Sunday, May 11, 2008

Best Weight Loss Pills

There is no great secret about how to lose weight. The two most important factors are changing your dietary habits and incorporating some sort of exercise regimen into your daily activities. However, more and more of us are looking for a natural, safe and effective method to kick start our diet program.

Large numbers of women, and some men, are showing an increased interest in using diet pills to assist them to lose weight. The problem with this is that modern, pharmacuetical diet pills produce many unpleasant, and sometimes serious side effects.

Recently, the market has introduced natural herbal diet supplements that consist entirely of herbs and are 100% natural. Some of these products are completely safe and very effective. If you are searching for an all natural way to lose unwanted weight, this is the way to proceed.

In their simplest form these weight loss methods have existed for generations. Modern science now make these very same herbs available in capsule form. The Chinese have used ingredients such as Lotus Leaf, Chinese Yam, Hawthorn Fruit, Bush Cherry Seed and Poria for safe and healthy weight loss for hundreds of years. What is even more interesting is that these herbal products can be used for substantial periods of time without any serious side effects.

The best weight loss pills are extremely effective. Within the first month one can expect to lose between 5 to 10 pounds. For many people this can be accomplished even without dieting. One can expect to see even better results by implementing healthy diet changes and a regular exercise routine.

Side effects with these products are relatively rare. When they do happen they are very mild. Some of the side effects associated with natural herbs are sweating, constipation or some problem with sleeping. The solution to these problems is to simply cut the recommended dosage in half.

Here are some things to consider when shopping for herbal dietary supplements:

1- Make certain that the ingredients are all natural.

2- Read the testimonials.

3- Make sure that the company providing the product has both a refund policy and contact information.

When you do start using these product, just like any pills, it is important that you do not exceed the recommended dosage. Also, even though these are just herbs, check with your doctor first if you have a medical condition or are under a physician's care.

At the moment there are two well know natural weight loss products available. Probably the most famous is Hoodia. Hoodia can be very useful if the product has not been adulterated.

The second famous product, endorsed by Oprah, is Chinese green tea. I am not exactly sure how this came about. The truth is that there is nothing in Chinese tea that is an effective weight loss agent.

A third product, though not as well known, is 999 Fitness Essence. For the longest time this product was available only through Chinese acupuncturists. Feedback shows that almost everyone who uses this product reports positive results.

Here is something that you may wish to consider. You can lose weight without dieting by using these herbal weight loss products. Think of how much better you can do if you actually improve your diet and exercise.

Sign up for our free ecourse: 10 Steps To Lose Weight Without Dieting

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss

The Real Secret to Weight Loss - Amazingly Simple Yet Powerful Tactics

No matter what sort of exercises or diets you might follow there is a very basic weight loss formula which applies to almost every individual out there. This formula can do wonders for you if followed properly. You see people go around trying to figure out the perfect formula to weight loss when the real formula is already known to them. Read on to discover what this formula is and how you can use it to lose tremendous amount of weight within no time...

Eat less and exercise more- Simple isn't it? Well but this is one of the most effective tips you will ever come across as people are willing to lose weight but they aren't willing to cut down on the wrong foods and do more exercises. You see everyone wants to know the shortest way possible to lose weight but guess what? There is no short way as human body takes time to adapt to different things and this same law applies to your weight loss goals.

Start today- In case you really want to make a difference you need to start today and start right now to achieve the best results. People tend to say ok I might start tomorrow the day after etc but they are never able to make a start and get seduced by their lazy habits.

Slow and steady always wins the race- You see most people think that if they are slow they would never get anywhere with their weight loss efforts. Whereas the fact states that you don't have to be fast in order to achieve maximum results, you can start slow right now and see results with time. It's always recommended to take it slow at first and build up with time.

The Real weight loss secret- Can you imagine yourself losing 9 lbs every 11 days from now? Yes you heard it right "9 lbs every 11days guaranteed". This is the single most effective way which helps you lose weight. It is truly an absolute breakthrough in the weight loss industry. If you don't know this than you are missing out on the best ever secret "Guaranteed" to help you lose weight right away. So are you ready to drop some pounds within the next 11 days? Read on to discover this rare secret right now click here- Earth shattering weight loss secret guaranteed to help you lose weight within 11 days

Weight Loss - Getting Back on Track

Remember when you first decided you were going to lose weight? How excited and determined you were? Then the battle began and your conviction has started to fade. Here are some steps to get back on track.

  1. Remember why you set your goal in the first place. Did you want to have more energy to do activities with your family? Or maybe you want to lose weight to boost your self esteem, participate in an outdoor adventure vacation, or improve your health by lowering your cholesterol or blood pressure.

  2. Place your goal in a location you will see daily, such as on your refrigerator door. This way every morning you will be reminded to take the necessary steps to achieve your goal, whether it is heading to the gym, not reaching for the sweets at work, or packing a lunch instead of eating out.

  3. Tell others about your goals and how you plan to be successful. Friends and family can help you by giving the extra support you need to stick with it.

  4. Seek professional help. Did you join a gym but are overwhelmed by the equipment or think you look foolish because you are unsure what you are doing? Meet with a personal trainer to learn how the equipment works and be shown a workout that will meet your goals. Are you trying to eat healthier by reading food labels but do not know what you should be looking for on the label? Seek out the help of a nutrition specialist or dietitian to show you how to make healthier choices.

  5. Track your progress to stay motivated. Mark on the calendar the days you work out as a visual of progress you are making towards your goal. Check your weight monthly to chart results or if you are working on lowering your blood pressure/cholesterol visit your physician to monitor progress.

Are you ready to improve your nutrition? Lower Cholesterol? Control High Blood Pressure? Lose Weight? Contact Lisa Nelson, RD, to recieve the information and support you need. Learn more at

Weight Loss - Five Easy Steps Towards a Smart Life

Increased weight is a part of todays normal context. Reason may be a minor one, i.e. lack of activities or some serious matter including diabetes, but weight that doesnt suit the height and the body structure in either case doesnt only affect the outlook badly, but also harms the health condition. It needs to be controlled in order to redeem the active and beautiful life from the outgrown weight.

Though much important but if aimed to loose weight overnight, might affect the health in one way or other, so a fairly better option is to plain loosing bit by bit. A variety of pills and weight loss supplements are available freely in the market, which also claim to help you get back to the smart life in a week or so, but again these may have side effect that may rise some months after or years as well.

Nature has always given man with something perfect, until the process has not been disturbed by some externalities. Trying some natural ways for weight loss can also be better off if artificialities are kept aside. Its in fact easy and cost effective as well. What it is and how does it work, lets see in five easy steps:

  1. Good Breakfast: Most of the people misunderstand the fact that weight loss can be accelerated if they quit diet. Certainly not! Quitting a healthy diet means deregulating the process of metabolism, which will further deregulate the other processes of the body. So have breakfast so that your body can get enough energy to be active.

  1. Eating in intervals: Body needs energy and hence food, but taking all the food in a single instance will make you drowsy and of course lazy, so eat little and in regular intervals. Eating disorder is actually the main source of increased weight, so keep regularity in eating and metabolism so that body can be regulated.

  1. Exercise: Changing the eating schedules help only to keep the body on track, but what about the extra amount of weight? Of course that needs to be removed, so burn the calories by being regular in exercise. Not necessary to join a gym, it can be easily be availed by performing household and gardening activities and going for a short walk.

  1. Drink Water: According to experts, about eight glasses of water a day. Dont ignore this, as its logical explanation. Attempting to lose weight, doing exercises etc body gets dehydrated and needs to maintain the water level in it for being in order. It also regulates the other functions of the body parts.

  1. Wink at Magic Bullets: As stated earlier, markets have many brands claiming to bring you back into a smart body with all its fitness in weeks, but while relying on natural, side effect proof ways, dont go for these pills and weight loss supplements until and unless youre 101% sure that these are natural.

Just give it a time and live a healthier, smarter and more active life that you really deserve.

Simple Tips To Help You Lose Weight For The Long Term

Losing weight can be a challenge for many people. We are bombarded everyday with images of perfection. This of course can make things even more difficult. As we are all individuals there is no one method of losing weight that will work for all of us.

One thing I want to make clear is that just because you are overweight does not make you any less of a human being. Being overweight can have multiple contributing factors. It may be hereditary and for some who grew up in a home that was less than prosperous they may have been eating a poor diet.

So in some cases it is not your fault however that does not mean that you should not take responsibility for your actions. The most meaningful way of dealing with being overweight is to start to understand what is contributing to it.

You need to educate yourself about the human body and how it functions in relation to food and energy. Now I know this is not the easiest and fastest approach but as we all know knowledge is power. Along with this there is also the saying "Easy come easy go" So while this may not be the fastest it will achieve the best results long term.

For example you may or may not know that belly fat can be hard to get rid of. One of the reasons for this is that the body naturally stores fat to protect you against starvation. Secondly you may also be aware that when it comes to foods there are good fats and bad fats. Thirdly your body needs fat that is why fat blockers are not necessarily good for you.

To conclude don't make it complicated just simply understand what you are doing and how it affects you - then naturally you will start to make changes that will improve your overall health.

To learn more on how to lose abdominal fat select one of the links below. You will also get a Free Bonus ebook - "Training & Nutrition Insider Secrets for a Lean-Body".

Learn more about Hoodia & Weight Loss. Finally The Right Way To Lose Belly Fat - starting today! You can also learn how to get Six Pack Abs.

Weight Loss Tips - The Benefits Of Eating Small Regular Meals

When it comes to weight loss eating small regular meals is highly regarded as one of the best ways to help control your weight. This article will explain how eating small regular meals throughout the day can help train your body to stop storing calories.

If you don't eat regularly your bodies' metabolism slows down, and your body begins to store more of the food that you eat. If you're the type of person that misses breakfast and eats at unregular times of the day meal then you are effectively training your body to store fat and calories as your body doesn't know when you will eat again.

If you eat more regularly your metabolism begins to speed up because your body begins to learn that more food will soon be eaten so it begins to burn off the calories instead of storing them as it would when you are eating less regularly.

Always eat breakfast as this kicks your metabolism into life for the day ahead and try to eat something healthy every 2 -3 hours. It is important to have a balanced diet and try to eat foods that have a high thermic effect.

The thermic effect is basically works on the principle of how many calories your body burns through eating,chewing and digesting food.

High protein foods for example have what is known as a high thermic effect. The thermic effect scale ranges from 3% to 30%. High protein foods such as fish and poultry for example have a thermic effect of 30%. This means that digestion burns 30% of the calories alone. Complex carbohydrates have a thermic effect of around 20% and at the lower end of the scale come fats and refined carbs.

And of course don't forget to exercise to help your body burn up the calories.

So in conclusion, eating small regular healthy meals helps to increase your metabolism reducing your bodies need to store fat and calories.

If you are struggling to lose weight or are jsu looking for some advice You can read more about weight loss diets by visiting

Weight Loss Tips - The Benefits Of Eating Small Regular Meals

When it comes to weight loss eating small regular meals is highly regarded as one of the best ways to help control your weight. This article will explain how eating small regular meals throughout the day can help train your body to stop storing calories.

If you don't eat regularly your bodies' metabolism slows down, and your body begins to store more of the food that you eat. If you're the type of person that misses breakfast and eats at unregular times of the day meal then you are effectively training your body to store fat and calories as your body doesn't know when you will eat again.

If you eat more regularly your metabolism begins to speed up because your body begins to learn that more food will soon be eaten so it begins to burn off the calories instead of storing them as it would when you are eating less regularly.

Always eat breakfast as this kicks your metabolism into life for the day ahead and try to eat something healthy every 2 -3 hours. It is important to have a balanced diet and try to eat foods that have a high thermic effect.

The thermic effect is basically works on the principle of how many calories your body burns through eating,chewing and digesting food.

High protein foods for example have what is known as a high thermic effect. The thermic effect scale ranges from 3% to 30%. High protein foods such as fish and poultry for example have a thermic effect of 30%. This means that digestion burns 30% of the calories alone. Complex carbohydrates have a thermic effect of around 20% and at the lower end of the scale come fats and refined carbs.

And of course don't forget to exercise to help your body burn up the calories.

So in conclusion, eating small regular healthy meals helps to increase your metabolism reducing your bodies need to store fat and calories.

If you are struggling to lose weight or are jsu looking for some advice You can read more about weight loss diets by visiting

Setting Your Weight Loss Goal

One of the most common health problems today is being overweight. Weight problems significantly increase the risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, respiratory problems, arthritis and many others. The question naturally arises how should we lose weight. Just as important is how do we prevent gaining it back.

Well, let me allow you in on a little secret. The answer is not by dieting. Americans are obsessed with dieting. The irony here is that it is this very obsession that prevents us from maintaining a healthy, stable weight. Another little secret is that fad diets are even worse. It is true that fad diets will help you lose weight, and in some cases very quickly. In the long run they will not have a lasting effect.

It is believed that as many as 90% of those dieting will regain the weight that they lost withing a year of losing it. It is not uncommon to gain even more weight than was lost in the first place. Dieting and fad diets can cause more problems than they cure. Some of these include headaches, insomnia, constipation, water retention, heart palpitation, nervousness, irritability, and stress on the digestive system. It should be evident that dieting or fad diets alone are not the solution.

To achieve your goal of losing weight and keeping it off, you should consider a multi-faceted approach.

Dieting without sufficient stomach and digestive strength will cause overexertion, dehydration and undernourishment. This leads to further weakening of the digestive tract. When this occurs weight loss will become very difficult. It is important to remember that we depend on our digestive system to absorb and assimilate nutrition. This in turn sustains the body's normal functions. One very important way to maintain our digestive integrity is to chew our food very well. It is helpful to sit while we eat. Last by not least, we should not eat 3 hours before bed.

Another important aspect of improving our health and losing weight is to maintain regular bowel movement. This does not suggest the use of laxatives which only weaken the digestive system. Regular bowel movements can be achieved by eating food rich in fiber (whole grains), chewing well, sufficient rest and regular exercise.

This next point is a big one and contrary to what you usually hear. Drinking too much water can cause water retention. The main characteristic of fluid deficiency is dryness. Water in and of itself does not do an adequate job. This results in dehydration. When you drink too much water the kidneys will become weak. In that case they are not able to deal with the excess fluid. This alone can cause bloating which in itself will contribute to excess body weight. You should drink only when thirsty and not gulp. You should also avoid soda, drinks with artificial sweetener and power drinks.

Here is another point contrary to popular belief. You should eat 3 meals per day, not several smaller ones. You can eat as much as you wish with the following caveats. Chew your food extremely well. You will be satisfied sooner. Up to 90% of digestion will take place in your mouth, thereby taking the burden off your digestive tract. Your food should be natural, consisting mostly of whole grains, vegetables and fruit. Avoid processed and prepared foods. Do not eat at least 3 hours before bed time.

You should exercise regularly. Obviously, this provides several benefits including the increase of your body's metabolism.

Chinese herbal supplements can be a great adjunct in your weight loss program. The good ones are all natural and do not have any serious side effects. One word of caution. There are several Chinese teas around at the moment that promise spectacular results. I have consulted with a Chinese doctor. He informs me that these teas, while harmless, provide no weight loss benefit.

There you have it. If you have a weight problem there is no time like the present. Now there are two things you have to do in order to accomplish your goals. Focus and take action.

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss

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