Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Diet Secrets to Weight Loss

Don't Sacrifice...

The first rule as believed by those who are beginners in the field of fitness, is to leave the food you love the most. Well for most not so slim people, its food like processed cheese, pizza, chicken, beef etc. Its not easy to leave what you love. Yet its easier to balance the things you love along with what is nutritious. When a nutrition schedule is drawn for you, make sure you know what is in and what is out. If its meat and eggs all week long, its way too much fat! If its too much sparrow food, then its worse. Weight loss requires a smarter plan than that.

A person needs something way too desperately then he has to sacrifice the food he loves to eat. If he is strong willed then it is a piece of cake for him to let go of his cravings. Some can eat anything and everything they want and still look lean, while others are just not that lucky. Depending on your body structure and metabolism, you have to decide which meal and what exercise is essential for you.

Unfortunately for over weight people, no matter how much they try losing weight it seems like they are pushing the Himalayas. Scary but true! Its wise not to even mirror them. Its not worth a call! You set some standards for yourself. Give either a 100 percent or even lesser, but make sure whatever you do, you stick to your word, i.e. to lose as much weight as possible. Each week, is a new week and surely a brighter one.

You need regular fitness and not a body like Hitman, then its better to have an average percentage of what is known as compliance. Compliance in layman's term means fulfillment, observance, conformity etc. Compliance in fitness means what you should adhere to and what you should avoid.

There is a theory which was suggested by one of the fitness gurus. He said, "If you eat 5 small means a day, you eat about 35 meals a week. Around 32 meals are adhered to." This in turn means that you can have 3 or maximum 4 such parties or occasions which you can make merry in.

You can be in any one of the following scenarios, a) someone who wants to lose a few inches on the waistline and look decent, or b) someone who wants a perfect 36-24-36 kind of a figure. If its scenario A then having a compliance of 100% is sheer madness. On the other hand if you wish to be scenario B then you better slog night and day. Forget you ever loved mommy's cheese cake or thanksgivings turkey. You have to keep in mind that every time you sneak and have a small piece of cake from the fridge, you not only deceive yourself but lose the chances of losing calories.

On a more serious note, eat and eat to your heart's content. It could be a chocolate brownie or just an ice cream. Just remember to count the calories, but they hatch up to your muscles, thighs and tummy.

Chris McCombs is a Costa Mesa Personal Trainer and teaches weight loss to people all over the world, especially the OC. His Orange County Weight Loss Programs are intense and NOT for everyone.

To learn tons of workout secrets and tips please visit http://www.socalworkout.com


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