 Snacks... Same as before, your body knows it's getting a regular supply of energy. This also gives you the knowledge that there is never too long to wait between meals so you're less likely to binge and crash.

Moderate in Restaurants... Difficult when you're out enjoying yourself but remember to eat in moderation.

Stay Away From Fast Food...Do you need a reason?

Carry Some Fruit for Emergencies... If you're far from home and you feel hungry and there's a candy store nearby! Take out and eat your piece of fruit instead.

Chew Some Gum... Evidence shows that the act of chewing tells your brain that your hunger is being satisfied yet the gum has few calories.

Drink Plenty of Water...Ensure hunger is really hunger and not thirst by getting enough water everyday.


Snack With Fruit Not Chocolate...This alone should cause weight loss.

Watch Your Portion Sizes... It's all too easy to cut down the amount of meals you have but then increase the portion sizes. Control the quantity as well as the quality.

Choose White Meat and Fish...Red meat stays in the bowel for ages and is still fatty when trimmed, stick to easily digestible white meats.

Avoid Dressings... Yes, even the low fat ones - some of them still contain lots of fat and calories. Avoid them altogether if you can.

Involve Salads...Make them part of most meals - they contain so few calories and still have nutrients.

Go Healthy... Choose brown bread instead of white, choose brown rice instead of white. Any food you normally choose, see if there is a healthier alternative. The healthier option is nearly always the weight loss option.


Exercise... The dreaded E word was going to show up sooner or later! If there is one sure fire way to help a weight loss plan, exercise is it. You don't need to run a marathon! Just do small regular amounts, your scales will thank you.

Eat Before Food Shopping... Food shop on an empty stomach and you'll be back at home with every quick fix food there is. Eat before you go so you don't shop in survival mode.

Weigh Yourself Weekly... And do it at the same time of day. Tip - Do it as soon as you awake. Once a week and you will clearly see weight loss results.

Exercise Some More... It will improve your body shape.

Cut Down on Alcohol... The amount of calories that alcohol contains! One heavy night and you may as well have had another meal or two.

Get Satisfaction From Your Success... Observe your efforts and appreciate every step. Get satisfaction from every pound of weight loss.

By Simon Gould and taken from - the well-being resource.

Secrets Of Using Calorie Shifting Diets For Fat Loss

You may already have heard of a very popular diet called calorie shifting diets, and this article will discuss some aspects about it, and whether or not it is safe to follow.

Firstly, the calorie shifting diet is unlike any other type of diet (low carb, low fat or low calorie) that deprives your body of any specific food groups. The foods that you consume in this diet will work to boost your body metabolism naturally.

1. Why Are Calorie Shifting Diets Better?

Calorie shifting can help you lose weight very quickly without you having to starve and feeling deprived of energy. You will need to eat 4 complete meals every day, consisting of nutrients from all the important food groups.

Even though other diets can help you to lose weight too, they require abstaining from eating most foods, and usually leaving their dieters deprived of energy and nutrients. Many people, including myself, have given up when we cannot tolerate the starvation. Not only will you feel hungry every day, you will also be tired and unable to perform tasks properly.

2. The Low Calorie Diet

It is true that burning calories can help you to lose weight. However, you should not starve yourselves of food and not consume any calories at all. This is a mistake that many dieters make, and it does not yield much weight loss results in the long term.

The reason for this is simple: When you starve your body, your metabolism will decrease due to the reduction in calorie consumption. When that happens, less energy is used, thus reducing the amount of calories you burn. This is why some people can eat large amounts of food and not put on any weight, while there are others who starve themselves, but see no weight loss results.

3. The Atkins Diet

This is another difficult to follow diet that will produce very good weight loss results. Again, it encourages a deprivation of food, which causes many dieters to give up halfway and start eating a lot of carbohydrates again. When that happens, all the weight that was lost before will be regained quickly.

4. How Do Calorie Shifting Diets Work?

This diet has been very effective for a lot of people who have tried it. It teaches you to eat the right foods that are most helpful to boost your body's metabolism and burn fats naturally. Results can be expected relatively quickly if implemented correctly.

The foods that you are required to eat daily are divided into 4 smaller meals. You will eat from all the important food groups, since there is no need to deprive yourselves of food.

Each meal that you consume consists of calories from very different foods, thus the term "calorie shifting", because you are changing the type of calories at every meal. By following this type of eating pattern, you can achieve faster fat loss due to your increased metabolism speed. Learn more about calorie shifting diets at the website link below.

Do you want to learn the real truth about calorie shifting and fat loss? See the author's review of the Breakthrough Calorie Shifting Diet Plan discovered at that has helped her lose 55 pounds in total!

4 Aerobics For Fat Loss Without Losing Muscle Secrets

Using aerobics for fat loss without losing muscle is very important otherwise you will never get a well-toned, leaner, sexier body.

Losing muscle has more to do with inadequate diet than with excessive aerobics.

If you suspect you are losing muscle there are four likely causes:

  1. You are not eating enough protein. Protein is the only nutrient that is used to build muscle. You should eat 5-6 meals containing protein every day. These meals should be spaced 3 hours apart from each other.
  2. Your carbohydrates are too low. This is very important because low carb diets also use up protein. This means you can consume huge amounts of protein but if your carbs is to low, you will also lose muscle.
  3. You are not eating enough calories. This is a huge mistake because the body goes into starvation mode and this causes the metabolism to slow down and then the body start burning muscle tissue to conserve energy
  4. Only doing aerobic exercises without doing weight training will result in muscle loss. It is important to understand that muscle growth happens as a result of weight training.

So the truth is you would rather lose muscle from not eating enough than from doing aerobic exercise. People think they will lose muscle during cardio but as long as you combine cardio and weight training with good nutritional eating habits, you'll lose fat and gain muscle.

As you can see aerobics for fat loss is definitely a very good thing because it can enhance your recovery from weight training by promoting blood flow and oxygen transport to your muscles.

Download the free report "Discover over 27 Unique Metabolism-Boosting Secrets for Stripping Off Belly Fat" and learn the #1 ultimate hard-body exercise, the 55 fastest fat-burning foods, over 2 dozen unique workout ideas for a leaner, sexier body and the 2 worst types of food that stimulate more belly fat!

How To Get A Flat Belly Fast - 3 Small Tips To Make A Drop In Your Pants Size

A lot of people have been asking how to get a flat belly fast but what we need to understand is that these things need time to take effect. So many weight loss programs in the market have been promoting the theme that the steps to getting a flat belly is as simple as A B C.

From having pills, medicines to books, we get blinded by all the fancy names of these products that makes great promises of guaranteed results, only to write in small imprint that they do not guarantee results can work for anyone. Always beware of products that promises immediate results. You know in your heart that it is probably too good to be true.

Always remember to apply simple logic and common sense. If you want to lead a fat-free life, remember that you need to take each stage one step at a time and not make any dramatic shift in the way you have always been used to. Although I am suggesting making small and gradual changes to your lifestyle, you must always understand what is the best way to achieve your target.

I have listed 3 tips that you can start applying now.

Tip 1:

What small steps am I talking about? For example, you can start off with coffee. How about not putting any cream into your coffee or replace sugar cubes with artificial sugar instead? You can also slowly reducing the amount of pasta or rice that you will consume everyday. Just do one thing at a time and gradually cut out more foods that are unhealthy or that will cause you to lose weight. If you can apply this first tip, you should be able to see results to getting a flatter belly soon.

Tip 2:

Eat fresh fruit in the morning, or eat some cereal. Always take your breakfast as this will be considered your most important meal of the day. Research have shown that people who do not take breakfast tend to gain more weight as they will compensate the energy needed during lunch and dinner.

Also for choices of food, remember to take more sweet potatoes and yams, avoid potatoes, white rice or pasta. Have more vegetables as well. The idea here is to prevent you from eating heavily for dinner especially. Most of the people who has a thick waistline attributes to having a heavy dinner every night.

Tip 3:

Choose the exercises that you will enjoy. Many people make the mistake of forcing themselves to jog even though they simply hate jogging. They may run for 3 months and just give up after that. So pick a sport that you will be eager to do and not drag your feet. If you prefer to spend your time in the gym, do different exercises and variations to shock your muscles and enjoy the feeling of the strain in the muscles after a good workout.

Hope that these 3 tips on how to get a flat belly fast will prove useful to your small steps towards building your abs in the near future.

Set a resolution to make Year 2008 to lose those belly fats, find the fastest way on how to get a flat belly fast and challenge yourself to lose weight in our 60 days challenge. Let's all set our sights on throwing those oversize clothing away.

We are giving away 3 power-packed reports here for you to set your 2008 resolution to lose those belly fats in motion.