Monday, May 19, 2008

Burn Calories Diet - How You Can Keep Off Excess Pounds for Good with the Burn Calories Diet

If you're like most of us, you've probably tried at least half a dozen diets, only to lose a few pounds and then put them right back on. The sad fact is that the majority of these diets are not only unhelpful, but some can even be harmful. The secret to permanent weight loss is to find a diet and exercise program that both burns calories while increasing your metabolism. Let's discuss why.

Let's talk about what happens when most people try to lose weight. They'll start on the program, and they'll lose some pounds. But eventually the novelty wears off, and they go back to their old eating patterns. As they do, the old pounds and sometimes more return. But why does this happen?

It's because the philosophy of traditional dieting is to get the body to use its stores of fat. The diet does this by basically starving the body. What most people don't realize is that this is actually harmful to the person who wants to gain a healthy body, because this trains the body to burn muscle rather than fat. The weight that's lost is usually just water loss.

Consequently, in short order, the weight returns, and usually brings a few more pounds with it, as the person goes back to eating again. Many dieters feel a tremendous sense of failure at this point. Don't! It's not your fault! It's the diet: It's simply cannot keep pounds off because of what it does to the body.

So how do we avoid this trap? By finding a diet that both burns calories while at the same time raising your metabolism. This is a method that will train your body to prefer the burning of fat rather than muscle. The result: You lose pounds without causing damage to your muscles and ultimately, you're more likely to keep the pounds off.

The best way to approach weight loss is to take a holistic approach to losing weight. Exercising to burn calories, diet plans to guide your eating habits, and making sure that you don't slip back into old habits are all important parts of the weight loss process.

Patience is also key in effective weight loss. Yes, it's true that noticeable loss can occur often faster than you might think, don't expect too much too quickly. We're talking major changes to your body and your life, and it will take time.

What this means is to be kind to your body. Don't over-exert yourself in exercise, and don't starve yourself. You might think you're hurrying the process along, but in reality, you're just making it less likely that the weight loss will be permanent.

Remember, in the end, success depends on you. A good calorie burning diet plan can help tremendously; a comprehensive weight loss plan with the diet AND exercise guidelines are even better. But no matter which diet plan you choose to use, remember to burn calories, increase metabolism, and patience will see you free of all those excess pounds for good.

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You can also find out more about the topic discussed above by visiting Burn Calories Diet.


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