Friday, May 30, 2008

Does Fat Loss 4 Idiots Work?

The very popular Fat Loss 4 Idiots program has been sweeping the internet with it's ads, recommendations on blogs and more. But does Fat Loss 4 Idiots Work? The answer is yes and this article will explain why. Most people who try this diet lose around 10 or more pounds in under 2 weeks. Fat Loss 4 Idiots uses a special dieting technique called calorie shifting, which is the secret to it's weight loss success and popularity. What is calorie shifting?

Calorie shifting is a dieting technique that when used correctly triggers a reflex in your body. Your body begins to burn fat greatly and raises metabolism to a very high level. This is caused by the way calorie shifting is done.

The Fat Loss 4 Idiots program gives you a list of foods that make the body burn more fat. You choose anywhere from 15 or more meals you would like to eat for a 11 day period. Once you are done choosing, the Fat Loss 4 Idiots program generates a calorie shifting diet based on what you chose. But does it work?

Yes, and this is where calorie shifting takes it's weight loss effect. Because the guide tells you when to eat the foods you chose so you are calorie shifting. In a nutshell, all this is, is you eat up to 4 or more meals a day based on your selection. You eat these 4 meals in mixed orders and add in a few more techniques (explained below). This process of mixing the order in which you eat is what will cause calorie shifting to take effect.

The reason it works is because the body has an adjustment period whenever you eat. So if you eat in a routine day after day, your body adjusts to your routine and burns calories accordingly. But since calorie shifting requires that you eat in mixed orders, the body's adjustment phase is thrown off because it doesn't know how much to burn.

This causes that reflex talked about earlier that makes it raise metabolism and fat burning. The result is fat loss and weight loss and in many cases almost instantaneous. So if you're still wondering does Fat Loss 4 Idiots work, then I hope this article has given you the answer.

Many people who hear about Fat Loss 4 Idiot's want an inside look into the guide and not just an explanation of how it works, but no ad or blog ever talks about it. HOWEVER, I have personally made a page where people can get an inside look into the guide so they know what to expect and what they're getting.

If you'd like to get an inside look into the Fat Loss 4 Idiot's program, click here!

Weight Loss Tips - Where To Find The Motivation To Lose Weight

You start out ready and eager to lose weight. You don't mind giving up your favorite foods when you have to and you even look forward to your daily workout. But somewhere along the way, you just can't stand it anymore. Anyone trying to lose weight has experienced the boredom and displeasure that comes with a diet regimen. During this time, it's more important than ever to stay motivated and optimistic.

When you find yourself needing motivation, first look at how far you've come. Whether it's two pounds or twenty, give yourself a pat on the back and keep trucking along. Keep track of how many pounds you've lost and work towards an obtainable goal. Reward yourself whenever you reach a goal, you deserve it!

Think about how much more energetic and happier you feel since you've began exercising and eating better. Just a half-hour of exercise can give you a great energy boost and bring you out of the doldrums. This does seem to be illogical at first, but the reason for this is the burst of hormones that exercising provides. Working out also increases lung capacity so more oxygen can reach your muscles increasing your stamina.

Weight loss motivation is about how much you really want to lose weight. When you first began your exercise regimen, what were your reasons? Why not take some time and list them on a sheet of paper. Maybe you were asked to lose weight by your physician, or just want to lose some pounds for swimsuit season. Whenever you feel you are ready to give up, take out the list and go over the reasons about why it is important to you to get into shape.

One of the most important things you can do in order to stay motivated is to concentrate only on positive thoughts. Whenever you get a negative thought, replace it with a realistic positive thought. As a matter of fact, keep a journal and keep track of these negative thoughts and your positive substitutes. A trap people trying to lose weight often fall into is giving up or beating themselves up when they eat the wrong foods or forget to exercise. The best thing you can do is do your exercises as soon as you are able and if you give in to a donut or cookie, just consider it a hard-earned reward and get right back on the horse.

The foundation of weight loss motivation is setting realistic goals for yourself. If you start out by measuring yourself up against a supermodel, you are going to get discouraged, quick. Your first goal should be something simple, like exercising every day, it doesn't matter how long. Once you've shown yourself you can do it, work yourself up to fifteen minutes and then half and hour.

If you can keep a positive outlook and not succumb to negative thoughts and self-doubt you will find yourself on the express train to weight loss. The best place to find motivation is from within.

Kelly Lester is committed to one thing, and that's helping YOU lose weight. Visit his website right now at Guide To Weight Loss for some great information on losing weight. Or, want to see the #1 weight loss course online? Visit the Burn The Fat Review section of Kelly's website.