Thursday, May 29, 2008

Fast Weight Loss

Diet pills, diet patches, prepared meals. There seems to be millions of ways to help with fast weight loss these days that it seems strange that we are experiencing record obesity rates around the world does it not?

It seems more about the industries ability to push our "lose weight fast" buttons than it does to actually help anyone with weight loss.

We all know the real key is to learn how to eat and teach ourselves how to do it without being hungry all the time. If we can manage to find the way to drop the pounds without being hungry then we probably have a plan we can stick with and keep that extra weight off for good.

Is there really a quick diet fix? I think that is a matter of what we are willing to do to make it happen.

Finding the right plan and sticking to it is the key and being able to see results fast and steady is all the motivation most people need. Well that and not having to take out a second mortgage to pay for a diet plan. The prepared meal plans have been billed as some of the best but let's be honest that the food does not really taste that good and it is way over priced for what we are getting. Besides that most of us are capable of making our meals if we just knew exactly what it was we were supposed to prepare.

The best fast weight loss I have ever experienced was being able to be flexible with the meals I choose and not having to starve myself or fight urges when I am feeling hungry. I have learned that food is not my enemy when I understand how it reacts within my body and it has been the key for keeping the weight off.

I have a small site that provides more information about fast weight loss without the pills, patches and expensive meals. You can visit it at:

Smartlipo - Fast and Safe Office Based Liposuction Under Local Anesthesia

Smartlipo a machine that can accomplish Fast and Safe Liposuction Under Local Anesthesia. This technology uses laser energy to liquefy fat or destroy fat cells so that they can be suctioned (liposuction). It also tightens surrounding skin tissue. Unlike traditional liposuction which requires general anesthesia and more down time, this procedure is done in the doctor's office or medical spa. This procedure is not for the obese needing large amounts of fat removed and are in frail health.

Here are some of the benefits:

1. Less recovery time than traditional liposuction: Most persons can return to work within 24 - 48 hours.

2. Local vs general anesthesia. General anesthesia obviously comes with greater risks.

3. Done in the doctor's office or medical spa. This affords greater convenience.

4. Body contouring or sculpting for a more youthful appearance.

5. Versatile: procedure can be used on the belly, face, neck, upper arms, knees, back, enlarged male breasts, and thighs.

6. Promotes Skin tightening and improved tone for a more youthful appearance.

7. Less tissue trauma vs traditional liposuction. So, there is less bleeding, swelling, pain and bruising.

8. Less risk than traditional procedure in the hands of a capable user.

9. Approved by the FDA.

10. Ideal candidate is one who has localized fat deposits on body as well as face.

Before undergoing any medical procedure, make sure you discuss all your medical conditions and medication history. These can impact if you are a candidate or how well you tolerate any medical procedure. Again, this procedure is for healthy patients who have localized facial or body fat and not obese patients requiring large amounts of fat removal.

Natural Weight Loss Supplement:

Orville Campbell, MD is an internist and nephrologist. He is board certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine. His expertise include: health and wellness, hypertension, diabetes, vitamin D, and kidney diseases. Dr. Campbell is an entrepreneur. He has owned several businesses and medical practices since finishing Emory University in 1995. He gives back to the community through his church's health and youth ministries and his children and youth mentoring organization called Teaching Kids to Dream, Inc.

Don't Eat Fast Food

It's annoying that it's extremely easy to put weight on, but when it comes to getting rid of it it's extremely difficult! Eating is great fun, everyone will find eating to be enjoyable and so it can be difficult refraining from tucking into your favorite snack. No one likes to give up something that they enjoy doing, which is why people continue eating and become more and more fat.

Recent studies have suggested that the human body does not react to a diet in the way it was first expected. The body has been designed over a period of hundreds of years and has adapted. The human body can cope with lean periods very easily, and this is exactly how it sees a diet. Our bodies are very complex machines, and you need to trick them into losing weight.

Another reason why it's so easy to gain weight is thanks to the modern lifestyle. Now everyone is rushed off their feet and you'll find junk food everywhere. Fast food is one such culprit, it's a high energy food but it doesn't fill you up. This will cause you to consume many more calories than you need. Cars also mean that we're not walking as much as we used to. Plus most of us work behind a desk rather than hunting, which is another way we used to lose weight (as cavemen).

Snacks are all too easy to get your hands on. They contain too many calories, and they're far too easy to buy. The best thing to eat in between meals is fruit. It might not taste as sweet as what you're used to, however it is pleasant and it's good for you.

It is possible to get rid of bad habits, it just takes a little patience. Ignore the temptations and you will soon not bother about whatever it is. offers you the latest information on weight loss, articles, and reviews about the numerous weight loss products that are on the market.

FREE weight loss articles, exercise tips and tools to help you lose weight.

Guide To Weight Loss - A Couple Of Things You Must Avoid At All Costs

Two of the things you really need to avoid if you want to lose weight are fast food and artificial flavors. Unfortunately, most people still keep consuming them. So let's look at exactly why they are so damaging...

1. Fast Food

No Whoppers, No Big Macs, No NOTHING. These foods are stuffed with hydrogenated oils, artificial flavors, saturated fats, and sugars... this is poison central. Don't eat it! It makes you tired, fat and sick. These foods are engineered to make you want more and feel lousy.

Don't eat quasi-fast food either. These include chains like Chili's, Olive Garden, Perkin's and the hundreds of others along our major thoroughfares and interstate exits. They get their foods from some of the same sources that the easily identifiable fast food joints use. It's the same stuff, just a little prettier and more expensive.

If you travel or are on the road a lot, pack a bunch of fresh fruit and vegetables (mini carrots, celery, etc.) so you can snack while you're driving. If you absolutely want some carbs, buy a bag of veggie chips or something to crunch on. Also, bring a ton of water so you can stay hydrated and awake.

2. "Artificial Flavors"

Artificial Flavors are chemicals that are put in our foods to add flavor to food products that are so over processed that they no longer have any taste at all. It's disgusting and we're buying into it every time we go to the supermarket. Most artificial additives are made from derivatives of crude oil that are chemically altered to produce a synthetic substance.

You can see why this might be a health concern. This is not food. There are health effects associated with artificial additives and flavors and what's worse is that they are added most to the foods that already have had their nutrients stripped from them by artificial pesticides and fertilizers. Here are some to watch out for.

Artificial Colors (listed on labels as F D & C colors, or as a specific color such as Yellow #5): These are made from coal-tar and have been shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals. Yum.

BHA and BHT: These are also made from coal-tar and have been linked to hyperactive behavior in children. They are on the FDA's GRAS list (Generally Recognized As Safe).

EDTA (ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid): This synthetic chemical is made from minerals, is irritating to the skin and can cause allergic reactions. It also can cause kidney damage. Funny thing is, even though it's on the FDA list for further study, it's still in our food.

Nitrates and Nitrites: Nitrates and Nitrites are made from mineral salts. These are known to cause cancer in animals. They are added to most pork, especially processed meats, as well as some other meat, poultry, fish, and cheese.

Sulfites (sulfur dioxide, sodium sulfite, sodium and potassium bisulfite, sodium and potassium metabisulfite): These are made from sulfur and mineral salts. They can cause severe allergic reactions, including breathing difficulties, gastrointestinal disorders, unconsciousness, hives, and anaphylactic shock. Found in many processed foods and almost always in wine and beer.

One insidious trick the food industry uses to get around putting all these artificial ingredients on the label is this: they'll put an ingredient in a processed food, list it on the package, and then never break down the individual ingredients in that specific ingredient.

Here's an example: Ham included in processed foods, for instance, will contain nitrates and nitrites, and the shortening used may contain BHA and BHT, but only "ham" or "shortening" will appear on the product label.

Kate Fletcher has taught hundreds of people how to lose weight. Visit her website right now at Fast Guide To Weight Loss for some great information on losing weight. Or, want to see the #1 weight loss course online? Visit the Burn The Fat Review section of Kate's website.

Weight Loss Supplements That Work

Everyday people waste their hard earned money on weight-loss supplements. They go to vitamin stores and natural food stores and walk out with bags of the newest "fat-burners". Most of these supplements and fat-burners do not work and they can have unwanted side effects.

If you want to lose weight and keep it off there are some supplements that can help. A one-a-day multivitamin, a calcium/vitamin D pill, a fish-oil pill, and green tea extract can help you shed pounds with no adverse side effects.


You get most of your nutrients from carbohydrates. Vegetables, fruits, and whole grains are filled with vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, flavanoids, and antioxidants that keep your body running well.

When you decrease your calorie or carbohydrate intake, you do not typically get all the nutrients you need. Taking a one-a-day multivitamin can help fill in the voids in your nutrition plan.

Calcium and Vitamin D

I recommend that everyone, especially women, take a calcium/vitamin D supplement. The combination of calcium and vitamin D can help you:

  • Lose weight,

  • Prevent osteoporosis,

  • Decrease blood pressure, and

  • Prevent cardiovascular disease.

Taking a calcium/vitamin D pill will supplement for what you are not receiving in your diet.

Fish-oil Pills

Fish-oil pills have polyunsaturated fats in them called omega-3 fatty acids. These "good" fats can help you:

  • Lose weight

  • Improve your cardiovascular health

  • Decrease your LDL "bad" cholesterol

  • Increase your HDL "good" cholesterol

To get the full benefits of omega-3 fatty acids, you should eat at least two servings of fatty cold water fish per week or take a daily fish-oil supplement that provides at least 600mg of omega-3 fatty acids

Green Tea

Green tea is filled with phytochemicals and antioxidants. These phytochemicals and antioxidants have many potential benefits, including:

  • Boosting metabolism

  • Decreasing your risk of cardiovascular disease

  • Decreasing your risk of cancer

To boost your metabolism and lose weight you could drink four cups of brewed green tea every day. You may not like the idea of drinking multiple cups of tea everyday. Instead of drinking the tea, you can also take 500mg of green tea extract (standardized for EGCG) once daily.

The combination of a one-a-day multivitamin, a calcium/vitamin D pill, a fish-oil pill, and green tea extract can help you lose weight. Stay away from those over-the-counter weight loss pills. They are a big waste of money.

Please consult your physician, registered dietitian, or certified fitness professional before starting or changing your diet or exercise program.

About The Author:

Kalvin C. Chinyere, M.D., fondly known as Dr. Kal, is a weight loss expert and the creator of The Don't Go Broke Weight Loss Program. Dr. Kal was an overweight child and an obese teen. In his 20's, he tipped the scale at over 330 pounds. Dr. Kal has since lost and kept off over 140 pounds naturally. Learn more about him and his program at his blog:

(c) Copyright - Kalvin Chinyere. All Right Reserved Worldwide

Weight Loss - How To Lose Weight By Eating More

I am telling you a secret nobody will tell you I am sure that you have heard that you have to eat less to lose weight. I will tell you weight loss program in which you have to eat more to achieve your weight loss goals.

  • Whenever you eat your diet should contain lot of water and vegetables.
  • Whenever you chose to eat snacks replace a pack of chips with natural popcorn.
  • If you want to eat something sweet try to find some fruit salads.
  • Replace soda with water in this way you will take less calories and more fruits can be added to your diet.
  • You want to eat chocolate drizzle some cut up fruits with chocolate.
  • Food portions can be small but can be eaten often.
  • Increase the level of your activity in addition to an exercise program for example you can use stairs instead of escalators this will increase consumption of calories and you can add small portions of your favorite food to your diet which you do not want to put off.
  • If you want to eat more add lots of protein to your diet it will make you satisfied faster protein helps to build muscles and muscles burn more calories.
  • Replace white bread with brown and whole milk with skimmed milk and then you can eat and drink without limitations.
  • You can eat more but do not eat when you are not hungry satisfy yourself during meals and try not to eat before television or during a movie.

Jitesh Arora.

Visit to know more about Weight Loss.

8 Proven Weight Loss Tips

There are a lot of crash diets out there that promise that youll drop a considerable amount of weight in days or a week.

I have tried a few of these, and in my experience the weight always comes back on, just as quickly since the weight loss tips given are not something that will work with your body.

One thing you dont want to do if you are actually serious about losing weight is to follow these fad diets and their ridiculous weight loss tips.

After their ineffectiveness has been proven time and again, people will start to wise up to that particular diet, and will head off in search of a new craze.

Lets be honest, people are always searching for new weight loss tips because they want to lose pounds and they want immediate results, but this is just wishful thinking.

To lose weight permanently and effectively it will be a rather slow progress, all depending on your metabolic rate and how much you need to lose.

There are however some proven tried and true weight loss tips for aiding in the weight loss process, and I can make you familiar with them.

Weight Loss Tip 1
Dont skip breakfast. Whatever you do follow this advice, because otherwise you are much more likely in fact prone to binge later in the day.

Weight Loss Tip 2
Dont eat anything for at least an hour before going to bed.

Weight Loss Tip 3
Dont snack while watching TV. Its acceptable to eat a meal while watching television, but never is snacking at this time acceptable.

Weight Loss Tip 4
Substitute fruits like; bananas, watermelon, plums, peaches, and oranges for sugary treats like; cookies and candy.

Weight Loss Tip 5
Substitute honey for sugar, and carob powder for chocolate in all recipes. These taste just as good if not better when used properly.

Weight Loss Tip 6
Eat more vegetables. This can even be enjoyable if you have a good cookbook like Good housekeeping's latest edition.

Weight Loss Tip 7
Avoid unnecessary high calorie foods. Instead of a high calorie salad dressing for instance try cottage cheese or yogurt to improve the salads taste and peel of the pounds.

Weight Loss Tip 8
Exercise at least a half hour each day for five days out of the week. Biking on a stationery bike while reading is a great form of exercise to slim legs.

In conclusion there is nothing stopping you from losing weight except yourself. Get off the "I can't do anything about my weight problem" bandwagon and start dropping pounds today!

For more of Beth's expert advice visit her Website now.

Fat And Starch Blockers To Aid Weight Loss

In the effort to lose weight, some people will try any method available. Often, diet and exercise just dont seem to shed the pounds fast enough. As a result, some get frustrated with the lack of results they are getting trying to lose weight the old-fashioned way, and turn to quickie weight-loss methods. Many people turn to fat and starch blockers as a supplemental aid in weight loss. But, do they really work?

Fat and starch blockers both work to prevent certain nutrients from being digested. This, in theory, is supposed to help a person to lose weight. Fat blockers usually contain a fiber called chitosan, which is derived from the exoskeletons of certain shellfish. As the fat blockers pass through the system without being digested, they absorb fat along the way, all of which is eliminated in the stool.

Starch blockers work in much the same way as fat blockers, except that they prevent carbohydrates from being absorbed into the body. Starch blockers, which are usually made from bean and wheat germ extracts, help the carbohydrates pass directly through the digestive tract, where they are also eliminated in the stool.

Both fat and starch blockers are intended to be taken before meals, when weight loss is the goal. This way, the fat and starches that are ingested during the meal will not be absorbed by the body, which will aid in weight loss, or at least prevent weight gain.

Side effects of Using energy blocking weight loss aids

Despite the fact that these weight loss aids promise to help you lose weight, there are some pretty serious side effects that can occur with use. These include:

Fat Blockers:

  • Cramping
  • Gas
  • Diarrhea
  • Vitamin deficiency because some key vitamins that the body requires are fat soluble, including K, A, D, and E, they will not be absorbed. This can be dangerous to the body over time.

Starch Blockers:

  • Bloating
  • Cramping
  • Gas
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea

Most starch blockers on the market claim to slow the digestion of carbohydrates and induce weight loss. Recent studies suggest that, in higher dosages, starch blockers do in fact slow carb digestion. However, most pills on the market are about 3000 mg short of this dosage. Furthermore, there is no real proof that starch blockers or fat blockers help a person lose any weight.

Quite simply, the best, and most healthy, way to lose weight is through eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly. By looking for a quick weight loss pill solution, you could be doing your body more harm than you realize, and the effects could last a lifetime.

Wayne Mcgregor has a wealth of experience in helping people to lose weight. His website provides hundreds of free weight loss articles, sample diets, tools and information on the calorie content of thousands of common foods.

For more information on dieting and ideas for low calorie diets visit:

Weight Loss Motivation - Weight Loss Is All In The Mind!

Ever wondered why people fail at weight loss? Why people fall off the wagon as they say? Its not because they seriously can't do it or that the exercise program was to difficult its all down to one thing and that's motivation.

A major component within your body to assist in losing weight is your mind and what you are thinking. Your mind believe it or not controls your actions whether it be "saying no to that extra helping of ice cream" or "making you believe you can't achieve". This is what puts a sudden stop to most peoples weight loss plans.

Actions you carry out can change the way you think about things but most importantly have your mind thinking what you want it to think while keeping you motivated to carry on. When losing weight the biggest motivational kick is witnessing the results staring back at you in the mirror and the feeling of achievement at the way you have changed your body.

But when you stare in the mirror and don't see the results you expected staring back at you it is enough to have you throwing in the towel. So what can you do to avoid this and keep you motivated?

Setting realistic goals is a huge way of keeping you motivated. If you look at it realistically and aim to lose weight slowly and surely you will stay ahead of the game. Nobody can lose weight overnight and as soon as you set an unrealistic target that you can never achieve that is when you are most likely going to throw in that towel.

So look at your lifestyle and your fitness levels and aim for realistic targets every month and this will keep you fulfilled. Whether it be 1 pound a week or 4 pounds a week make sure it's a goal you can achieve with hard work.

Keep a diary!

Diaries are full of motivational kicks and I'm sure if you have read through success stories on the internet or in books they will make you feel excited at what you can achieve. So why not go one better and keep a diary of your success story! Keep food diaries and exercise diaries and even photographs along the way. At any time when you feel disappointed with your results refer back to your diary and what you have achieved so far and I guarantee that feeling of excitement will return at what you can really get out of your body.

Diaries are essential packed full of results and previous goals in which you have achieved while allowing you to look at what you once were and what you have grown into today.

It's a fact though that a lack of motivation in anything not just weight loss can destroy any chance of you reaching your goals. By incorporating two little techniques into your routine it not only maximises the odds of you achieving but also reminds you not to forget what you have already achieved and how far you have come.

Most importantly keeping you effectively one step ahead of your mind.

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Famous Weight Loss Diets - 12 Reasons To Avoid Low Carb, High Protein Diets

The low carbohydrate style diet, and there are many variations, are popular for two main reasons; firstly, the initial weight loss is dramatic and secondly, those following such a diet have permission to eat brie, bacon, steaks and other foods usually forbidden when on a 'diet'.

If you are considering a low carbohydrate diet you need to know the facts, and the possible damage you can do to yourself. While it's unlikely you'll drop dead on the spot, the detrimental effects on your health are real, long lasting and can be experienced virtually from day one.

1. A low carb diet depletes the healthy storage of glucose (glycogen) in your muscles and liver. When you deplete this store, you become dehydrated and this is what causes the dramatic weight loss in the first week or two. The loss on the scales is due to dehydration and muscle loss, not fat loss.

2. This depletion of muscle glycogen causes you to feel tired easily, and makes exercising difficult. A reluctance to exercise means your caloric expenditure is low and your metabolic rate (the rate at which you burn the energy in your food) declines.

3.When the body does not have enough carbohydrates to burn for energy, it burns muscle and fat. Loss of muscle causes a decrease in your metabolic rate. Less muscle and muscle tone means a slower metabolism, which means fewer calories are burned each day. Aesthetically, this means your muscles and skin lack tone, and you will soon lose your look of vibrancy, however little you had to begin with!

4.Not all carbohydrates are the enemies in the weight loss war. While, everyone knows that lollies, cakes, biscuits and sugary drinks are unhealthy and add extra kilos, some carbohydrates are very healthy and give us the energy we need to get through our day and do some extra exercising. Examples of good carbohydrates include: wholemeal bread and wholemeal pasta, brown rice, fruit, vegetables and legumes.
Just like with proteins and fats, these carbohydrates should be eaten in moderation. Large volumes of any proteins, fats or carbohydrates are not conducive to weight loss and health. This is why watching your portion size is an essential part of switching to a new, healthy way of eating.

5.Many people regain the weight they've lost with most methods of weight loss, but the rate is even higher with low carb, high protein diets. This occurs for four main reasons;

a) Muscle loss. With that comes a slower metabolism which means fewer calories burned each 24 hour period. A loss of muscle during the process of losing weight will almost guarantee you regain the lost weight and sometimes a bit more!

b) Re-hydration. You regain the healthy fluid lost because of glycogen depletion.

c) Lack of maintenance. It's difficult to maintain that type of diet long-term.

d) Lack of positive change. You have not made a change to a long-term healthy lifestyle.

6.Eating too much fat, especially saturated fat, is very unhealthy. There is a plethora of research which shows that an increase in the consumption of animal products and/or saturated fat leads to increased heart disease, strokes, gallstones, kidney stones, arthritic symptoms, certain cancers and more.

7.Low carbohydrate diets are low in fibre and we know what that means! No animal foods have fibre. A lack of fibre increases your risk of cancers of the digestive tract and cardiovascular disease. It also obviously puts you at a higher risk for constipation and other bowel disorders, which can throw out your whole body rhythm.

8.Some people feel that the high protein diets must work because it seems everyone loses weight on them. This is because they are usually eating fewer calories. The same can be achieved on a well balanced, healthy, low fat diet.

9.Our western diets often contain far more protein than we really need as it is. If we look at some of the healthiest people in the world, for example the Okinawans in Japan, you'll see they often have very little dairy in their diet, and use meat more as a garnish to dishes, rather than the main ingredient.

10.These diets also lack sufficient quantities of the many nutrients, phytonutrients and antioxidants found in fruits, vegetables, legumes and wholegrains necessary to aid in the prevention of cancer and heart diseases. Ironically, you actually need these nutrients more when you're on a low carb diet because you're consuming so much saturated fat.

11.The aim of every person on a low carb diet is 'ketosis'. This is an unhealthy physiological state, a type of metabolic acidosis. For fat to burn efficiently and without producing excess toxic ketones, there must be sufficient carbohydrate present. Ketosis can lead to many health problems and can be very serious at its extreme.

12.This brings us to the delightful side effect known as 'keto breath'. People on a low carb, high protein diet often develop terribly bad breath, caused by the production of acetones in the state of ketosis. The key to long term weight loss is choosing a healthy, well balanced diet rich in quality carbohydrates, plant foods and lean meats. This will ensure you don't just start one diet after another, but you adjust your eating habits to guarantee you lead a long, happy and healthy life.

Yours in health,

Leisa St Ledger

How To Use Law Of Attraction Weight Loss

How does law of attraction work in relation to weight loss?

In the simplest terms, Law of Attraction states that like attracts like and whatever thoughts and feelings you focus on the the most will literally determine your future. But how can law of attraction weight loss work?

You will find that the law of attraction has been working for you and every other person in this world since the beginning of time and it is only recently that education about its incredible power has become readily available to the general public.

So how can the Law of Attraction can help someone to lose weight? It is quite simple really, all they need to do is think about it. In fact without even knowing about it, most people really do not think about what they want but they think more about the fact that they do not have it. So by going back to the definition of Law of Attraction, you will see that the reason why people do not have the things that they want, is simply because all they ever do is think about NOT having them.

Unfortunately this same concept applies to weight loss just as it applies to everything else, and although a lot of people want to lose weight, they would rather think about how miserable they are because they have not lost the weight, rather than the wonderful life they will have once they're thinner.

Again let us refer back to the Law of Attraction. If you think you are miserable, sad, guilty or have low self esteem then the Law of Attraction will bring you more things to be miserable about rather than good things. In fact the more miserable you are about something, for example, weight loss, then the more powerfully you will attract more of the same since that is where you are focusing your thoughts.

Utilizing the power of the Law of Attraction for weight loss, you simply stop thinking about your situation in the negative manner and start having positive thoughts instead. As you can imagine, this is more difficult than it sounds, just ask anyone who's tried it. To be truly successful as many others are, you need the help of proper tools that allow you to automate the law of attraction as much as possible. There is no doubt the law works, it's simply a matter of taking advantage of the available tools to make it easier.

Discover how to start attracting practically ANYTHING you want WITHIN 6 MINUTES! Grab your Free Mind-Optimizer Report now. You will learn about the powerful scientifically proven method that is helping thousands achieve their lifelong dreams. Go to before we start charging for this ground-breaking report again.

Super Fast Weight Loss Tips

Warning! Even though super fast weight loss is possible, it is neither healthy nor a long-term solution to your weight problem. Many sites on the Internet claim that significant weight loss can be achieved in days; but, these are generally sites endorsing the top ten fad diets.

For the most part, sites endorsing the top ten fad diets make outrageous claims about super fast weight loss. That type of weight loss usually consists of 90% water and is strictly temporary weight loss because you will regain that weight as soon as your body returns to its normal hydration level. It's important to understand the two primary reasons your body requires lots of water:

<1> Your body cells need to be hydrated in order to replenish and multiply properly.

<2> Water helps to eliminate both waste and toxins from your body.

Some of the top ten fad diets are hyped-up diet plans that stay in vogue as long as they generate money for the marketers who are hyping the plans. In some cases, these plans are nutritionally acceptable and, if followed correctly, actually result in weight loss. However, many times they prove difficult to follow and people give up after a short period of time (ever tried the cabbage soup diet?). Furthermore, your doctor can probably recommend (for free) a similar diet tailored to your situation.

Be aware of the following symptoms of fad diets:

<1> Diets that promise quick and easy weight loss do not give the benefits that you would get from a balanced diet because they are usually based on eating more of one food type and none of another. These diets may suggest you take supplements but many supplements are not absorbed by the body unless they are taken along with the foods that are not included in the diet. If you stick to the fad diet for several weeks, you may begin to develop nutritional deficiencies.

<2> Fad diets are often restrictive and boring. After the novelty of the first day or two, the meals are not enjoyable. It will not be long before you start to crave food constantly and break the diet. You might even start feeling guilty, blaming yourself for not losing weight on your new fad diet.

<3> Most fad diets do not take into consideration recommendations of the American Heart Association regarding fat levels in the diet. Fad diets will often recommend consuming high fat foods and reducing carbohydrates. Over a period of time, this type of fad diet could result in heart disease. People marketing these fad diets may tell you that they are only intended to be followed for a short time. But, if you don't lose weight in that short period of time, what are your options? You either continue following an unhealthy plan or stop following the plan and gain back the weight you lost.

<4> Many fad diets do not incorporate enough servings of fruits and vegetables in the weight loss program. And many do not recommend the variety of foods that your body needs.

<5> Super fast weight loss diets are just temporary solutions and do not help you to permanently change your eating habits. The only way to remain at your target weight once you reach it is through permanent change. Following fad diets results in yo-yo diet-binge cycles of fast weight loss and equally fast weight gain. Both your health and your self esteem will be better if you simply remain overweight all the time instead of following one of the top ten fad diets.

Watch out for the marketers! Fad diets will not help you in the long run. The absolute best way to lose weight and keep it off is to find and follow a healthy diet, exercise regularly, ..... and avoid fad diets.

Many of us are intrigued by super fast weight loss. But, we realize that a disciplined and consistent effort on our part is required. And, we appreciate the fact that following one of the top ten fad diets dooms us to failure. Take a look at a reasonable plan to LOSE 9 POUNDS IN 11 DAYS at

Fast Weight Loss Plan