Thursday, July 3, 2008

Diet Myths Part 3

It is really hard to tell the truth from the hype with all of the information out there in the world about dieting. I have compiled a list of dieting myths to assist you in your quest for truth and your journey to your weight loss goals.

Myth #1 If I skip meals I will lose weight faster
Truth: It has been proven in studies that people who skip breakfast and eat fewer times during the day tend to be heavier than those who eat a healthy breakfast and eat 5 or 6 times a day. Eating often keeps you from getting overly hungry and eating too much at your next meal. Eating often also keeps your metabolism running in high gear.

Myth #2 I should cut out dairy if I want to lose weight
Truth: Recent studies have shown that women who eat 3 to 4 servings of dairy daily, actually lose up to 40% more fat than those who don't. There is something nutritionally in dairy products that we don't get anywhere else. There are many non and low fat dairy products on the market today and the smart dieter is taking advantage of that.

Myth #3 Nuts are fattening and I should stay away from them if I want to lose weight.
Truth: Nuts are a great part of a successful weight loss plan. Nuts are high in essential fatty acids, these support many body functions and have been shown to aid in weight loss. Nuts should be eaten in moderation and only raw nuts have the nutritional benefits that support your weight loss.

Myth #4 The more strict the diet, the more weight I will lose
Truth: when a diet is really strict, eliminating whole categories of food, or only allowing you to eat certain foods, the less effective it will be. Chances are high that you will get tired of the diet, and tired of feeling like a failure because you can't live up to the strict rules, and quit. This starts the destructive beat up cycle that ends in more crash dieting, making your goal seem farther and farther away.

Myth #5 There are certain foods that I can never eat again
Truth: As soon as we tell ourselves that we can't have something, it is all we think about. When you agree to treat yourself to the foods you love once in a while, you will be less likely to binge. Also consider way to make your favorite foods lighter, maybe using light sour cream or whipped cream or using low fat cheese. There are many ways to enjoy healthier versions of your favorite foods.

By busting these diet myths you are further along the path to your goals. Keep your eyes open as new fad diets and gimmicks are happening all around you. Educate yourself and make changes that you can live with for a lifetime.

Over 90% of diets fail. Don't be another statistic! You can have the body you have always dreamed of! - Let me show you how Diet Myths


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