Monday, June 23, 2008

Glenn Harrold Hypnosis DVD - Lose Weight Now convert youtube videos to mov

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This is a 100 second sample of a superb high quality hypnotherapy DVD by the UKs best selling audio hypnotherapist, Glenn Harrold. The full 40 minute DVD combines powerful visual and audio hypnotherapy techniques with state of the art digital recording technology. Available from - this DVD includes a free hypnosis CD.

On the DVD Glenn Harrold will guide you into a deeply relaxed state of mental and physical relaxation. In this very receptive relaxed state you are given a number of post hypnotic and direct suggestions to help you overcome stress and cope the pressures of modern day life. The occassional flashing subliminal messages (printed on the DVD cover) are on screen for just 1/25th of a second. You do not need to consciously read them as these phrases are intended to bypass your conscious awareness and accepted unconditionally by your unconscious mind.

The absorbing hypnotic visual imagery combined with the powerful hypnosis audio track create a receptive state for accepting the post hypnotic suggestions. There are a number of background echoed affirmations which pan from left to right across the stereo range. This deeply relaxing method of delivering multiple suggestions simultaneously to the unconscious mind can facilitate positive changes very quickly.

This DVD will guide you into a hypnotic trance state and then bring you back to full waking consciousness at the end and it is important to watch and listen to the full 40-minute hypnotherapy session from start to finish.

This unique hypnotherapy DVD will give you a safe and effective way of taking complete control of your eating habits and losing weight.

Click Here To Download "Glenn Harrold Hypnosis DVD - Lose Weight Now" Now!

Glenn Harrold Hypnosis DVD - Lose Weight Now Video

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If you would like to download Glenn Harrold Hypnosis DVD - Lose Weight Now click here.

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