Thursday, May 22, 2008

Tips for Natural Weight Loss

Enjoyable physical activity is an integral part of a natural weight loss program. Research shows that physical activity is one of the key factors in helping people keep the pounds off. If you set sensible goals for yourself, chances are you'll be more likely to meet them and have a better chance of keeping your ideal weight.

A lifestyle based on healthy eating and regular physical activity is naturally the best way. By that I mean incorporating working your muscles and well as cardiovascular. Yes, study after study has shown that a blend of the two is key to a natural program being successful and keeping the weight from coming back.

Our bodies are amazing. If you eat less the body thinks it needs to store more because there's not enough. If you eat more frequently not large portions but just on a more frequent basis the body will think there is plenty and start burning the fat that is stored up.

A decrease in caloric intake and an increase in daily activity will create a natural caloric deficit which is the foundation of all pounds coming off for good. The excess weight that you put on is the difference between calories digested and calories burnt off through exercise. Therefore if you lead an active life you are able to consume more calories and your activity will get you to where you want to be.

Using moderate weights does not result in huge muscle mass, but it increases the body metabolism, firms the body and gives a slim look. Aerobic exercises can enhance your heart beat rate and breathing.

Most people employ just the cardio side of losing weight. Which it isn't bad but it more works the heart and lungs. You must incorporate a muscle workout of some kind into our regime. This is missing factor with so many.

Did you know after a muscle workout with weights your muscles are needing "food"? Guess what that food is..its your fat. This could be the missing link to your success.

Mike Dejona is the expert in weight loss and has posted more free articles and helpful tips at

Weight Loss Principles To Lose Weight - Fat Storage and Fat Burning!

It is common knowledge that a moderate and sustainable eating and exercise pattern has to be established to remain healthy and achieve the desired weight loss.

Our primary fat storage mechanism is Lipoprotein Lipase.) The foods consumed in the form of carbohydrates, starches and sugars stimulate LPL and allow fat storage.

It is possible to adjust this mechanism, by adhering to a few weight loss principles.

Turn off the body's fat storage mechanism - This can be done by food coupling, which means avoiding foods that are dangerous when taken in combination with each other. Fat and carbohydrate couplings, such as found in fried foods, cookies, cakes, candy bars etc., lack bulk and they make it easy to consume hundreds of calories without feeling full.

When fat is eaten at the same time as carbohydrates, both the fat and carbohydrates are pushed into storage. The result is, increased blood fat levels and increase in stored fat. Not only that, the body's basic blood sugar control mechanism gets damaged and slows down the metabolism and causes weight gain.

Turn on the body's fat burning mechanism - Some foods burn "hotter" than others; that is, they cause the body to expend more calories for heat, encourage activity and are not as readily stored. Proteins and complex carbohydrates are "hot" burners, such as whole grains, whole-grain products and nearly all vegetables. They are not stored as fat easily and they tell the body that it has enough fuel, so it is alright to expend energy. This heat producing effect after a meal turns on the metabolism.

Exceptionally good and energizing meals are those that couple lean proteins such as fish, skinless chicken, lamb, lean beef and tofu with various non-starchy vegetables.

To learn more about the powerful workouts you can do to build muscle and burn

fat at the same time, visit

Frank is a former body guard, professional martial artist and trainer. He will show you the proper way to do turbulence training

A Guide To Turbulence Training

Turbulence training, have you ever heard of it? It's incredible that a lot of the time we know what we should do and yet we still don't do it. This is especially true when we neglect our bodies despite our busy schedules. And even in the case of those who make it to the gym is there a better,faster way to get results? This is a quick tutorial on the benefits of turbulence training.

Turbulence Training Defined

Turbulent or turbulencetraining is defined as a complete body training regimen. It has the benefits of combining a muscle growing and fat burning process into one manageable one. Of course that means the user of the program will benefit from both technologies versus just one. It also provides a number of follow along examples for both woman and men alike. This allows trainers to have a model to follow if there clients so request.

There are a number of valuable benefits provided for education of users of the turbulence training website. The site has information to benefit beginners as well as those who consider themselves advanced. One of the main points covered by the website is the idea of having proper nutrition as a part of a total body regimen. Finally, the site discusses the all important relationship between muscle growing,fat burning results and exercise.

In Closing

There you have it. A somewhat complete synopsis of the turbulence training fitness system. The main benefit of the fitness regimen is decreasing the time you have to spend in the gym. This is especially true when you take the other processes into account. These include but are not limited to: strength and resistance training along with conditioning and nutrition guidelines. Both men and women will find value from this complete training regimen.

James Redder is a facilitator of Turbulence Training If you liked the fitness training tips mentioned in this article, why not get the digital dynamite that will assist you now? Click here to grab this guide now: Turbulence Training

Best Way To Lose Fat - 3 Tips For Maximum Weight Loss

The new year is upon us and its time to get rid of the Christmas pounds! I'm going to tell you the best way to lose fat from those unwanted fat deposits. Losing fat is a very simple formula and needn't be complicated with fad diets. Read on and hopefully you can put some of these into action and lose some fat.

Tip #1 - Change Your Way Of Thinking

Losing weight is all about a lifestyle change. Things like the cabbage soup diet are only good from losing water. Sure you may lose half a stone of water weight - but we want to lose fat only! When something seems unbelievable it probably is, successfully losing weight and keeping it off is all about following a diet of wholesome clean food. If you want to keep trim all year round them I'm afraid the eating habits must last all year too, there is simply no other way.

Tip #2 - Fat Is Good For You

Yes you heard me right! I love fat, and so should you. It's a misconception pushed by the media that all fats are bad as they are quite the opposite! In fact nothing will speed up your fat lose progress more than consuming enough fat in your diet. The thing is, not all fats are good - the ones we want are known as Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs), there are so many benefits to these its unbelievable! EFAs are found in oily fish, nuts, seeds and avocados among others.

Tip #3 - Get Active

Following a calorie restricted diet will allow you to lose weight but progress will be twice as fast if you exercise as well! Exercise needn't mean going to the gym 3 times a week. The gym is great but if you don't fancy it then just try to stay active. Instead of driving to work, walk. Instead of taking the elevator - take the stairs. Instead of parking right at the entrance to the store park at the other end and walk! All these things add up to burning lots and lots of calories and will burn the fat right off.

Are you fed up with not shifting those extra pounds fast enough? Start off on the right track by following guidance and support by people who have been there and succeeded... take a look at the FREE newsletter and a whole host of resources here

Get Rid Of Love Handles & Body Fat Fast

You may have asked yourself a thousand times, "How can I get rid of my love handles"? To get the ball rolling start off with the high effective back twist which is great for your lower back as well as the upper back, neck, hips and yes, the waist. Your movement of side to side twisting will keep your vertebrae well aligned; loosen your hips which will ensure better blood circulation.

To start the back twist properly, stand straight with your back also straight and your feet should be parallel, almost shoulder width apart. Just bend your knees a little and let the weight be on your legs and the arms should be relaxed on your side as you look straight ahead. You must gently twist the upper part of body and head to the right so that you are looking directly behind you.

You should make sure that your body remains straight during this exercise. There should be no swaying backward or forward. Remember to let your arms feel totally relaxed so as to let your arms move naturally while you start to gain speed. Then your arms will sway through in wide swings. It is best to do at least 10-15 twists for each side.

Another exercise you can do is the hip swivel. This will do wonders to trim your hips as well as your waist. It also improves your blood circulation in the abdominal area as well as the pelvic area. Ailments such as hip pain, lower back pain, and stiffness in the hip joints, can be greatly relieved with this exercise.

Another addition that blends in perfectly with your tummy exercise routines is known as Toe Circles. This exercise barely takes ten minutes a day. This is an exercise that can be done easily on the floor. Just in case you have any abdominal problems or lower back problems, it is best for you to consult you're doctor or professional fitness expert first.

First, you have to lie flat on your back without any support of a pillow and keep your arms by your side. Take a deep breath to relax yourself completely. It is important to keep your legs straight when you attempt this exercise.

As you exhale through your nose or mouth, you should raise both your feet very slowly. Point your toes and slowly move them to create small circles in the air. This can be done in either clockwise or anti clockwise direction. Try to complete three circles and then bring your feet back to the floor. Take a deep breath again and then move your feet in the opposite direction.

Alternatively, you can just lift your straightened legs up in the air and let it hang like that. Both these exercises will strengthen your abs and stomach area. So do these two exercises regularly!

To learn more on how to lose abdominal fat select one of the links below. You will also get a Free Bonus ebook - "Training & Nutrition Insider Secrets for a Lean-Body"

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Finally The Right Way To Lose Belly Fat - starting today! You can also learn how to get Six Pack Abs.

Shoot Professional Videos With Sony Digital Video Camera

Gone are the days when home videos were shot with the old eight millimeter film cameras. Higher public demands along with more sophisticated technologies made it possible to shoot a home movie on a professional level. The new family of Sony digital video cameras of high definition with 30 gigabyte hard drive allow producing superb quality on your new high definition television or home computer.

You can even share your valuable movies with others with a quick transfer to disk by creating high definition DVDs to share with family and friends. The new Sony digital video camera, model HDR-UX1 can also record movies directly to your digital video recorder and includes a four mega-pixel still camera capability to complete your picture-taking experience.

The tricky part about recording video in AVCHD format digital video cameras is that in case the video is copied to a DVD, it will not play in all DVD players. Not only that if not played on a compatible Blu-Ray Disk player/recorder it may fail to eject, or even may be erased. The greatest advantage of the Sony digital video camera is its capability to record in this format, and also in MPEG2, which is compatible with most DVD recorders/players.

The Sony digital video camera model HDR-UX1 features a 10X optical zoom and an 80X digital zoom for extreme close-ups; costing about $1,400, it is a great item to take on vacations or for other important family gatherings.

For those with a more modest budget there is a Sony digital video camera for under $300. Of course, it may lack some features and high definition capabilities, but it definitely makes Sony the leader in home and family video. Sonys newest offering of hard drive capable video cameras is enabling the company to continue promoting itself as a leader in digital video camera production.

If you own a Sony digital video camera, you can make your own movies! Thanks to its compatibility with most video editing software, your videos can be edited on a professional level, and you dont need to be a professional for that. As high-definition transmissions of movies and network broadcasts enhance sales of HD televisions, the addition of HD home video cameras will soon follow in popularity.

For more information on Sony Digital Video Camera check out You'll find loads of tips and techniques plus you'll find answers to questions many others in your situation have asked before. But Hurry! For a limited time you can get your very own copy of our award winning Digital Camera Software at absolutely no cost.

The South Beach Diet Compared to Other Weight Loss Programs

Weight-related health issues are a growing problem, and people are more image-conscious in today's society. Everybody wants to be beautiful, slim, acceptable and healthy. But how to achieve that? There are plenty of methods to reach your ideal weight, but it's important to find one which will really work for you.

One of the best ways to tackle your weight is through reducing your appetite. However, this doesn't work for everyone, hence the success of many short-lived 'fad' diets.

Often, while trying to reduce your appetite, you can end up feeling continually hungry. It is advised to consume lots of fluids and try other methods of making you feel 'full' without eating too much.

However, getting rid of hunger altogether is impossible. Sometimes people will turn to diet pills, but these are not a healthy alternative to eating well.

Diet pills which act as an appetite-suppressant can work if combined with a well-balanced diet and exercise, but this combination is essential. If followed properly, they can be quite effective, but can also be very expensive and come with health-risks.

Fad diets are other alternatives for achieving quick weight loss. These tend to demonize particular food groups and may not work for everyone.

One such example is Atkins, which is almost entirely focused on cutting out carbs.

The Sugar Busters is another, a plan teaching people about the healthy food and the best time to eat. This plan emphasizes exercise and minimizes sugar.

Unlike these, the more effective South Beach diet is based on selecting the right animal proteins, essential fats, and complex carbohydrates.

There are many ways to achieve good health and good looks. However, the South Beach diet is one of the best options.

This healthy eating program has been created by a successful cardiologist after observing the errors and successes of other fad diets. By learning more about the way food and our bodies work, this diet comprises of all the best parts of other popular diets.

This is the future of weight-loss, it enables you to eat healthy, delicious food, leave you feeling satisfied and full, and won't deprive your body of the essential ingredients it needs.

You can eat fulfilling, rich meals, three times a day, and are allowed snacks in between to stave off hunger. This eating program comprises of all the information learned from other leading diets - the properties of various foods and how they effect the body, the GI count, and more.

This plan is the best yet, and has been known to produce amazing results, participants have lost between eight to thirteen pounds in the first fortnight!

Try this eating program today and enjoy the benefits forever.

To find out whether this weight loss program is for you, visit the website to see the South Beach Diet vs the Atkins Diet in action and answer the question what can I eat on the South Beach Diet.

The Theory Behind Atkins Diet Attractive To Dieters

Knowing about how the body works is what makes followers of the Atkins weight loss diet believe it will benefit for them. The body is essentially fueled by sugar, whether it is organic sugar found in lots aliments, processed sugar added to a mass foods or the kind heaped on your cereal or into coffee or tea. As far as your body runs short of normally extracted sugar, it heads towards the carbohydrates and breaks it down into sugar. The theory in back of Atkins soft diet limits the carbohydrates within reach for conversion, forcing the body to rely on unlike reserves such as fat stored for in reserve use.

In search for ways to lose fat drives dieters to all types of methods, various original and excellent not so groundbreaking, but many have been drawn by the theory in back of Atkins weight loss diet to the point of high recognition. Being able to eat straightforwardly all the red meat, fish and even many deserts they might crave, a mass are enticed by the theory in back of Atkins high-protein diet, which allows them to eat aliments other diets forbid although burning the fat built up in their system.

Appreciating the Atkins Soft diet basics
The Atkins weight-watch results in a process called ketosis, where the body burns fat rather than carbohydrates. The basic plan of the Atkins diet is to unbendingly interdict carbs for two weeks and eventually re-introduce a limited supply of carbs and other foods, including promoting the use of exercise.

Throughout the ongoing weight control stage, the carb intake is increased to 25 grams everyday. The Atkins soft diet primarily allows the consumption of plenty of meat, poultry, fish and eggs, and gradually allows the consumption of additional vegetables and fruit as well.

Starting the Atkins Weight-watch: The Induction Phase
These aliment should be avoided: milk, pasta, potatoes, bread, carrots, and beans. In this stage of starting the Atkins soft diet, it is essential to check the carb content of your foods so you can avoid anything with stashed carbs. Reaching the process of burning fat by preference to carbohydrates is the first step in starting the Atkins weight loss diet, and the top vital one. This process of starting the Atkins high-protein diet is recognized as the induction phase.

Restricting Fuel Intake Forces Use Of Reserve
Looking at the theory in back of Atkins diet like a car and its gas tank, may make it easier to define. Placing an extra five-gallon could in the trunk makes the driver feel greater, knowing they have a reserve if there is not a station obtainable whenever the main tank runs out. If the body believes it may be awhile between meals, routinely whenever someone skips collations or oftentimes unpaired has one meal a day, it stores strength in the form of fat to be used although it runs shy of energy.

While on the trip, the car runs short of gas but by preference to ending the ride, the extra five-gallon can, carried for emergency, will satisfy the vehicle needs. The theory in back of Atkins diet is that by restricting the fuel intake, in this case carbohydrates, the body is forced to go to the reserve tank of stored fat in order to have bare minimum fuel to keep running. The theory behind Atkins low-carbohydrate diet does not completely cut down out carbohydrate intake, but it is badly limited in the first of the four stages of the weight-watch plan.

The weight-watch has proven successful for plenty people, but the problem comes in maintenance as the low-carbohydrate diet helps establish the amount of carbohydrates every person may ingest empty of gaining or losing weight, and the person must stick to that portion. Although the theory behind Atkins soft diet sounds easy, considering all the aliments that contain carbohydrates, cheating could be a problem, which just adds more fuel to the tank of reserve fat.

Marc Simard
Fitness Author

More on the theory behind Atkins diet:

Best Weight Loss Program

If you want to lose weight I am going to tell you best weight loss program. I will tell you what a weight loss program should include. A real weight loss program should not promise fast or rapid weight loss. As rapid weight loss programs never give long lasting results. So prepare your mind if you want to have a success in your weight loss program. The real weight loss program will never be fast you have to be patient as losing weight is a slow process.

Always consult a weight loss doctor or a dietician before starting your weight loss program as performance of an individual varies. You should make some small changes if you want to have great results. Try to count your calories in every meal you eat. Stick to a regular exercise program which is a key part of a weight loss program. Try to enjoy your exercise program. You can exercise outdoors or you can exercise during listening music if you will enjoy your exercise it will boost your weight loss program.

Eat lot of green vegetables and fruits it will help you in your weight loss program as green vegetables and fruits give lot of vitamins and minerals. If you want to lose weight and if you want that your weight loss program should give you great results drink plenty of water. Successful weight loss program always need lots of water. If you want to lose weight water should be your best friend. Losing weight is a slow process a slow and steady weight loss program never promises losing more than three pounds per week.

Jitesh Arora is a Weight Loss expert if you want to know more about diet and weight loss visit

Fast Bodyweight Workout Secrets

Now today I want to talk about bodyweight training. About what it can and can't do for you. And show you a few exercises as well.

On the weekend, I worked out with an ol' buddy of mine. Now Joe, my buddy, is a lawyer in the big city. He's chained to a desk, a big change from his University days of varsity sports, or his high school days working on the farm.

Now for a guy like Joe, who wasn't meant to be stuck behind a desk for 10 hours per day, bodyweight training was a real godsend.

The athletic movements were just what he needed. The challenges of mastering his bodyweight in both upper and lower body exercises was exhilarating, and liberating compared to the days he spends behind the desk.

Not surprisingly, Joe also liked my favorite exercise (the Y-squat or Overhead squat) because it opened up his chest, stretching his tight pecs, and strengthened the muscles of his upper back.

Why just tonite I did 10 reps of the Y-squat because my upper back was starting to tighten, and 4 hours later, my upper back still feels as relaxed as it does after a good night's sleep. (Just do your bodyweight squats with your arms up in a Y-position, keeping your shoulder blades back - feel the tension back there during the exercise and it will help release the stress!)

And with each new exercise, Joe would challenge his body to increase his range of motion, to "unstick himself" if you will, from the deskbound posture that he ends up with after another 50-60 hour work week (he doesn't work that much, for a lawyer).

And as I said to Joe, it is really important to get working on stuff like the Y-squats and stick-ups when he's young, so that his shoulders aren't all tied up like some of the older executives I see in the gym...that can't even lift their arms that's why we use the Stick-up exercise with these guys.

But don't worry, it's never too late to make improvements - just be consistent with your bodyweight training. If you are in really bad shape and all twisted up, you'll have to master basic postural exercises like the Bird Dog and the Plank. Those can help take away your back pain.

If you are a desk jockey, you need to use as many different exercises and movements as possible. And the bodyweight manual, with almost 100 exercises, will challenge your strength and mobility, endurance and agility.

It will make you feel alive.

You want a quick burst of energy? Forget about Starbucks, and their drinks so loaded with caffeine that they make Red Bull look like kid's stuff. In the same amount of time (or less) that it takes you to walk to Starbucks, and order one of their ridiculously-named beverages, you could do a circuit of bodyweight exercise that will:

invigorate you
loosen you up
increase the blood flow to your brain
burn more calories and fat than any caffeine-loaded beverage ever will
improve your health
give you sustained energy boost, not a massive artificial increase in alertness followed by a crash
in your motivation that you get from caffeine

You want stress relief in less than 30 seconds? One set of 10 Y-squats or Stick-ups will give you that.

Now I do get asked a lot, "Can you build muscle with bodyweight exercises"?

And the truth is yes, but...

For some guys, they can literally build a cover model body with bodyweight exercises (I was just at a magazine photoshoot with a fitness model that does only bodyweight training and boxing and he was leaner, buffer, and better than some weight-trained fitness models)...

It all depends on where you are in your physical development...but certain exercises like Chins, Dips, Single-leg Squats, Shoulder-press Pushups, Glute-Ham Raises, and Pullups, will help you gain muscle. And you can do these at home, while on the road for business, or when you have to workout an inadequate fitness facility.

But for many other people - and I should say the majority of people, they will need some weight exercises to build muscle. (If you have the option, just start using dumbbells for as many of the bodyweight exercises as you can - you'll find you won't need much weight to gain muscle when using the 1-leg deadlifts, Bulgarian split squats, and the like).

Another popular question, "Can I use bodyweight training in place of regular interval training".

And the answer of course, is yes. If you are looking for a new form of interval training, then I recommend a 6-exercise bodyweight circuit alternating between lower and upper body exercises. Those are some kick-butt, fat-burning, get-leanin' workouts. And all can be done at home, in less time than it would take you to drive to the gym and back, let alone do your workout.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men's Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines and all over the Internet, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit

Does Fat Loss 4 Idiots Really Work?

If you are like most people who have tried diet after diet with poor results then you are probably pretty skeptical of any new diet making weight loss claims. This is understandable because of the sheer amount of fad diets that pop up from week to week. If you are reading this then you are obviously interested in the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet and are wondering not only if it works but how it works.

First let's look at how it works because it is unlike most of the diets on the weight loss market today. Instead of restricting the types of food you eat it uses food as the fuel that revs up your internal fat burning engine; your metabolism.

It's common knowledge that if you burn more calories than you eat during the day you will lose weight. Most diets work on the principle that if you cut calories you will start to lose body fat. Unfortunately by doing this you cause your metabolism to slow down and you burn fewer calories, which is the opposite of what you need to have happen.

This is why the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet is so different from other weight loss offerings. This plan actually works by allowing you to eat healthy foods that work with you body to increase your metabolism. Not only does it teach you which foods to eat it also helps you create a menu and eating plan that taps into your body's daily energy rhythms. By giving your body certain types of foods at certain times of the day you can further the metabolism boosting process.

So does it work? That is the question most people want answered. If you follow the plan closely it claims you can lose 9 pounds every 11 days until you lose the weight you want. Most people who follow the diet report that they lose between 6 and 7 pounds during the 11 day time period. The best part of this diet is the fact once you lose the weight you can adjust it to maintain your weight and keep the weight off for good.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a diet that teaches you how to use food to achieve your weight loss goals. If traditional diets have left you feeling hungry why not try a diet that goes against the grain and actually lets you put food in your belly.

For more information about how the Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet can help you lose weight and improve your health please visit the Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review page by Clicking Here.

Fat Loss Wars - Machines Versus Bodyweight Exercises

Here's why you don't need machines. They are expensive, take up a lot of space, and are no better than the cheap ol' bodyweight you are carrying around. Just use your bodyweight for fat loss and cardio exercise. You'll get more fat loss results in less time and with less cost.

Let's talk about bodyweight exercise alternatives--can people really get a good fat burning workout just using their bodyweight and a set of dumbbells?

The answer is yes.

They don't need fancy machines or expensive gym memberships?


There's nothing magical about machines. And to be honest with you, machines are only designed for the "average sized" person. So if you are short or tall, you are really out of luck.

If you train at home, or on the road while traveling for business, you're not going to have access to fancy equipment. You might have to "get by" with only dumbbells and your bodyweight.

But since you only have a short amount of time to workout, say 3 sessions of 45 minutes per workout per week, it is a big help if we can pair dumbbell and bodyweight exercises together in our workouts.

(Hey, I've tried training a client on a Bowflex...and we spent more time trying to set-up the machine for different exercises than he did using it. Eventually we got him to get a set of powerblocks to avoid the hassle.)

On the other hand, there are dozens of bodyweight exercises we can use for bodysculpting for the lower body, abs, and upper body that require no set-up at all.

Some of my favorite bodyweight exercises are...

a) Spiderman Pushups

b) Any single leg exercise (from single-leg squats, to split squats, to the many types of step-ups I use, to all the lunges you can think of)

c) Total body ab exercises (I try to avoid crunching motions - bodyweight crunches are limited in effectiveness, so I prefer to use total body ab exercises like mountain climbers)

d) Close-grip Pushups (these work arms better than any triceps kickback ever will)

e) Single-leg Squats & lying 1-leg hip extensions for legs

f) Chin-ups for arms (and there's even a really cool way for men and women to do assisted chin-ups if they are just starting out on this exercise, and I'm not talking about those expensive, gigantic assisted pull-up machines)

One of the best uses of bodyweight exercises are in fat burning bodyweight circuits. These circuits are a great replacement for regular cardio and even for intervals.

Take 3 upper body bodyweight exercises and alternate them with 3 lower body bodyweight exercises. Rest 1 minute and repeat 3-5 times for a 20 minute bodyweight workout. Bodyweight exercises are great for all us desk jockeys, because it improves our mobility and reduces upper body tension.

Bodyweight training gives you fast fat loss, at no cost, and without the need for a 2nd garage in your house to store all the equipment. You can take your bodyweight workouts outside in the summer, on the road when you travel, and even on holidays so that you don't miss a workout.

Don't waste a single second in the gym,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training for Fat Loss have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. Turbulence Training for Fat Loss workouts help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's bodyweight workouts for fat loss help you lose fat without any equipment at all.

Increased Physical Activity For Those Who Work In Shifts

Physical activity has always been linked to improved health and longer lifespan. It can boost the performance of your heart and lungs and defeat stress as well. More importantly, being active will help you maintain an ideal weight and bring you a more positive outlook in life.

But how can you enjoy the benefits of an increased physical activity if you work in shifts? Regular exercise and other activities rely on routines; after all, these are habits that you need to build over time. More often than not, you will have less amounts of sleep and you will have a hard time squeezing physical activities in a work schedule that keeps on changing.

So if you work in an ever changing schedule exercising and other forms of physical activities will be likely placed on the back burner. Still, the benefits of increased movement are so important for your health that you can not afford to just ignore them. The good news is that there are ways to add physical activity into your life without disrupting your already erratic work schedule; and the only requirement is for you to be a little bit more creative.

Physical Activity And Ordinary Household Chores

Working in shifts can definitely make it hard for you to insert physical activity into the picture. But sure enough, you still need to perform ordinary household chores like taking out the trash or going to the nearby grocery store. Well then, you can insert exercise and put in more action into your ordinary household chores.

Do some stretching and a dozen of pushups on your lawn right after you're done with the garbage. And instead of taking your car, you can always walk on your way to the 24-hour grocery. Walking the dog can also be a good way to exercise your leg muscles. Always think of ways to incorporate physical activity into your shifting work setup and you will reap the benefits that regular nine-to-five guys get when they go to the gym.

Exercise During Graveyard Shifts

If you work on shifts, you are sure to hit the graveyard schedule, if not always then at least occasionally. Well, some employees find graveyard shifts to be boring. If you have not experienced it yet, just ask the night guard in your building and he will tell you why. One thing is for sure, it will not be called a graveyard shift if it was fun!

If you are working during unholy hours, chances are, there are not much people around you. So instead of singing to yourself or stealing some time from your company, why not inject some exercise routines while doing your job? If you can not exercise during your official work hours, you can always put more action during your breaks. You will definitely stay awake and be healthier.

Organize A Fitness Or Sports Group

Unless you are a grave digger, you are probably not alone in your work. Whether you are working in the wee hours of the morning or during irregular hours of the day, you will always be in a company of other employees, maybe not in the same department as you are. What you can do is form a fitness or sports group so that you will not be alone at increasing physical activity; after all, your co-workers have the same health needs as you.

A graveyard brisk walking club, a noontime badminton society, or even a 3AM yoga class can help you put the physical activity that you need even if you have a daily schedule that is different from the rest of the world.

When it comes to fitness and physical activity, fluid movements are essential. Make sure that you do not experience pain in your body, particularly in your joints. Ensure the health of your joints by using products like Flexcerin. Visit for more details.

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine

Easy Weight Loss Tips - Lose Weight Permanently Without Struggle

If you lead a sedentary lifestyle or eat food packed with empty calories the chances are that you are overweight.

You are not alone. Excess weight is a major concern for many people and obesity is on the rise. There are a lot of people who have health problems or struggle to find clothes to fit because they are overweight.

Here are some easy weight loss tips that will work if you're ready to take action and lose weight

Don't skip meals

If you are missing meals in an attempt to lose weight, please stop. People who skip meals tend to overeat at the next meal because they've allowed themselves to become so hungry. That defeats the purpose of missing meals in the first place.

Try eating 5 or 6 small meals throughout the day instead of the standard 3 meals a day. When you eat meals more often it helps to regulate your blood sugar levels and keeps your metabolism working efficiently.

Eating more often will help you to balance your calorie intake and keep you from feeling hungry all the time.

Eat more fruit and vegetables

Fruit and vegetables are packed with nutrients and contain fibre. The fibre will help you to feel full for longer and that will keep you from over indulging. Added to which, fruit and vegetables are naturally low in calories and make an easy, portable healthy snack.

Keep clear of fast foods

Most fast food is loaded with fats, and sugar. If you need to eat out, try to choose a restaurant where you can make healthy choices. Or, you could try planning ahead prepare healthy snacks and carry them with you.

Add in some exercise

Choose exercise that you like and make sure it's something that you can easily add into your routine. If you insist on joining a gym when you hate going to the gym, you're setting yourself up for failure. Try scheduling in a swim with the reward of a sauna or take a short walk at lunch time. Whatever exercise you choose, make sure that it's something you will enjoy.

Make wise choices

It's important to choose a weight loss plan that fits with your lifestyle. If you decide on a weight loss plan that involves eating foods that you don't like, you will struggle. Beware of following a weight loss plan that is boring or feels like punishment, you won't be able to keep it up for long.

If you want to get your weight loss off to a good start and and burn fat faster than you have before. Visit to discover how to break unhealthy habits, lose weight and keep the weight off.

Fat Buring Foods - Eat These Foods To Help You Lose Weight Fast!

Are there foods to eat that actually burn fat if you eat them? The answer is YES.

These foods can be incorporated any diet. should make them an essential part of your dietary regime.

What then are far burning foods? Basically, fat burning foods are foods that burn more calories than the caloric content of the foods itself.

Every farmer knows (that raises pigs) that there are certain foods which actually burn more fat than the caloric content of the food itself, so they avoid feeding these foods to their animals (which are sold by weight!).

These fat burning foods or so called negative calorie foods are natural plant foods, and also certain dairy items.

The fat burners then fall into three basic groups:
1. The Citrus group
2. The Cellulose-rich Vegetables and Fruits group
3. The Dairy group

The Citrus Group includes:
Kiwi (not a citrus but extra-rich in Vitamin C, thus a fat burner)

The Cellulose-rich Vegetables and Fruits group includes:
beet root

The Dairy group includes:
Non-fat milk
Low-fat yogurt
White (fresh) cheese

A word must be mentioned about the fat-burning capacity of dairy foods.

It is now proven clinically that calcium-rich foods (especially dairy foods) assist weight loss by increasing fat breakdown in fat cells themselves.

This means that the non-fatty dairy foods are fat burners and should be included in any diet. Also the studies showed that it is not only the calcium (for example, taken as supplements), as the dairy products far out-performed simple supplements in weight loss controlled experiments.

It must also be mentioned that eating the above fat burners will help lose weight but you need to add some mild daily exercise. This can be in the form of walking or running, but it must be daily and for periods of no less than 20 to 30 minutes. The pulse-rate must climb to near 100 beats per minute, and a light sweat should appear to indicate you are helping your metabolism turn back on. The foods also will have a most positive effect on this increased metabolism.

Another interesting fact is that by eating these foods and daily exercising your body will continue to burn fat even after the exercise is completed. It also has a cumulative effect.

It must also be remembered that a strict rule of diet (and physics) is that you do not lose weight unless YOU BURN (USE) MORE CALORIES THAN YOU CONSUME. So, the logic and practical application of eating the fat-burning foods, and waking up the body by exercise, hold true.

You also do not have to count calories, as you be able to understand if you are negative calories (consumed) or positive calories (consumed) by simple weighing yourself daily.

More FREE info on health and diet

For more FREE advice on fat burning foods and diet advice please visit our website for articles, features, magazines, and downloads

Volumetrics - Eat More, Weigh Less With the Volumetrics Diet

Volumetrics is a way to eat more foods, yet lose weight. I'm going to give you all that you need to know to lose weight with Volumetrics. Face it, people like to eat. I'm sure you like to eat. So let's eat. If you had to choose between eating more or eating less, just about everyone will choose to eat more. And... there's nothing wrong with that.

Volumetrics was rated the best diet in 2007... and I have to give it the thumbs up. Dr. Barbara Rolls created this diet. It's based on the volume of the food. Big foods that have few calories. Obviously, this diet isn't for everyone no matter how good or how nutritionally sound it is.

A lot of these high volume, low calorie foods are your typical fruits and vegetables... especially vegetables. Listen, research has proven that the average person eats about 3 pounds of food a day. Doesn't matter what foods... each person is for the most part, biologically compelled to eat 3 pounds of foods.

The problem is, if you fill up those 3 pounds with low weight candy bars that have lots of calories, you're going to get fat. So the idea is to eat bigger, more filling foods that have less calories. This way, you can easily eat 3 pounds of foods without using high calorie foods.

You're crowding out things like candy bars with high volume foods. Basically, stay away from candy bars, cookies, chips, sodas, bread, etc. Instead, you eat foods such as beans, eggs, vegetables, fruits, etc.

Yes, kinda boring, but it works. I just gave you brief rundown of Volumetrics. The book goes into far greater details. I just wanted to give you a heads-up on this diet and let you know that I recommend it. If you're not going to use any of my more exciting diets, Volumetrics and the Mediterranean Diet are 2 of my top choices to try.

So if you want to lose weight, give Volumetrics a try. Eat more, weigh less. A good combination in my opinion.

Jennifer Jolan is a popular weight loss consultant and author of the best selling "Ultimate Diet Guide" ebook. She has helped over 3,700 women with her intensive 1 on 1 email coaching.

If you're sick and tired of getting the same old boring and tired weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, exercise more, and blah blah blah"... then you found the right person. I'll make weight loss easy and enjoyable for you... AND NOT BORING!

First, click to get your free 19-page report "How Spinning Around in a Circle Like a 4-year old Child will Skyrocket your Weight Loss Success".

Second... after you get the free report, you'll be sent inside my website for even more unique and little known weight loss tips, tricks, techniques, and tactics.

Third, with my advice, you won't starve, have to go to the gym ever, or basically do anything that is a hassle for your busy life.

Fourth... there is no fourth. Just enjoy the free report and my website.

Weight Loss Products And Services: Do They Really Work?

The weight loss industry is worth billions. Millions of people worldwide buy into it because they want to lose weight and feel great, yet many of these people are still overweight and feel bad about themselves. It is something of a paradox; weight loss products and services rake in the cash, yet the people who use them are still overweight. This very concept is what keeps them on the shelves.

Suppose for example someone has played their latest fitness dvd so many times they are sick of it and decide to go and buy another one; there are so few recipes in their diet books they actually like that they have to add another book to their collection; they are bored silly slugging it out on their running machine every night and so they treat themselves to a rowing machine as well. Before they know it they will have a pile of dvds they never workout to, a pile of books gathering dust and a whole host of fitness gadgets just begging to wing their way to the nearest charity shop. Sound familiar?

Diet books, diet foods, diet pills, fitness dvds, slimming magazines, gyms, health clubs, home exercise equipment; the list goes on. Although most do have something of value to offer, and initially they may work, the novelty often wears off sooner or later. Once someone stops doing something, they stop seeing the results.

The sales pitch of many weight loss products is that they promise to give results, quickly. Today's fast-paced lifestyle means many people are easily sold on the idea of 'instant results' in return for very little effort. But the reality is they still have to do the work and when they realise this, their momentum goes right out of the window.

That's the thing about weight loss products and services; they only work if people can put in the effort to stick at them, and many people don't because they either get bored, or they do not have the time. It is a well-known fact that diets are hard to stick to and gym dropout rates are high.

The key to weight loss is actually very simple. It's really just about making lifestyle choices and adopting good habits that will allow us to lead a healthy way of life.

In a nutshell we should: eat less convenience foods that are laden with refined sugars and saturated fats, eat more whole foods, fruits and vegetables, chew our food properly, stop eating when we have had enough to eat, drink more water, avoid smoking, watch our alcohol intake and take more exercise. All of these things need to be addressed continually throughout life and not just on a whim.

How someone goes about incorporating these healthful behaviours into their life depends on who they are; people are different. What works for one person will not necessarily work for someone else.

Lifestyle factors such as work and family commitments need to be taken into consideration. We all have different lifestyles; it is unrealistic for a single mother with three children to have the time or inclination to sweat it out at the gym for an hour every night. However, a person with no family commitments may spend all day looking forward to their evening gym session because they really enjoy it and they are able to stick at it.

It is important to be realistic. Every small step someone takes is important, whether it is eating one more piece of fruit a day or getting off the bus one stop early, drinking more water or making a conscious effort to chew their food properly. If they gradually build these things up they will become habits of day-to-day life rather than just short-term fads, and they will see long-term results with seemingly little effort.

So, do weight loss products and services work? The answer is yes, but only if they can be incorporated into someone's lifestyle on a long-term basis, and that will depend on the person not the product.

Sharon Kirby is a freelance health writer who likes to write about exercise, fitness, nutrition and a multitude of other health issues. She also writes about eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia and binge-eating disorder.

Calorie Shifting - The New Weight Loss Sensation Sweeping the Nation

Calorie Shifting is becoming one of the fastest growing weight loss sensations because is works on a theory that actually makes sense. Most low calorie, low carb, low fat, diets basically fail because your body realizes one thing when you are on one of these diets: It realizes that you're starving yourself (in a matter of speaking) by taking in low amounts of calories. Your body's natural reaction to this is to slow down your metabolism, stop burning calories, and actually to start storing fat! It's a protection we have to make us survive if we were in fact, starving

Calorie shifting is a way to keep your body confused and to keep your metabolism from slowing down. They way it works is you are constantly rotating the food types you eat each day fooling your metabolism so that it continues to burn calories and fat. Your body only knows what has happened in the past, so basically your metabolism is based on the foods you ate and calorie intake from the past few days. Eating foods using the calorie shifting theory is best so that your metabolism doesn't get used to any specific routine. Basically, you're keeping your body's metabolism on it's feet and by doing so, you will not only burn all of the calories you are taking in each day, but you will also start to burn fat which is exactly what you want to do.

The best part about this diet program is that you are not left feeling like you're starving because you are supposed to eat four different times per day. This keeps you feeling full all day and you are essentially taking in less calories per meal. The software system that is available for doing this program comes with an online diet generator. This diet generator asks you to choose from over 40 different foods that you most likely eat every day and in just seconds, it creates a calorie shifting meal plan for you. This meal program is for 11 days and is by Fat Loss for Idiots. You can lose up to 9 pounds every time you do this diet program. The way it is supposed to be done is start the program, follow it to a tee for the 11 days, take 3 days off where you can eat whatever you like (let's be honest here, what this means is whatever you want that's still a bit healthy...don't run to the fast food joint and order 4 big macs). After the 3 day break, you then start the diet all over again.

The 3 day break is actually part of the calorie shifting diet. You continue to confuse your body's metabolism during this period. I recommend doing this diet at least 3 times or until your desired weight loss goal.

Learn more about how you too can use the calorie shifting theory to your advantage to lose weight and look great this year at Enhance this amazing program by doing a little Turbulence Training.

Fast and Safe Weight Loss

Instead of looking at your reflection and being unhappy with what you see, do something to change it. It isn't nearly as difficult as you think it might be. If I brought up that there was a simple alternative to not only lose fat, but to also get an improved complexion, help how your body digests anything you consume and also lower symptoms of arthritis and diabetes, would you hear what I had to say?

A detox diet is the correct response. Detoxification diets function by helping your body do what it does naturally, only better. That's getting rid of all the toxins we consume day to day out of the body. If you knew just all of the bad toxins that come into your body in only one day, you would probably want to live inside a giant bubble. We get toxins in our bodies through the air we're exposed to, our food consumption, the drinks we have. Toxins are everywhere, and there's no way to be rid of them completely, you can get them out of your body.

Yes, unlike the traditional fad diets that's everywhere you see that puts your body through over-stress for just a couple pounds, the safe detox diet promotes health. The at home detox diet helps your body use vitamins/minerals that you intake better and with better results Maybe you suffer from indigestion, constipation, or maybe even IBS? The right, at home detox diet, can help alleviate the symptoms of those common maladies.

You can find many detoxification/detox diets out on the market, that contain just about the same ingredients. The #1 primary goal should be to to contract unhealthy elements for a specified time amount. This time can range from a few days to weeks. Consuming more of raw and organic foods can help flush your body and assist you to maintain good nutrition levels. Most trend diets last a long time 'cause they're supposed to be more effective. Just because a detox diet doesn't last too long, doesn't necessarily mean it won't do a better job. With any at home detox diet you won't feel the same within 48 hours. What if however, that 48 hrs. was all it took to receive a fast, safe, and effectual full body detox?

There's a highly regarded 2 day at home detox diet available that can assist you not to only shed weight and boost your energy and stamina levels, lessen the cravings you have for unhealthy food, and help to liven up your skin and eyes. The answer is the 2 Day Slim Down. As you stare at yourself, what if, in only 2 days, you could lose up to 12 lbs. and be rejuvinated from within? It's now time to take some steps and make some changes. The 2 Day Slim Down detoxification/detox diet is here to help you achieve your health goals.

Jack Shaark is a health nut and a strong advocate for all natural treatments. He truly believes in a healthy and untainted body, and the importance of having a healthy digestive system. He only promotes proven, natural remedies as he feels these are the most beneficial therapies for the body If you would like to learn something more about this brand new technology, all natural safe detox diet, check us out at

The Truth About Fat Loss Pills Revealed!

Fat loss pills are the rave in today's society, and unfortunately most people haven't learned yet that they are ruining their health by purchasing them.

For one, fat loss pills usually don't even help a person lose weight and if they do, they're ruining their health in the meantime.

Let me explain..

Drug companies don't care about you. I hate to be frank, but it's 100% true. They don't care if you get sick, they don't care if you develop side effects, and no, they don't care if you die.

All they care about is the money. Why do you think some companies get in trouble for having some ingredient in their product years after it was banned for either seriously injuring or killing people? Because they have a product that's making them money.

Therefore, they'll literally put anything into fat loss pills to help them make you lose weight. Even if it's extremely toxic to your body. In fact, some of them even lie about what they're putting in your fat loss pills so you'll buy the product!

Now maybe you don't care about your health and you're so set on losing weight that you don't care what you have to put into your body to do so.

If so, here's another reason why you shouldn't buy fat loss pills.

Ever notice that they usually say something like "eat all you want and still lose weight!". They do this so they can appeal to part of you that wants to lose weight but doesn't want to put any work in to do it.

Everybody has it, but in some people it's dominate over the part that does want to work to get results (it's called being lazy).

The problem with this however, is that you probably would eat whatever, and you might lose weight. If you do, you'll be scared to go off your fat loss pills because you'll assume you'd gain the weight back if you did.

Now your stuck in a trap buying a product that's slowly killing you, but you're afraid to get off it for fear of gaining the weight back.

That trap is exactly what these companies want you to fall into. This is how they make their millions of dollars each year.

My suggestion is this. Instead of spending $50+ on fat loss pills, spend under $40 on a book that will give you the knowledge you need to lose the weight you want in a 100% healthy way.

If you can't muster up the determination to stick to exactly what they say, just do it at your own level! I've learned weight loss techniques that I can use only once or twice a day and still lose weight. This is because I've spent hundreds of dollars on weight loss products and know the best from the worst.

Do yourself a favor and stay away from fat loss pills. They're making you sick, sometimes even fatter, and sucking you into a downward spiraling trap. Learn the knowledge you need to lose weight and you'll be lean and muscular for the rest of your life - without spending all your money!

Jeremy Reeves has created a website just for you that reviews what he considers to be the best weight loss products on the market. Show yourself that you're serious about losing weight and go check out before you do anything else today.

A Simple Yet Proven Weight Loss Plan Completely For Free

There are many ways a weight loss regimen can be administrated. You can purchase expensive pills, go through exercises and workout with an expensive personal trainer or coach, or you can purchase expensive weight loss courses or programs that contains something you already know. There are many hot weight loss programs out there touting their uniqueness and fantastic quality; actually weight loss is a billion dollar industry.

Walking: The Free Weight Loss Program

Oftentimes people ignore the free life long weight loss program that you have been gifted with: walking. If you are overweight and need to lose some of this excess weight, then now is the time to wake up and start walking. Making such a regime part of your everyday life will really help you to become fat free within a very short amount of time.

How To Start A Walking Routine

The first thing that you need to do is wake up early and go out to a lush green lawn, field or park that is located near your home. Begin by taking a slow, steady 15 minute walk for the first week that you do this. Then, during the second week you should increase this time to 25 minutes and then increase it to 35 minutes the third week. By the fourth week of your program you should be taking walks that last 45 minutes. You should then do this throughout your entire second month. Of course, you are also going to need to exercise some control over your diet in order for this weight loss program to work. While you can still eat whatever you want, you should eliminate all of the fatty and sugary foods and drink at least 20 glasses of water per day.

Let Walking Become A Habit That Sustains Your Ideal Weight

If you follow this program, after three months you should start to increase your pace of walking. Start up with 25% increase. Soon enough you will see the results of the dramatic effect this pace increase has on your metabolism. We are talking about an increased feeling of wellness in addition to your weight loss. As soon as you have achieved your weight loss goal, you can eat some sweet foods as long as you keep walking regularly. If you follow this simple weight loss plan which means you make walking as a habit, the amount of pounds that you lose will be permanent and your body will become as fit as it is meant to be.

Gary Holdon is a writer and internet publisher. Read his popular articles about weight loss plans, fast weight loss and more fitness articles

Turbulence Training 4 Week Body Weight Workout - Burn Fat And Gain Lean Muscle!

Do you know that you can build muscle and burn fat without lifting weight or even spend hours in the gym?

The best method to lose weight is to use your gift. What's your gift you ask? It's your body. Bodyweight exercises are often overlooked by people who want to lose weight while it is the absolute best weight loss method.

I'm a martial artist and most of my workouts are bodyweight oriented. In fact, I find, I use the turbulence training workout and I find funny that many of the people who spend hours in the gym are generally not good at body weight exercises because their body isn't adapted to this type of routines.

There are many advantage to use your bodyweight to lose fat and gain muscle. As an example, you can train every single muscle of your whole body in less than one hour.

Most of the people who don't consider bodyweight to lose fat or gain muscle think that it's too easy. I was like this at first, but I guarantee you that after spending time in the gym for years, it's actually easier for your body to adapt to the weight than these tough body weight exercises.

Plus I found that going to the gym is not the absolute best way to develop strength.

If you are not training with your bodyweight yet, what are you waiting for? You don't need to buy any expensive exercise equipment to start. The turbulence training fat loss program will show you the proper way to use your body to burn fat.

There are countless "weight free" exercises that will help you to burn fat and gain muscle at the same time.

To learn more about my powerful weight loss system and how you too can get rid of your stomach fat for good and get killer 6 pack abs when you visit:

Franck Silvestre is a professional Martial Artist. Visit his website today at Turbulence Training

7 Great Tips on Losing Weight Fast

Here are some 7 great tips on losing weight fast. Some people get stress out when they begin trying to change their bodies and their lifestyle. They believe some fancy diet a Hollywood star invented will be their savior. In reality, they end up gaining more weight back than what they originally weighed.

  1. Cut back on the bad carbs. Carbs come in two main forms, high glycemic and low glycemic. Your new lifestyle should include the low glycemic type of carbs. These keep your insulin levels on an even keel throughout the day. You can also eat all the green carbohydrates you would like, green beans, broccoli and lettuce are great for you and include fiber.
  2. Increase your fiber intake, but make sure you do this slowly. I seem to never get enough fiber throughout the day. So I add a fiber supplement in the morning. A high fiber diet not only makes you feel better, but also helps push fat out the body quicker.
  3. Start consuming 6 small meals a day. This may be the most important tip on losing weight fast. You need to keep your metabolism lit. People, who eat three large meals a day, are usually obese and sluggish. Keeping the metabolism burning helps burn fat and increase energy level.
  4. Start an exercise regimen which includes lifting weights and a cardiovascular workout. In order to remove excess fat, you need to gain lean muscle mass. The lean muscle mass you gain replaces fat cells. Shoot for thirty minutes of cardio with your heartbeat elevated at a consistent level.
  5. Drink plenty of fluids; it's essential to make proper hydration levels. Your body needs water to survive and dehydrating yourself slows down your metabolism. Plus, you will not get a recurring hunger feeling. You will feel fuller throughout the day.
  6. Add 10-15 grams of protein to every meal. Protein helps build lean muscle mass and is an essential part of any tip on losing weight. Just picture a stack of cards, try and eat an amount equal to a deck of cards with every meal.
  7. Maintain a log on everything you eat. A log is great way to understand just how much food you intake. Make sure you log every morsel you consume. Do not cheat yourself and forget to note the Snickers bar you scarfed down from the vending machine.

Keep in mind, you are not dieting you are changing your lifestyle. Give yourself a break, no one can eat clean every day. You should allow a day every week when you can eat whatever the heck you want. The cheat day should be included in tips on losing weight fast. Stay focused and have a planned goal and we will be seeing a better looking you soon!

You can discover more amazing information at Get Rid Of Belly Fat

It's True - I Eat Fat To Loose Weight

Many people believe that fat is bad and that they have to avoid it at any price. It is true that fat has the most calories and the more fat you eat the more fat you get. But let me tell you that you will benefit more from eating fat during a diet than avoiding fat by all means.

Let me explain. Fat is nothing bad. Your body needs fat together with proteins and carbohydrates. The right balance is the key to a healthy body. If you eat too many proteins you can get fat too. If you eat more than enough carbohydrates you will also get fat.

No reason to be fat-phobic. It is a myth that you become fat from eating fat. I bet you know many thin people who eat fat. I know many of them who eat pizza, hamburger or use oily salad dressing all time. For some reason they do not get fat.

Do not blame the fat. You could even achieve the opposite result when avoiding fat. You could become fat from avoiding fat. How comes?

Yes, fat has plenty of calories but beside the fact that good fat is very healthy it also gives you satiety which you do not have when you avoid fat. Without satiety you tend to eat more than you have to. It is true that many people on diet had more success with their diet after taking bit more fat back into their dietary plan.

So fat is no poison. It is all about the calories. You get fat when you consume more calories than your body needs. It is that easy. Give him less calories he needs you will loose weight. But the key is a well balanced and healthy diet which also includes fat. Otherwise your diet can lead to malnutrition or is just a very unpleasant experience each and every day.

There is no reason to starve. It is even contra-productive. The more you starve the more difficult it is to loose weight because your body switches into emergency mode. This means your body 'protects' his fatty assets because he believes there is some kind of emergency situation going on. There are also plenty of fat-soluble vitamins. Another reason not to avoid fat.

Again, the key is a balanced diet without starving including all the foods and nutrients the body needs. How much fat is enough? For the average man about 60 grams a day, for women about 50 grams. About 25% of calories can come from fat, 65% proteins and rest carbohydrates.

When you look for fat then go for 'good' fat. Good fat is fat from olive oil for example. It is perfect for making your salad of fresh vegetables or also cooking. If you feel very hungry, add some tasty olive oil and it gives you satiety, Vitamin E and more health benefits than avoiding fat.

Linda Lithony is the founder of, a health blog with many health articles about various health topics.