Monday, June 9, 2008

Easy Weight Loss: 3 Practical Tips That Work

Losing weight naturally and safely doesn't have to be as difficult as you might think. In fact, most people can experience relatively easy weight loss by simply "getting out of the way" of their body's own fat-burning mechanisms. Listed below are 3 simple, practical, and proven tips for losing weight as easily as possible. Try them out for a few weeks and watch the fat melt off!

1. Get out of your own way -- follow the ABC diet!

The first step to losing weight with a minimum amount of effort is to stop eating and drinking things that make it difficult to drop body fat. Many fitness and fashion models stay slim by following the "ABC diet" -- no alcohol, no bread, and no (simple) carbohydrates. Basically they avoid the "Big 3" metabolism-slowing, fat-creating substances that most overweight people consume on a regular basis.

If you really want to experience easy weight loss, try cutting out all alcohol, bread, pasta, fried foods, and sugar from your diet for a few weeks. These things "clog" your system, increase your fat stores, and kill your energy levels. Eliminating them from your diet will really make a big difference and you'll begin to look and feel much better pretty quickly.

2. Don't ever let yourself get hungry... EVER!

Hunger and food-cravings can kill any weight loss plan, no matter how motivated you are. Keep yourself on the right track by "grazing" on healthy snacks throughout the day. High-fiber foods like veggies, fruits, seeds, and nuts are your best choices. Plan healthy meals and snacks ahead of time -- don't wait until the last second to figure out what you're going to eat!

Keep a bag of healthy trail mix with you and grab a handful every few hours. Eat a spoonful of natural peanut butter as soon as your start to get hungry. Sip ice water and green tea throughout the day. Chew on sugar-free mint gum to kill food cravings. Basically, do whatever it takes to keep yourself from getting hungry -- you'll find that it will make losing weight MUCH easier.

3. Protein shakes are your friends.

When you're trying to lose weight naturally, protein shakes are a huge help. A properly made protein shake is extremely healthy and full of hunger-killing, fat loss-boosting protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Most importantly, it is delicious! A protein shake sweetened with a healthy sugar substitute like xylitol or stevia can really hit the spot when you're craving something sweet.

Base your shakes on whey protein powder, low-fat milk (or rice/soy/oat/almond milk), and fresh or frozen fruit. Throw in some ground flax seeds, almonds, and/or natural peanut butter to increase the "good fat" content and to make your shakes more filling. There are hundreds of healthy protein shake recipes out there so be sure and experiment to find one that suits your tastes.

Jamie Clark is a health and fitness writer for To learn more about easy, natural weight loss techniques visit:


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