Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Weight Loss Motivation - 3 Useful Tips

Lack of motivation is a major reason many people fail when it comes to losing weight. I myself know first hand. All the daily distractions in life can leave you distracted from what you truly want. This article will address 3-ways to stay motivated and give you better chances of succeeding.

Weight Loss Motivation Tip #1

The first step is convincing yourself this is something you must have. Write down the three main reason why you must lose weight. It could be anything such as health benefits, wanting more energy, wanting to increase your life span, etc. Re-sight these on a daily basis to keep you focused on why you must succeed.

It takes years to get out of shape, and even less to get in shape. The average life span for a human is around 70 years. Did you know it can take as little as 6 months to 1 year to get in shape for the average overweight person? Before you start any program, make sure you are willing to commit 6 months to 1 year at it. It will not happen overnight. Its going to take time and energy. Remember your why reasons to help keep you on track.

Weight Loss Motivation Tip #2

The next step is finding a program that works to follow. You should not just buy the first fad diets or exercising gimmick you see on the television. Most people know a handful of people who have tried some form of diet or exercise program that worked. Go to these people and find out exactly what they did. If you do not know anyone, you can find many forums and review sites on the Internet of real user that explain exactly what they have done. Visit some of these websites to for ideas.

Weight Loss Motivation Tip #3

The final step is having someone to motivate and consistently push you to keep going. This could be a spouse, friend, partner, or even someone on an Internet message board. You do not have to go it alone in fact, having someone to keep you motivated will increase your chances of success.

Everybody wants to get in shape and life healthy. In my opinion, everyone can. Using these weight loss motivation tips can drastically help increase your chances of weight loss success. Remember to identify your why reason, stick to a program that works, and find someone to keep you motivated.

This article is written by M. Martin. Find more tips, articles, and reviews for the top diet and exercise programs at Lose Pounds Fast a blog operated by M. Martin.

M. Martin lost 60 pounds following Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet program. A full review for this program can be found at Lose Pounds Fast

The Weight Loss Cure

Because obesity has become a pandemic in our society, more and more people are looking for ways to lose weight. Whether they join weight loss clubs; engage in diets drinks or choose the variety of weight loss regimens available; the problem still exists.

Whether or not you have seen Mr. Trudeau's infomercial about this weight loss book, along with the other books he has written; you have to seriously wonder if this book is, in fact, the answer. While his notion that pharmaceutical companies prescribe medications for conditions which can be treated by other methods is not a new concept, he has nonetheless revealed many home remedies and as well as holistic treatments which have been very successful, and which have been used for thousands of years.

This weight loss cure book is no exception. What he is basically describing in this book is a way to lose weight without depending on fad diets, pills, or other forms of weight loss treatments. Evidenced by his weight loss, Mr. Trudeau has been an outspoken advocate against traditional medications which pharmaceutical companies have been promoting, and others of his ilk have followed suit.

In an effort to prove this cure works, he utilized the protocols, and in six weeks lost 45 pounds. He also revealed in his infomercial that no exercise was needed; his energy level increased; and his eating habits drastically changed. Moreover, once you have completed the protocol outlined in the book, you will never feel hungry and your metabolism will increase, thereby allowing for more fat to be burned. If you have had the opportunity to see Mr. Trudeau in his infomercials, you will notice the dramatic change in his weight as well as take note of his youthful appearance.

If you have tried to lose weight and failed, you should read this book. Ensure you check with your doctor before trying any weight loss diet wherein you lose weight as rapidly as Mr. Trudeau claims. However, it is worth the price. It is also important to note that he has also tried other weight loss programs without success. He would lose the weight and gain it back.

The weight loss cure book may be just the answer you are looking for and may also provide answers to questions which traditional types of weight loss diets have failed to provide.

You can find out more about the Weight Loss Cure Book here. http://www.1thinkhealthy.com/weightloss-cures-book.html Lambert Klein is the owner of Think Healthy Supplements.

Can I Exercise My Abs While Doing a Full Workout?

Why concentrate solely on your abs and thereby extend your workout time by more than it needs to be. We are all busy people, so fast but efficient is what we are all seeking when it comes to working out. What about some better options for high intensity, metabolism boosting workouts that work your entire body, while working the abs.

Here is an ab workout that doesn't include any direct ab exercises at all. It's in a tri-set format.

1. Dumbbell Rows: start in a pushup position with the hands on 2 dumbbells. You then row (lift) one dumbbell up while using the other arm to stabilise your. Return the dumbbell to the ground and alternate the rowing arm while stabilizing with the opposite arm. It is the stabilizing that creates incredible work for your entire midsection core area. Trust me... your abs will feel it!

2. Front Squats: put the barbell in front of your body on the front of your shoulders instead of resting on the upper back as in back squats. You stabilize the barbell on your shoulders by crossing your arms and pushing your fists into the bar against your shoulders while keeping your elbows out in front of the body. You might want to seek some assistance with your form from a professional trainer at your gym. Due to the barbell weight being shifted to the front of the body instead of the back, Front squats require extreme stabilization strength from the abs. Even though this is mostly a leg exercise, you'll feel this one in the abs big time!

3. Floor Climbers: Start in a pushup position and then shuffe your feet in and out so that your knees are moving in under your chest and then back out to starting position. You resemble climbing a mountain but you are flat on the floor. If that is too easy for you, shuffle your hands 8-10 inches forward and backward in addition to the leg movements. This really makes it a full body exercise and MUCH more difficult than standard mountain climbers.

Rest for about 30 seconds after each exercise. After each tri-set, rest for 1 to 2 minutes before repeating. Do 3 to 4 sets of each tri-set with 8 reps of each exercise.

Try it. You'll get the best ab workout you've ever had without actually doing any specific ab exercises and you'll cut time from your workout as you've actually exercised many different muscle groups at once.

If you want more information, have a look at http://www.bellyfatsecrets.com - heaps of tips and advice from experts in the field.

Sick of the gimmicks, fads and expensive exercise equipment? Check out the facts at Best Ab Exercises & Workouts for Abdominals

Greg Millican

There is No Secret to Weight Loss

We have all heard the rants entitled the secret to weight loss, the miracle diet and all those other generic slogans that are designed to get us to read yet another sales pitch on some miracle diet that will get them pounds gone and gone fast. The key word being fast, we live in a busy time and none of us seem to have the time to follow the fundamental weight loss systems.

Let me begin by saying your weight, whether you are obese, a little heavy, carrying that holiday weight or whatever your current situation is not your fault. We are victimized daily by junk food chains or even relatively healthy eateries that offer that extra huge serving just for you! From the day we are old enough to comprehend to the day we die, and we are victimized. This is nothing new; it has been a prevalent part of our society for many, many years. The mass media is used as a tool by anyone who wishes to make a buck. The media is a sales mule, guised under the cloak of information, but a sales tool all the same. Turn on a TV and there it is, eat this, drink this, take this, buy, buy, buy, or more to the point consume, consume, consume. So again your weight is not your fault, but it is your responsibility.

The first thing to decide if you are keen on losing weight is this, do you want to just lose the weight or do you wish to get in shape and stay in shape without needing to fight with weight gain for the rest of your life. If you wish to only lose weight then this article may be of little help to you, but if your goals are to lose weight, keep it gone and develop a lifestyle that means living free of the threat of weight gain then please read on.

Sustained weight loss can only be found in one place, the mind. You have been trained since birth by the media to desire more than you need, some of this may be good, but there is a lot of it that is bad. The good can be the desire to achieve the best in life, good education, nice house, general comfort in lifestyle. The bad is where you are tricked into believing more is better by industries that thrive on your consumption. Such industries like fast food, tobacco are the most obvious and dubious, but consider the food industry in general, do you really need to super size just because it is better value for your buck, and ask yourself why it is better value? The answer is obvious is it not, because more consumption equals greater profits! These industries are willing to give larger portions of food at a cheaper price because they are in fact training you to believe that more is better, by doing this the food industries are increasing over all consumption, quantity is where these large industries make their profits, just look at all the All you can eat franchises, sure they say its healthy in some of them all you can eat salad bars etc, but too much even of a good thing is still bad!

Take one second and think on this, lets us say that you are looking at two sub sandwich stores, store A offers a good sized sub for $3, in fact the sandwich is exactly the right amount to slake your hunger, now store B has a big sign that says 20% more meat in our sub, but is also $3, which would you buy? Most of us wouldnt hesitate and Store B would rake in our business, but really do you need that extra 20%? We as consumers are always looking for the best bargain for our dollar, but in the end is over eating really a bargain we wish to be a part of it, look at what it is really costing you, your self esteem, your fitness and mostly your health! With heart disease, diabetes and obesity on the rise in so many places, I will say it again; the push towards over consumption by the food industry has the stench of big tobacco all over it.

Losing weight is a very difficult process for those of us who suffer from over eating, for many of us food has become an addiction, much akin to Tobacco. As with any addiction the first step is realizing that you are in fact addicted, after that the next and most crucial step in de-toxing that addiction from your body and more importantly from your mind, is to reprogram yourself, to solely retrain your body and mind to crave only what it needs, this is the real challenge in maintaining weight loss! I will sum up a few points that may help you get on the path to healthier food consumption:

Just because you feel hungry there is no need to completely fill the tank, instead consider your expected activities on that day and eat accordingly, just like your car, if you are only driving to the end of the street you dont need a full tank of gas!

Do not binge eat, you can starve yourself and effectively shrink your stomach size (a practice I am very much against, but using as an example here), but with only one gorge binge session you will effectively revert your appetite back to an unhealthy level and begin feeling hungry all over again, a binge eating session is much the same as an alcoholic falling off the wagon, instead I recommend many small healthy meals throughout the course of the day!

Realize that junk food tastes great for one reason only, to get you hooked! It does not constitute food in any way shape or form, remove it from your diet and believe me you will not miss it once the addiction fades

It all comes down to a single phrase which you will have heard before. Healthy mind equals a healthy body!

For some more information and recipes that will help you on the road to a healthier life, take a look at the following site:

No sales, No endorsements, Just great Health, Fitness and Weight Loss information and tips!

Plan Your Weight Loss and Your Weight Management

"Begin with the end in mind." - Stephen Covey

"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare." - Japanese proverb

Positive thinking is nice and certainly helps, but it is worthless if you do not associate it with action. Nothing is going to happen; nothing is going to change unless you start the change.

If you wish to lose weight you must first concentrate on the task, you must have a plan of action: what are you going to do to lose the extra weight?

Then you must do as planned. It has to be a regular and daily practice, make it a routine. Remember what you want to achieve.

Think of the size you want to wear.

Think of the level of health you want to enjoy.

Think of the quality of life you desire.

Think of the delicious meal you will enjoy today, healthy nutritional meals that will feed your body and eradicate your cravings.

Think of your fitness, how easy you move your body now that you exercise everyday.

Think how great it feels to wear a smaller size.

Focus on your progress. It is up to you to set your mind to success.

Do not listen to the little voice in your head that is trying to convince you that you cannot manage your weight.

Do not listen to the voice that is nagging you not to expect too much. The voice that tells you: "it is too difficult, who wants to bother, who wants to exercise everyday, who wants to cook everyday, who want to." You can fill the blanks.

Listen to the voice that will help you trim this extra weight.

Listen to the voice that believes in you, the voice that knows that you can achieve anything, once you set your mind to it.

You first need to believe in the person you can become. It is the strong desire and the emotions associated with it that will support you when you will need to overcome your doubts and the difficulties that will present themselves on the way to your ideal weight.

Now that you believe in yourself, now that you have an invincible desire to trim all your extra weight, now that you are unstoppable, it is time to start planning your weight management.

You will need:

  • A healthy nutrition plan.
  • A healthy exercise plan.
  • A self support plan.

The secret to successful weight loss is planning and following the plan. Plan and DO

To your health and your ideal weight

Isabelle Epstein, Dedicated to healthy nutrition and a healthy life style

Weight Loss - Change Your Life Style

The only way to lose weight is to change your attitude and the life style that you are following. If you really want to see you in a good shape or a healthier physique you should be ready to bring some changes in your behaviour and habits. When you prepare to do some thing positive to reduce your body weight you should focus more on healthy diet and regular exercise.

The first step towards weight loss is observing your present food habits. Closely watch what all that you consume a day to assess how healthy is your food habits. You should closely watch your uncovering behaviour that makes you over eat even while you are engaged in activities like watching or reading some thing.

Your desire for weight loss can be accomplished easily if your family members are willing to support your venture. It is the best way to maintain the new life style that you have adopted with an intention to loss your body weight. If your family is ready to cop up with your new life style that requires a controlled healthy diet and increased physical activities you will be able to continue the new life style that may ultimately lead to weight loss.

The best way to make your physical exercise regular and a part of your routine is joining a health club near to your house. At home you may not be able to do the right exercises required for weight loss. It is always advisable to consult an expert trainer to understand the exercises that suit your body and age.

You can also join in your local community clubs that have regular team sports and outings to make your weight loss programme more easy and interested. Instigate your family members or your neighbours to come with you for morning walk or jogging to avoid the boring of walking alone.

Weight loss is not some thing that can be achieved in one or two days and focus on a long term goal instead of a quick fix. If you want to know more about healthy diet and behavioural changes you can consult a weight-loss counsellor to know the details of healthy diet.

A variety of options are now available to accelerate your weight loss programme. And always remember that the key to successful weight loss is good eating habits and regular exercise.

For your free course teaching you exactly how to succeed with your weight loss goals using simple and effective weight loss diets simply go to http://weightlossrevolution.net

Lose Weight Permanently - No. 10 - Cut Out Fats

You have made a great decision to go on a diet and lose that weight. But how do you give up the things you love? It can be so hard cruel even! But, the fact is that some foods make you fat and there is no place for them. So, when you start this diet, make sure you eliminate more fat from your diet.

Limiting fatty food intake will help in a weight loss program. Fat is, well, fattening. It is the scourge of people that need to lose weight. It may taste nice but it is no good for you. Nearly everything that contains fat will not only make you gain weight (or make it more difficult to lose weight) but will also add to your overall health risk (heart and blood vessel disease).

Fat has 9 calories per gram and proteins and carbohydrates have only 4 calories per gram. So it makes sense to avoid fat if at all possible. Try to cut down on fatty meat, butter, cooking oil and such like. Those nice cakes and pastries you love so much are out. Live with it there will be long term benefits if you can stick it out.

Foods that contain less fat are also, in general, healthier foods. They can look nice, smell nice and taste nice. They do not give you the health risks that fats can and, in addition, they can help with other things such as vitamin levels and daily roughage.

So, cut out fats and fattening foods and your diet will be well on the way to a successful outcome.

Eric Hartwell oversees "The World's Best Homepage" intended to be a user-generated resource where YOUR opinion counts. Anybody can contribute and all are welcomed. Visit us to read, comment upon or share opinions on weight loss and obesity and visit his associated site articles for free.

Guaranteed Super Fast Weight Loss - Here's the Secret

There's only one way I know for absolutely guaranteed super fast weight loss!

And here's the secret...!

Go on a 28 day "water only" or "vegetable juice only" fast!

So I absolutely do not recommend this for you. It's too dangerous... especially so if your health is already compromised with obesity and all its concurrent health issues. I don't want the responsibility and I don't imagine that even your Doctor would take on the responsibility of recommending this for you.

There is an easy, safe way to lose weight quickly which I'll share with you in a moment.

But I'm reminded of a story: Years ago in Australia I did meet a young 25 year old couple just after they had returned from a month long vacation in isolation in the far north of Queensland on the Great Barrier Reef - and they had fasted, water only, for a month. I have to say they were absolutely glowing with health. Their eyes sparkled and their skin was glowing and blemish free.

They told me that after 20 days they had gone into the nearest town and stood gazing with desire at the cakes in a store window. They managed to get out of town without breaking their fast... but it was touch and go.

I was very taken with how healthy they looked and thought how much I would like to look like that. But I could never last past 24 hours... so much for the fasting idea... besides being dangerous it's just way too difficult to go the distance. But there is an easy way to lose weight... and quickly. And you don't need to battle with hunger while you're at it.

The trick is to get control of that carbohydrate craving so we're not continually driven to grab those forbidden high GI snacks that have defeated us in the past and caused us to fall off the weight loss program.

Kill the carb craving and you've got a shot at some serious long term weight loss.

Let me show you how to kill the carb craving without ever having to feel any hunger. If you do feel hungry... well you can just eat some more! I can show you how to get this started in just 5 days! You'll lose 5 pounds in 5 days or 10 pounds in 10 days and you won't be hungry... it will be easy! I have recently written a book entitled "Lose Weight - Never Go Hungry" which lays out a plan for overcoming Carbohydrate addiction and losing weight.

You can download it FREE here: "Lose Weight - Never Go Hungry"

7 Ways to Improve Your Cholesterol (and Lose Weight!)

Now all these years people have been worried about high cholesterol levels. But in addition to lowering bad cholesterol, a new study shows that high levels of GOOD cholesterol should also be the focus of our efforts.

In fact, your levels of HDL could be the most important determinant of your risk for heart disease.

First, some definitions...

LDL (low-density lipoprotein): LDL is also known as the "bad" cholesterol. It is the cholesterol that builds up in your arteries, increasing your risk of heart disease.

HDL (high-density lipoprotein): HDL is also known as the "good" cholesterol. It helps clean out LDL from your arteries, and can decrease your risk of heart disease.

If your HDL is not above 40 mg/dL, then you need to improve it and have it checked every year.

TC (total cholesterol): This is the total amount of cholesterol in the blood, including LDL, HDL, and VLDL. If your total cholesterol is 240 mg/dL or greater, you have a greater risk of coronary heart disease and stroke.

TC:HDL-C ratio: This is called the "total cholesterol to HDL ratio." It is used to give doctors an idea of how much total cholesterol a person has relative to the HDL level. The ratio is calculated by dividing the total cholesterol by the HDL. It is a good measure of heart disease risk.

Okay, now onto the latest findings...this recent study published in the American Heart Journal found that patients that had higher HDL levels had a lower risk of heart attacks. More specifically, people with higher HDL (by 10 mg/dL) had an 11% decrease in heart disease risk.

Okay...so what does that mean? Do everything you can to increase your HDL!

First, you need to get your HDL levels checked...so visit your doctor. And always check with your doctor before making big changes to your nutrition and exercise plan...especially if you are overweight, or otherwise at risk for lifestyle diseases.

Second, a good place to start improving your cholesterol levels is to simply lose weight and to start an exercise program (both aerobic exercise and resistance training will improve cholesterol levels).

And when it comes to achieving healthy cholesterol levels, here are many more specific actions that you should take:

- Eat 6 small meals per day rather than 2-3 large meals.

- Eat a handful of almonds per day (make sure they are not roasted in hydrogenated oils!)

- Eat more fiber by eating almonds, fruits, vegetables, oatmeal, and perhaps even supplement with glucomannan - Get a minimum of 35g of fiber per day

- Reduce your intake of saturated fats & eliminate all trans fats from your diet

- Build muscle mass. There's some evidence that strength-training exercises that build muscle mass can also improve HDL.

- Do intervals - these might be even more effective than regular cardio for increasing HDL

- Both Green Tea and fish oils might help improve cholesterol levels (by both increasing HDL and lowering LDL), but research is not conclusive.

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training for Fat Loss have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. Turbulence Training for Fat Loss workouts help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's bodyweight workouts for fat loss help you lose fat without any equipment at all.

11 Ways to Boost Metabolism

Your metabolism is your most powerful fat burning tool therefore it only makes sense that finding ways to boost it is an important part of any weight loss program. In fact if you are unable to increase your metabolic rate you will find it extremely difficult to burn that stored body fat.

Boosting your metabolism is not hard if you have the determination to follow these eleven tips. There are other considerations that can affect the rate at which you burn calories such as age, weight, lean muscle mass, and genetics but if you make the necessary lifestyle changes you can lose the weight you want.

If you are looking for ways to boost metabolism here are 11 tips and tricks that can help you achieve your goal.

1. Lift some weights - Nothing burns calories quite like lean muscle mass. The more you have the higher your metabolism will run, even when you're just sitting on the couch. This is a good way to offset the metabolism slow down everyone experiences as they age.

2. Quit skipping breakfast - This is considered the most important meal of the day because it gives your body the energy it needs to make it through the morning. Studies show that people have fewer health and weight problems if they eat a healthy breakfast everyday.

3. Watch the sugar - Refined sugar is finding its way into more and more foods these days and is one of the big reasons that so many people are fighting obesity. Complex carbohydrates found in healthy foods are a much better source of caloric energy because they are released more slowly into the blood stream.

4. 8 hours of shut eye - People who do not get at least 8 hours of sleep every night are more prone to having problems controlling their weight. It is thought that the body does not have enough time to heal and regenerate with less sleep.

5. Spice up your food - If it makes you sweat it also gives your metabolism a boost.

6. Drink water - Water is one of the most important parts of any metabolism boosting program. Without adequate water the kidneys do not work as efficiently as they should. This keeps the liver from metabolizing fat stores effectively.

7. Eat more meals - If you eat 5 to 6 smaller meals during the day you will keep your energy levels up which helps prevent snacking and binge eating.

8. Skipping meals is bad - Missing meals can lead to a metabolism slow down and binge eating.

9. Make a meal plan - Planning out your daily menu a week in advance makes it much easier to stick to it. It also makes grocery shopping easier.

10. Try some green tea - Green tea gives your metabolism a boost without the stress caused by caffeinated drinks.

11. Eat healthy - High energy foods like fruits, vegetable, and whole grains prevent blood sugar spikes and provide balanced energy through the day.

These are 11 good ways to boost metabolism but the motivation to use them and stick to your plan comes from you.

To learn more about how to boost your metabolism and to find out how YOU can start turning your body into a "fat burning machine" today, visit the Metabolism website by Clicking Here.

Weight Loss Programs Easier with Pain Pleasure Feelings or Statements

Use your frustrations as Motivators to lose weight and get back to what you enjoyed before! You can do it!

What are you not doing now that you would do if you were at your ideal weight? Make a list and start thinking on these things as the list can create can turn into a great motivator to get your life back to enjoying yourself at or near your ideal weight.

Do you have clothes in your closet that you used to love to wear and felt that you looked great in? If so, you can turn the emotions of frustration that you feel into a great motivator to help you lose weight.

Do you miss out on activities because you don't feel you look good? Do you have clothes in your closet that you are frustrated about because they no longer fit you? These can motivate you!

Get that special outfit that you no longer fit into out of the closet. Hang it over a door or drape it over a chair where you can look at it often. When you look at it do NOT let yourself feel shame. Just let yourself 'feel' how you felt when you used to fit into that special dress or sweater or jacket, or whatever item of clothing. How did you feel then? How will you feel if you lose enough weight to fit into that again? Keep your thoughts "positive". Don't dwell on feeling bad because you've gained weight. Congratulate yourself that you will fit into that item of clothing again. Start putting yourself mentally into those activities you enjoyed in those items of clothing. And start feeling positive emotions that will motivate you to lose the weight to enjoy those or other activities again.

If people used to compliment you - OR if you used to compliment yourself and feel good about the way you looked in the mirror in an item of clothing, "replay" those feelings of how that felt and how that will feel again when you lose the weight to look good in that item of clothing or new clothing that is similar that you will want to buy again when you lose the weight that you want to lose.

You can enjoy similar times again. And your weight loss can be made easier with Herbalife products for meal replacements, appetite suppressants, vitamins, and other nutritional support.

Here are some before/after pictures you can copy and use for your Motivation: http://www.weightlossproduct.com/beforeafterpictures.php And Your weight loss can be made easier with soy protein shakes by Herbalife and you can find a variety of Shake Recipes at: Smoothie Recipes For a simple solution to replace one or two meals a day. Once you know that you love the Herbalife products, you can register to save 25% or more with your Herbalife Discount

Weight Loss - Why Lose Weight?

You probably picked up this book because you want to lose weight as a way of looking better. But the simple fact is, your weight is more than a matter of taste or aesthetics. It's a matter of health. I encourage you to read this chapter because it is, quite literally, the heart of the matter. Many of the problems associated with overweight affect your heart, and because of that, they affect your life. In this chapter, we discover why it is unhealthy to carry around excess weight.

The medical perils of being overweight

Being over weight increases your risk for many serious medical problems. The vast majority of overweight people suffer from one or more of the following conditions: diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, gall bladder disease, and arthritis. If that isn't bad enough, obesity is the second most important factor contributing to death in the United States. (It should come as no surprise that smoking is the first.)


Nearly 16 million Americans have diabetes, a metabolic disorder in which the body does not make enough insulin or cannot use it effectively. About 95 percent of people with diabetes have type 2 diabetes, which is closely tied to being overweight. Each year, more than 190,000 people die from diabetes or its many complications. For people who live with diabetes, it is a frequently disabling disease.

Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in people between 20 and 74 years of age.

It is a major cause of kidney disease, requiring dialysis or kidney transplant.

People with diabetes are as much as four times more likely than others to have heart disease or suffer a stroke.

Diabetes causes nerve damage, which may require amputation of a toe, foot, or lower leg.

In men, diabetes is a frequent cause of erectile dysfunction.

There is no cure for diabetes, and it requires lifelong management and medication. All diabetics require a controlled diet to regulate blood sugar levels, and regular checkups to detect damage to the eyes, nerves, and blood vessels. There are ways to lower the risk of developing it, however. Although type 2 diabetes tends to run in families, people who are overweight and inactive are at much greater risk of contracting the disease.

Losing weight, controlling blood cholesterol levels, and engaging in some form of regular exercise are the best ways to prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes.

Read more on How to lose weight. Check out for daily diet plans and diet supplements.

The Science of Arm Training

You know the world has changed when the average lifter wants a baseball players physique. A big chest, a thick back, and jacked arms pretty much completes the wish list for most. Now whether or not all of these players achieved their results with steroids, I dont know. The fact is, they sure as heck didnt get those arms by training with kickbacks and concentration curls.

If your arms havent grown since you thought baseball was drug-free, then its time to make a change to your workouts. And Im going to show you how to use efficient and effective exercises in a scientifically-designed plan that will add more size to your arms a week at BALCO labs.

Unlike the average gym member, the lifter that gets results trains with a plan (even on arm day). While my sets and reps scheme might be out in left field compared to what you are doing now, believe me, its guaranteed to improve on most arm training programs. But if you insist on playing in the 10-15 rep range for every exercise then you are bound to plateau and have minor-league arms. Research shows that a wide range of repetitions (from 3 reps per set to 12 reps per set) can lead to big-time gains in muscle size.

Using low reps and heavy weights for your arm exercises might go against the grain, but the following outline will work for arms and all other body parts. But for now, this is all you need to know.

In the first exercise of this workout, youll do 3 sets of 5 reps with a heavy weight (that allows you to complete all reps according to the guidelines below). The goal is to build absolute (maximal) strength and muscle mass (obviously). Increasing your absolute strength will help you lift more weight in all exercises. And if you can lift more weight, then you can train the muscles harder. In response, the muscle will get bigger to keep up to the demands of the heavy weights.

In the second exercise of the workout, youll use 4 sets of 8 reps. It just might be the optimal combination of intensity and volume for muscle growth and will work extremely well for lifters that have been stalled on higher rep sets.

In the third and final exercise of the workout for the arms, youll do 3 sets of 12 reps to add more volume to the workout and to fatigue the muscle and deplete muscle glycogen (glycogen is the name for carbohydrate stored in the muscles). High-volume training and fatigue cause the muscles to stock up on carbohydrate stores in preparation for the next training session. And when your muscles stock up on glycogen, they get bigger and future training sessions can be more intense. At the end of the 6 week program youll be blasting through these workouts with more intensity and strength than youve had in months.

One the trademarks of my strength-training programs, as you will see in the months to come, is to use supersets as often as possible (although there will be exceptions to the rule). With supersets, we pair two non-competing exercises together to get more work done in less time, without sacrificing strength or mass. Muscle size is not associated with how long you spend in the gym. The training goal is to get in, work hard, get out, pound a post-workout shake, get home, eat and grow.

Another way to increase the effectiveness of the training program is to focus on the tempo of the exercise. Tempo just means the speed of the exercise. For example and for our purposes, a 3-1-1 tempo means youll take 3 seconds to lower the weight, then youll pause for 1 second, and then youll lift the weight back up in 1 second. A slow eccentric (lowering) tempo and a fast concentric (lifting) tempo will work your Type II muscle fibers the hardest these are fibers that have the greatest potential for muscle growth. So youll get your best strength and mass gains by using that general tempo arrangement.

You may have gone through a tempo phase in the past for a couple of weeks and then due to human nature you probably got lazy and forgot about using it. But for the next 6 arm workouts, I want you to stick to the prescribed tempo. Youll see and feel the benefits after the first workout.

Now all that remains is to choose the best exercises for building big arms. With the help of scientific research, experience, and some recommendations from Charles Poliquin, Ive put together some of the most efficient and effective arm exercises for mass and strength.

After the 4-week arm assault I want you to cut back on your arm training for 1 week to allow your muscles to grow (and adapt to the training). If you regularly include an off-week in your training plan, take it here. Otherwise, skip your arm workout in week 5. You can return in week 6 with a new variation of this program. By the end of the program your results should be strikingly obvious and you might even be getting calls from major league sluggers for training tips.

Training Recommendations

Note: This program is for advanced lifters only. If you are a beginner, youll need only 1 set per exercise for the first two weeks and only two sets in weeks 3 & 4.

Do this workout 6 times in 4 weeks.
Week 1 Wednesday & Saturday
Week 2 Wednesday
Week 3 Wednesday & Saturday
Week 4 Wednesday
Week 5 Recovery week

Reduce the amount of direct shoulder training you do in the 4 week arm training phase.

Exercise descriptions: See the bottom of the article.

Warm-up: For a specific warm-up, perform 2 sets of each exercise in the first Superset. Start with 50% and then 75% of the weight you will use in your first real set. Perform 8 repetitions for each warm-up set.

Each pair of exercises constitutes a Superset. In each Superset, do one set of the first exercise (1A) followed immediately by the next exercise (1B). Rest 1 minute and repeat.

Use a proper weight for each exercise that allows you to get all repetitions completed with perfect form and the recommended tempo. It will require you to decrease the weights by at least 10% on most exercises.

Superset #1
Sets: 3
Reps: 5
Tempo: 5-0-1

1A) Close-grip Rack Lockout Bench Press
1B) Close-grip EZ-Bar Preacher Curl

Superset #2
Sets: 4
Reps: 8
Tempo: 3-1-1

2A) Decline DB Triceps Extensions
2B) DB Incline Curls

Superset #3
Sets: 3
Reps: 12
Tempo: 3-0-1

3A) Lying EZ-Bar Triceps Extension
3B) Seated DB Zottman Curls

Exercise Descriptions

Close-grip Rack Lockout Bench Press

Move a flat bench into the middle of the squat rack.
Set the pins 6-inches above your chest. Youll perform only the top half of a close-grip bench press.
Keep your feet flat on the floor, legs bent, and upper back flat against the bench.
Grip the bar using a shoulder-width grip & have your spotter help you take the bar from the rack.
Keep your elbows close to your sides, lower the bar straight down to the pins according to the tempo.
Pause briefly and then press the bar up in a straight line.
Poliquin recommends that you keep a very small bend in your elbows at the top of triceps exercises in order to keep the muscles working at all times.

Decline DB Triceps Extensions

Lie on the decline bench with your feet anchored appropriately.
Press the dumbbells over your chest to the start position and turn your palms in so that they face one another.
Start the movement by bending the elbow and lower the dumbbells down and beside your head.
Pause and hold for one second and then contract your triceps to extend your arms and move the dumbbells back to the start position.

Lying EZ-Bar Triceps Extension

Lie flat on a bench with dumbbells in each hand. Hold the dumbbells at arms length over your chest, with your palms facing each other.
Bend the elbows and lower the dumbbells behind your head.
Pause briefly at the bottom, and then contract the triceps and extend your arms back up to the starting position.

Close-grip EZ-Bar Preacher Curl

Sit at the preacher curl bench with a narrow, palms-up grip on the EZ-Bar.
Poliquin recommends that you set the height of the seat so the tops of your thighs are parallel to the floor.
Lean forward so that your armpits are at in contact with the top of the preacher bench and as you lower the bar your triceps are in contact with the padding of the bench.
Lower the bar until your arms are stretched.
Pause briefly and then contract your biceps to curl the bar back up to the top position.
Poliquin also recommends that you keep your wrists cocked back throughout the full range of motion.

Seated DB Incline Curls

Set the incline of the bench at 80 degrees (in an almost upright position).
Sit on the bench with a dumbbell in each hand and your palms turned up.
Lean back and keep your back and head against the bench at all times throughout the exercise.
Perform alternating dumbbell curls with each hand. Keep the palm up throughout the entire exercise.

Seated DB Zottman Curls

The Zottman curl is simply a dumbbell curl performed with a palms down grip as you lower the dumbbell and a palms-up grip as your lift the dumbbell. Its like doing a curl followed by a reverse curl.
Set an adjustable bench so that the back is upright. Sit down and hold a dumbbell in each hand at arms length with your palm turned up.
Contract the biceps and curl the dumbbell up to shoulder height.
At the top of the movement, turn your palm down and lower the dumbbell back to the start position.
Poliquin recommends that you keep your elbows glued to your sides throughout the lifting and lowering portion of the exercise.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Mens Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit http://www.TurbulenceTraining.com

Winning Tactics For Giving Up The Diet

You might disagree, but hear me out on this, if you're thinking of going on a diet to lose those extra pounds think again. Long-term weight control through dieting is near impossible, for the simple reason is that diets promote only short-term solutions not long term.

After dieting you'll certainly look lighter on the scales, but in most cases this is because you've dumped a few pounds of body fluid and muscle, and not because you've lost any significant amounts of body fat.

One of the main reasons diets don't work is because they send the body into starvation mode - a survival mechanism for times when humans faced periods of famine. Cutting back on our energy intake causes the body to lower its metabolic rate, which reduces its ability to burn fat.

At the same time, hunger signals increase and we quickly start to crave high energy foods loaded with fats and sugars - the exact foods we are trying to do without!

Alarmingly, research has shown that repeated dieting actually makes it harder to lose weight and easier to put it on.

This is because when you dump the diet and return to normal eating habits, the drop in metabolic rate caused by the diet means that your old eating habits actually represent excess in calories.

Not only do you regain the fat stores just lost, but you may even gain a bit extra.

Five more reasons to stop dieting

* Diets sap energy - Too little food means not enough energy for physical activity.

* Diets lower your metabolism - Dieting causes your body to conserve energy, making results harder to achieve.

* Diets are unhealthy - A cycle of rapid weight loss followed by weight gain can lead to a loss of lean tissue from your body and calcium from your bones. It also strips the body of essential vitamins and minerals.

* Diets make food the enemy - Food provides nourishment and comfort. Diets can make you afraid to eat, depriving you of one of life's pleasures.

* Diets cheat your confidence - Going from one failed diet to the next can leave you feeling depressed and create a cycle in which guilt battles against food.

Regular physical activity and a healthy, balanced diet aren't as glamorous as the quick fixes, but they do get better results.

Start with one extra exercise session and one less fatty takeaway meal per week, and gradually work towards a lifelong plan for achieving your best weight.

If you change the way you eat or exercise to lose weight, ask yourself this question. Can I see myself sticking to this routine for life?

If the answer is "no" then its time to change what you're doing. Any healthy weight loss plan should include the following:

* A wide variety of foods.

* Regular and enjoyable exercise.

* Enough filling foods to avoid constant hunger.

* At least 1200 calories a day.

* Flexibility for treat foods and social occasions.

* A realistic goal of your best weight (not necessarily your lowest weight.)


A realistic weight loss is around one to two pounds per week. Fast weight losses are not fat loss but glycogen and water. If you lose weight quickly then you will probable return back to the weight at which you started as quickly as it was lost.


* Weight loss is quick and simple.

* Exercise is not necessary.

* Certain exercises can spot reduce.

* Carbohydrates (for example, bread, potatoes, rice, and pasta) are fattening.

Eliminate calorie-dense foods such as cookies, sugary desserts, chips, fries, pizza, candies, crackers etc.

Research on people who have successfully lost a lot of weight and kept it off long term, shows that the vast majority succeeded by consuming a low fat diet high in fibre coupled with strength training and cardiovascular activity.

These are the basics you'll need to aim for.

A sound weight loss-eating plan should:

* Be nutritionally sound, providing all the nutrients you need.

* Never promise fast weight losses.

* Offer an eating plan based on real food.

* Allow you to eat out.

* Avoid expensive meal plans, products and supplements.

* Not avoid carbohydrate foods, e.g. bread, rice, pasta, cereals and potatoes.

* Make gradual dietary changes.

* Provide knowledge.

* Allow you to eat all foods

* Recommend physical activity.

Fat calories are more fattening than carbohydrate calories. Your body can easily convert the fat you eat in food into body fat, so to lose weight you need to cut down on fats and foods that contain it.

Consider the following steps to reduce fat in your diet.

* Use skimmed or skimmed milk in drinks, cooking and on cereals.

* Buy a non - stick frying pan.

* Buy a cheese slicer

* Cut the visible fat from meat.

* Eat very little pastry.

* Learn how to read a food label.

* Substitute low fat yogurt for cream.

* Remove the skin from chicken and turkey.

* Eat fruit as snacks rather than eating chocolate and biscuits.

* Eat fewer burgers and sausages.

In conclusion the way to lose body fat and maintain muscle is to have a food program for life and more energy output. Increase the amount of fruits, vegetables, non-fat dairy products, whole grains, and beans that you eat.

Gary Matthews is the author of the popular fitness eBooks Maximum Weight Loss and Maximum Weight Gain. Please visit http://www.maximumfitness.com right now for your 'free' weight loss e-course.

How Many Calories Do I Need To Lose Weight Fast?

The downside of restricting calories too much is that it slows down your metabolism (through a natural reaction by the body termed "the starvation response"), and that makes it much harder to maintain your weight loss efforts. This is why you should not reduce your calories by an excessive amount if you want to focus on keeping your weight down for a lifetime.

Most popular diets recommend a considerable reduction in calories, which make these diets difficult to stick to, and sets up failure even before you begin.

On the other hand when you consume calories more than what your body needs, or is able to expend, then these calories will be stored as fat. It is therefore very important for you to monitor and balance your calorie intake levels.

And if you want too lose weight fast, then it is equally crucial that you increase your exercise activity, so that you are able to sustain a sensible daily nutrition plan.

Your weight, age, gender and level of activity are a few factors which determine your calorie needs, a more active person for example will need more calories, because they will naturally be burning more.

Active people then, can eat more... Now is that not the best excuse to start on an exercise program, or work even harder if you are already on one?

Also, focusing on your food choices will have a significant effect on your ability to cut down on your calories, while still consuming sufficient amounts to void off hunger, and to ensure that you get a healthy balanced nutrition.

Get your free copies of "A Guide To Fat Burning Foods" and "The Original Turbulence Training Bodyweight Workout" at WeightLossDietSecrets.net, and discover how to increase your metabolism by making the right food choices, and how to exercise for fat loss, at home for only 20 minutes, 3 times a week, using only bodyweight!.

How to Lose Body Fat With Proper Dieting

Many people want to lose body fat with dieting. But they usually want fast results and do not care for proper dieting.

Nowadays you can find all sorts of crazy stuff ranging from candy bars, puddings to pills and even patches. You can hear everybody making tall claims about their products, specially online.

The important thing to keep in mind here is that for most people losing weight might not be so easy and fast. In fact you should focus more on losing fat in a healthy natural manner rather than losing it fast.

Below are some tips which should help you to do proper dieting:

1. Drink Lots of water:

Water is very very important to keep the body hydrated. It also gives you the feeling that stomach is full so that you can avoid overeating. Other drinks are not so effective as water, even fruit juices may contain empty calories.

Another big benefit to drinking lot of water is that it helps in keeping the skin retain its elasticity so that you can avoid loose skin when you do lose weight.

2. Eat more of vegetables and fruits:

Eat lots of vegetables and fruits and other foods which are high on fiber. Eat as much as you can so that you no do not wish to be eating junk food which is laden with heavy calories.

Also try and eat foods which burn fat. Check out : a list of fat burning foods

3. Combine dieting with exercises:

Don't just diet, but combine it with some physical exercise and movements. Physical exercise can be really excellent way of reducing some unwanted pounds off your body.

Walking, jogging, swimming, jumping rope, gardening etc. can be excellent exercises to keep you fit and lean. What's more is that as these activities are enjoyable, so you don't feel like exercising and can easily continue with them regularly if you just develop the habit first.

So you see how important it is to try and lose weight in a healthy manner without falling to the often rubbish claims of companies who just want to try and sell you their products. The above tips should serve as a guide for you to observe proper dieting for better results.

While some of these programs can be beneficial for reducing weight, most of these weight loss and diet programs out there in the market, specially the online weight loss programs, are plain useless as you yourself might have experienced their results a few times.

Skyrocket your fat loss success with this free report - Weight Loss Secrets For You

Change Your Mind to Change Your Life - How to Harness Some of the Power of Your Brain to Lose Weight

Your subconscious mind has its own unique way of perceiving the world. What is really happening around you is less significant than your perception of what is happening. Your perception is your reality.

For example, if five people see a car accident, they will report five different versions of what happened. If they all take a polygraph test, they will all pass it. In their own minds they are telling the absolute truth. The truth is their perception of external events.

Here is another illustration of the subconscious' truth: Imagine that there is a 40 year old, 5'2" 200 pound woman who diets down to her ideal weight of 120 pounds. She looks great, feels great, and outwardly everything is as it should be. However, there is a major problem: The image in the mirror doesn't match the image in her mind. Almost invariably what must change is the image in the mirror. One day, for no apparent reason, she will eat when she's not hungry and think to herself, "Why am I doing this. I can't seem to stop myself." And she really can't. The answer to this dilemma is in the descriptions of the psychological concepts of "cognitive dissonance" and "cognitive consonance" .

The brain has two equally important paramount functions: Survival and maintenance of sanity. When your subconscious internal picture differs from your external picture, a discrepancy called "cognitive dissonance" occurs. It is the belief of your subconscious that this discrepancy could cause insanity. Your subconscious mind will solve your problems for you, whether or not you perceive a problem, the best way it knows how in the absence of instruction from you. The brain's most common solution is to change the image in the mirror (because remember, the image in your brain is "the truth"). Your subconscious will drive you to eat to restore and maintain your internal picture of yourself.

The way to get your subconscious mind on board to help you lose weight and keep it off is to immediately begin to change the picture you hold of yourself in your mind.

Put up pictures of yourself of your ideal weight in your environment: Your home, work place, car . . .wherever you spend time. If you don't have pictures of yourself looking good, just cut some from magazines and put those up.

Spend a few moments before you go to sleep each night imagining your ideal body and do the same first thing in the morning before you get up.

These easy exercises will help you eat less and move more in the process of changing your body to match the true picture of yourself that you hold in your mind.

Katie Evans is the founder and CEO of the Living Lite Weight Loss Program, which shows people HOW to create a healthier lifestyle. When you use hypnosis and the incredible power of your subconscious mind, you will never diet again, you will simply learn how to create a new relationship with food. For those who wish to make a living helping people heal their lives so they can lose weight and keep it off, there are now Living Lite Franchises available.This is a great opportunity for anyone who wants to own her own business (we accept men franchisees, too!) and still have support and guidance in setting up the systems. Ms. Evans is a published author, lecturer and entrepreneur. She also teaches "The Mental Game of Golf" on cruise ships. You can reach Katie at: http://livinglitenow.com/tapes-cds.htm or http://www.hypnosisweightlossbusiness.com or http://www.livinglite.net

Weight Loss Workout Routine

Everyone who wants to be successful at losing weight has got to have a workout routine. A routine that you stick to every day. The workout routine you choose has to be an effective one, and you have to be willing to do it, it has to be in your comfort zone. Choosing a workout routine is actually more difficult than it sounds, because you have to decide what you're going to work on which day. You have to decide when to have a day off. What time of day do you workout? There are so many questions, that I can't answer, and only you can decide.

My Weight Loss Workout Routine

Now this is an example of my weight loss workout routine, hopefully this will give you an idea of what is needed in a routine, or you can just copy this one, as it works for me, and has proven itself to be quite effective.

Monday - Work on Chest/Back

Tuesday - Work on Shoulders

Wednesday - Go for a quick swim before work

Thursday - Work on Biceps/Triceps

Friday - Work on Legs

Saturday - Quick morning jog then rest of the day off

Sunday - off

As you can see it's a tight routine. But every single day I spend at least an hour working out the only exception is Saturday, when I go on a jog which usually takes me about 45 minutes, and a Sunday.

You don't have to follow this exactly, but it gives you a good idea of what you have to do to lose weight. You change it accordingly, but you should definatley spend at least 4 hours a week, working out.

Thomas Lee Dean used to be a fat greasy monkey, until he found The Secrets to Weight Loss at BodyWorkout.org - click here

When The Workout Is Over

Although of those who know the importance of frequent exercise have a great pre-workout and workout routine, few have understood or spend time to relax their muscles after the completion of a medium or intense exercise program. Even if you drink a lot of water before or during an exercise routine, even of you do the necessary stretching exercises to warm up your muscles before you involve your whole body in any kind of intentional exercise task, most fail to realize the importance of their actions after the exercise portion is complete.

Probably you are feeling tired or have a million things waiting your immediate attention back home, so it is just logical for you to go back to your locker, change and get home to do your staff. But although you may have done the majority of your workout routine just right, the way you treat your body the few minutes after you exercise will directly affect your mood later as you might experience pain from sore muscles, your muscle tone might not strengthen enough to grow, or you might even be dehydrated without realizing it.

So after you finish your last set of exercises, spend some time to cool down. Just because your hour at the gym has ended does not mean that your body can go back to pre-workout state without giving it any time to readjust. Thus, even if you simply jogged for the last half hour of your exercise routine, setting the treadmill to a comfortable but steady walking mode will lower your heart's rate allowing some time for your muscles to come at peace with their new state. After five minutes of this light cardio exercise, you should perform some a short stretching routine. Actually, this stage is the most important one after finishing a workout routine. Since human muscles have the tendency of naturally contracting upon the completion of any exercise, stretching prevents them from shrinking. In fact, stretching allows your muscles to rebuild and grow bigger and stronger each time you conclude your workout session and thus receive the full benefit from your efforts. At the same time performing some basic stretching exercises also allows your muscles to relax and helps your body get rid of any waste substances circulating in your blood. Finally, stretching calms your nerves and anxieties and allows your mind to rejuvenate. This is why stretching is recommended by physicians after long periods of staying at the same position -like when working in the office or traveling by plane.

Moreover, it is important to remember to drink water in order to hydrate your body once the workout is over. Even if you do not feel thirsty you need to replenish yourself to avoid the nasty effects of dehydration.

Jonathon Hardcastle writes articles on many topics including Fitness, Gemstones, and Beauty

Raw Diet Weight Loss - 3 Things You Need to Know

In this article we are going to take a really quick look at raw diet weight loss, and what you need to know if you are planning on incorporating this approach into your weight loss ambitions. Some people may disagree with some of the perspectives highlighted below, but in my experience, (including a fair amount of personal history of juice fasting) the following observations have been truths for me, and those of my peer group.

1) A raw diet is very difficult to do long term. Simply stated, as appealing as some of the basic tenants of a raw diet are, I have found my ability to stick with it for any length of time discouraging. I have actually found a prolonged juice fast much easier to accommodate into my lifestyle, for reasons to plentiful to cover at length here, than finding creative combinations of foods (dining both IN and out of the house) to really make it work.

2) Do not try a raw diet by yourself, as a weight loss technique. Again, I know some people will disagree, but I have yet to meet ONE person, who by themselves has been able to lose weight on a raw food diet. Again, in our approach, and as is borne out by lots of statistical proof, people lose weight best in groups. If you have a "buddy" or a group to which you are accountable for your foods, you simply WILL do better. Are there exceptions? Absolutely. But success DOES leave clues, and I do want to see you succeed. So unless you are going to be going "raw" with a few friends, and your primary goal is weight loss, I would simply pick a better path.

3) The good news for raw foodies is this: If you live in a major, metropolitan area, there are increasing amounts of raw food restaurants popping up throughout the urban landscape. New York City has some phenomenally popular raw food restaurants for those eating raw, Vegans and meat eaters alike...Other major cities like San Francisco, Philadelphia and much more have an increasingly great selection to choose from, where only a decade ago you might be hard-pressed to find one!

I have some friends who are raw food devotees who will insist that I am wrong with much of the above. Of course you have to make your own choices, but....trust me when I tell you, if you want to look great on the beach by summer, pick one of our other recommended diets to get there, and you will - I promise!

No More Chubby Tummy I told My Hubby

Read on...to discover how you can lose weight, feel great, and turn heads on the beach, in the boardroom and in the bedroom...guaranteed

(Even if you've never lost a pound on ANY diet ever before!)

Fast Weight Loss Tips

When people look for a diet, many of them look for fast weight loss tips or a fast weight loss diet so that they can lose weight more quickly. Care should be taken however to make certain that you select a diet which is capable of meeting your physical requirements while also providing you with a method for losing weight rapidly while remaining healthy.

The sad truth of the matter is that most weight loss plans do not work for more than a few days while you restrict your diet. As often as not, your health will be the only thing that you lose for any length of time. The weight you lose will often come back as soon as you revert to your normal eating habits. While this is not true for all diets, it is especially true when it comes to rapid weight loss and fast weight loss diets.

So does that mean that this is always the case and that fast weight loss tips should be summarily ignored or dismissed? The fact is that with the proper quick weight loss tips, a little self control and some knowledge, you can lose weight, keep the weight off and stay healthy all at the same time.

Fast weight loss diets do work well as long as you are careful and pay attention to your dietary needs and other considerations regarding quick weight loss. If somebody is promising that you can lose five pounds a day there are probably going to be some unhealthy side effects. Most fast weight loss tips will allow you to lose somewhere between one and two pounds on the average day.

Most of the best and most valuable fast weight loss tips involve learning how to properly control your caloric intake by eating the right foods. Starving yourself in order to lose weight quickly is unhealthy, no matter what. Neither do you have to spend countless hours exercising and trying to burn fat in order to lose weight quickly. Healthy and fast weight loss tips and diet plans will show you how to eat properly in order to maintain your health and lose weight all at the same time.

Low calorie diets do not work for most people. A lot of the dietary supplements and diet pills have long-lasting detrimental effects on many people. If you are attempting to lose weight quickly, your health should be your primary concern. In fact, many of the quick weight loss diets do not take your personal habits into consideration at all.

Once you learn how to prepare and consume the right foods to meet your daily requirements, you can begin a healthy regimen for your diet. Learning how to eat properly is the key factor in quick weight loss diets and it should be something that you learn about more before deciding which fast action diet is going to be right for you. If you want a fast weight loss diet that works, you need to learn how to eat properly and once you can accomplish that, you can easily accomplish all of your weight loss goals.

Want to learn more about fast weight loss? Click How To Lose Weight for a weight loss plan that will get you on track to reach your goals.

Michael Maciejewski is a fitness, and nutrition expert. Revealing the truths about healthy living, one article at a time.