Monday, June 30, 2008

Genotype Diet: 'Junky, Nonscientific' - Toronto Star 04-2008 rip audio off youtube

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Genotype Diet: 'Junky, Nonscientific' - Toronto Star {04-05-2008}:

Ogilvie, M. (? ?) reports for the Toronto Star in "Body Typing is Unproven Science" (see ):

"'The GenoType Diet: Change Your Genetic Destiny to Live the Longest, Fullest and Healthiest Life Possible' [ISBN] Peter J. D'Adamo [...a] naturopathic physician from Stamford, Conn. [...who claims he has] identified six genotypes that comprise humanity [...per] hunter, gatherer, teacher, explorer, warrior or nomad [{what? No skeptic?!?!}... based upon] body characteristics including fingerprints, leg length and head shape [...and each type supposedly has] a type-specific diet and lifestyle plan to optimize [...] genetic potential [...which therein will] maximize health and wellness, boost weight loss, slow the aging process and prevent or reverse disease [...also] D'Adamo has created lists of superfoods and toxic foods for each type [...but] for menu plans and recipes, dieters have to pay $4 a week at [D'Adamo's] [ingenious!...our] expert['s] opinion: there is no scientific evidence, whatsoever [!!!], to back up D'Adamo's plan, says registered dietitian Stefanie Shalagan [...] with the North York Family Health Team [...] 'D'Adamo does not back up any of his claims with scientific references [...] he says he's done the research and leaves it at that [...] there is no evidence to suggest some foods are beneficial and some are toxic for specific types [...actually] if people ate a so-called toxic food, they wouldn't become ill or sick or even gain a large amount of weight [...] I would not recommend this book to anyone who is looking to lose weight on a scientifically based diet plan' [...] diary [...comment:] skepticism pans out [!!!{per analyzing the evidence purported to support a claim}]. D'Adamo makes wild claims not backed up by science [...decision:] declare GenoType Diet a rip-off and abandon one-day tryout. This book goes to the bottom of a long list of junky diet books [...] our verdict: don't even crack the cover on this totally vague plan."

Note: I take issue with the article's in-title terminology "unproven science." 'The legitimately scientific' isn't in kind as absolute as 'proven' suggests -- it is tentative. 'Not scientifically supported' or "no scientific evidence" are better terms (see ). Science doesn't absolutely "prove" -- so, there is actually no 'proven science' -- as the American Association for the Advancement of Science states in "A Study Guide For The Evolution Dialogues" (see ): "hypotheses may be falsified by conflicting data or supported by consistent data, but an hypothesis can never be absolutely confirmed or proved." I should also add as regards naturopathic medicine overall: be careful about claims from this so-called profession in terms of what they label as "science." Naturopathy falsely labels the profoundly / preponderantly science-ejected a scientific fact [e.g., their vitalistic, autoentheistic, teleological & supernatural belief set] (see http://aanpalliancesciencebasedclaim.... ). How can one trust a supposedly scientific point of view when it does not admit that a reasonable difference exists between imaginary figmentations [e.g. a vital force] and what survives scientific scrutiny? (for further enlightenment, visit ).

(music by spaceScat, "kityikana" excerpt). (also, take the "naturopathy blasphemy challenge," at http://mynaturopathyblasphemies.blogs... ).

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