What is a Calorie? And Do We Really Need to Count Them to Lose Weight?
The biggest buzz word in nutrition has always been Calories. The thing dieters' fear most is also the thing that makes us work. So what is a calorie? A calorie is the energy value of food, to be more precise it is the amount of energy it takes to heat 1 litre of water 1 Degree Celsius. It is the energy that gives us life so why is this vital energy the thing that is feared by all.
At the most basic level to maintain weight we need to take in as many calories as we will use, if we eat more we gain weight, if we eat less we lose weight. That's if we keep it basic, for those of you who have tried to lose weight know it is not that easy there are many physical and mental processes working against you.
Many of these processes come from the body's desire to save energy in case of famine. Throughout history the human race has been subject to periods of extreme famine and times of plenty, it is only through modern farming, the import and growth of crops in different areas, irrigation and food preservation techniques that now the western world has a constant food supply in fact we now have more food than we need.
If you want to gain fat, most people will find it quite easy (although not always healthy) just eat and do nothing and your body will store it. In the past people would eat more when it was available so that if they were hit by a drought and ran out of food, their body had enough stored energy to cope with the deficit until the food supply increased and the process would repeat.
These days unless you live in extreme poverty this is no longer a concern for you, although for your body thousands of years of adaptation have allowed the body to become very good at storing calories and your body will see a drop in calories as a possible famine. One of the big reasons dieting wont works is if the body will work to maintain its energy stores by lowering the metabolism (energy output) so that more is saved for the essential processes of the body. The body then sends us signals that tell us to eat, logical right? People starving for food can do very desperate things, in fact Australia was built by British people sent here as a punishment for small crimes such as stealing bread, hunger consumes the mind until the body gets what it needs: more calories to maintain your body weight or even extra calories to get you through the next famine.
So if this is happening how do people actually lose weight and keep it off? The answer lies in the following key areas:
- Don't over eat anything
- Exercise every day
- Eat good quality calories
Eating too much of anything, from fast food to tofu, will make you store fat. Listen to your body and don't listen to food additives, take care with foods with added chemicals, sugar, fats and salts as these will tell your body to eat more. Eat so you don't feel hungry but not so that you are full and lethargic after meals food should make you feel good not tired. You won't need to count the calories you eat just listen to what your body is telling you.
Exercise is the only way to lose fat, be healthy and maintain your weight long term. Once you are moderately and listening to your body so that your not hungry, never eat less than your body needs to keep your body functioning properly. Your body needs energy and essential nutrients to make you function properly eat less and you will feel tired and risk putting the weight back on. Exercising allows you to directly burn stored energy without taking resources away from the essential functions of your body.
The real secret in long term weight loss and being healthy is in the quality of the calories you eat. Every calorie you eat should be giving your body tools it needs use in your body, the nutrients you get from food allow your body to make everything that it needs to make your body healthy and function at its peak. Chemical preparation, preservation and refinement of food lowers the nutrient value of most foods. So you still get energy but without the tools your body needs to put it to use effectively. Always eat mostly unrefined food as close to its natural source as possible, lots of fresh, clean vegetables are always the best thing for making you feel your best, but also make sure your proteins (animal products, nuts and legumes) come from clean sources. Quality is the key!
To learn 5 common mistakes which will virtually destroy your chances of long term fat loss, get your free Email Course 5 reasons why your home fat loss program isn't getting you the results you want and how to fix it so it does by clicking here or below.
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Brett MacPherson is the creator of the Home Fitness Trainer website, a site devoted to providing high quality information to people who choose to exercise at home.
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