Friday, June 27, 2008

070511 Squat Squat and Squat (PLS READ DESCRIPITION FULLY) download you tube videos for free

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(My Current Weight 177lbs. Weight Squated in this Video: 235lbs to 285lbs to305lbs to 345lbs)

I have major Flaws in my Squat. Squatting at 340lb is extreme, and I better not do it with bad form again. Now that my knee is sort of messed up... I hope is not too late.

Findings from ( rticleid=276)
I hold the bar with wide grip! WRONG!
(To begin, grab the bar with hands even on the bar and in tight to your shoulders. When you take a wider grip, it not only puts a ton of strain on your posterior shoulder capsule, but you also lose tension and stability throughout the torso. If you don't understand what I mean, try both hand positions with a light weight and I'm sure the difference will be obvious.)

I did not "SITBACK" when I initiate my squat. WRONG!
By sitting back, you distribute the weight evenly between your quads, glutes, and hamstrings, allowing you to perform the lift in an effortless, balanced fashion.

Knee should never shift forward above foot on ground!!!!
(As you're sitting back, you also want to push your knees out to the sides hard. Remember that the glutes are our primary hip extensors and abductors, so activate them early on as they'll help you stay tight and get out of the hole.)

Flaw #5 - Weight shifts onto toes

Solutions -- Toe out more; get better hip mobility; get some posterior chain strength

This is another mistake that I see a lot of beginners make; not only do they stay totally upright (which I'll cover in the next point), but they also shift their weight onto their toes to perform the squat. Not only is this ineffective, but will totally destroy your knee joints as well.

The first thing I'll try here is having the athlete toe-out more; if their toes are pointed straight-forward, it could be a simple mobility issue that immediately clears up. If you try this and you still shift forward, you may be tighter than a banjo string and need additional mobility work -- until you can squat properly, I'd make mobility your focus versus trying to build your squat.

Finally, many trainees squat in this fashion because they are totally reliant on their quads to move the weight. If this is the case, box squats and a heavy dose of posterior chain exercises are necessary to build the appropriate squatting musculature.

The learning never end, I just hope my knee is not damaged permanently!

For those who read my journal, learn from my mistake Please!

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070511 Squat Squat and Squat (PLS READ DESCRIPITION FULLY) Video

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