Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The High Fiber Food Diet Secret

High fiber food is not talked about much but definitely a secret to losing weight. Did you know that boosting your fiber intake actually helps you drop pounds?

High fiber food also has many other health benefits but most people don't know about losing weight with fiber rich food.

Here is what a recent study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association discovered.

The main difference between "normal-weight" adults and their overweight counterparts was the amount of fiber they consumed.

Both groups had similar intakes of sugar, bread, dairy products and vegetables. But the normal-weight subjects consumed 33 percent more dietary fiber and 43 percent more complex carbohydrates each day (per 1,000 calories) than those who were overweight.

So why do you suppose high fiber food plays such a big role with weight loss?

First, high fiber foods are most often low in fat and calories. Also the body can't break down fiber, so it runs right through your digestive tract and never has a chance to turn into fat.

But the biggest advantage of high fiber food is that it swells in your stomach and actually makes you have a full feeling. When you feel full, you're less likely to eat or snack.

High fiber food also helps to stabilize blood sugar levels, preventing those peaks and valleys that can send you running to the refrigerator.

Most fiber rich foods like fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains also have a healthy dose of antioxidants that give you defenses against disease.

Millions of overweight people continually look for quick fixes and unnatural weight loss solutions. But most are usually disappointed with the roller coaster results.

That's because many find it hard to believe that something as simple as incorporating high fiber food into your diet could actually help you lose weight.

But for those who are looking for long-term, healthy weight loss, high fiber food could be the beginning of their weight loss success story.

Copyright 2006 All Rights Reserved.

Gary Gresham is the author of "Fat Burning Secrets." Discover simple yet powerful changes that can have a major effect on your weight loss results with this free report at: Free Fat Burning Report


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