Sunday, May 4, 2008

Toe Tap Your Way to Weight Loss

Toe Tap Your Way to Weight Loss, sounds silly, doesn't it? It does, I admit it. Yet, could there be a kernel of truth there?

How could someone toe tap their way to weight loss? Let's backup a bit. I remember watching a documentary on TV about the obese. There was a study done and something amazing was discovered. Of course, obese people often have different habits from skinny people. I'm not talking about eating habits here, either. The habits discovered in this study had to do with what the two different body types did while sitting around.

Muscles use energy, even when they are not being used. This is good for weight loss because it is a nifty way to lose calories while doing nothing. Unless, of course, you are sitting there eating, in which case you are most likely gaining calories.

What they found was that skinny people tend to fidget a lot, they do things like shaking their leg while sitting. You probably remember someone like that from high school. Remember the guy that sat there shaking his leg all the time, he couldn't sit still!

Thus, he and other skinny people burn a lot more calories while sitting around. You could take advantage of this too!

Here are some ideas. Move around while sitting, fidget, change positions a lot. Actually shake your leg up and down, stretch frequently, pace. These are all calorie burning activities. At least you will use more calories then sitting there without moving at all.

You can also tense and relax the major muscle groups, this might even trigger a feeling of relaxation, almost like a massage would. What do I mean by major muscle groups? The upper arms and shoulders, abdominals, thigh and gluteal muscles, these are all muscles that you could tense and relax repeatedly. Since they are relatively large muscle groups, they will expend relatively more energy. This might even have a slight toning affect at the same time.

True, this alone is not going to solve the weight problem for you, but perhaps it can help. There are indeed many more things that go into weight loss such as drinking plenty of water, eating MORE frequently, working out, eating properly, getting enough protein and essential fats. These are all important and helpful components to losing weight.

That is the point. Weight loss is not some simple formula that you can apply. It is certainly not some fad diet. There is a lot too it. The more you know, the more you can apply your knowledge and make small adjustments during your day. The more knowledge that you have the closer to success you can bring yourself.

It would be helpful to get your hands on as much weight loss knowledge as you can. You don't have to rely on one source only. Just like it was a valid strategy for Bruce Lee to adopt the tactics of multiple fighting styles, it wouldn't hurt to absorb weight loss information from more than one source.

This does bring up a problem, who can you count on to bring you good information? It seems to me that there is a lot of information out there that might be less than helpful. I know of a source or two that can bring you good information on weight loss. More on that later.

This article is for information purposes only and is not intended to serve as weight loss or any other kind of advice. Contact your primary care physician for such advice and before starting any diet or taking up any form of exercise. You should also contact your doctor if you have or think you have a health problem of any kind. Your doctor can provide proper diagnosis and treatment.

David Snape is the author of What You Should Know about Gum Disease - an important book considering that the majority of adults suffer from some form of gum disease. David also answers questions on any health, fitness or wellness topic at his blog: . David believes in oral irrigation to help fight against gum disease and that the premiere oral irrigation device on the market is the Hydro Floss Oral Irrigator

Healthy Weight Loss Requires Motivation

Healthy weight loss is a popular goal for countless people. And today, more than ever, we are heavier than at any time in history. And even though it seems that everyone is on a diet these days, the majority never seem to understand how to lose weight and keep it off for good.

Part of this lack of understanding is due, in part, to having too much information. With all of the resources available including countless diet books, magazines and all of the information available online, knowledge is definitely not the problem. However, too much of a good thing is.

With so many sources, it's difficult to know which weight loss program to follow and who to listen to. In reality, there are a lot of good plans out there and if you happen to choose one of those it would be difficult to go wrong. If you actually manage to get to this point, program in hand, the key to success is learning what to do and then doing it. Really - it's that simple.

So many people like the idea of learning and reading about the latest and greatest diet plan but never put any of the recommendations into daily practice. They become extremely knowledgeable about weight loss and know how many calories the most popular foods contain. What they fail to do however, is make use of that information. Instead, they buy another diet book because the first one didn't work.

If implementation is the real problem, how can you beat the odds and solve it for your own situation? The answer is simple, really. Once you determine the best plan for your needs, you must find a way to constantly motivate yourself to stay on track. Because everyone is wired a bit differently, this will be a highly individual undertaking.

Some people find that having another person hold them accountable works well. They will generally confide in a friend that they are trying to lose weight and ask the friend to give a gentle reminder when it appears they have slipped up in some way. Alternatively, the friend may occasionally ask about how things are going as a subtle reminder to stay on track. The friend may even be an exercise buddy and you can hold each other accountable for fitness activities. If this strategy works for you, then use it to you and your friend's best advantage. If not, there are many other ways to stay motivated.

The most important component of a motivational tactic is that it have meaning to you. You must be able to identify with and internalize it. Ideally you'll want to find several different motivators to have in your arsenal in case one isn't working particularly well at any given moment - you can just trade it out for a new one. Develop a list of motivational tips and you'll be well on your way to a successful and healthy weight loss.

Need additional motivational tips to stick with your weight loss program?

Visit for more information and diet plan reviews.

Effective And Easy Ways For Weight Loss

People often ignore the wealth available in our kitchen that can do wonders in maintaining the weight. There are many easy to make homemade remedies for weight loss. They are inexpensive and do not put burden on your wallet and above all they have almost no side effect as mostly are herbs and ordinary day to day eatables.

The treasure in kitchen

Try out these easy techniques and see the difference.

Lukewarm water, honey and lime juice are the most effective combination to reduce weight. Take plain warm water after every meal. It works wonders and results are very promising. Every morning take half glass of lukewarm water and put 1 lime juice in it and take it empty stomach. It is a sure shot way to burn out fat. Similarly the same procedure can be done by replacing honey instead of lime juice. These three methods are tried and tested by millions of users worldwide and they are benefiting from it.

Ginger is an excellent herb that helps in maintaining weight. The combination of green tea and ginger tea helps you to remain slim. To get most out of it crush the ginger and then put it in tea and boil it on full flame. Taking it in morning is the best time. Green tea is also known to help in weight management.

Take a bowl of raw tomatoes in breakfast or with any meal for about two months. You can take them in the form of salad or juice. It is advisable to never refrigerate your tomatoes. Buy fresh tomatoes in small quantities and consume them within 24 hours.

Cabbage is another vegetable that keeps your slim and fit. The most appropriate form of cabbage consumption for obese people is Cabbage Soup. It has fat burning properties. The shaolin monks in china who practice Kung-Fu take cabbage as their main diet, which keeps them fit and agile.

Making home made remedies for weight management is very easy and the ingredients needed to make them are easily available.

Visit Weight Loss Tips and Methods for compete information on easy and sustainable weight loss methods.

Diet And Weight Control

Ongoing diet and weight control are not easy. Most people think that once they reach their weight loss goals that they can stop their diet and magically maintain the weight loss. Weight loss is not something you do for a couple of months; it is a change in your life style for the foreseeable future. It takes continued diet and exercise to get the best weight loss. The upside is the scientists and doctors understanding of diet and exercise is increasing daily, but many dieters can not balance their low calorie diets and so their diet is actually unhealthy. Make sure when you diet that you are getting the nutrition your body needs, balances with exercise to keep up your metabolism. Approximately ninety-five percent of repeat dieters fail, putting back on the weight they lost and a lot of times more. So after you achieve your goals, live in moderation to maintain the success.

All too often adults find themselves in midlife with a widening tummy and larger sized close in the closet. Dont we all wish we were the same size and weight as when we graduated high school or maybe college? This happens because our metabolism slows down and we spend less time in active tasks, mostly we sit at a desk all day. Regardless of your weight loss goals, a basic understanding of how the body uses nourishment and metabolism will be required in order to reach your goals as well as understanding how this changes as we get older.

Try choosing a weight loss plan that includes: balanced nutrition, adequate exercise, a good support system, and regular follow-up. It is well know that a good weight loss plan has both diet and exercise, but a University of Illinois study found that exercise is more effective if it is supported by a protein-rich diet. Hypnosis can also be used to change your outlook about food and help to alter your eating habits. Another study showed simply by eating slowly and allowing yourself to feel full will encourage you to eat less and therefore loss weight. There are plenty of fad diets out there for those who have the time and money, but typically they are popular because they advertise effortless weight loss. Most often the weight lost by these diets is the loss of body water and it will come back. Seek a balanced diet with proper nutrition and exercise.

An ability to alter lifelong attitudes toward diet and exercise may ultimately be the key to successful weight management. You must be motivated enough to change habits not for a few weeks or months, but for a lifetime. The better you become at doing these things, the longer, and healthier the rest of your life will be. Good luck and good health.

Simon Volk has been a contributing author for websites and is an acknowledged expert in the field of health and fitness. He can be found on the internet at the website: Health Fitness Articles | Health Fitness Exercise or Mega Traffic Site | Blogs

Diet And Weight Control

Ongoing diet and weight control are not easy. Most people think that once they reach their weight loss goals that they can stop their diet and magically maintain the weight loss. Weight loss is not something you do for a couple of months; it is a change in your life style for the foreseeable future. It takes continued diet and exercise to get the best weight loss. The upside is the scientists and doctors understanding of diet and exercise is increasing daily, but many dieters can not balance their low calorie diets and so their diet is actually unhealthy. Make sure when you diet that you are getting the nutrition your body needs, balances with exercise to keep up your metabolism. Approximately ninety-five percent of repeat dieters fail, putting back on the weight they lost and a lot of times more. So after you achieve your goals, live in moderation to maintain the success.

All too often adults find themselves in midlife with a widening tummy and larger sized close in the closet. Dont we all wish we were the same size and weight as when we graduated high school or maybe college? This happens because our metabolism slows down and we spend less time in active tasks, mostly we sit at a desk all day. Regardless of your weight loss goals, a basic understanding of how the body uses nourishment and metabolism will be required in order to reach your goals as well as understanding how this changes as we get older.

Try choosing a weight loss plan that includes: balanced nutrition, adequate exercise, a good support system, and regular follow-up. It is well know that a good weight loss plan has both diet and exercise, but a University of Illinois study found that exercise is more effective if it is supported by a protein-rich diet. Hypnosis can also be used to change your outlook about food and help to alter your eating habits. Another study showed simply by eating slowly and allowing yourself to feel full will encourage you to eat less and therefore loss weight. There are plenty of fad diets out there for those who have the time and money, but typically they are popular because they advertise effortless weight loss. Most often the weight lost by these diets is the loss of body water and it will come back. Seek a balanced diet with proper nutrition and exercise.

An ability to alter lifelong attitudes toward diet and exercise may ultimately be the key to successful weight management. You must be motivated enough to change habits not for a few weeks or months, but for a lifetime. The better you become at doing these things, the longer, and healthier the rest of your life will be. Good luck and good health.

Simon Volk has been a contributing author for websites and is an acknowledged expert in the field of health and fitness. He can be found on the internet at the website: Health Fitness Articles | Health Fitness Exercise or Mega Traffic Site | Blogs