Monday, June 23, 2008

Lose Weight With Fat Burning Foods

Can you imagine this? There are a group of foods where you can eat practically all you wish to and at the same time still lose weight. Well, it is true. The following are some foods that require more calories to burn than they contain. Eating these foods will help melt the fat away.

Making healthy substitutions is the best way to begin. Substitute fruits for cake and ice cream. Try substituting turnip fries for french fries. With a little creativity you will have endless possibilities. If you need help with recipes you can look online or get a book from your local library or natural food store. With vegetables it is helpful to eat them either raw or lightly steamed. You would like them to be slightly crisp when you serve them.

Here is a partial list of some examples.

Artichokes-Artichokes are very tasty and it worth trying them. With just a little practice you'll be able to prepare them exactly to your taste.

Celery-Celery is well known as a fat burning food. Eat it every day for a few weeks and see for yourself. Eating carrot sticks and celery during the day is a great snack. It will provide some essential nutrition and burn calories at the same time. Whenever possible it is best to use organic product. Green Peppers-Green peppers are loaded with vitamin A and vitamin C. They are easy to grow and they freeze nicely so you should consider adding them to your garden.

Tomatoes-Technically tomatoes are a type of fruit. They are, however, prepared like vegetables. There are literally thousands of types of tomatoes. Peas-Canned peas are horrible. Fresh pea pods are readily available in supermarkets and natural food stores. Please, eat them fresh.

Here are some other vegetables that will assist in your weight loss program. They include brussel sprouts, corn, string beans, asparagus, cauliflower, kohlrabi, red peppers, broccoli and green beans.

Let's not forget pumpkins and squash. Pumpkins and squash are delicious. They make great side dishes. They are probably one of the most under-utilizes foods available today. They are so tasty they kids enjoy them too.

Chances are you use onions and chives already. Grab a cook book and see what you can do with leeks, scallions, and shallots? You'd be amazed at how versatile they can be. Packed with fiber and nutrition, root vegetables are just what you need if you are trying to lose weight. This group includes carrots, parsnips, radishes, rutabagas and turnips. Turnips make great substitutes for potatoes!

Using herbs to season your food is a great way to eat healthy and lose weight. These herbs in particular are good because they require more calories to digest than what they contain. These include chervil, parsley leaves, celeriac and garlic.

Here is an interesting note about garlic. Garlic has been used for centuries not just as a food but as a medicine too. It is claimed to help lower cholesterol, reduce the pain of rheumatoid arthritis, and it is even said to fight cancer. This list of fat burning foods is just the beginning. Do you realize that losing weight can be kind of fun and sort of an adventure. It does not have to be a hardship. As I mentioned above, find some cook books and experiment with the recipes. Lose weight and have fun, what a concept!

Kathryn Soloff is the mother of 8 children and a natural foods cook for over 30 years. She is co-publisher of where she provides additional advice, tips and hard to find information on Weight Loss

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