Friday, June 27, 2008

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Weight Loss Through Lifestyle Changes

Healthy weight loss is about lifestyle changes, not fad diets or programs. Long term weight control should be realistic goals, healthy eating and regular exercise.

Believe it or not, implementing certain lifestyle changes allows you to lose weight naturally without obsessing about your weight. The steps necessary to successful weight loss are quite simple.

1) Establish a realistic goal. If you are relatively healthy you can probably do this yourself. If however, your have health problems or are obese it's wise to consult your physician.

2) Change your diet. This is not the same as dieting. This is a lifestyle change that you should, with intelligent modifications, continue for the rest of your life.

Such changes as eliminating processed food, artificial sweeteners and soft drinks would be a great start. Eating whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruit are healthful and beneficial in more than one way. The first is you'll lose weight effortlessly. The second and just as important, is improved health.

3) Don't eat before bed. Eating before bed is a terrible habit and make weight loss practically impossible. The gain to not eating before bed is increased energy and clarity of mind.

4) Walk! You can accomplish more through an implemented walking program than just about anything else. It's not limited to age and it's low impact.

5) Change your environment. Get the junk food out of your house. When you want to have a treat, go out and have a good time.

6) Many of these lists that provide tips advocate watch your portions. What nonsense. That's how you become hungry. My thought is eat as much good quality food as you wish but chew extremely well. By chewing well (until your food becomes liquid) you'll become satisfied much sooner and improve your digestion at the same time.

7) Another tip that I see all the time is to drink plenty of water. I don't buy it. Contrary to what many believe we are not plumbing systems that have to be flushed with lots of water. While it's true that too little water is dangerous it's also true that too much water is harmful.

The single most important step is to make up your mind, to focus and take action. While it may seem a little odd, you're goal is not to lose weight. Your goal is to establish your ideal weight and to implement these lifestyle changes. If you do that the weight loss will happen all by itself, when you're not looking and effortlessly.

Sign up for our free ecourse: 10 Steps To Lose Weight Without Dieting.

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss.

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(My Current Weight 177lbs. Weight Squated in this Video: 235lbs to 285lbs to305lbs to 345lbs)

I have major Flaws in my Squat. Squatting at 340lb is extreme, and I better not do it with bad form again. Now that my knee is sort of messed up... I hope is not too late.

Findings from ( rticleid=276)
I hold the bar with wide grip! WRONG!
(To begin, grab the bar with hands even on the bar and in tight to your shoulders. When you take a wider grip, it not only puts a ton of strain on your posterior shoulder capsule, but you also lose tension and stability throughout the torso. If you don't understand what I mean, try both hand positions with a light weight and I'm sure the difference will be obvious.)

I did not "SITBACK" when I initiate my squat. WRONG!
By sitting back, you distribute the weight evenly between your quads, glutes, and hamstrings, allowing you to perform the lift in an effortless, balanced fashion.

Knee should never shift forward above foot on ground!!!!
(As you're sitting back, you also want to push your knees out to the sides hard. Remember that the glutes are our primary hip extensors and abductors, so activate them early on as they'll help you stay tight and get out of the hole.)

Flaw #5 - Weight shifts onto toes

Solutions -- Toe out more; get better hip mobility; get some posterior chain strength

This is another mistake that I see a lot of beginners make; not only do they stay totally upright (which I'll cover in the next point), but they also shift their weight onto their toes to perform the squat. Not only is this ineffective, but will totally destroy your knee joints as well.

The first thing I'll try here is having the athlete toe-out more; if their toes are pointed straight-forward, it could be a simple mobility issue that immediately clears up. If you try this and you still shift forward, you may be tighter than a banjo string and need additional mobility work -- until you can squat properly, I'd make mobility your focus versus trying to build your squat.

Finally, many trainees squat in this fashion because they are totally reliant on their quads to move the weight. If this is the case, box squats and a heavy dose of posterior chain exercises are necessary to build the appropriate squatting musculature.

The learning never end, I just hope my knee is not damaged permanently!

For those who read my journal, learn from my mistake Please!

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Fat Loss 4 Idiots - Lose Weight Fast Today

People put to much thought into exercising these days. This is because every time you open a magazine or turn on the TV there are advertisements for weight loss equipment or the new latest fad diet and people come so obsessed for putting in an hour or two of exercise time at certain time of day. People need to realize that you don't need a set time to exercise but you could exercise throughout the whole day with out giving no thought. Here are some example park the car further out in the parking lot, walk to the convenient store when you need to, take the stair when you get to work instead of the escalator.

The first way that you can exercise throughout the day is to park the car further out in the parking lot when you go out to the store because if you do this more often you will really help out your cause to exercise everyday. It feels so good when you get out of your car to start walking and breathing in that great outdoors fresh air. It just feels awesome not to mention you are getting your heart beat up. There are other great benefits to parking your car out further because you also have a better chance of no one hitting your car and ruining your paint job because it always bites to come out of a store look down at your door and notice that someone rammed their door into it.

Another great way to get more exercise throughout the day is to when you have to get some small items at the convenient store then you should walk to it rather than waste gas and drive the little ways that it would be to go. Once you get out and start walking to the convenient store than later you will be able to walk further and to other locations that may be more fun. Walking also helps you lose weight because you have to sweat to cool down your body to keep it going like the energizer bunny.

The final great way to get more exercise throughout the day is to take the stairs when you get to work instead of the escalator because the stairs will get you body into shape in no time also the stairs work out tons of your muscles. When you go places and you take the escalator it is doing nothing for you but if you take the stairs while going up the building you can really raise your heart rate.

Sometimes it is hard to find time to get exercise done but I have just told you a couple of ways to help you exercise throughout the day.

For more information, you can check out: Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

If you are wondering what Fat Loss 4 Idiots is, it has said to be a diet plan specialized to help people lose 9 lbs in 11 days.

NutriSystems Weight Loss and You

You do not need NutriSystems for weight loss but it sure makes life easier until you get educated in nutrition, exercise and the right mindset.

Many of us carry a few extra pounds and some are down right obese. For years, there have been fad diets that offer hope but little else because diets do NOT work. NutriSystems and other weight loss programs will help you reach your goal IF you are willing to learn while in their program AND exercise.

If you buy into NutriSystems or ANY other program with the mindset that you just need to eat their food and do nothing, you will fail miserably.

The first step to long term weight loss is changing your mindset so food is seen as fuel your body needs to survive instead of a source of comfort and pleasure.

You need portion control and visible results while you are adjusting how you think about food or you are more than likely to give up.

Your fluid intake and most specifically your water consumption must increase. Water helps fill the void, helps deliver nutrients to your cells and helps carry waste away from your cells.

An education in nutrition is a MUST for your new lifestyle. You CAN probably buy and prepare your own nutritious meals for less than the NutriSystems program BUT you won't have access to the educational and support materials you'll need without researching and possibly buying more than one book or guide.

Exercise will play a huge role in your success or failure with ANY weight loss program. You will need a combination of strength training and cardiovascular workout for success. The strength training is what burns the fat. The cardio workouts help improve your endurance so your body functions more efficiently. Knowing when to do each type is important. Stretching before and after each workout is important so your body gets the maximum benefits from your efforts.

The bottom line is that you CAN get the nutritional education, support, exercise instruction, programs to alter your mindset and food outside of any weight loss program BUT a program gives you most, if not all, of what you need to take control of your weight in one place makes life easier. You may find the new NutriSystems is the tool that helps you reach your goal.

If you enjoyed this article, you may also enjoy NutriSystems and Weight Loss Done Right or some of the other articles published on Natural Remedies Products.

Free Tips on Losing Weight

Here are a few free tips on losing weight that really work. Starting with your behavior, you need to start thinking thin and realizing that weight loss begins in your mind. Keep a positive attitude, set realistic weight loss goals, keep a food journal and begin an exercise routine you can live with.

To lose weight you have to cut your calorie intake by 500 calories a day. A little secret weight loss tip is you don't have to cut them all from your food. If you eat 250 calories less food you can burn the other 250 calories by walking for 30 to 45 minutes a day. In a week, you will have lost about 1 pound. Over time, these small changes will add up to a healthier, happier and lighter you.

Below are some of the best healthy weight loss tips to keep you moving toward your weight loss goals:

Eat breakfast every day. Eat whole grains with at least 2 grams of fiber.

Eat some dairy like yogurt or milk, it can help rev up your metabolism.

Drink water and keep hydrated, add a twist of lime to zest up the flavor.

Be aware of white foods, choose fruits and vegetables with bright colors.

Be cautious about bread, choose high fiber, whole grain loaves.

Have an apple before dinner, it fills you up and provides lots of fiber.

Keep moving, dance around the house while making the bed and doing chores.

Brush your teeth after meals or have a breath mint, it helps to stop the urge to eat.

Losing weight is not something that happens overnight just like gaining weight is not an overnight occurrence. Developing the right mind set and determination to achieving your weight loss goal along with a few sensible behavior changes will send you well on your way to achieving success.

Understand how your thoughts, life experiences and attitudes about food and exercise influence your mind into making lasting lifestyle changes for long term success. I hope these free tips on losing weight will start you on your way.

Copyright 2005 Treadmill All Rights Reserved.

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Ok this video is a body profile about me, I will be doing some body poses, and flexing my muscles and body parts. After that I will list some fitness achievements and goals i want to set.

So yeah this video is for fitness guys and bodybuilders, so yeah if your not into bodybuilding and fitness you probably would not like this video. I flex and bodybuild in this video and even make my muscles twitch so if your grossed out by that kind of stuff please do not watch this video.

Anyways I will give you a list of things in my video if you guys want to skip any parts.

Brief Intro: 0:00-0:24
Arm Poses: 0:24-0:43
Chest Poses: 1:03-1:34
Leg/Quad Poses: 1:34-2:01
Butt/Glute Poses: 2:01-2:15
Don't worry i keep my shorts on.
Calves: 2:15-2:40
More arm poses: 2:41-2:58
Upper/Lower back poses: 2:58-4:05
Bicep/Tricep poses: 4:05-4:42
Stomach/Abbs/Obliques: 4:42-5:25
Deltoids/Shoulders: 5:25-5:36
All out maximum flex poses: 5:36-6:04
Body composition and measurements: 7:52-8:33
Best and worst body parts list: 8:33-9:01
Strongest lifts and one rep maxes: 9:02-9:44

I made this video for a lot of reasons first I wanted to show of my other close friends that are also into fitness how I look at 210 pounds.

Second I'm a big fan of bodybuilding I know I'll probably never look as good as one of them, but I would like to look somewhat like them just a little smaller those are way to huge for me, but i do want to hopefully achieve somewhat bodybuilder gains in my muscle hypertrophy. Maybe if I lose some weight maybe I will even try to enter a few small competitions.

Third reason is I'm making this video now, then I'm going to make a video 4 months later to compare how I looked back then (currently) to 4 months later in hopes that I lost weight and looked a lot more defined and healthy.

There's no nudity in this film I promise otherwise you can give me a bad rating.

In the next 4 months i will be making another fitness video to see how much weight i gained or lost, if I lost weight i will offer some tips and advice on how I was successful because i want to help others that are out of shape and overweight.

On a side note I don't take supplements or drugs currently, i tried taking whey protein back when I was 18 yrs old for about 3-6 months but did not help me increase my muscle mass or muscular strength so I decided to just stick to normal foods for protein and save myself the money. So yeah that was the only supplement I tried, I also use to eat some protein bars also.

But I have never ever taken steroids or any other muscle enhancing drugs, otherwise I'd probably be like 10 times more ripped and would also have all those side effects they dome with, not worth the risk I think : ( , after watching Chris Benoit kill himself after steroid overdose I don't want to end up like him, may he rest in peace.

I ended up giving my 80 dollar huge Whey protein jar to my old roommate Peter because he was 6 foot and 145 pounds, so he wanted to use it in hopes of gaining more weight lmao because at the time he was pretty skinny, although my other roommate Eric Ericson aka skinny man probably could of used it even more because he was 5 11 and 119 pounds lmao no offense to Eric if he is viewing this.

if you guys think I'm fat then allow me to prove you wrong. Check out these guys
Compare those guys to me, they are obese people much means very fat, I am just overweight and still have a lot of muscle.

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