Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Weight Loss Options While Travelling

Many people have a tendency to throw their diets into the waste bin when they travel because they develop the idea that travelling and weight loss are incompatible mates. The truth is you can travel and still follow your weight loss program if you really wish to do so. Food should not be a part of your entertainment but rather the means for survival.

Plan Your Meals Carefully

Travelling should not be an excuse to forget your weight loss program and eat whatever you want. If you plan your meals instead of eating spontaneously, you will be able to enjoy some foods that are native to the culture of the area where you are visiting. The key is having a little bit of several foods instead of piling your plate full of foods with empty calories. Whether you are travelling domestically or internationally, it's important to enjoy yourself in ways that do not include overindulging on food. Select foods that are native to the area where you are travelling and ones that are healthy.

Planning your meals during your holidays does not mean you cannot enjoy some of the delicate and savoury dishes of the culture, but you need to choose carefully and limit your portion sizes. Sometimes that is difficult when you eat in restaurants, but you have to develop the habit of eating until you are satisfied rather than trying to finish everything that is served because you paid for it.

Plan Meal Times Around Strenuous Activities

It may not always be possible, but try to eat your meals while you are indulging in calorie-burning activities. It is especially important to eat your last meal of the day early enough to digest before you retire for the night. If you make it a point to eat before you engage in some calorie-burning activity even just walking it will be much easier to enjoy your meals without worrying about gaining your weight back. Even if you only return home and haven't gained any of your weight back, you will accomplish more than many people do.

Limit Your Intake of Alcohol

Many people do not drink any other time except when they go on holidays. They feel they have to try some of the native and cultural wine and drinks, but you have to remember that alcoholic beverages are very high in calories, so you have to make sure to limit the amount you consume. In some places alcohol is almost a staple food, so you have to be extremely careful.

Get Plenty of Exercise

If possible, avoid driving and use public transportation instead. If you do not have access to public transportation, get into the habit or parking as far away from the place you want to go as possible. Engage in sightseeing events and tours that require you to walk rather than ride-shopping districts and amusement parks are great for these kinds of activities. Avoid the temptation to drive or ride public transit to every place you want to visit. Walk around the city some before you drive or take another bus or train.

Linda Farington writes weight loss, diet plan, health, beauty and general well-being articles for the Lose Weight Reviews website at


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