Monday, June 30, 2008

Simple Weight Loss Tips - Misinformation About Simple Weight Loss Revealed

Everyday, magazines give out new simple weight loss tips that are dramatically supposed to reinvent your life and have the fat running away from you. True, some of these tips are extremely valuable and often overlooked because they seem like common sense and obvious, but it is often times the most valuable simple weight loss tip that is also the simplest (how ironic). Today, there will be no discussion about simple weight loss tips in the sense of a top 5 or a quick outline into a specific path, but instead, we will shed some light on myths that permeate throughout the industry and cause people to build diets, routines, and lifestyles on top of a faulty foundation.

There are three myths, three ideologies that are simply destructive to the ill-informed. Myths that promise to cut fat, build muscle, and lose weight can simply add to that stubborn, excessive belly fat or cause your biceps to remain stagnant, growing flabby instead of granite-like.

Simple Weight Loss Tip Myth #1: Spot Reduction does NOT work.... So forget about simply getting rid of only that excessive belly fat or that spare tire, fat loss comes as a collective whole. What this translates into is that simply doing crunches and leg lifts and more crunches and more leg lifts will NOT reduce the fat on your stomach; it simply works out the muscles underneath. Now, in order to see these muscles, one must develop a diet that reduces the overall body fat % or all the crunches and workouts will go to waste.

Which leads us to our second Simple Weight Loss Tip Myth: Less Calories means less Weight/Fat! Not necessarily. Once you starve your body of calories it has a tendency to go into starvation mode and slow the metabolism. The slowing of the metabolism causes you to use your resources less (ie burn calories slower) allowing you to live off the current cache of fat you have. In other words, an intuitive simple weight loss tip that is as widely distributed as this one can have serious effects on your progress if misused. A very popular, up-and-coming weight loss diet and fat loss program that utilizes online meal planning (in which you get to buy your own, fresh food) and a revolutionary style of calorie manipulation (called Calorie Shifting) to completely counteract this process. Although this is relevant, it is out of the scope of this article and more information can be found at my blog... Here.

Final Simple Weight Loss Tip Myth: Cardio workouts makes you lose weight faster than working out. True and not true. Aerobic exercise allows one to lose weight while they are doing it and shortly after. The benefits of 45 minutes on the treadmill will last that 45 minutes and only slightly after. The flipside is weightlifting, which burns calories and fat during it while beefing up your metabolism to work for you afterwards burning calories and fat. It's the difference between a part-time employee and a full-time employee.

Conrad is a long-time athlete and a fitness fiend who has decided to share his practical and realistic experience and knowledge with the world. Conrad played football, baseball, and even golf for well over 10 years throughout college and highschool and even as a little tyke. If you liked this article, be sure to check out

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Genotype Diet: 'Junky, Nonscientific' - Toronto Star {04-05-2008}:

Ogilvie, M. (? ?) reports for the Toronto Star in "Body Typing is Unproven Science" (see ):

"'The GenoType Diet: Change Your Genetic Destiny to Live the Longest, Fullest and Healthiest Life Possible' [ISBN] Peter J. D'Adamo [...a] naturopathic physician from Stamford, Conn. [...who claims he has] identified six genotypes that comprise humanity [...per] hunter, gatherer, teacher, explorer, warrior or nomad [{what? No skeptic?!?!}... based upon] body characteristics including fingerprints, leg length and head shape [...and each type supposedly has] a type-specific diet and lifestyle plan to optimize [...] genetic potential [...which therein will] maximize health and wellness, boost weight loss, slow the aging process and prevent or reverse disease [...also] D'Adamo has created lists of superfoods and toxic foods for each type [...but] for menu plans and recipes, dieters have to pay $4 a week at [D'Adamo's] [ingenious!...our] expert['s] opinion: there is no scientific evidence, whatsoever [!!!], to back up D'Adamo's plan, says registered dietitian Stefanie Shalagan [...] with the North York Family Health Team [...] 'D'Adamo does not back up any of his claims with scientific references [...] he says he's done the research and leaves it at that [...] there is no evidence to suggest some foods are beneficial and some are toxic for specific types [...actually] if people ate a so-called toxic food, they wouldn't become ill or sick or even gain a large amount of weight [...] I would not recommend this book to anyone who is looking to lose weight on a scientifically based diet plan' [...] diary [...comment:] skepticism pans out [!!!{per analyzing the evidence purported to support a claim}]. D'Adamo makes wild claims not backed up by science [...decision:] declare GenoType Diet a rip-off and abandon one-day tryout. This book goes to the bottom of a long list of junky diet books [...] our verdict: don't even crack the cover on this totally vague plan."

Note: I take issue with the article's in-title terminology "unproven science." 'The legitimately scientific' isn't in kind as absolute as 'proven' suggests -- it is tentative. 'Not scientifically supported' or "no scientific evidence" are better terms (see ). Science doesn't absolutely "prove" -- so, there is actually no 'proven science' -- as the American Association for the Advancement of Science states in "A Study Guide For The Evolution Dialogues" (see ): "hypotheses may be falsified by conflicting data or supported by consistent data, but an hypothesis can never be absolutely confirmed or proved." I should also add as regards naturopathic medicine overall: be careful about claims from this so-called profession in terms of what they label as "science." Naturopathy falsely labels the profoundly / preponderantly science-ejected a scientific fact [e.g., their vitalistic, autoentheistic, teleological & supernatural belief set] (see http://aanpalliancesciencebasedclaim.... ). How can one trust a supposedly scientific point of view when it does not admit that a reasonable difference exists between imaginary figmentations [e.g. a vital force] and what survives scientific scrutiny? (for further enlightenment, visit ).

(music by spaceScat, "kityikana" excerpt). (also, take the "naturopathy blasphemy challenge," at http://mynaturopathyblasphemies.blogs... ).

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Lose 10 Pounds Within a Week - Stunning New Discovery Which Would Make You Lose Weight Instantly

Every person out there wants to lose weight and wants to lose it fast but does not know the perfect route which would help them lose as much as possible. No matter what you might think about it but weight loss isn't all that difficult when you know what you truly need to do. You see you can achieve earth shattering results within no time once you learn how to make small daily changes in your lifestyle, exercises and diets. Read on to discover how you can lose tremendous amount of weight too using these cutting edge insanely effective techniques...

We are going to shift calories- Do you know that it's not the quantity rather the quality of food you eat which affects your body? Well in order to lose weight effectively you need to make sure that instead of having heavy unhealthy food you start consuming natural healthy meals which are low on calories but still stuff you up. You see this way you would not feel hungry and your cravings for more would be controlled.

Start replacing unhealthy stuff- Starting right now instead of the morning or afternoon coffee start drinking water. Make this a habit, the moment you feel the urge to have a cup of coffee fill yourself up with a lot of water and this same rule would apply to any of those sugary drinks.

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Mustard, Chili, and Weight Loss

It's a surprisingly frequent question, "Is there a relationship between mustard and weight loss? And what about chili peppers, too?"

The benefit of mustard for dieters is very straightforward. A tablespoon (14 g) of mayonnaise--and most of us prefer two tablespoons or more on our sandwiches--contains 99 calories (kcal)and 11 g of fat. Because we go for both the "feel" as well as the taste of mayonnaise, we tend to eat more.

A teaspoon of mustard--which is enough to give a zingy taste to sandwich if you spread it thinly--comes in at just 3 calories and zero grams of fat. Switching from mayo mustard can easily save you 200 calories or more for every sandwich. And chilies are just as low-calorie with an additional benefit.

An Australian clinical study finds that eating an ounce of chopped chili peppers every day can protect cholesterol from forming atherosclerotic plaques, and the benefit is measurable in as little as a month.

Drs. K. D. Ahuja and M. J. Ball of the University of Tasmania (Australia) found that a "freshly chopped chili" condiment eaten every day slowed the oxidation of cholesterol even more effectively than taking vitamin E and antioxidant supplements. The same researchers, along with Drs. I. K. Robertson and D. P. Geraghty, also found that eating chilies for a month lowered resting heart rate in men.

So spice up your diet and lose a few more ounces every week. Mustard and chili peppers can add taste to simple meals and help you lose fat, lose weight, and protect your heart all at the same time.

Author or co-author of nine books on natural healing, Robert Rister is currently blogging on remission from pancreatic cancer.

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I was overweight since I was a teenager and its nothing that really bothered me but was always in the back of my head. Things would go wrong or not my way and I thought maybe its because I'm fat. I started piling things up on that excuse. I thought if I lost weight that everything would be different. But it wasn't. The feelings of who am I and I found that no matter how the outside looked there was always something I could find wrong to blame things on. But one day God decided to break into my life and reveal what had really always been missing, a relationship with Him. I don't have thoughts like that anymore and my life is truly so different since Him that no amount of writing could really do it service.

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