Monday, June 9, 2008

Why Snacking Works In Weight Loss

I love to snack. I love the satisfaction of crunching on something salty and following it up with something sweet. I am a self-proclaimed snackoholic. Most people when they think of weight loss, they immediately cut out snacking. What a shame! Without snacks, our lives would be dull with only three square meals each day. I will change your perception of snacking by showing you how choosing the right snacks will help you lose weight and feel better throughout the day.

Why we snack:

There are many reasons why we choose to snack. Sometimes it is because we are bored. Maybe it's because we had a stressful day. Other times, it is because we are simply hungry. If you are truly hungry, even at night, you should have a snack. The key is to snack for the right reason with the right balance of foods. When our bodies are used to eating high sugar, high fat "junk" foods we begin to crave these types of foods. Let's face it: fat, sugar and salt taste good. They may make us feel better temporarily, but after our bodies digest these types of foods, we usually feel worse than before. These sugary, high fat foods will raise our blood sugar levels very quickly giving us more energy, but they will also cause our blood sugar to come crashing down at a very fast rate. This can make us feel tired, sluggish and irritable.

It's important to train your mind to think differently about snacks and your eating habits so you begin to crave the right types of foods. It is also important to keep in mind that a snack should be designed to keep you satisfied until your next meal; it shouldn't fill you up completely.

Snacking can raise your metabolism:

When most of us think of dieting, we think of ways to cut out foods or meals. We automatically restrict and deny ourselves food in hopes that we will lose a lot of weight. Well, that usually works against us, especially when we stop dieting. The key is to eat every 4-5 hours. If you have breakfast at 6:30 am and lunch at noon, you need to eat a mid-morning snack. By restricting snacks, you are putting your body into starvation mode and actually slowing down your metabolism. If you frequently eat healthy foods, you will add "fuel to your fire" and contribute to burning more energy and increasing your metabolism. Always remember that you should be focusing on lifetime changes, not just short-term weight loss goals. Eliminating snacks forever is not realistic, but changing your snacking habits will provide you a lifetime of benefits.

The good, the bad and the ugly:

There are snacks that are really good for us, and those that are not so good for us. When planning your snacks, you want to consider a balance of lean proteins (like nuts, lean meats and low fat cheeses) with a whole grain or high fiber food (like fruits, vegetables, whole grain breads or crackers). Some examples of snacks for a mid-morning energy boost could be a low-fat yogurt, 1 ounce of nuts with a piece of fresh fruit, a high fiber/high protein granola bars, or 1 Tablespoon of peanut butter spread on some whole grain toast. Stay away from the high calorie, caffeine-coffee drinks and muffin from your favorite coffee shop. You could end up consuming around 800 calories and 30 grams of fat from one snack! Stick to snacks that are around 200 calories. If you are feeling sluggish mid-afternoon, try reaching for a whole grain pita and some hummus or make your own trail mix with dried fruits, granola, nuts and some small chocolate pieces. You will have a lot more energy from foods that fill you up, rather than a bunch of empty calories. Also, stay away from drinking soda pop. Try keeping water with you all day and sip on it. Water will give you the feeling of having more energy than a sugary soda. If you tend to snack at night in front of the television, try occupying your mind with a new task. Try crossword puzzles, knitting, or scrap booking. Place your snack food in a small bowl, instead of taking the whole bag with you. This will help you with portion control. And, when thinking of snacks, remember "out of sight, out of mind". If it's not in the house (or at the office), you will be less tempted to eat it!

Treating yourself:

We all like to treat ourselves every once in awhile. The key is moderation. Try healthier options of your favorites and eat less of these high fat, high sugar foods. And, remember it is okay to have a treat. Don't beat yourself up for eating a chocolate chip cookie or having a piece of cake at a birthday party. These special occasions are part of our lives and should be enjoyed. Just remember to balance these foods out with plenty of healthy foods and exercise and you will be on your way to your weight loss goals!

Heather Stefan is a Registered Dietitian with more than 7 years experience with a Bachlor's degree in Dietetics. Heather gained knowledge throughout her career working in both outpatient and inpatient care at two seperate hospitals, writing for local newspapers, and teaching community classes. Her specialities include: weight management using a non-diet approach, lifestyle modification, cardiac care, pre and postnatal maternal health, and diabetes.

Heather is currently a licensed provider for Real Living Nutrition Services, which provides online weight management and nutrition coaching. She is also a health educator in her community and writes a nutrition column for her local newspaper.


Weight Loss Resolution

Having a weight loss resolution is sometimes harder than resolving to earn more money. But if that's really what you want or need to do then here are a couple of suggestions to get you started.

Be clear about your situation.

Know your weight and body mass index. Know exactly how many pounds you need to lose. Visit your doctor to see if there are any other health conditions you have and should be aware of. You may already be in danger of having diabetes or hypertension and must therefore further reduce intake of foods rich in sugar, oils, and fats. Respiratory problems may also make strenuous exercises unacceptable for your health. It's better to know all these things before you start working on keeping your weight loss resolution.

Design a diet plan.

Diligent research can easily help you formulate the ideal diet plan for your health and needs. But if you don't think you're up to the task, consult a doctor, fitness expert, or nutritionist to help you come up with the right diet regime. When making a diet plan on your own, remember to take into consideration your level of self-control as well as the amount of money and time needed to stick to the diet plan.

Design an exercise plan.

The ideal exercise plan combines routines to develop your strength, stamina, and flexibility. Of course, you're welcome to increase more repetitions or types for any of the three if that's what you feel you should concentrate more on. Exercise always accompanies diet and vice versa. Diet may help you lose weight but it won't help in making your body adjust properly to the changes it undergoes. Exercise can, however, ensure that you won't end up having loose flabby skin when the pounds fall off your body.

Get a pedometer.

Studies show that people with generally inactive lifestyles only walk about two or three thousand steps a day. Adding 2,000 steps to that figure will only help you maintain your weight. Only if you go beyond that will walking help you lose weight. A pedometer can let you know how you're doing everyday. This is especially helpful if you're always on the go and have no time for stationary exercises. When shopping for a pedometer, remember to test it out first. If you take a hundred steps, an accurate pedometer could give you a reading ranging between eighty-five to a hundred five steps. If your pedometer shows otherwise, try changing its position before retesting it.

Find other ways to exercise.

If you find yourself getting bored with your solitary forms of exercise, consider other alternatives like picking up a new sport or any physical hobby. Call up your friends and have them join you for a weekly running session. Explore your spirit of adventure. Rock climbing is, for instance, exciting and challenging but it's a good way to exercise your heart and body as well.

Eat more small meals than fewer big meals.

Restricting yourself to breakfast, lunch, and dinner makes it easier for you to rationalize eating more than you should. Rather than make yourself open to temptation, just eat more but smaller meals each day.

Nibble only as a last resort.

Resist the urge to nibble! It's easy to tell ourselves that no harm can come from nibbling but the next thing you know is that one nibble has become the equivalent of a hundred nibbles for the whole day! If there's no actual and urgent need for you to nibble, don't!

Have an emergency healthy snack ready.

There will be times that you'll get stuck in a place where there's no food considered acceptable by your diet regime. As such, the next logical choice is to eat what's available rather than starve to death, right? That's true...but only if you haven't an emergency healthy snack tucked away. Always be prepared! You might have no way of predicting when such emergencies will occur but you're at least prepared to meet them head on.

Drink lots of water.

Water will not only detoxify your body, but it can also keep you feel full far longer than usual. Drink water as well instead of sodas or any other beverage. Water won't make you gain weight but the same can't be said for other drinks.

For more information on hypnosis and better health please visit:

Weight Loss Motivation - What to Do When 'Life Happens'

Last week was one of those testing ones - you know, the ones with lots of lessons in them! The fact of the matter is that 'life happens'. Because we are only human, and not perfect, we err from our focus of comfort loving and return to comfort eating. Keeping a focus on happiness at these times is a lesson in itself.

So we turn to food when the going gets tough. Worse still, we then give ourselves a good mental beating for having eaten inappropriately. As all our negative messages flood back with vengeance, our focus on happiness and self-love disappears. How helpful is that? The stress that this causes only leads us into more inappropriate eating. It is all a vicious circle!

What we actually need is love, understanding and compassion from ourselves. We also need to refocus on the thoughts and actions that make us happy. The steps to take at these trying times are easy but unfamiliar so they require practice.

Remember, this is a new mindset, abundant with love and so if you have reached out inappropriately for food try the following steps...

1. Switch off the 'Negative Natterer' that fills you with guilt and shame.

2. Reflect on the situation with empathy and understanding.

3. Reflect on what learning you can gain from your present situation.

4. Make a list of all the positive signs of love that surround you.

5. Consider the actions you can take that are self-loving.


7. Praise yourself for your change of thoughts and actions.

No more berating yourself for being human. That is a certain way back into the trap of long-term comfort eating. Life is too short to be trapped in such a vicious cycle. Life is for living and for loving. And that means loving yourself enough to fill your life with happiness, not pain and torture, where food, weight and size are concerned.

The remarkable thing is that the more self-loving you are and the happier you make your life and thoughts, the more your lose weight. Watch how quickly you get back on track with your healthy eating when you practice this 7 step action plan. Watch the happiness flow back to you - you deserve it.

Chrissie Webber is a published author, business coach and leadership trainer. As Managing Director of Life-Shapers Ltd she is developing her online weight-loss motivation company into a franchise of Life Shapers Weight Management Coaches.

Her track record in the area of weight management is firstly a personal one. Following a lifetime of weight issues - at her heaviest, over 21 stone and a massive size 30 - she has personal experience of diets and their devastating effect on size and psyche.

With a background in nursing, psychology and business coaching, coupled with a lifetime of dieting, she developed and successfully used a series of models and tools that enhance weight loss motivation. Now over 5 dress sizes smaller and having sustained her weight loss for several years she has written a book about her motivational journey. Weight Loss, Life Gain - A Motivational Journey to Permanent Weight Loss was published in January 2008 by Accent Press.

Her Blog and free monthly eZine now offer support to others.

How To Lose Weight Fast - Essential Tips You Must Know

So how can one lose fat fast and achieve his or her weight loss goals fast? Well you see it's actually not that hard to lose if you are doing the right things in the right format and techniques. You see most people trying to lose weight out there don't know the correct ways and don't know what it might take to achieve their goals fast. Optimal training with proper plan and motivation can make you lose fat real fast. Read on to discover some of the most essential tips you need to lose weight fast and achieve mind blowing results within no time with these...

Always set a proper goal first- Nothing in life ever becomes achievable with a proper plan. And this same rule applies to your fitness efforts. Unless you set up a proper weight plan you will never lose it fast enough. You should plan in advance as to how much weight you want to lose and in how much time at the same time. Planning to fail means you have already planned to fail with your efforts.

You might not see any results initially- Now this is something you need to understand about weight loss Most people out there would not see much results in the first 2 months after they start their fitness routine and workouts. You see when this normally happens people give up and go back to their old habits thinking they are not going to lose weight at all. You see this is just a phase and tends to happen to almost everyone therefore learn to stick to your weight loss plan and it would be not long before you achieve your goals.

Find an inspiration- What is your driving force? What motivates you? The best possible way to lose weight fast is to find a driving force or something which inspires you to lose it and lose it fast. One of the best possible ways to do this is to read miracle weight loss stories or real stories of people who lost tremendous amount of weight due to their own efforts.

The Real weight loss secret- Can you imagine yourself losing 9 lbs every 11 days from now? Yes you heard it right "9 lbs every 11days guaranteed". This is the single most effective way which helps you lose weight. It is truly an absolute breakthrough in the weight loss industry. If you don't know this than you are missing out on the best ever secret "Guaranteed" to help you lose weight right away. So are you ready to drop some pounds within the next 11 days? Read on to discover this rare secret right now click here- Earth shattering weight loss secret guaranteed to help you lose weight within 11 days

Easy Weight Loss: 3 Practical Tips That Work

Losing weight naturally and safely doesn't have to be as difficult as you might think. In fact, most people can experience relatively easy weight loss by simply "getting out of the way" of their body's own fat-burning mechanisms. Listed below are 3 simple, practical, and proven tips for losing weight as easily as possible. Try them out for a few weeks and watch the fat melt off!

1. Get out of your own way -- follow the ABC diet!

The first step to losing weight with a minimum amount of effort is to stop eating and drinking things that make it difficult to drop body fat. Many fitness and fashion models stay slim by following the "ABC diet" -- no alcohol, no bread, and no (simple) carbohydrates. Basically they avoid the "Big 3" metabolism-slowing, fat-creating substances that most overweight people consume on a regular basis.

If you really want to experience easy weight loss, try cutting out all alcohol, bread, pasta, fried foods, and sugar from your diet for a few weeks. These things "clog" your system, increase your fat stores, and kill your energy levels. Eliminating them from your diet will really make a big difference and you'll begin to look and feel much better pretty quickly.

2. Don't ever let yourself get hungry... EVER!

Hunger and food-cravings can kill any weight loss plan, no matter how motivated you are. Keep yourself on the right track by "grazing" on healthy snacks throughout the day. High-fiber foods like veggies, fruits, seeds, and nuts are your best choices. Plan healthy meals and snacks ahead of time -- don't wait until the last second to figure out what you're going to eat!

Keep a bag of healthy trail mix with you and grab a handful every few hours. Eat a spoonful of natural peanut butter as soon as your start to get hungry. Sip ice water and green tea throughout the day. Chew on sugar-free mint gum to kill food cravings. Basically, do whatever it takes to keep yourself from getting hungry -- you'll find that it will make losing weight MUCH easier.

3. Protein shakes are your friends.

When you're trying to lose weight naturally, protein shakes are a huge help. A properly made protein shake is extremely healthy and full of hunger-killing, fat loss-boosting protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Most importantly, it is delicious! A protein shake sweetened with a healthy sugar substitute like xylitol or stevia can really hit the spot when you're craving something sweet.

Base your shakes on whey protein powder, low-fat milk (or rice/soy/oat/almond milk), and fresh or frozen fruit. Throw in some ground flax seeds, almonds, and/or natural peanut butter to increase the "good fat" content and to make your shakes more filling. There are hundreds of healthy protein shake recipes out there so be sure and experiment to find one that suits your tastes.

Jamie Clark is a health and fitness writer for To learn more about easy, natural weight loss techniques visit:

How Aging Affects Weight Loss

When you want to control your weight without feeling hunger pangs and at the same time reduce the visible signs of aging like wrinkles and sagging skin you need to concentrate even more on a 'youthful' diet. New research has demonstrated that you can slow down and even reverse some of the more obvious effects of aging - important when you realise how aging affects weight loss.

Look for appetizers and snacks with visual appeal that look good enough for a party and add wonderful salad combinations, soups, side dishes, and luscious desserts to create "youthful" concoctions. It really is easy to pack your system with anti-aging foods and food combinations. You don't have to become vegetarian, but meat eating creates more waste than vegetarian diets and that may in turn lead to heightened aging effects. When there is a lot of waste to be removed, it creates more wear and aging on the cells.

Healthy diets, permanent weight loss, fitness, anti-aging, beauty, staying as young as you can as long as you can and finding ways of adding life to your years should be the common goal for all of us. It will also add years to your life. Many of us do preventive maintenance for our automobiles, homes and gardens but neglect our health. Aging affects weight loss but health is far more important to everybody than a particular number or clothing size.

To maintain good health and maintain proper body function, some amount of supplemental vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, and enzymes are essential. Anti-aging systems to help you restore youthful metabolism, energy, muscle, skin, immunity, vitality. I've found that there are certain programs which slow or reverse the effects of aging, support permanent weight management, address specific illnesses, dramatically improve overall energy and well-being. People trying to lose weight often notice erratic levels of fluid retention. This leads many to think that they are failing in their weight loss efforts when they are actually on the road to success.

The anti-aging approach will include drinking more water to prevent unnoticed dehydration and eating beans and lentils which are good in any weight loss diet because after you eat them you will stay satisfied longer making you eat less. They also help the digestive system to expel waste more efficiently. Minerals and vitamins are used in nutrition for anti-aging and weight loss as well as to raise general fitness, health and wellness.

Quite often people trying to lose weight will notice erratic levels of fluid retention as a result of drinking more water. This leads many to think that they are failing in their weight loss efforts when they are actually on the road to success.

As we age, our health deteriorates, our bodies are inexorably aging and we find that weight loss becomes more difficult and while most of us believe this is normal, research confirms that lack of deep sleep can also compromise your immune system, making you more susceptible to viral and bacterial infections. This aging effect greatly affects your youthful good looks and how you relate to those around you especially if you start to feel older and this is how aging affects weight loss.

N.B. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting or stopping any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.

Peter Fisher is an expert Author and webmaster for Your Weight Loss Help a website dedicated to helping you lose weight and you can find out more about Aging and Weight Loss whenever you need to know.

7 Reasons for Being Overweight

Being overweight is written and talked about more and more, but despite this, the number of people who are overweight increases constantly. Specialists state the drastic change in lifestyle of humans in the last decades and the following physiological and psychological changes to which human organisms cannot give an adequate answer, as a basic reason for this.

1.Your life is constant motion.

You don't get enough sleep, you eat sandwiches at work, and your main meal is late at night or even in the night.

The disorders in nutrition behaviour will undoubtedly lead to the appearance of overweight. Try to have an abundant breakfast, and to take light food in the evenings, basically consisting of fast absorbing carbohydrates.

Chronic insufficient sleep also disturbs the production of digestive ferments.

2. You are all day long on your desk, in the other time you don't get out of your car, and you spend the evenings in bed before the TV.

The lack of enough motion is a process at which organism doesn't have a reason to spend the absorbed calories. The result is one and simple - increase of the physical loading, which will contribute to activation of the metabolism and the sympathetic nervous system (it is responsible for the weight loss). Even if you dance or swim you will without any problem gradually lose the accumulated fats.

3. You go through a difficult moment in your life and you have only one joy - in spite of all to eat to satiety and to lie in bed.

It has been ascertained that 30 % of people get fat "due to stress", in condition of depression. Sometimes the voracious appetite and gaining weight are the only signs of a psychic disease. In this case you need mostly correct psychotherapy and medicines which to remove the anxiety and to improve your mood.

4. Overproduction of hormones.

You notice that your face has become rounder, your cheeks have acquired red nuance, and more hair grows on your body. High blood pressure upsets you. At women the menstrual cycle is often disturbed, and men suffer from reduced potency.

This happens at greater production of hormones of the adrenal glands. The reason can be the presence of some infection, malign formation in the adrenal glands or illness of some part of the brain (pituitary gland or hypothalamus).

5. You suffer from a chronic disease - of kidneys, cardiovascular system, or you have problems with the digestive organs.

You retain liquids in your body. They are externally expressed when their amount exceeds 5 liters. In this way your body mass increases with 5 - 7 %. This illness has to be treated obligatorily.

6. Gaining weight is combined with skin itching, frequent urinating, deteriorated vision, thirst.

These are the typical signs of diabetes of 2 type. You have to search for assistance of an endocrinologist to make yourselves a blood analysis and to test your pancreas.

7. You go through the so called hormonal stress - pregnancy, climax, puberty.

During those periods your organism makes an adjustment and related hesitations in weight. It is considered that it is most difficult to lose the excess weight, accumulated during the last two months of pregnancy.

You can find more information on overweight, obesity, cholesterol and weight loss on my blog dedicated to the healthy lifestyle.

Radical Weight Loss Ever Discovered

Now-a-days, the major anxiety that remains in our society is overweight. A vast number of people are trying a variety of diet strategy and exercise routines in order to reduce those unwanted pounds. With the constant increase in weight loss ideas, it is difficult to differentiate which ones are secure and which ones should be avoided.

In most of us the digestive system is infested with parasites and plaque. These pests and their byproducts keep us from properly digesting what we eat, and they make us fat. Now you are going to get a revolutionary and amazing natural remedies, that you can eliminate the infestation and restore your digestion to normal. And that brings permanent fat loss, the result of proper digestion.

It's absolutely true and proved.

These natural treatments are based on plant extracts and herbs in specific combinations. A lady doctor has proven them to be effective in overweight people. This natural treatment is so powerful that able to reverse diabetes, rid illness altogether in people suffering from cancer, as well as eliminate an entire spectrum of serious and otherwise life-threatening diseases.

It's right time to discovered how calories, carbohydrates, and such have far less to do with the real reason you're and can't seem ...

New Breakthrough Secret invented for you whereas other doctors baffled!

There is a dynamic technique of losing weight without having to exercise or diet. There are many disgusting plaque and dreadful little critters living in your guts. You can get rid of this plaque and enable you to lose between 25 pounds - 100 pounds depending on how much weight you require losing.

This wonderful fat loss secret has absolutely nothing to do with:

1) Diet that makes you starve to illness.
2) Taking any harmful drugs is not required.
3) Unnatural supplements that set your health at risk.
4) Anything unnatural that works against your body.

Top Secret Fat Loss Secret truly makes people healthier, trimmer, and sexier, as well as it helps to increase longevity and vitality -- and as a result the other diet company panic of losing the billions to which they have become accustomed. It will be noticeably change your life -- this fat loss secret is the most amazing product you have ever seen. Get it today, before it's too late.

If you are serious about losing fat and cleansing your body of toxins to achieve a healthy lifestyle, wouldn't you want to have everything possible to help you achieve that goal? Top secret fat loss info will dramatically help your performance and results.

If you don't have Top Secret Fat Loss Secret and you want to lose fat, then you are damn crazy. Obviously, you are not serious about losing fat and keeping it off forever.

5 Natural Weight Loss Tips

1. Leave Food On Your Plate

It sounds simple - because it is. Problem is, we've been taught since an early age that we have to finish everything on our plate "because people are starving in this world". That's true. But getting fatter as a result of finishing your plate won't help them. Far better to donate to a foreign aid charity instead.

2. Get More Exercise

I know everyone labors this point. If you need more convincing, buy a pedometer or keep a journal of the exercise you do for a week. You'll probably be stunned at how little exercise you do. You can change this by walking more, taking the stairs or maybe even making a brisk 10 minute daily walk part of your regular routine.

3. Cut Down On Sugar

If you regularly heap sugar into your tea or coffee, gradually cut down. But don't use an artificial sweetener instead. Just cut down gradually over a few weeks. You won't notice the slow change but you won't be consuming extra empty calories from the sugar.

4. Cut Out Soda Drinks

If you regularly drink soda, cut down on it. Again, don't make the mistake of swapping regular, sugar laden, soda for diet versions. The artificial sweeteners aren't good for you either. Swap soda for water or green tea or a fruit tea if you still crave the sweetness.

5. Don't Buy Diet Foods

At least not unless you've read the label and checked that the fat hasn't been swapped for sugar. Read up on all the different names that sugar can be called - fructose, glucose, sucrose, corn syrup, etc. Just because a product says it's low fat doesn't mean that it's OK to eat it!

Get more natural weight loss tips and claim your free Weight Loss Secrets report

A Negative Calorie Food List

To make a negative calorie food list, we must be precisely clear on what we mean. There has been some confusion about this phrase. Some have thought that this kind of food contains no calories at all. This can't be right as long as all kinds of food contains at least some energy.

We're going to present you with a list of this kind of food. If you follow it, not necessarly without any other kinds of food, it will increase metabolism naturally, and the result will be weight loss - especially compared with eating a meal where these foods are not included.

Now, it's time for a definition. When we say nagative calorie food, we mean foods which contain so little energy that the body actually uses more energy to digest and absorb the nutrients. So if you subtract calories you'll burn from the calories you eat, the result will be negative. Only by digesting the food you have eaten, there will be a net loss of energy or a negative energy balance. This is what must happen if you want to lose weight but with this food you don't have to do anything but eat it to accomplish that.

You can also eat protein in combination with such food. Good protein will help you control your appetite as well as increase your metabolism because the total amount of calories are not reduced too much.

Here is the list:


Fennel, aubergine, gourd, broccoli, leek, cabbage, lettuce, carrots, marrow, cauliflower, peppers, celery, radish, chicory, spinach, cress, tomato, cucumber, turnip.


Apricot, mandarin orange, blackberry, melon canteloupe, blackcurrant, peaches, clementines, plums, damsons, raspberry, grapefruit. rhubarb, guava, strawberry, honeydew melon, tangerine, lemon, watermelon.

Terje Brooks Ellingsen is a writer and internet marketer. He runs the website Terje enjoys to help people with negative calorie food diets and workout to increase metabolism naturally.

The Secret to Safe Natural Weight Loss for Everyone

Lets talk about safe natural weight loss that anyone can achieve.

We all know the answer to safe natural weight loss is to eat less and exercise more, man that is just so simple, why has no one thought of that before?

If only it was as easy to achieve as it was to understand there would be no multi billion dollar slimming industry selling all manner of pills and potions and every one of them claiming to be scientifically proven, Clinically Proven, or proven by hundreds of thousands of users. Are we taken in by these claims? Frankly yes we are, most of us who have been or are overweight have at some time bought into such a product, be it a pill or shakes or any number or other products.

The only thing we achieved with them was to shrink our bank accounts, not our waistlines.

Now some people (a very small minority of people why try them) seem to lose weight with these products, hence how they can claim to work, hell even your world famous slimming clubs have a tiny success rate and yet some people have been going to the same club for years and paying their weekly fees and hovering around the same weight, sure you lose a little, gain a little but as for any meaningful weight loss, its just not happening.

What is it that makes the successful people succeed whilst the majority of us cant make it last?

How can they do it and you cant?

What if I were to tell you that you already know the answer to that question? I can say that because really you do know. The difference is they were mentally ready, they were mentally right to lose weight and be successful, in simple terms their head was in the right place, they just happened to wake up one day and everything fitted and they knew.

This time it will be different, this time I will lose the weight I desire to lose and it will stay off, this time I will reach my goal to have a strong, healthy beautiful body.

Now I have a secret to tell you, the secret mentioned in the title. Its the secret of getting your head in the right place and it does not involve paying subscriptions to a club or buying new pills every month or even starving yourself but it can bring remarkable results in just one month.

What is this secret you ask?

The secret is simple, you train your mind to be ready to lose weight successfully and you will lose weight by using the power of your mind. Self Hypnosis is the one way to get yourself ready for success in weight loss and it costs next to nothing and works in less than 30 days. Take a look at the website detailed in my author box (its not an affiliate link, I get nothing from sending you there) and get the full scoop on this amazing product at a ridiculously low cost.

If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always got. I highly recommend you take a look over there and change your mindset today.

To your weight loss success


More Information regarding Self Hypnosis for Weight Loss can be found here at

Cindi Randoe is part of a dedicated team at The Diet Files committed to helping others reach their weight loss, health and fitness goals quickly and healthily.

Visit The Fat Loss Files now and get free healthy weight loss and Fitness information just for visiting.

Weight Loss Made Simple

The Plan

You don't need diet pills or television gimmicks to lose weight. All you need is a good diet plan, and you need to stick to it. Any good diet plan needs only two parts, an eating plan and exercise. I prefer to use the term eating plan over diet because the word diet makes me think of eating less food, or food that has little or no taste. The plan is to kick up your metabolism so that you're burning more calories during the day. Consult your doctor before beginning any exercise or diet program.

20 Minutes a Day, 3 Days a Week

This is one of the best and easiest ways to get your exercise in and build lean muscle. Muscle building is one of the important parts of this guide. An extra pound of muscle will burn about 50 calories a day even if you're sitting and watching television. To build lean muscle, do a weight circuit. Do squats, push-ups, bent-over row, military press, upright row, triceps, wall sit, and bicep curls with a set of free weights that you're comfortable with. Try to go from one exercise to the next without resting, and this will keep your heart rate up. Rest a minute or two between sets. Start with 2 sets of the circuit and then move to 3 sets when you're ready.

How to Eat

Make sure you eat first thing in the morning to jumpstart you metabolism. Eat six times a day, three small meals and snack in between. Frequent eating will keep your metabolism running strong. Drink plenty of water as this also helps metabolism. If you're feeling hungry, then drink a glass of water, and if you're still hungry after that then go ahead and eat. Sometime thirst can be confused with hunger and a lot of people don't drink enough water every day.

What to Eat

Eat as many vegetables as you like. Eat foods like lean meats, eggs, low or non-fat dairy, beans, nuts, berries, oatmeal, whole grain food, and definitely ad some whey protein after workouts. Stay away from trans fats, saturated fats and high fructose corn syrup. Unsaturated fats are good for you and are found in olive oil, nuts, avocados, etc. Use olive oil to cook with instead of butter. Use this guideline to make a healthy version of things you like to eat. For an example, you could make a pizza with a whole wheat crust, tomato sauce, lean meat such as turkey or chicken, and any type of vegetables you like.

Stick to the Plan

Don't go on and off of fad diets, you'll end up weighing more than when you started. Make a lifestyle change by eating healthy and exercising, because it's a sure way to lose weight and keep it off. You don't have to use the plan in this guide, but it's what works for me.

Hope this was helpful, for more info visit Thanks, Greg Green.

It Is Possible To Lose Weight Without Exercise

A lot of us dread the idea of exercise. There's nothing more demoralizing than exercising at the gym when the person next to you is slim and fit, or exercising at home cramped in your living room when you would rather be sitting on the couch watching TV. Well there is an alternative to lose weight without exercise, and no it's not a miracle diet pill. It's called calorie shifting.

The concept is relatively new and several top dietitians are recommending it as the best weight loss solution. The calorie shifting diet was designed with the idea that food is the most powerful and natural way to lose weight without exercise.

Traditional diets focus on reducing your calorie intake and barring certain types of food. This in turn sends a signal to your metabolism to slow down and to store the fat to keep as a reserve of energy. As a result instead of burning off that excess fat, you are now essentially burning muscle tissue which is not only unhealthy but it leaves you feeling hungry and tired. From that point any excess amount of calories to what you are used to eating will be stored as fat because your metabolism is now working at a much slower rate.

The calorie shifting diet on the other hand does not restrict any particular types of foods, instead it rotates the number of calories that you consume. For example one morning you may eat food containing 500 calories, the next day you may have food with 650 calories. This process does not allow for your metabolism to adapt to a predetermined number of calories and will constantly be working at high rate thus constantly burning calories.

This is a tried and proven method of how to lose weight without exercise.

If you would like to lose weight without exercise learn more about the calorie shifting diet

12 Tips for a Fat Burning Diet

Have you tried to lose weight and failed? Have you ever started a diet that seemed to work well in the beginning but suddenly you found that you didn't lose weight anymore? If so than you are not alone. The human body's metabolism makes weight loss difficult. In fact losing weight is a complicated process. It is a complex inter-play of many biochemical metabolic processes. The argument that a negative caloric diet could lead to automatic loss of weight is too simplistic and does not apply to all.

Many people who stick to a calorie-reduced diet don't lose weight as fast as they think they should. That's because they activate metabolic protection. Their body senses starvation and shuts down fat burning in order to conserve fat as an emergency energy source. Hence the key to losing weight is to induce the body to turn on its metabolic processes in particular the fat burning metabolism.

The key to doing that should involve three interrelated processes namely:
Conditioning the body for optimal fat burning
Reducing fat absorption from other sources and inducing
Triggering the body's natural fat burning metabolism

Don't worry is this sound complicated. The above information has been condensed in the form of 12 easy tips to promote the body to burn fat all day long and thus lose weight easily.

Tip 1 Do not go hungry

While it is true that you need to cut down your caloric intake you should not cut down too drastically so much so that you feel hungry. It's a good idea to have an idea of how much calorie you need to consume given your weight in order to spread your spread consumption adequately throughout the day. Excessive caloric reduction could cause the body metabolism to hit the brakes. It will also begin to break down muscle tissue for energy. The best strategy would be to eat just enough so that you are not hungry but at the same time induce the body to increase its metabolism. A midmorning snack and mid-afternoon snack of about 150 calories will do the trick.

Tip 2 Drink plenty of water

This is probably the most important tip of all. Almost all of us are guilty of consuming too little water. We need to remember that metabolism is a process that requires water. Water is necessary for proper isotonic balance of body fluids and also to help in transportation of waste products of metabolism. When we consume too little water the body tends to slow down metabolism simply because it cannot ensure an optimal metabolism and getting rid of waste products. Therefore the secret to unlocking metabolism starts with drinking enough water. As a general rule we should all consume at least 8 glasses of water a day. Studies have shown drinking enough water could lead to a loss of about 50 calories a day - enough to shed 5 pounds in a year.

Tip 3 Breathe properly

Fat metabolism is a process that also requires oxygen. Therefore a well oxygenated and well hydrated tissue is essential for optimal fat loss. This is the tragedy of modern life as most of us do not drink enough water and also do not use our lung capacity in an optimal manner. According to some research people generally use only about 25% of their lung capacity. Therefore simply learning to breathe properly and deeply would do wonders to enhance fat metabolism. This requires conscious efforts but costs nothing at all.

Tip 4 Eat more iron rich foods

In order to promote efficient oxygen uptake from our breathing we need to eat iron rich foods. Women in particular are at the losing end because they lose iron due their periods. In some women the situation is so bad that their iron levels are very low indeed. By having low iron levels oxygen uptake is inefficient and that directly contributes to their inability to lose weight. Therefore one should eat iron-rich foods such as shellfish, lean meat, beans, cereals and spinach as they are excellent sources of dietary iron.

Tip 5 Consume more vitamin D

Vitamin D has a main role in determining how the body manages energy which directly involves fat metabolism. Unfortunately many of us do not eat enough Vitamin D. You can get your daily requirement of Vitamin D in a three and half ounce serving of salmon. Other great sources of Vitamin D are tofu, tuna, shrimp, fortified milk, cereal and eggs.

Tip 6 Eat plenty of fiber

Everyone needs to add natural fiber to their diet. Research has shown that certain types of fiber such as resistant starch can increase fat metabolism by up to 30%. Resistant starch is formed when foods such as potatoes, grains and beans are cooked and allowed to cool down. Such foods should not be re-heated as it would transform them. They are called resistant starch because they are resistant to quick digestion. Therefore such foods give the feeling of fullness and curbs hunger.

Since resistant starches are resistant to digestion they are also not broken down and stored as fat. Instead what happens is that they get fermented as they get to the large intestine creating small fatty acids called butyrates which inhibit metabolism of carbohydrates. Since the body is deprived of breaking down carbohydrates it breaks down fat instead. A good choice would be to consume at least 20-30 grams a day of such resistant starch daily. This would roughly correspond to about half cup of potato, rice or cereal plus half cup cooked vegetables or one cup of cooked beans and 1 slightly unripe banana.

Tip 7 Drink more milk

Together with Vitamin D calcium too plays an indispensable role in fat metabolism. Therefore drinking milk is actually good if you want to lose weight. New research shows that three or four daily servings of low-fat mail and yogurt can help adjust your body's fat-burning machinery by providing Vitamin D and also by reducing fat absorption from other products.

Tip 8 Eat enough protein

One of the basic things to know is that muscles play a central role in metabolism which explains why greater muscle mass increases metabolism. Protein is necessary for building and maintaining muscle tissues. Research has shown that consuming protein can increase fat metabolism by about 35%. As such it is important to include at least 3 ounces of lean meat or fish or two tablespoon of nuts or 8 ounces of fat-free yogurt to every meal or snack.

Tip 9 Do not skip breakfast

Very often people tend to skip breakfast thinking that they are cutting down calories or simply because of their lifestyle. This is major mistake because the body would misread the lack of food as a threat and lower its metabolism to conserve energy. Therefore it is not surprising that studies show that people who skip breakfast are more likely to be overweight or obese. Therefore it is important not to skip breakfast. At the same time breakfast should not be too greasy, too sweet or overly heavy. An oatmeal breakfast with fat-free milk and a tablespoon of nuts is ideal. If one doesn't have the time a fat-free yogurt is an excellent idea for people on the go.

Tip 10 Drink coffee or tea

Have you ever felt refreshed after a cup of coffee or tea? That is because caffeine is a stimulant that works on the central nervous system. In fact coffee can rev up the metabolism by 5-8%, an equivalent of 98 to 174 calories a day. There is also some evidence that tea also aids weight loss. Therefore consuming coffee or tea as part of our daily diet appears to do more good than harm. However if you suffer from diabetes then you should avoid coffee as it causes blood sugar levels to become elevated. Even if you are diabetic you should go easy on the sugar and cream. In line with the maxim "everything in moderation" I have found that 2 cups a day, in the morning and in the late afternoon, works well for me.

Tip 11 Exercise smart

Effective fat loss requires both a combination of low calories and some level of physical activity. You need not worry about having to stick to some strict exercise regime though it would be great if you can. However do not despair if you cannot because you could also integrate your daily activities into what is known as Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis, or NEAT to boost calorie burning activities. Small movements such as leg movements, stretching, walking up the stairs, or even just standing when talking on the phone can boost calorie burning up to 350 calories a day.

Tip 12 Keep off alcohol

Alcohol slows down fat metabolism. As little as two drinks can slow down fat metabolism by 75 %. In addition alcohol causes dehydration. Dehydration causes your body to lose water and interfere with fat metabolism. Therefore keeping off from alcohol is a very effective way to ensure a high fat metabolism.

Ilango's website is devoted to empowering as many people as possible to the easy way to lose weight and reclaim their confidence and health by inducing their body's natural fat burning process.