Saturday, June 28, 2008

Using New Technology To Meet Your Weight-Loss Goals

January 1 has come and gone, and like many people, those ambitious weight-loss goals you had at the turn of the new year are becoming less and less of a priority as 2008 moves from February to March. However, summer is right around the corner, and you still need to fit into that bathing suit!

Really, you've only got 30 minutes for lunch, so it wouldn't be that bad to grab a quick snack at the gas station to tide you over until you get off work, or would it? Or you don't have enough time to cook dinner, so is it really that bad to swing through the Burger King drive through just this once?

There are times when sticking to your weight-loss goals just isn't convenient. Keeping track of gym visits? Counting carbohydrates and calories? Who has time to do all that stuff?

Modern technology can help you finally keep those weight loss resolutions. Attempting to keep track of your fruits and vegetables, carbs and calories, and exercise goals with a pen and paper is tedious and trying at best. Thankfully, new technology can make keeping track of your diet information a breeze.

Imagine if...

Imagine if, instead of having a notebook you had to drag around with you, you just had a PDA, or a handheld diet counter. It fits easily inside a purse or pocket, so you don't really have to carry anything extra around with you.

Instead of having to open your notebook, write what you had to eat, look up how many carbs or calories it had, and write that down as well, all you have to do is pick up your PDA and tap a few keys with your stylus to enter your information.

You could also use it to create recipes. Instead of having to wrack your brain or scour cookbooks for something healthy to make, you could just call up a few healthy favorites on your PDA.

You could also use it to track exercise, so you not only know how healthy you're eating, but also how often you're making it to the gym.

This kind of technology can make it nearly effortless to stick with a weight-loss goal.

Handheld accountability

Working out with a friend means you can hold each other accountable for meeting your goals. A handheld diet counter can help you achieve that accountability everywhere you go.

Whenever you look at that little screen, you can see what you've eaten and when you've exercised. You know if you've met your goals for the day or if you've been shirking them.

Imagine the sense of accomplishment you'd feel if you saw that you met your weight-loss goals every single day.

Weight loss technology can keep pace with your daily life

We're busy people. That's just the way it is in today's world. That's why it's nice to have technology that can keep up with it. Make sure you get the features you need.

Look for technology that's simple and usable. It should easy fit it in with your daily schedule. You're probably already stretched after adding time to go to the gym, or drive out of your way to shop at a health food store rather than Wal-Mart. Don't make losing weight harder rather than easier.

Adding something like a handheld diet counter or PDA software program won't add more time to your day. Rather, it will make it easier to keep track of all the myriad things you need for your diet and weight-loss goals.

Meeting your weight-loss goals doesn't have to be difficult. There's technology out there to help make the more tedious parts of working out a bit easier. Do some research and find a handheld diet counter that works for you. You may find that sticking to your diet becomes easier than ever.

About the Author
Nap Napowocki is the COO of HealthFitCounter, Inc. With the HealthFitCounter, people can easily manage their diets by keeping track of anything from Weight Watchers points and calories to carbohydrates and sodium. Make managing your diet easier by visiting them online at


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